Papers by I Kadek Nurcahyo Putra
Jurnal ELTIKOM : Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer, Jun 30, 2023
Signature is used to legally approve an agreement, treaty, and state administrative activities. I... more Signature is used to legally approve an agreement, treaty, and state administrative activities. Identification of the signature is required to ensure ownership of a signature and to prevent things like forgery from happening to the owner of the signature. In this study, data signatures were obtained from 25 people over the age of 50. The signers provided 20 signatures and were free to choose the stationery used to write the signature on white paper. The total data obtained in this study was 500 signature data. The obtained signature was scanned to create a signature image, which was then pre-processed to prepare it for feature extraction, which can characterize the signature images. The HOG method was used to extract features, resulting in a dataset with 4,536 feature vectors for each signature image. To identify the signature image, the classification methods SVM, Decision Tree, Nave Bayes, and K-NN were compared. SVM achieved the highest accuracy, which is 100%. When K=5, the K-NN method achieved a fairly good accuracy of 97.3%. Meanwhile, Naive Bayes and Decision Tree achieved accuracy significantly lower than K-NN (61%). Because the HOG method produced a large feature vector for each signature, it is recommended that important features that represent signatures be optimized or extracted to produce smaller features to speed up computation without sacrificing accuracy, and that the HOG method be compared to other extraction feature methods to obtain a better model in future research.
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Bisnis
Data ekspor kopi tahun 2000 hingga 2020 oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai melalui situs mili... more Data ekspor kopi tahun 2000 hingga 2020 oleh Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai melalui situs milik Badan Pusat Statistik berdasarkan jumlah berat bersih (netto) dan nilai Free On Board (FOB) dikelompokkan menjadi 3 klaster dengan tujuan mengetahui jumlah produksi kopi yang diekspor menurut negara tujuan, prioritas tertinggi untuk kegiatan ekspor kopi dan mengetahui potensi pemasaran untuk kopi ke negara-negara tujuan. Metode K-Means Clustering digunakan untuk melakukan klasterisasi pada data ekspor kopi, setelah empat iterasi didapat hasil yaitu Amerika Serikat masuk dalam klaster volume ekspor tinggi dengan centroid 1.273.017, Jepang, Jerman, dan Italia termasuk klaster volume ekspor sedang dengan centroid 871.607, dan Singapura, Malaysia, India, Mesir, Maroko, Aljazair, Inggris, Rumania, Georgia, Belgia, Belanda, Denmark, serta Perancis masuk dalam klaster volume ekspor rendah dengan centroid 204.979.
Signature is used to legally approve an agreement, treaty, and state administrative activities. I... more Signature is used to legally approve an agreement, treaty, and state administrative activities. Identification of the signature is required to ensure ownership of a signature and to prevent things like forgery from happening to the owner of the signature. In this study, data signatures were obtained from 25 people over the age of 50. The signers provided 20 signatures and were free to choose the stationery used to write the signature on white paper. The total data obtained in this study was 500 signature data. The obtained signature was scanned to create a signature image, which was then pre-processed to prepare it for feature extraction, which can characterize the signature images. The HOG method was used to extract features, resulting in a dataset with 4,536 feature vectors for each signature image. To identify the signature image, the classification methods SVM, Decision Tree, Nave Bayes, and K-NN were compared. SVM achieved the highest accuracy, which is 100%. When K=5, the K-NN...
InComTech : Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer
Pemilahan cacat biji kopi merupakan proses yang sangat penting untuk menjaga serta meningkatkan k... more Pemilahan cacat biji kopi merupakan proses yang sangat penting untuk menjaga serta meningkatkan kualitas produksi, melihat kopi sebagai salah satu komoditas paling penting yang diperjual belikan. Penulis ingin meminimalisir kesalahan klasifikasi oleh manusia yang subjektif dengan mengimplementasi metode Naive Bayes untuk melakukan klasifikasi cacat biji kopi secara objektif. Biji kopi difoto sehingga menghasilkan citra biji kopi, ruang warna HSV digunakan untuk melakukan ekstraksi ciri warna biji, dan tekstur biji kopi diekstrak dengan metode GLCM. Pengujian terhadap model klasifikasi yang dibangun dengan 68 data latih menghasilkan akurasi 94.44% berdasarkan 36 data uji. Hasil akurasi menunjukkan ketika ada 36 data uji maka 2 data salah diklasifikasi atau ketika ada 100 data uji maka 5 hingga 6 biji akan salah diklasifikasi oleh model. Penelitian selanjutnya disarankan untuk melakukan pengamatan yang lebih dalam untuk mendapatkan fitur ciri yang dapat merepresentasikan perbedaan cac...
International journal of health sciences
Universities play a role in improving the quality of education, they are expected to have human r... more Universities play a role in improving the quality of education, they are expected to have human resources who do not engage in cyberloafing deviant behavior. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of role ambiguity and work stress on cyberloafing and the mediation of work stress on role ambiguity in cyberloafing. The research subjects were education personnel with a sample of 280 people. Determination of the sample using the simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed by SEM. The results showed that role ambiguity had no significant effect on cyberloafing. Work stress has a significant positive effect on cyberloafing. Role ambiguity has a significant positive effect on work stress. Role ambiguity in cyberloafing is mediated by work stress. This study provides theoretical implications by enriching the empirical evidence. Practical implications for use in policies to suppress cyberloafing. Suggestions for management to suppress cyberloafing by clarifying work objecti...
Papers by I Kadek Nurcahyo Putra