Papers by Ioannis Iatrakis

Journal of High Energy Physics, Apr 1, 2015
We consider a holographic model of QCD in the Veneziano limit of a large number of colors N c and... more We consider a holographic model of QCD in the Veneziano limit of a large number of colors N c and flavors N f but fixed x = N f /N c (V-QCD). The model exhibits a first order deconfined but chirally broken transition, followed by a second order chirally restored transition in the µ − T plane for a range of plausible holographic parameters. We study the quasi-normal mode spectrum, and derive the pertinent vector and axial spectral functions across the transition regions. The pole masses, susceptibilities, diffusion constants and electric conductivity are also discussed. In particular, the pole masses are found to survive the deconfining transition, to quickly dissolve in the the chirally restored phase by developing substantial widths. The flavor electric conductivities arise sharply in the transition region. The flavor susceptibility is shown to be consistent with the one derived from bulk thermodynamics.

Physical review, Aug 5, 2016
Holographic models of QCD, collectively known as AdS/QCD, have been proven useful in deriving sev... more Holographic models of QCD, collectively known as AdS/QCD, have been proven useful in deriving several properties of hadrons. One particular feature well reproduced by such models is the Regge trajectories, both for mesons and glueballs. We focus on scalar and tensor glueballs, and derive an e↵ective theory for the Pomeron by analytic continuation along the leading trajectory from the tensor glueball. It then follows that the Pomeron, as the tensor glueball itself, should possess a two-index polarization tensor, inherited from the graviton. The three-graviton interaction is deduced from the Einstein-Hilbert action. Using this structure in the cross section of double-Pomeron production of the tensor glueball, we calculate certain angular distributions of production and compare them with those from the CERN WA102 experiment. We find that the agreement is very good for the f2(2300) tensor glueball candidate. At the same time, other tensor states-such as f2(1270) and f 0 2 (1520)have completely di↵erent distributions, which we interpret as consequence of the fact that they are not glueballs and thus, in our model, unrelated to the gravitational excitations, which are dual to spin-2 glueballs.
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, Aug 1, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature via the bo... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature via the bottom-up models in holographic QCD in the deconfined phase is studied. The models are constructed to approximately reproduce the electric conductivity obtained from lattice simulations for the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons and hadronic contributions to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons in RHIC and LHC. In general, the holographic models enhance the yield and improve the agreement in spectra, while they reduce the flow in low p T and increase it in high p T .

Epj Web of Conferences, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calcula... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calculated by using holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit (V-QCD). These emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons from hard scattering and the thermal photons from hadron gas to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons at RHIC and LHC. The results from different sources responsible for the thermal photons in the quark gluon plasma (QGP) including the weakly coupled QGP (wQGP) from perturbative calculations, strongly coupled N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma (as a benchmark for reference), and Gubser's phenomenological model mimicking the strongly coupled QGP (sQGP) are then compared. It is found that the direct-photon spectra are enhanced in the strongly coupled scenario compared with the ones in the wQGP, especially at intermediate and high momenta, which improve the agreements with data. Moreover, by using IP-glassma initial states, both the elliptic flow and triangular flow of direct photons are amplified at high momenta (p T >2.5 GeV) for V-QCD, while they are suppressed at low momenta compared to wQGP. The distinct results in holography stem from the blue-shift of emission rates in strong coupling. In addition, the spectra and flow in small collision systems were evaluated for future comparisons. It is found that thermal photons from the deconfined phase are substantial to reconcile the spectra and flow at high momenta.

Journal of High Energy Physics, Apr 1, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calcula... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calculated using holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit (V-QCD). The emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons from hard scattering and the thermal photons from hadron gas to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons at RHIC and LHC. The results from different sources responsible for the thermal photons in QGP including the weakly coupled QGP (wQGP) from perturbative calculations, strongly coupled N = 4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma (as a benchmark for reference), and Gubser's phenomenological holographic model are then compared. It is found that the direct-photon spectra are enhanced in the strongly coupled scenario compared with the ones in the wQGP, especially at high momenta. Moreover, both the elliptic flow and triangular flow of direct photons are amplified at high momenta for V-QCD and the SYM plasma. The results are further compared with experimental observations.
Physical review, Jul 7, 2017
The holographic model of V-QCD is used to analyze the physics of QCD in the Veneziano large-N lim... more The holographic model of V-QCD is used to analyze the physics of QCD in the Veneziano large-N limit. An unprecedented analysis of the CP-odd physics is performed going beyond the level of effective field theories. The structure of holographic saddle-points at finite θ is determined, as well as its interplay with chiral symmetry breaking. Many observables (vacuum energy and higher-order susceptibilities, singlet and non-singlet masses and mixings) are computed as functions of θ and the quark mass m. Wherever applicable the results are compared to those of chiral Lagrangians, finding agreement. In particular, we recover the Witten-Veneziano formula in the small x → 0 limit, we compute the θ-dependence of the pion mass and we derive the hyperscaling relation for the topological susceptibility in the conformal window in terms of the quark mass.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 3, 2015
Physical Review Letters, Jun 23, 2015
The dynamics of topological domains which break parity (P) and charge-parity (CP) symmetry of QCD... more The dynamics of topological domains which break parity (P) and charge-parity (CP) symmetry of QCD are studied. We derive in a general setting that those local domains will generate an axial current and quantify the strength of the induced axial current. Our findings are verified in a topdown holographic model. The relation between the real time dynamics of those local domains and chiral magnetic effect is also elucidated. We finally argue that such an induced axial current would be phenomenologically important in heavy-ion collisions experiment.

The gauge/gravity duality is used in order to construct effective holographic models that describ... more The gauge/gravity duality is used in order to construct effective holographic models that describe strongly coupled QCD. Assuming Nf << Nc, a holographic model is built that describes the physics of the meson sector of strong interactions, such as chiral symmetry breaking, chiral symmetry restoration above confinement/deconfinement phase transition and the meson mass spectrum. This model is also used to study the transverse part of the vector-axial vector flavor current correlator in the presence of weak external electric field, which is important for the calculation of the two-loop electroweak radiative corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. It is then generalized to describe the spectrum of QCD in the Veneziano limit of large Nf and Nc but at fixed x = Nf Nc . The main results include discrete and gapped spectrum for x < xc, where xc is the conformal transition point. As x ! xc all the parameters of the theory with non trivial mass dimension approach zero foll...

Abstract: We consider a holographic model of QCD in the Veneziano limit of a large number of colo... more Abstract: We consider a holographic model of QCD in the Veneziano limit of a large number of colors Nc and flavors Nf but fixed x = Nf/Nc (V-QCD). The model exhibits a first order deconfined but chirally broken transition, followed by a second order chirally restored transition in the µ − T plane for a range of plausible holographic parameters. We study the quasi-normal mode spectrum, and derive the pertinent vector and axial spectral functions across the transition regions. The pole masses, susceptibilities, diffusion constants and electric conductivity are also discussed. In particular, the pole masses are found to survive the deconfining transition, to quickly dissolve in the the chirally restored phase by developing substantial widths. The flavor electric conductivities arise sharply in the transition region. The flavor susceptibility is shown to be consistent with the one derived from bulk thermodynamics. ar X iv
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature via the bo... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature via the bottom-up models in holographic QCD in the deconfined phase is studied. The models are constructed to approximately reproduce the electric conductivity obtained from lattice simulations for the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons and hadronic contributions to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons in RHIC and LHC. In general, the holographic models enhance the yield and improve the agreement in spectra, while they reduce the flow in low p T and increase it in high p T .
Proceedings of Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2012 — PoS(Corfu2012), 2013
Physical Review D, 2017
The holographic model of V-QCD is used to analyze the physics of QCD in the Veneziano large-N lim... more The holographic model of V-QCD is used to analyze the physics of QCD in the Veneziano large-N limit. An unprecedented analysis of the CP-odd physics is performed going beyond the level of effective field theories. The structure of holographic saddle-points at finite θ is determined, as well as its interplay with chiral symmetry breaking. Many observables (vacuum energy and higher-order susceptibilities, singlet and non-singlet masses and mixings) are computed as functions of θ and the quark mass m. Wherever applicable the results are compared to those of chiral Lagrangians, finding agreement. In particular, we recover the Witten-Veneziano formula in the small x → 0 limit, we compute the θ-dependence of the pion mass and we derive the hyperscaling relation for the topological susceptibility in the conformal window in terms of the quark mass.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calcula... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calculated by using holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit (V-QCD). These emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons from hard scattering and the thermal photons from hadron gas to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons at RHIC and LHC. The results from different sources responsible for the thermal photons in the quark gluon plasma (QGP) including the weakly coupled QGP (wQGP) from perturbative calculations, strongly coupled N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma (as a benchmark for reference), and Gubser's phenomenological model mimicking the strongly coupled QGP (sQGP) are then compared. It is found that the direct-photon spectra are enhanced in the strongly coupled scenario compared with the ones in the wQGP, especially at intermediate and high momenta, which improve the agreements with data. Moreover, by using IP-glassma initial states, both the elliptic flow and triangular flow of direct photons are amplified at high momenta (p T >2.5 GeV) for V-QCD, while they are suppressed at low momenta compared to wQGP. The distinct results in holography stem from the blue-shift of emission rates in strong coupling. In addition, the spectra and flow in small collision systems were evaluated for future comparisons. It is found that thermal photons from the deconfined phase are substantial to reconcile the spectra and flow at high momenta.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017
The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calcula... more The thermal-photon emission from strongly coupled gauge theories at finite temperature is calculated using holographic models for QCD in the Veneziano limit (V-QCD). The emission rates are then embedded in hydrodynamic simulations combined with prompt photons from hard scattering and the thermal photons from hadron gas to analyze the spectra and anisotropic flow of direct photons at RHIC and LHC. The results from different sources responsible for the thermal photons in QGP including the weakly coupled QGP (wQGP) from perturbative calculations, strongly coupled N = 4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) plasma (as a benchmark for reference), and Gubser's phenomenological holographic model are then compared. It is found that the direct-photon spectra are enhanced in the strongly coupled scenario compared with the ones in the wQGP, especially at high momenta. Moreover, both the elliptic flow and triangular flow of direct photons are amplified at high momenta for V-QCD and the SYM plasma. The results are further compared with experimental observations.

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017
We study the dependence of the chiral condensate on external magnetic field in the context of hol... more We study the dependence of the chiral condensate on external magnetic field in the context of holographic QCD at large number of flavors. We consider a holographic QCD model where the flavor degrees of freedom fully backreact on the color dynamics. Perturbative QCD calculations have shown that B acts constructively on the chiral condensate, a phenomenon called "magnetic catalysis". In contrast, recent lattice calculations show that, depending on the number of flavors and temperature, the magnetic field may also act destructively, which is called "inverse magnetic catalysis". Here we show that the holographic theory is capable of both behaviors depending on the choice of parameters. For reasonable choice of the potentials entering the model we find qualitative agreement with the lattice expectations. Our results provide insight for the physical reasons behind the inverse magnetic catalysis. In particular, we argue that the backreaction of the flavors to the background geometry decatalyzes the condensate.
Papers by Ioannis Iatrakis