Papers by Ieda De Carvalho Mendes
Londrina: Embrapa …, 2001
Hungria, Mariangela. Fixação biológica do nitrogênio na cultura da soja / Mariangela Hungria, Rub... more Hungria, Mariangela. Fixação biológica do nitrogênio na cultura da soja / Mariangela Hungria, Rubens José Campo, Iêda Carva-lho Mendes. - Londrina: Embrapa Soja. 2001. 48p. -- (Circular Técnica / Embrapa Soja, ISSN 1516-7860; n.35) (Circular Técnica / ...
Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, ... more Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, constitui violação do Copyright (Lei n° 9.610). Mendes, Iêda C. Estabelecimento de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum/B. elkanii e seus efeitos na reinoculação da soja em solos
Londrina: Embrapa Soja, 2013., 2013
Introdução. Fontes potenciais de fornecimento de nitrogênio às plantas. Emissões de gases do efei... more Introdução. Fontes potenciais de fornecimento de nitrogênio às plantas. Emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE) relacionadas à síntese e uso de N-Fertilizante. Quantificação da redução da emissão de carbono pela troca do N-fertilizante pela inoculação e aplicabilidade da FBN frente ao Plano ABC e ao Programa ABC: Estimativa potencial na cultura do feijoeiro, Estimativa potencial na cultura da soja.bitstream/item/103488/1/ID-34572-1.pd

O cultivo sucessivo de soja em uma mesma área cria condições para o estabelecimento de estirpes d... more O cultivo sucessivo de soja em uma mesma área cria condições para o estabelecimento de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium japonicum no solo, que podem se tornar menos eficientes e mais competitivas que as estirpes originais. Este fato dificulta a introdução de uma no va estirpe mais eficiente, impedindo o aumento da produtividade da soja através da reinoulação. Existem evidências de que., -nos primeiros dias após a aplicação de cettos herbicidas, a população de microrganismos do solo dimir nui (Drosdowicz, 1977; Barreto, 1982). Baseado nisto, foi raa1J-* este trabalho, cujos objetivos são verificar o que ocorre com a pópulação de B. japonicum do solo em função da aplicação de herbicidaâ, bem como a possibilidade de se introduzir uma nova estirpe eficiente. O trabalho foi realizado no campo experimental do Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária dos Cerrados (CPAC) Foram conduzidos 3 expe rimentos no Mesmo local, num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro (LV) de cer rado, nos anos agrícolas de 1985/86, 86/8...

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1998
A combination of the plant infection-soil dilution technique (most-probable-number [MPN] techniqu... more A combination of the plant infection-soil dilution technique (most-probable-number [MPN] technique) and immunofluorescence direct count (IFDC) microscopy was used to examine the effects of three winter cover crop treatments on the distribution of a soil population of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii across different size classes of soil aggregates (<0.25, 0.25 to 0.5, 0.5 to 1.0, 1.0 to 2.0, and 2.0 to 5.0 mm). The aggregates were prepared from a Willamette silt loam soil immediately after harvest of broccoli (September 1995) and before planting and after harvest of sweet corn (June and September 1996, respectively). The summer crops were grown in soil that had been either fallowed or planted with a cover crop of red clover (legume) or triticale (cereal) from September to April. The Rhizobium soil population was heterogeneously distributed across the different size classes of soil aggregates, and the distribution was influenced by cover crop treatment and sampling time. On bo...

Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2006
There has recently been concern in Brazil whether biological N2 fixation (BNF) is capable of meet... more There has recently been concern in Brazil whether biological N2 fixation (BNF) is capable of meeting the increased N needs of newly released more productive cultivars, as well as doubts about the advantages of annual reinoculation of seeds. Forty experiments were performed over 3 yr in oxisols containing at least 103 cells of Bradyrhizobium g-1 in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil to estimate the contributions of BNF and of N fertilizer. The experiments were performed at two sites, Londrina and Ponta Grossa, under conventional (CT) or no-tillage (NT) systems, with two cultivars [Embrapa 48 (early-maturing) or BRS 134 (medium-maturity group)]. Treatments included non-inoculated controls without or with 200 kg of N ha-1, and inoculation without or with N fertilizer applied at sowing (30 kg of N ha-1), or at the R2 or R4 stage (50 kg of N ha-1). Compared with the non-inoculated control, reinoculation significantly increased the contribution of BNF estimated by the N-ureide technique...

Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2003
Cropping in low fertility soils, especially those poor in N, contributes greatly to the low commo... more Cropping in low fertility soils, especially those poor in N, contributes greatly to the low common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yield, and therefore the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation must be intensively explored to increase yields at a low cost. Six field experiments were performed in oxisols of Paranµ State, southern Brazil, with a high population of indigenous common bean rhizobia, estimated at a minimum of 10 3 cells g-1 soil. Despite the high population, inoculation allowed an increase in rhizobial population and in nodule occupancy, and further increases were obtained with reinoculation in the following seasons. Thus, considering the treatments inoculated with the most effective strains (H 12, H 20, PRF 81 and CIAT 899), nodule occupancy increased from an average of 28% in the first experiment to 56% after four inoculation procedures. The establishment of the selected strains increased nodulation, N 2 fixation rates (evaluated by total N and N-ureide) and on average for the six experiments the strains H 12 and H 20 showed increases of 437 and 465 kg ha-1 , respectively,in relation to the indigenous rhizobial population. A synergistic effect between low levels of N fertilizer and inoculation with superior strains was also observed, resulting in yield increases in two other experiments. The soil rhizobial population decreased 1 year after the last cropping, but remained high in the plots that had been inoculated. DGGE analysis of soil extracts showed that the massive inoculation apparently did not affect the composition of the bacterial community.

Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2003
Nodulating bacteria from the family Rhizobiaceae are common in the semi-arid tropics around the w... more Nodulating bacteria from the family Rhizobiaceae are common in the semi-arid tropics around the world. The Brazilian semi-arid region extends over 95 million hectares of which only 3% is suitable for irrigation, therefore leaving an immense dryland area to be exploited by peasant farmers, who often lack appropriate technologies for sustainable management. Cowpea is an important crop in this area, representing the staple protein source for human nutrition. This work aimed to identify rhizobial strains capable of guaranteeing sufficient nitrogen derived from biological fixation for cowpea cultivated in dryland areas, evaluating not just efficiency but also the ecological parameters of competitiveness and survival in the soil. Grain yield and nodulation pararneters showed that strain BR 3267 is capable of establishing efficient nodulation, improving both yield and total N accumulated in grain. Cowpea inoculated with strain BR 3267 showed grain productivity similar to plants receiving 50 kg of N per hectare, which is the arnount of fertilizer commonly used in the northeast region. These characteristics associated with previously determined ecological properties makes strain BR 3267 an important resource for the optimization of biological nitrogen fixation in cowpea in the dryland areas of the semi-arid tropics. Data on the dynamics of rhizobial populations in such areas have shown that (1) the naturalized rhizobium population is very small and, by themselves, do not promote proper nodulation and, (2) the inoculant rhizobia do not persist between crops. Such characteristics represent an opportunity for the introduction of superior rhizobia strains, such as BR 3267, during the cowpea crop.

Geoderma Regional, 2018
In this study, the temporal variation of microbial biomass carbon (MBC), arylsulfatase, acid phos... more In this study, the temporal variation of microbial biomass carbon (MBC), arylsulfatase, acid phosphatase and βglucosidase was evaluated, over a 5-years period, comparing it with soil organic carbon (SOC) and Mehlich-P, in cultivated clayey Oxisols, under NT and conventional-tillage (CT) management systems. We also determined the extent of the temporal variation in the critical levels (CLs) for these microbial indicators. Soil samples (0 to 10 cm depth) were collected at the flowering stage, in 2011, 2013 and 2015 from a set of 13 treatments under NT and 8 treatments under CT. Regardless of the management system, MBC, arylsulfatase and acid phosphatase were the most stable microbial variables. Consistent increases in β-glucosidase activity over time were observed in the treatments under NT, and are likely related to its abiontic accumulation. New CLs for these microbial indicators, in the clayey Cerrado oxisols, were generated with the multi-year data set. In addition to the temporal variation, the new CLs, specific for NT and CT, represent an advance since they also consider the differences in soil biological functioning present in these management systems, at the flowering stage.

Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo, 1994
Two field experiments were carryed out in 1985 at Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos Cerrados/Em... more Two field experiments were carryed out in 1985 at Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos Cerrados/Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria in order to evaluate the N 2 -fixing efficiency of 17 strains of Rhizobium spp. in two dry bean cultivars. The experimental site was a reclaimed lowland, formerly flooded soil where the rhizobial population was very low. The highest responses were observed in the CNPAF-178 cultivar with strains UMR 1020, UMR 1135 and CIAT 899, that promoted grain yield increases up to 1,776 kg/ha as compared to non-inoculated plants, that was higher than yield increases with 100 kg/ha N. In the experiment with Capixaba Precoce cultivar, the best strains were UMR 1024, UMR 1135 and CPAV V-23, with grain yield gains up to 1,085 kg/ha as compared to non-inoculated plants, but smaller than plants that received fN fertilizer. These results demonstrate the importance of dry beam inoculation which may allow the reduction or elimination of N fertilizer in this crop
Papers by Ieda De Carvalho Mendes