HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 3, 2018
RESUME -Cet article présente une méthodologie permettant l'analyse des densités de puissance volu... more RESUME -Cet article présente une méthodologie permettant l'analyse des densités de puissance volumique qui peuvent être obtenues via l'utilisation de composants magnétiques planar au sein des convertisseurs d'électronique de puissance. En se basant sur une configuration optimale pour le transformateur, les densités de puissance volumique maximales atteignables pour différents noyaux magnétiques EE et E/PLT sont étudiées pour trois types de refroidissement : sans refroidisseur, refroidissement simple face et refroidissement double face. Ce type d'analyse peut être utile à un concepteur, lors d'une phase de dimensionnement, en le guidant vers des choix technologiques adaptés. Mots-clés-Transformateur planar, densité de puissance, conception.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 7, 2016
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 5, 2022
A new method is proposed in this paper to investigate the influence of current collapse effect on... more A new method is proposed in this paper to investigate the influence of current collapse effect on the I d -V ds characteristics of GaN-HEMTs in high voltage region based on a modified H-bridge circuit. The measured I d -V ds characteristics with and without the V ds bias are compared, which shows the effect of charge trapping due to the V ds bias on device I d -V ds characteristics in saturation region. These data will be used for a device model including the current collapse effect in full I d -V ds region.
2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS)
This paper assesses the effect of the temperature on an open loop control of Active Gate Voltage ... more This paper assesses the effect of the temperature on an open loop control of Active Gate Voltage Control (AGVC) during turn-on and turn-off of GaN HEMTs in order to reduce current or voltage switching speed. For the turn-on, two parameters (Vint, Tint) are used to reduce the current transient speed while for the turn-off three parameters (T0, Vint0, Tint0) are used to adjust the voltage transient speed. Initially, the temperature effect of the parameters is assessed using the static characteristics of GaN-HEMT and then experimentally verified. The results demonstrate the degradation of the AGVC operation with the increase in temperature. This degradation is due to a variation of the transistor threshold voltage and a decrease in current capability with temperature. The temperature affects the turn-on more than the turn-off.
High-frequency power converters need electromagnetic interferences filters using common and diffe... more High-frequency power converters need electromagnetic interferences filters using common and differential mode chokes with low parasitic capacitance to comply with the electromagnetic compatibility standards. This paper proposes a modelling method of this capacitance and ways to minimize it. The studied components are ring core inductors with magnetic materials considered as perfect conductors or with high permittivity, such as nano-crystalline material and most Mn-Zn ferrite materials. In comparison to other work in the literature, the proposed approach takes into account the curvature of the turn in addition to the coating of the core and the insulation layer of the wire. The hypotheses, used in this work to simplify the real geometry, are compatible with two dimensional approaches to compute the parasitic inter-turns and turn-core capacitances. These capacitances are evaluated thanks to the 2D finite element method. The obtained model allows accurate evaluation of the effect of turn-core space on the parasitic capacitance, and enables to reduce its value with a limited impact on the volume of the magnetic component.
EMI filters are necessary in many applications in order to meet EMC standards, which significantl... more EMI filters are necessary in many applications in order to meet EMC standards, which significantly increase overall cost and volume mainly because of the common-mode choke. In this paper, a new method to calculate the minimum volume of the inductor is proposed. It takes into account core saturation issues that may greatly impact inductor volume. Consequently, it is shown that in some cases, increasing the inductance up to an optimal value can significantly reduce the filter volume in addition to further enhancing filter attenuation. Besides, determination of the filter resonance frequency with nano-crystalline material is worked out to support the analysis.
2011 IEEE 15th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI), 2011
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to propose a new design method of EMI filters for the power con... more ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to propose a new design method of EMI filters for the power converters using high frequency models of the passive components. It is well known that the static converters are the main source of conducted disturbances of the common mode and differential mode. Often, the solution used to reduce conducted emissions consists to use the EMI filters. The design of these filters is very difficult because it requires complete mastery of the design process. In this paper, a high frequency modeling method of the coupled inductors of filter is proposed. Coupled inductors and capacitor models are used to make a complete EMI filters. The high frequency models of these components are used in the simulations and the obtained results are compared to a prototype measurement data. A new EMI filters design method based on the optimization of the stray elements is detailed. It is based on the analysis of conducted EMI induce by the DC-DC converter.
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2008
Abstract In adjustable speed drive applications operating at high switching frequencies, common m... more Abstract In adjustable speed drive applications operating at high switching frequencies, common mode and differential mode perturbations may cause premature ageing of electric machines and important electromagnetic radiations. These disturbances are generated by the power electronic converter, but can be amplified by the connection between the converter and the electric machine. This connection is ensured by multi-wire energy cables, shielded or unshielded. Whereas it is easy to find models allowing to simulate the HF behaviour of cables intended to transmit information, the HF models of the cables intended to carry electric power are still to be built. This paper deals with HF modelling of an unshielded 2-wire energy cable, which is a first step to multi-wire cable models. A model with distributed constants is proposed and validated in both time and frequency domains, first in a voltage pulse mode and loaded by a pure resistive load, then in an experimental set-up where the cable ensures the connection between an elementary power electronic converter and a load with inductive couplings and stray capacitors.
La Commande Autour de la Tension de Seuil (CATS) permet de controler de facon simple les gradient... more La Commande Autour de la Tension de Seuil (CATS) permet de controler de facon simple les gradients de courant et de tension lors des commutations des transistors de puissance a grille isolee (MOSFET ou IGBT). Au lieu de commander les transistors a partir de creneaux de tension evoluant entre 0 et 15V, un palier intermediaire, de duree et d'amplitude reglables, est introduit a la fermeture et a l'ouverture de l'interrupteur. L'introduction de ce palier permet d'intervenir directement sur les commutations pour que celles-ci se deroulent dans de bonnes conditions, comme peuvent le faire les circuits d'aide a la commutation classiques, mais avec une souplesse de reglage beaucoup plus grande, et sans la necessite de stocker de l'energie dans des elements passifs. Ce circuit de commande permet de reduire les perturbations conduites et rayonnees generees par les convertisseurs de puissance. En effet, lors des commutations des transistors a grille isolee, les gradients de courant et de tension excitent les elements parasites des circuits de puissance, ce qui provoque des perturbations en diminuant les gradients de tension et de courant. La commande CATS permet egalement de faire fonctionner en toute securite un hacheur alternatif avec une maitrise complete des contraintes en tension et en courant subies par les differents interrupteurs. Par rapport aux dispositifs existants, celui-ci a pour avantages un circuit de commande tres simple, un fonctionnement independant des formes d'ondes commutees et la possibilite de demarrer sous pleine tension.
2015 5th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), 2015
This paper presents a PWM strategy for the reduction of common-mode (CM) voltage generated by var... more This paper presents a PWM strategy for the reduction of common-mode (CM) voltage generated by variable-speed motor drives composed of two-level, three-phase active-front-end rectifier and three-phase inverter. This method theoretically provides complete elimination of the CM voltage by synchronizing all inverter commutations with rectifier commutations, so that the resulting CM voltage does not vary. The degrees of freedom of this strategy are studied and an experimental implementation is provided on a 15 kW prototype to validate the method effectiveness. Taking into account dead-time compensation, measurements in time and frequency domains show that the CM voltage is strongly reduced and that more than 15 dB reduction is achieved in a wide frequency range.
The rapid commutation of the modern power semiconductor devices used in the static converters is ... more The rapid commutation of the modern power semiconductor devices used in the static converters is the source of the conducted and radiated emissions. These devices produce high voltage variations (dv/dt) which excite leakage elements of the power circuit and induce high frequency parasitical currents. These currents used the energy cables to be propagated from the converter to the load and the power grid. This paper proposes a high frequency modelling method of energy cable that takes into account phenomena that appear when the switching frequency increase as: skin and proximity effects and dielectric losses. The proposed method is applied to the three-wire unshielded cable and extended to the four-wire shielded cable. The obtained models are validated in both frequency and time domain in Adjustable Speed Drives system.
Dans le domaine de la variation de vitesse, les perturbations conduites de mode commun sont les p... more Dans le domaine de la variation de vitesse, les perturbations conduites de mode commun sont les plus difficiles à maîtriser du fait des multiples chemins de propagation possibles. Ces perturbations peuvent être réduites à l’aide de filtres passifs qui sont généralement très volumineux. Une solution pour réduire la taille de ces filtres consiste à réduire les perturbations de mode commun à la source, à savoir la tension de mode commun induite par le convertisseur. C’est dans cette optique que s’inscrit cet article qui étudiera une stratégie de modulation permettant la synchronisation de tous les fronts de tension dans une structure onduleur-redresseur entièrement commandé. Avec l’utilisation de cette stratégie de synchronisation que l’on qualifiera de synchronisation totale (ST), il est possible de réduire la tension de mode commun à de simples résidus issus des commutations des différents bras de la structure. Dans cet article seront présentés les développements de la stratégie de s...
The device has a control circuit for controlling a conduction arm of an electric energy converter... more The device has a control circuit for controlling a conduction arm of an electric energy converter. The control circuit has a block determination unit (51) for determining possible blocks of the arm for image reference vector in a vertical space of three control signals (MC1A-MC1C). A block selection unit (52) of the control circuit selects blocks permitting double switching among the possible blocks, and blocks the arm with respect to the blocks permitting double switching in other arms. An independent claim is also included for a method for controlling an electric energy converter.
APEC 07 - Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2007
Page 1. A New Carrier-Based PWM for the Reduction of ... Unlike previous strategies, thiscarrier-... more Page 1. A New Carrier-Based PWM for the Reduction of ... Unlike previous strategies, thiscarrier-based PWM pays attention to the real phenomena involved in the generation of common mode currents so as to efficiently reduce them by avoiding dead time effects. ...
2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009
... Nadir Idir Member, IEEE L2EP / Université de Lille 1 Bat. P2, Cité Scientifique F9655 Villene... more ... Nadir Idir Member, IEEE L2EP / Université de Lille 1 Bat. P2, Cité Scientifique F9655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France [email protected] Abstract – This paper deals with a high frequency modeling method of the common and differential mode inductors used in EMI filters. ...
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2005
Abstract Today, adjustable speed drives (ASDs) manufacturers use high-speed switching devices suc... more Abstract Today, adjustable speed drives (ASDs) manufacturers use high-speed switching devices such as the insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) to achieve higher efficiency, low weight, and small size. However, the advent of fast power devices has produced several unexpected problems, such as premature deterioration of ball bearing and high levels of electromagnetic emissions, caused by flowing of parasitic capacitive currents known as common mode (CM) currents. In order to evaluate these leakage currents, a suitable model of the ASD is obtained by identification of the high-frequency spreading paths. The authors first carry out simulations using the proposed model and compare the results with experimental one. They then propose two methods of reduction of the CM currents in the ASD system.
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 3, 2018
RESUME -Cet article présente une méthodologie permettant l'analyse des densités de puissance volu... more RESUME -Cet article présente une méthodologie permettant l'analyse des densités de puissance volumique qui peuvent être obtenues via l'utilisation de composants magnétiques planar au sein des convertisseurs d'électronique de puissance. En se basant sur une configuration optimale pour le transformateur, les densités de puissance volumique maximales atteignables pour différents noyaux magnétiques EE et E/PLT sont étudiées pour trois types de refroidissement : sans refroidisseur, refroidissement simple face et refroidissement double face. Ce type d'analyse peut être utile à un concepteur, lors d'une phase de dimensionnement, en le guidant vers des choix technologiques adaptés. Mots-clés-Transformateur planar, densité de puissance, conception.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 7, 2016
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 5, 2022
A new method is proposed in this paper to investigate the influence of current collapse effect on... more A new method is proposed in this paper to investigate the influence of current collapse effect on the I d -V ds characteristics of GaN-HEMTs in high voltage region based on a modified H-bridge circuit. The measured I d -V ds characteristics with and without the V ds bias are compared, which shows the effect of charge trapping due to the V ds bias on device I d -V ds characteristics in saturation region. These data will be used for a device model including the current collapse effect in full I d -V ds region.
2019 IEEE 13th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS)
This paper assesses the effect of the temperature on an open loop control of Active Gate Voltage ... more This paper assesses the effect of the temperature on an open loop control of Active Gate Voltage Control (AGVC) during turn-on and turn-off of GaN HEMTs in order to reduce current or voltage switching speed. For the turn-on, two parameters (Vint, Tint) are used to reduce the current transient speed while for the turn-off three parameters (T0, Vint0, Tint0) are used to adjust the voltage transient speed. Initially, the temperature effect of the parameters is assessed using the static characteristics of GaN-HEMT and then experimentally verified. The results demonstrate the degradation of the AGVC operation with the increase in temperature. This degradation is due to a variation of the transistor threshold voltage and a decrease in current capability with temperature. The temperature affects the turn-on more than the turn-off.
High-frequency power converters need electromagnetic interferences filters using common and diffe... more High-frequency power converters need electromagnetic interferences filters using common and differential mode chokes with low parasitic capacitance to comply with the electromagnetic compatibility standards. This paper proposes a modelling method of this capacitance and ways to minimize it. The studied components are ring core inductors with magnetic materials considered as perfect conductors or with high permittivity, such as nano-crystalline material and most Mn-Zn ferrite materials. In comparison to other work in the literature, the proposed approach takes into account the curvature of the turn in addition to the coating of the core and the insulation layer of the wire. The hypotheses, used in this work to simplify the real geometry, are compatible with two dimensional approaches to compute the parasitic inter-turns and turn-core capacitances. These capacitances are evaluated thanks to the 2D finite element method. The obtained model allows accurate evaluation of the effect of turn-core space on the parasitic capacitance, and enables to reduce its value with a limited impact on the volume of the magnetic component.
EMI filters are necessary in many applications in order to meet EMC standards, which significantl... more EMI filters are necessary in many applications in order to meet EMC standards, which significantly increase overall cost and volume mainly because of the common-mode choke. In this paper, a new method to calculate the minimum volume of the inductor is proposed. It takes into account core saturation issues that may greatly impact inductor volume. Consequently, it is shown that in some cases, increasing the inductance up to an optimal value can significantly reduce the filter volume in addition to further enhancing filter attenuation. Besides, determination of the filter resonance frequency with nano-crystalline material is worked out to support the analysis.
2011 IEEE 15th Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects (SPI), 2011
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to propose a new design method of EMI filters for the power con... more ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to propose a new design method of EMI filters for the power converters using high frequency models of the passive components. It is well known that the static converters are the main source of conducted disturbances of the common mode and differential mode. Often, the solution used to reduce conducted emissions consists to use the EMI filters. The design of these filters is very difficult because it requires complete mastery of the design process. In this paper, a high frequency modeling method of the coupled inductors of filter is proposed. Coupled inductors and capacitor models are used to make a complete EMI filters. The high frequency models of these components are used in the simulations and the obtained results are compared to a prototype measurement data. A new EMI filters design method based on the optimization of the stray elements is detailed. It is based on the analysis of conducted EMI induce by the DC-DC converter.
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2008
Abstract In adjustable speed drive applications operating at high switching frequencies, common m... more Abstract In adjustable speed drive applications operating at high switching frequencies, common mode and differential mode perturbations may cause premature ageing of electric machines and important electromagnetic radiations. These disturbances are generated by the power electronic converter, but can be amplified by the connection between the converter and the electric machine. This connection is ensured by multi-wire energy cables, shielded or unshielded. Whereas it is easy to find models allowing to simulate the HF behaviour of cables intended to transmit information, the HF models of the cables intended to carry electric power are still to be built. This paper deals with HF modelling of an unshielded 2-wire energy cable, which is a first step to multi-wire cable models. A model with distributed constants is proposed and validated in both time and frequency domains, first in a voltage pulse mode and loaded by a pure resistive load, then in an experimental set-up where the cable ensures the connection between an elementary power electronic converter and a load with inductive couplings and stray capacitors.
La Commande Autour de la Tension de Seuil (CATS) permet de controler de facon simple les gradient... more La Commande Autour de la Tension de Seuil (CATS) permet de controler de facon simple les gradients de courant et de tension lors des commutations des transistors de puissance a grille isolee (MOSFET ou IGBT). Au lieu de commander les transistors a partir de creneaux de tension evoluant entre 0 et 15V, un palier intermediaire, de duree et d'amplitude reglables, est introduit a la fermeture et a l'ouverture de l'interrupteur. L'introduction de ce palier permet d'intervenir directement sur les commutations pour que celles-ci se deroulent dans de bonnes conditions, comme peuvent le faire les circuits d'aide a la commutation classiques, mais avec une souplesse de reglage beaucoup plus grande, et sans la necessite de stocker de l'energie dans des elements passifs. Ce circuit de commande permet de reduire les perturbations conduites et rayonnees generees par les convertisseurs de puissance. En effet, lors des commutations des transistors a grille isolee, les gradients de courant et de tension excitent les elements parasites des circuits de puissance, ce qui provoque des perturbations en diminuant les gradients de tension et de courant. La commande CATS permet egalement de faire fonctionner en toute securite un hacheur alternatif avec une maitrise complete des contraintes en tension et en courant subies par les differents interrupteurs. Par rapport aux dispositifs existants, celui-ci a pour avantages un circuit de commande tres simple, un fonctionnement independant des formes d'ondes commutees et la possibilite de demarrer sous pleine tension.
2015 5th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), 2015
This paper presents a PWM strategy for the reduction of common-mode (CM) voltage generated by var... more This paper presents a PWM strategy for the reduction of common-mode (CM) voltage generated by variable-speed motor drives composed of two-level, three-phase active-front-end rectifier and three-phase inverter. This method theoretically provides complete elimination of the CM voltage by synchronizing all inverter commutations with rectifier commutations, so that the resulting CM voltage does not vary. The degrees of freedom of this strategy are studied and an experimental implementation is provided on a 15 kW prototype to validate the method effectiveness. Taking into account dead-time compensation, measurements in time and frequency domains show that the CM voltage is strongly reduced and that more than 15 dB reduction is achieved in a wide frequency range.
The rapid commutation of the modern power semiconductor devices used in the static converters is ... more The rapid commutation of the modern power semiconductor devices used in the static converters is the source of the conducted and radiated emissions. These devices produce high voltage variations (dv/dt) which excite leakage elements of the power circuit and induce high frequency parasitical currents. These currents used the energy cables to be propagated from the converter to the load and the power grid. This paper proposes a high frequency modelling method of energy cable that takes into account phenomena that appear when the switching frequency increase as: skin and proximity effects and dielectric losses. The proposed method is applied to the three-wire unshielded cable and extended to the four-wire shielded cable. The obtained models are validated in both frequency and time domain in Adjustable Speed Drives system.
Dans le domaine de la variation de vitesse, les perturbations conduites de mode commun sont les p... more Dans le domaine de la variation de vitesse, les perturbations conduites de mode commun sont les plus difficiles à maîtriser du fait des multiples chemins de propagation possibles. Ces perturbations peuvent être réduites à l’aide de filtres passifs qui sont généralement très volumineux. Une solution pour réduire la taille de ces filtres consiste à réduire les perturbations de mode commun à la source, à savoir la tension de mode commun induite par le convertisseur. C’est dans cette optique que s’inscrit cet article qui étudiera une stratégie de modulation permettant la synchronisation de tous les fronts de tension dans une structure onduleur-redresseur entièrement commandé. Avec l’utilisation de cette stratégie de synchronisation que l’on qualifiera de synchronisation totale (ST), il est possible de réduire la tension de mode commun à de simples résidus issus des commutations des différents bras de la structure. Dans cet article seront présentés les développements de la stratégie de s...
The device has a control circuit for controlling a conduction arm of an electric energy converter... more The device has a control circuit for controlling a conduction arm of an electric energy converter. The control circuit has a block determination unit (51) for determining possible blocks of the arm for image reference vector in a vertical space of three control signals (MC1A-MC1C). A block selection unit (52) of the control circuit selects blocks permitting double switching among the possible blocks, and blocks the arm with respect to the blocks permitting double switching in other arms. An independent claim is also included for a method for controlling an electric energy converter.
APEC 07 - Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2007
Page 1. A New Carrier-Based PWM for the Reduction of ... Unlike previous strategies, thiscarrier-... more Page 1. A New Carrier-Based PWM for the Reduction of ... Unlike previous strategies, thiscarrier-based PWM pays attention to the real phenomena involved in the generation of common mode currents so as to efficiently reduce them by avoiding dead time effects. ...
2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009
... Nadir Idir Member, IEEE L2EP / Université de Lille 1 Bat. P2, Cité Scientifique F9655 Villene... more ... Nadir Idir Member, IEEE L2EP / Université de Lille 1 Bat. P2, Cité Scientifique F9655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France [email protected] Abstract – This paper deals with a high frequency modeling method of the common and differential mode inductors used in EMI filters. ...
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 2005
Abstract Today, adjustable speed drives (ASDs) manufacturers use high-speed switching devices suc... more Abstract Today, adjustable speed drives (ASDs) manufacturers use high-speed switching devices such as the insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) to achieve higher efficiency, low weight, and small size. However, the advent of fast power devices has produced several unexpected problems, such as premature deterioration of ball bearing and high levels of electromagnetic emissions, caused by flowing of parasitic capacitive currents known as common mode (CM) currents. In order to evaluate these leakage currents, a suitable model of the ASD is obtained by identification of the high-frequency spreading paths. The authors first carry out simulations using the proposed model and compare the results with experimental one. They then propose two methods of reduction of the CM currents in the ASD system.
Papers by Nadir Idir