Papers by Iin Purnamasari
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan kepraktisan media interaktif berbasis mac... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan kepraktisan media interaktif berbasis macromedia flash 8 kelas IV SD Negeri Ngesrep 02 Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Prosedur pengembangan dalam penelitian ini menerapkan prosedur model ADDIE ( analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation ).Produk yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini adalah media interaktif berbasis Macromedia flash 8. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IVdi SD N Ngesrep 02 Semarang sebanyak 28 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi, observasi dan Angket. Hasil rata-rata validasi oleh ahli materi yaitu 84,99% Sangat layak digunakan, validasi ahli media yaitu 83,82% sangat layak digunakan, angket respon siswa 93,89% sangat layak digunakan, angket respon guru 92,5% sangat layak digunakan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media interaktif berbasis Macromedia flash 8 valid dan praktis digunakan pada tema “Indahnya Ne...
Abstrak : Evaluasi Penerapan Standar Penilaian Kurikulum 2013 Pada Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar Di Kecam... more Abstrak : Evaluasi Penerapan Standar Penilaian Kurikulum 2013 Pada Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar Di Kecamatan Jambu. Hasil analisis angket menunjukan dengan kriteria kesesuaian dengan Standar penilaian Kurikulum 2013 adalah 100%, guru kelas 4 di kecamatan Jambu kabupaten Semarang hanya melaksanakan 82%. Persentase 82% diperoleh dari hasil rata-rata persentase per informan sebagai berikut: (1) Informan 01 sebesar 86%; (2) Informan 02 sebesar 76%; (3) Informan 3 sebesar 82%; (4) Informan 04 sebesar 88%; dan (5) Informan 05 sebesar 82%. Kesimpulannya adalah pelaksanaan penilaian Kurikulum 2013, guru kelas 4 di sekolah dasar Kecamatan Jambu Kabupaten Semarang secara umum belum sesuai dengan Standar Penilaian Kurikulum 2013. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Implementasi, Standar Penilaian, Kurikulum 2013
Tujuan utama studi ini yaitu mengkaji posisi homeschooling dalam sistem pendidikan nasional Indon... more Tujuan utama studi ini yaitu mengkaji posisi homeschooling dalam sistem pendidikan nasional Indonesia, menganalisis permasalahan, dan mengkonstruk strategi dan solusi. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi partisipan, Focus Group Discussion, dan diskusi teman sejawat. Setting pada homeschooling tunggal, majemuk dan komunitas di Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan aspek politik pendidikan, homeschooling memiliki legalitas dan terakomodasi dalam regulasi. Terdapat perbedaan pandangan dalam menjalankan homeschooling. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa homeschooling diatur Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 27 Ayat 2 sebagai legal formal posisi homeschoooling dalam masyarakat. Beberapa permasalahan antara lain regulasi belum sepenuhnya diterima semua pihak. Strategi dapat dilakukan dengan pengembangan konseptual maupun kelembagaan. Solusi masalah dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan kebijakan yang mewadahi kepentingan semua varian baik tunggal, mejemuk maupun komunitas.
ABSTRAK Iin Purnamasari. 2015. Perbedaan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa yang Aktif dan Tidak Aktif Dalam ... more ABSTRAK Iin Purnamasari. 2015. Perbedaan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa yang Aktif dan Tidak Aktif Dalam Organisasi Di MTs DDI Kanang. Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Negeri Makassar. Kepercayaan diri adalah sikap yakin terhadap kemampuan diri sendiri, orang yang mempunyai sikap percaya diri mudah melaksanakan semua hal yang sesuai dengan keinginannya serta hangat dan sopan dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Organisasi merupakan salah satu wadah yang baik untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri disekolah agar siswa mampu mengeksplorasi segala kemampuan yang ada dalam dirinya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif untuk mengetahui perbedaan kepercayaan diri siswa yang aktif dan tidak aktif dalam organisasi di MTs DDI Kanang Sulawesi Barat. Siswa yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 80 orang siswa sebagai subyek penelitian. Kriteria sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa yang aktif dan tidak aktif dalam organisasi dan melibatkan 40 siswa yang aktif or...
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
The background of this study is based on parental supervision shortage on children while accessin... more The background of this study is based on parental supervision shortage on children while accessing online media. The objective of this study is to develop a parental control model for gadget use as well as time limit to use gadgets and determine the appropriate Teacher Partnership Controlling model for elementary school-age children. The type of this study is Research and Development (R&D) with experimental models carried out on elementary school-age children with a sample of grade 1 to 6 in Barang Village, Jumo District, Temanggung Regency. The data collection was done by giving questionnaire, interview and documentation. The data on gadget usage surveillance was done by applying Google Family Link application. The results of the preliminary study showed that there were problems regarding the use of gadgets, so that Teacher Partnership Controlling model was developed and it was accompanied by a guidebook for the use of the Google Family Link application for beneficial gadgets for the children. The results of the study showed that there had been a decrease in the level of gadget use in children after the Teacher Partnership Controlling model was applied. This happened because parents can directly control and limit the use of children's gadgets with the Google Family Link application. It can be concluded that the Teacher Partnership Control model is suitable for primary school age children. It is suggested that the Teacher Partnership Controlling model can be applied to oversee the use of gadgets among children.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 2011
Teaching Learning model is the basis for learning practices that are designed based on the analys... more Teaching Learning model is the basis for learning practices that are designed based on the analysis of the implementation of the curriculum and its implications at the operational level in the classroom. There is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure of organizing learning experiences to achieve the learning objectives. History study is a combination of learning and teaching activities that studying past events which closely related to the present. It is expected that the use of historical sources including local historical sites in the study of history, can improve the quality of students learning process which can be seen from the motivation and learning achievement. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that (1) The Development of Teaching learning model of history study based on local history sites can improve the quality of learning (2) local historical sites can be used as one of the effective teaching materials.
DIKDAS MATAPPA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar
The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how the speaking ability of grade 3 elementa... more The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how the speaking ability of grade 3 elementary school students in Sidoluhur 01 in using Indonesian properly and correctly. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study uses instruments in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The subjects of this study were class teachers and students of grade 3 elementary school students in Sidoluhur 01. The results of the analysis of this study were the level of speaking ability of grade 3 students at elementary school of Sidoluhur 01, included in the medium category, namely 11 students from 13 students were able to have sufficient speaking skills, good for the size in grade 3 elementary school who is undergoing development both psychologically and physically. If it is improved again with regular and directed Indonesian learning, it is very likely that students' speaking skills will increase and fall into the good or even very good category.
DIKDAS MATAPPA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar
The background of this research is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning is carried out onl... more The background of this research is that during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning is carried out online which involves no direct meetings between teachers and students, or students toward other students which makes the communication needs is very prioritized in online learning to build successful online learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the success of the interpersonal communication done by teachers to students in online learning which can be seen from the results of the student scores. This type of this research uses descriptive qualitative research by collecting data on student questionnaires, student interviews, class teacher interviews, principal interviews, and documentation studies of student scores. The results of the analysis show interpersonal communication in online learning using WhatsApp communication media. Student responses to online learning goes well and the learning objectives are achieved with the results obtained by students in online learning. Th...
Tunjuk Ajar: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan
The purpose of this reseach was to analyze the implementation of the BDR program, student learnin... more The purpose of this reseach was to analyze the implementation of the BDR program, student learning patterns at SD Negeri Mojoagung 01, Pati, Central Java. This type of research is qualitative which is presented in the form of a description. The research data was obtained from the results of filling out questionnaires and interviews involving parents, teachers, and students of SD Negeri Mojoagung 01. The results of the analysis of questionnaires and interviews showed that the BDR program at SD Negeri Mojoagung 01 was carried out in a blended manner. The learning patterns of students at SD Negeri Mojoagung 01 are cognitive and aesthetic learning activities; visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning styles; forms of self-study, group, tutorial; playing games, listening to music, watching TV, playing with younger siblings to relieve boredom of studying; comfortable learning places are study tables, rooms, family rooms, dining tables; quiet learning atmosphere, accompanied by music, any atm...
COMVICE: Journal Of Community Service
Para wanita di Desa Jatijajar dihadapkan pada masalah yang kontradiktif yaitu tuntutan pemenuhan ... more Para wanita di Desa Jatijajar dihadapkan pada masalah yang kontradiktif yaitu tuntutan pemenuhan ekonomi namun kemampuan dan kecakapan yang dimiliki masih rendah. Prioritas utama dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah upaya meningkatkan kualitas hidup wanita yang dilakukan dalam program pemberdayaan wanita melalui pelatihan enterpreneurship pada kelompok wanita melalui pemanfaatan potensi alam setempat yang ada di lingkungan. Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan secara intensif yaitu berupa pelaksanaan workshop serta pendampingan mencakup straegi bisnis, keuangan, pemasaran sampai dengan pengajuan Nomor Ijin berusaha dan Sertifikat Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (SPP-PIRT). Mitra kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah kelompok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Desa Jatijajar.Hasil akhir kegiatan ini yaitu dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan entrepreneurship wanita di desa Jatijajar dari 45% meningkat menjadi 85%.
Harmony: Jurnal Pembelajaran IPS dan PKN, 2021
This research is motivated by the large number of elementary school age children at SD Pleburan 0... more This research is motivated by the large number of elementary school age children at SD Pleburan 03 Semarang who practice deviant behavior. This study aims to determine the form of deviant behavior, the factors that influence deviant behavior, and the efforts made to deal with deviant behavior in children. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results showed that the forms of deviant behavior were lying, cheating, disturbing others, making noise, being late, scribbling on walls / tables / chairs, skipping classes, teasing, leaving class without permission, fighting, sleeping in class during lessons, not paying attention. teachers, not carrying out pickets, yelling, fighting against teachers, destroying other people's things, stealing, smoking, using sharp weapons. The influencing factors are due to the inability to absorb cultural norms, the learning process that strikes, the tension between culture and social structures, different social ties and the consequence ...
WASANA NYATA, Oct 16, 2017
Fokus program kegiatan adalah peningkatan penghasilan anggota Keluarga Mitra melalui program ungg... more Fokus program kegiatan adalah peningkatan penghasilan anggota Keluarga Mitra melalui program unggulan budi daya udang vannamei di tambak. Pembentukan kluster program yang meliputi: (1) kluster produksi dan pengembangan budi daya udang vannamei, (2) kluster pemasaran hasil, 3) kluster sosial, humaniora dan kesehatan masyarakat. Kluster yang terdiri atas dosen, mahasiswa, pemerintah kabupaten, dan masyarakat/mitra kerja ini bekerja secara sinergis dan terpadu untuk menghasilkan target/luaran/output yang telah ditentukan. Penjaminan berkelanjutan (sustainability) program dilakukan melalui pengembangan kerjasama (networking) dengan berbagai elemen masyarakat, akademisi, stake holder, serta industri. Pelaksanaan program KKN PPM berwawasan edupreneur mendapatkan penilaian dari mahasiswa selaku pelaksana kegiatan dalam kategori baik dan sangat baik. Mitra memberikan penilaian sangat baik dalam aspek pelaksanaan kegiatan.
The effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division toward st... more The effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division toward students' motivation and study result on learning thematic integrative in IV class of SD N 01 Purwoharjo". The students' low motivation on learning thematic integrative caused by the use of unvaried learning and not uses kind of learning model that made the students felt bored. That problem make the students' motivation became low and their score still under the KKM. From that problem, need efforts to improve the students' motivation and students' score. Therefore, the researcher used cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division. The statements of the problem in this research is "how is the effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division toward students' motivation and study result on learning thematic integrative in IV class of SD N 01 Purwoharjo?. The hypothesis in this research is "there is the effectiveness of cooperative learning model, type Student Teams Achievement Division toward students' motivation and study result on learning thematic integrative in IV class of SD N 01 Purwoharjo. The objective of the research is to know the effectiveness of cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division toward students' motivation and study result on learning thematic integrative in IV class of SD N 01 Purwoharjo. Type of this research is Quantitative. The experimental method was the method that used in this research. The population in this research is four grade students of SD Negeri 01 Purwoharjo. The sample was taken as many as 52 students, consists of 26 students of four A class and 26 students of four B class. Methods of data collection in this research are the test, documentation, and observation. The research design was the posttest only control group design. Based on the result analysis of the data after getting the treatment, average score in experimental class before getting treatment was 76,5 increased to 82,4. The students learning achievement in experimental class was 88% and in control class was 69%.From the result of T-test, the researcher get ttest = 2.16 and ttable = 2.00. Therefore, ttest> ttable, and H1 was accepted. Afterwards, from the calculation of learning motivation classical achievement test, experimental class 84 % and control class 78%. The conclusion is cooperative learning model type Student Teams Achievement Division effective to increase students' motivation and study
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha, 2021
Adanya kasus kesulitan belajar yang dialami siswa selama pandemi covid-19 membuat siswa kurang me... more Adanya kasus kesulitan belajar yang dialami siswa selama pandemi covid-19 membuat siswa kurang memahami materi pelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru. Tujuan peneliti untuk mengategorikan masalah dan menemukan solusi untuk penyelesaian masalah kesulitan belajar siswa selama pandemi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 14 siswa kelas empat sekolah dasar dan 14 orangtua siswa kelas empat. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model Matthew B. Milles & Hubberman dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif model alir (flow model) yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Pengolahan data menggunakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesulitan berupa (1) tidak semua siswa memiliki gawai yang mendukung pembelajaran, (2) kesulitan dalam jaringan, dan (3) kesulitan dalam pembelian paket data internet. Pemecahan masalah kesuli...
The research was motivated by the unfavorable conditions of the school and a lack of infrastructu... more The research was motivated by the unfavorable conditions of the school and a lack of infrastructure memadahi, and the lack of teachers in the use of instructional media and deliver the conventional learning. Role Playing learning model is a way of mastery learning materials through knowledge and appreciation of the students' imagination, acting as a character living or inanimate objects. Problems in the implementation of this class action is whether the learning material Role Playing on the types of jobs in everyday life in the third grade can achieve mastery learning, whether by learning role playing to improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this classroom action research to achieve mastery of student learning about the types of jobs in everyday life, and improve student learning outcomes in social studies. Subjects in the study of this class action is the second semester of third grade elementary school districts Grogol 2 Karangtengah school year 2011/2012 consists ...
Malih Peddas (Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar), 2014
Pendidikan multikultural sebagai proses penanaman cara hidup menghormati, tulus, dan toleran terh... more Pendidikan multikultural sebagai proses penanaman cara hidup menghormati, tulus, dan toleran terhadap keanekaragaman budaya yang hidup di tengah masyarakat plural. Dengan pendidikan multikultural, diharapkan adanya kekenyalan dan kelenturan mental bangsa menghadapi benturan konflik sosial, sehingga persatuan bangsa tidak mudah retak. Multkulturalisme adalah sebuah ideologi yang mengagungkan perbedaan budaya, atau sebuah keyakinan yang mengakui dan mendorong terwujudnya pluralisme budaya sebagai suatu corak kehidupan masyarakat. Multikulturalisme dapat menjadi pengikat dan jembatan yang mengakomodasi perbedaan-perbedaan termasuk perbedaan kesukubangsaan dan suku bangsa dalam masyarakat multikultural. Dalam konteks Indonesia, yang dikenal dengan muatan yang sarat kemajemukan, maka pendidikan multikultural menjadi sangat strategis untuk dapat mengelola kemajemukan secara kreatif, sehingga konflik yang muncul sebagai dampak dari transformasi dan reformasi sosial dapat dikelola secara ce...
Diklus: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 2021
Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyaraka... more Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat/PKBM berbasis qur’an pada Qur’anic School Kota Surakarta. Tujuan tersebut berangkat dari keinginan lembaga yang semula berada di jalur pendidikan formal dan selanjutnya berkehendak untuk menjalankan pendidikan di jalur non formal dengan jenis Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat/PKBM agar peminatan pada pendalaman program-program khusus seperti tahfidzul qur’an, bahasa arab dan muatan pendidikan Islam dapat dikembangkan bagi peserta didik yang saat ini berada pada jenjang usia sekolah dasar. Pembentukan PKBM ini harus disertai dengan perencanaan kelengkapan lembaga, salah satunya adalah kurikulum. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum PKBM berbasis Qur’an. Dengan metode Reasearch and Development/RnD, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain Pembelajran Model ADDIE dengan skema membentuk siklus Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation serta Evaluation. Pengembangan kuri...
Malih Peddas (Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar), 2012
Education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's di... more Education serves to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the framework of the nation's intellectual life (UU no. 20 in 2003). While the purpose of education according to UU No. 20 in 2003 for the development of potential learners in order to become a man faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic citizens and accountable.Elementary school teachers have a status as a classroom teacher. Classroom teacher will teach a range of subjects. Because a variety of lesson, teachers will prepare to teach a variety of forms decidedly. Learning math is not the same as learning science, social studies, or the Indonesian language. This has prompted researchers to conduct this discussion.Based on the background, the formulation of the problem in this study are (1) How PGSD lectures in according tothe students? (2) How the students design learning in primary schools by ...
E-DIMAS, 2013
Papers by Iin Purnamasari