Papers by Imen BEN ISMAIL
Barw medical journal, Jun 23, 2024
Clinical Case Reports
Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a common asymptomatic benign hepatic tumor encountered in midd... more Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a common asymptomatic benign hepatic tumor encountered in middle‐aged women. However, pedunculated FNH is exceedingly rare and more frequently associated with complications. That is why surgical management is mandatory in this form.
Clinical Case Reports
The intrathoracic sewing needle is an exceedingly rare condition mildly documented in the literat... more The intrathoracic sewing needle is an exceedingly rare condition mildly documented in the literature. Given the needle's tendency to migrate, it must be removed as soon as possible, and the minimally invasive technique should be tried first.
Clinical Case Reports
Ewing's sarcoma tumors (ES) are a rare entity exceptionally localized on the liver. We report... more Ewing's sarcoma tumors (ES) are a rare entity exceptionally localized on the liver. We report a case of an ES of the liver in a 26‐year‐old man who presented with abdominal pain. The diagnosis was confirmed with a histopathological examination of the left hepatectomy specimen and adjuvant chemotherapy was received.
Indian Journal of Surgery, Apr 7, 2022
Hepatic simple cysts are the most common cystic lesions occurring in the liver but rarely complic... more Hepatic simple cysts are the most common cystic lesions occurring in the liver but rarely complicated with intracystic haemorrhage. We report the third case in the literature of an intracystic haemorrhage occurring in a patient receiving vitamin K-antagonist with high INR. The scarcity of this complication and the absence of typical clinical and radiological findings make the diagnosis challenging. The management of intracystic haemorrhage is a controversial issue. Many options have been described such as observation, radiological drainage with or without the injection of a sclerosing agent and laparoscopic deroofing.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports
Clinical Case Reports
Abstract It is imperative for surgeons to have a heightened awareness of complications of jejunal... more Abstract It is imperative for surgeons to have a heightened awareness of complications of jejunal diverticular disease so that they can act quickly and contribute to a successful clinical outcome for their patients.

Psammocarcinoma is an uncommon subtype of low-grade serous carcinoma. It is characterized by the ... more Psammocarcinoma is an uncommon subtype of low-grade serous carcinoma. It is characterized by the presence of extensive psammoma bodies and can have either an ovarian or peritoneal origin. To our knowledge fewer than 30 cases of primary peritoneal psammocarcinoma (PPP) have been reported in the English literature. We report a rare case of PPP in a 74-year-old female, discovered fortuitously within a laparotomy for gallbladder lithiasis. At laparotomy, multiple nodular implants involving the omentum, the peritoneum and a magma of intestinal loops in the right iliac fossa were noted. A biopsy from nodules was performed. Gross examination showed multiple nodules of different sizes in the fat tissue. Pathologic examination showed massive psammoma bodies representing more than 75% of the tumor. The final diagnosis was psammocarcinoma. Our patient was referred to the gynecologic department for further investigation and to ascertain whether the tumor arose from the ovaries or peritoneum. H...
Clinical Case Reports, 2022
We described two cases of acute pancreatitis secondary to ansa pancreatica. The first patient was... more We described two cases of acute pancreatitis secondary to ansa pancreatica. The first patient was diagnosed on MRCP and improved after standard treatment of AP. In the second case, ansa pancreatica was diagnosed on IOP. At the second episode of AP, sphincterotomy of the minor papilla was performed.
Clinical Case Reports, 2021
We wish to highlight that on encountering a suspicious hepatic and a colonic lesion, the possibil... more We wish to highlight that on encountering a suspicious hepatic and a colonic lesion, the possibility of TB should also be kept in mind apart from the obvious possibility of metastasis of a colonic cancer especially in an endemic country like Tunisia.
Clinical Case Reports, 2020
Chilaiditi sign is a rare condition typically mistaken for pneumoperitoneum. CT scan can confirm ... more Chilaiditi sign is a rare condition typically mistaken for pneumoperitoneum. CT scan can confirm the diagnosis. Its management is conservative that is why it should be well known by surgeons to avoid unnecessary exploratory laparotomies.
Spigelian hernia is a rare variety of abdominal wall defects appearing between the large abdomina... more Spigelian hernia is a rare variety of abdominal wall defects appearing between the large abdominal muscles lateral to the rectus abdominis through Spigelian aponeurosis. Its diagnosis is challenging. The risk of incarceration is high, which urge surgical treatment. However, the risk of recurrence is low. We report the case of a female patient with a palpable abdominal mass in the left abdominal wall, Spigelian hernia was diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). Open surgery was performed. The defect was closed by a polypropylene mesh. The patient had a favorable outcome for 1 year without recurrence.

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2020
INTRODUCTION: The lung is the second most commonly affected organ by hydatidosis, and the bilater... more INTRODUCTION: The lung is the second most commonly affected organ by hydatidosis, and the bilateral involvement is rare even in endemic regions. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 27-year-old patient who presented with right basithoracic pain and cough evolving for three months. Thoracic CT scan revealed two homogeneous, rounded cystic formations enhancing after injection of the contrast media, located in the lateral basal segments of the lower lobe. An abdominal CT scan was performed to rule out a hepatic localization of the hydatid cyst, revealed a cystic formation of the left psoas muscle. The diagnosis of bilateral hydatid lung cyst associated with hydatid psoas muscle location was then made. The patient underwent a two-stage thoracic surgery. The second step involved partial cystectomy of the psoas muscle hydatid cyst via a left iliac incision and using an extraperitoneal approach. The postoperative course was uneventful. DISCUSSION: Management of bilateral pulmonary hydatid cyst is controversial. Some authors recommend operating bilateral cysts in two-stage surgery, with an interval of three to four weeks between procedures. The involvement of the psoas muscle is rare and is generally secondary to the rupture of splenic, hepatic or renal hydatid cysts. Generally, its diagnosis is delayed as the latter is most of the time asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: Bilateral pulmonary hydatidosis associated with hydatid cyst of the psoas muscle is a rare entity. Radiological investigations and especially CT scan are the mainstay of diagnosis. Surgery remains to be the treatment modality of choice.
Pan African Medical Journal, 2020
Gallbladder agenesis (GA) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the absence of the g... more Gallbladder agenesis (GA) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the absence of the gallbladder and cystic duct due to an anomaly in the embryonic development. It is commonly associated with other congenital abnormalities, and the isolated form is extremely rare. Its clinical presentation is variable. Actually, GA is more often incidentally diagnosed. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is considered to be the diagnosis method of choice since it avoids unnecessary and risky surgery in symptomatic patients. Here we report the case of a radiologically incidentally discovered gallbladder agenesis in a 68-year-old patient.

ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2021
1. Hart PA, Romano RC, Moreira RK, Ravi K, Sweetser S. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis: clini... more 1. Hart PA, Romano RC, Moreira RK, Ravi K, Sweetser S. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis: clinical, endoscopic, and histologic features. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2015; 60: 2049–57. 2. Moawad FJ, Appleman HD. Sloughing esophagitis: a spectacular histologic and endoscopic disease without a uniform clinical correlation. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 2016; 1380: 178–82. 3. Fiani E, Guisset F, Fontanges Q, Devière J, Lemmers A. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis: a case series of 7 patients and review of the literature. Acta Gastroenterol. Belg. 2017; 80: 371–5. 4. De S, Williams G. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis: a case report and literature review. Can. J. Gastroenterol. 2013; 27: 563–4. 5. Ponsot P, Molas G, Scoazec JY, Ruszniewski P, Hénin D, Bernades P. Chronic esophagitis dissecans: an unrecognized clinicopathologic entity? Gastrointest. Endosc. 1997; 45: 38–45. 6. Coppola D, Lu L, Boyce HW Jr. Chronic esophagitis dissecans presenting with esophageal strictures: a case report. Hum. Pathol. 2000; 31: 1313–7. 7. Ramaswami G, Jain PK, Talati VR. Oesophagitis dissecans superficialis complicating repeated rigid oesophagoscopy and dilatation. J. Laryngol. Otol. 2007; 121: 92–3. 8. Jaben I, Schatz R, Willner I. The clinical course and management of severe esophagitis dissecans superficialis: a case report. J. Investig. Med. High Impact Case Rep. 2019; 7: 1–3. 9. Abbass K, Haveman L, Gertner E. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis due to severe methotrexate toxicity. Endoscopy 2014; 46: E99–E100. 10. V~alean S, Petrescu M, C~atinean A, Chira R, Mircea PA. Pill esophagitis. Rom. J. Gastroenterol. 2005; 14: 159–63. 11. Nasir UM, Rodgers B, Panchal D, Choi C, Ahmed S, Ahlawat S. Ferrous sulfate-induced esophageal injury leading to esophagitis dissecans superficialis. Case Rep. Gastroenterol. 2020; 14: 172–7.
ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2021
IDCases, 2020
Hydatid disease is endemic in Tunisia. The involvement of the female genital tract is uncommon, a... more Hydatid disease is endemic in Tunisia. The involvement of the female genital tract is uncommon, and the occurrence in the fallopian tube is exceptional. We present a case of a 42-year-old woman who had complained of a 4-month history of lower abdominal pain. The abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan showed a multiloculated cystic lesion in the left adnexa. The exploratory laparotomy found a cystic mass developing in the left fallopian tube. Left salpingectomy was performed. The pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of hydatid cyst disease. No recurrence was detected at the 2-year follow-up. Tubal hydatid cyst is an extremely rare condition that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any cystic lesion in patients from endemic areas.
ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2020

International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2020
INTRODUCTION: Rupture of the pericardium complicating blunt thoracic trauma may lead to cardiac l... more INTRODUCTION: Rupture of the pericardium complicating blunt thoracic trauma may lead to cardiac luxation if not early recognized and appropriately surgically treated. This condition is exceedingly rare and carries a high mortality rate. CASE PRESENTATION: A 37-year-old man presented with severe multiple injuries following a road traffic crash, including blunt trauma to the thorax and abdomen. He was in a hemodynamically stable condition. The chest radiograph and CT scan revealed a leftward heart herniation through a pericardial tear, there were also non surgical hepatic and splenic lesions. The diagnosis of left cardiac luxation with no associated valvular lesions was made. Surgical exploration via a midline sternotomy revealed a protruding heart herniating into the left pleural cavity through a large tear (15 cm) of the left pericardium. Sutures with Teflon felt pledgets were performed. The postoperative chest radiograph was normal and the postoperative course was uneventful. DISCUSSION: Post traumatic heart luxation diagnosis is clinically difficult because the scarcity of signs and lack of specificity. Chest X ray can be suggestive, and specific findings can only be detected by computed tomography, which is the most sensitive diagnostic method. Surgical management in this condition is mandatory to avoid fatal complications such as great vessels strangulation. It consists of replacing the heart in the pericardial sac and repairing the pericardial tear. CONCLUSION: Despite its rare occurrence, trauma surgeons must be aware of cardiac luxation. Any suspicion of such a diagnosis would warrant surgical exploration to avoid fatal complications.
Papers by Imen BEN ISMAIL