Papers by Ikalume Obozokhai J.P.
This has been one of the perennial problems in the history of philosophy, especially the use of h... more This has been one of the perennial problems in the history of philosophy, especially the use of human mind to solve the immediate and mediate human problems. The human mind by its very nature is immaterial and anything immaterial is also unlimited by nature. And mental activities cannot be separated from the human mind. Also, the activities of the human mind cannot be separated from mental activities. Meanwhile, mental activities or activities of the human mind are part of the nature of the human material. The activities of human mind are also part of the immaterial. Nonetheless, the immaterial and material can both functioned co-relatively in an harmonious relationship which complement each other as one entities but different reality(-ies) in the human person or human being.
The history of Soviet Philosophy is almost identical with the history of the successive interpret... more The history of Soviet Philosophy is almost identical with the history of the successive interpretations in which Marx saw the essence of a demystified dialectic. The contributions of Engels and Lenin did nothing to simply the task of the pioneers of Soviet philosophy… The dialectic had to be "purged", which meant laying the "parricidal hand" on Hegel…as Garaudy notes-that "the point of departure of all the recurring offensives since the last War are the studies of Kojere who affirmed that no dialectic is possible without man and his activities… -Guy Planty -Bonjour
Every Nigerian living in this country has different opportunities of experience. And experience i... more Every Nigerian living in this country has different opportunities of experience. And experience is part of human nature or human life. Meanwhile, any form of education (which has to do with learning and unlearning) is keyed to human experience. Human experience or experiences cannot be isolated from life or human nature. Hence, education can not be isolated from life or human nature, and experience cannot also be isolated from education. Furthermore, any kind or form of national development has to be mentally or concretely experienced through the aid of educational vehicle which could either be formal or informal education. From the time of the amalgamation of the Southern and the Northern protectorates of this country named Nigeria through the interference of the colonial interlopers or the so-called "colonial masters", there have been series of events towards national development. Although, we can philosophically interrogate and reinterrogate the series of experiences or events towards national development, in order to know if actually they can be compare to our-(Nigerians") expectations since the period of the geographical naming of "Nigeria" by Flora Shaw in 1898, our-(Nigerians") amalgamation-(1914) cum independence-(1960) till date.
Papers by Ikalume Obozokhai J.P.