Berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif termasuk dalam ranah berpikir tingkat tinggi yang melibatkan ko... more Berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif termasuk dalam ranah berpikir tingkat tinggi yang melibatkan kontrol aktif dalam proses kognitif untuk memecahkan suatu masalah. Berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan penguasaan berpikir kreatif dan keterampilan metakognitif sangat diperlukan, salah satunya melalui penggunaan buku model pembelajaran kolaboratif berdasarkan masalah yang merangsang kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif siswa. Riset ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas buku model pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis masalah. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket. Pengembangan buku menggunakan model Plomp, sehingg penggunaan buku perlu divalidasi, dalam hal ini buku divalidasi oleh tiga orang ahli menggunakan V Aiken, hasil validasi menunjukkan validitas isi 0,919 oleh pakar, validitas konstruk 0,903 oleh pakar dengan kategori valid dan dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan meta...
While collaborative problem-based learning (PBL), particularly in Western nations, has been resea... more While collaborative problem-based learning (PBL), particularly in Western nations, has been researched and shown to be beneficial in enhancing students' metacognitive skills, it is still sparingly used in Asian nations like Indonesia. This study's goal was to learn more about the potential benefits of cooperative PBL on students' metacognitive skills. The systematic literature review (SLR) research design was used for this study, and the requirements were full text, journal articles, open access, accredited national and international publications between 2010 and 2020, and articles on the role of collaborative PBL in chemistry students' metacognitive development. The findings of the SLR used in this study show that PBL enhances students' metacognitive skills, particularly in chemistry students. The majority of research, however, continues to employ unreliable, nonstandard methods. Therefore, it is believed that this research may be used as supplemental data to ac...
Misconceptions are defined as wrong ideas or views of a person's concept different from the s... more Misconceptions are defined as wrong ideas or views of a person's concept different from the scientific concepts formulated by experts in their field. It must be reduced immediately so as not to hinder the process of understanding the next interconnected matter. Reducing students' misconceptions can be done through remedial learning. This study aimed to describe the phase in processing information that causes students' misconceptions based on learning theory, describe the implementation of an effective remedial learning strategy to reduce misconceptions in chemistry, and describe learning media that can be integrated into remedial learning in chemistry. The method used in this study was the systematic literature review (SLR) by searching articles on the electronics journal database. The database used in this study was ERIC, Google Scholar, and Sinta from 2011 to 2021. Seventeen articles were found in 14 indexed journals (Scopus and Sinta). The data was analyzed by collect...
Collaborative Learning (CL) is a learning model that implies cooperation in a group consisting of... more Collaborative Learning (CL) is a learning model that implies cooperation in a group consisting of two or more people to achieve a common goal while respecting each individuals contribution as a whole. CL is more synonymous with social interaction. In the learning process, the centre of attention is the interaction of educators with students, interactions between students, and interactions of students with their environment. The purpose of this review is to look at global trends related to CL research in the field of Chemistry Education. Obtained 62,555 articles discussing CL with various keywords, 88 of which are relevant to the purpose of this article review. After being mapped, there are five research themes related to CL, namely (1) CL based on student activities and the role of educators, (2) Collaboration Strategy for STEM, (3) CL based game, (4) Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), and (5) CL in Laboratory Work. Based on the review findings, research related to CL...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan
Laboratory-based learning is learning that aims to develop an understanding of scientific content... more Laboratory-based learning is learning that aims to develop an understanding of scientific content, problem-solving skills, science skills and understanding. This study aims to determine the effect of guided inquiry laboratory on critical thinking skills in terms of students' initial abilities in the material reaction rate. The research design used was a quasi-experimental posttest. Sampling using cluster random sampling technique is the students of class XI semester 1 one of the public high schools in Malang City. Hypothesis testing used two-way ANOVA with SPSS 22 for windows. The results showed that there was an interaction between the learning strategy and the prior knowledge of students' critical thinking skills. Abstrak: Pembelajaran berbasis praktikum merupakan pembelajaran yang bertujuan mengembangkan pemahaman konsep kimia, keterampilan pemecahan masalah, ketrampilan dan pemahaman sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh praktikum inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis ditinjau dari kemampuan awal siswa pada materi laju reaksi. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental posttest. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling adalah siswa kelas XI semester I salah satu SMA Negeri di Kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan parktikum inkuiri terbimbing dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan praktikum verifikatif. Terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.
Green chemistry in chemistry learning has been a central issue in chemistry education research th... more Green chemistry in chemistry learning has been a central issue in chemistry education research the last ten years. The objectives of this literature review are: a) to map green chemistry research topics in chemistry learning the last ten years; b) to find out the opportunity for the implementation of Green chemistry in chemistry learning. The research method used is a systematic literature review of articles published in the scopus journal obtained from the Scopus database for the last 10 years (2011-2021). Article searches use titles, abstracts or keywords that meet logical conditions ("Green Chemistry") or ("Chemistry"). The population of this study was 200 articles published in the Scopus database and the sample used was 19 articles. The findings show that: a) the trend of the most topics discussing green chemistry in organic chemistry by 68% and green chemistry in environmental chemistry by 16%, b) green chemistry provides a very large opportunity in chemistr...
Studies in the area of chemistry teaching discovered that problem-based learning strategies (PBL)... more Studies in the area of chemistry teaching discovered that problem-based learning strategies (PBL) effectively improve students’ conceptual understanding. However, there is minimal information about the effectiveness of PBL if it is applied with multiple representations (MR) for the students with different learning preferences. This study aimed to prove the effects of problem-based learning strategies (PBL) using multiple representations (MR) and students’ learning styles on the conceptual understanding in chemistry. There were two whole classes in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bali State Polytechnic that were assigned to be the experimental group (n =59) and control group (n = 58). Felder-Soloman's Index of Learning Style (ILS) was applied to differentiate the students’ learning preferences, while their conceptual understanding in chemistry was assessed using a test after 6 weeks of treatment. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) shows that the conceptual understanding...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan ajar multimedia terhadap hasil belajar d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan ajar multimedia terhadap hasil belajar dan persepsi mahasiswa pada matakuliah kimia organik I. Sebanyak 31 mahasiswa sebagai sampel diberikan pretes dan postes, serta angket untuk mengetahui reaksi mereka terhadap bahan ajar multimedia. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat positif dengan menghasilkan peningkatan terhadap hasil belajar. Mahasiswa merasa senang, termotivasi, dan tertarik untuk belajar kimia organik I dengan bahan ajar multimedia. Mahasiswa berharap pembelajaran lainnya bisa menggunakan multimedia. This study aimed to investigate the effect of multimedia teaching materials to students’ learning outcomes and perceptions in organic chemistry I courses. There were 31 university students as a sample that given pre-and posttest, and a survey to ascertain their reactions toward the multimedia teching material. The results obtained were very positive with an increase to the learning outcomes. Students felt happy, motivated, int...
This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teacher... more This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teachers in natural science subject. This is a descriptive qualitative study which is conducted to 50 primary school teachers. The data are gathered through observation sheet, interview, and diagnostic test. The data are further analyzed descriptively through four stages analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and making conclusion. The result of the study shows that there are 74.6 % of total responses of misconception and non-misconception. On the other hand, there are 25.4% who have the scientific concepts. Mostly, the misconception occurs on, 1) the concept of substances which are needed for photosynthesis on plants, 2) concepts of the needs of sunlight in photosynthesis, 3) the concepts of substance density, and 4) the concepts of free fall motion. Article visualizations:
: This study aimed to compare the students’ learning outcome and science process skill that learn... more : This study aimed to compare the students’ learning outcome and science process skill that learned by two different methods viewed from prior knowledge. This study used the quasi-experimental design. The research‘s instruments were student‘s learning outcome and science process skill test. Data were analyzed using by MANOVA. The results showed that: (1) there was differences in student‘s learning outcome and science process skill that learned with guided inquiry based laboratory activities and verification based laboratory; (2) there was no interaction between learning methods in laboratory activity and prior knowledge on student‘s learning outcome. Thus, the guided inquiry strategy has enhanced student’s learning outcome and science process skill. Key Words : guided inquiry, laboratory activity, prior knowledge Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan dua metode berbeda ditinjau dari p...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
This study aimed to compare the students' motivation that learned by two different methods vi... more This study aimed to compare the students' motivation that learned by two different methods viewed from prior knowledge. This study used the quasi-experimental design. Data were obtained from motivation questionnaire which consist of 31 point statements. Data were analyzed using two ways ANOVA. The results showed that: (1) there was differences in students' motivation that learned with hands-on and demonstration in guided inquiry learning, (2) student with high prior knowledge have better motivation in learning rather than students with low prior knowledge, (3) there was no interaction between learning methods and prior knowledge on students' motivation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan 2 metode berbeda ditinjau dari kemampuan awal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen semu. Data penelitian diperoleh dari angket motivasi yang terdiri atas 31 butir pernyataan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA du...
Pollution is serious environmental problem. One of causes of pollution is the presence of heavy m... more Pollution is serious environmental problem. One of causes of pollution is the presence of heavy metals. Besides heavy metal, there are plastics that cause serious problem in environment because they are difficult to decompose. These two problems appear an idea about synthesizing activated carbon-magnetite (Fe3O4) composite based on polyethylene that can absorbs heavy metals. The method used literature review of relevant articles. This study examines the properties of magnetite both physical and chemical along with applications and benefits of magnetite in daily life. This study can become a new perspective effort to reduce heavy metals pollution using plastic waste as composite with Fe3O4
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2021
Argumentation is an important activity in scientific exploration which has been agreed as a major... more Argumentation is an important activity in scientific exploration which has been agreed as a major component in science education. Quality argumentation skills are formed with the understanding of concepts owned by students. The current low level of argumentation skills is caused by the learning process. Application of guided inquiry learning with the STEM approach is expected to provide space to practice arguments based on the results of the constructs of students' concepts during learning. The results of the study stated that differences in initial abilities, the application of guided inquiry with the STEM approach affect the concepts understanding and argumentation skills of students. Also there is no interaction, between models and learning approaches and initial abilities towards understanding concepts and argumentation skills. Abstrak: Argumentasi merupakan aktivitas penting pada eksplorasi ilmiah yang telah disepakati sebagai komponen utama dalam pendidikan sains. Keterampilan argumentasi yang berkualitas dibentuk dengan modal pemahaman konsep yang dimiliki siswa. Rendahnya keterampilan argumentasi saat ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh proses pembelajaran. Penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan STEM diharapkan dapat menyediakan ruang untuk melatih argumentasi berdasarkan hasil konstruk konsep siswa selama pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa perbedaan kemampuan awal, penerapan inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan STEM berpengaruh terhadap pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan argumentasi siswa namun tidak ditemukan adanya interaksi antara model maupun pendekatan pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal terhadap keterampilan argumentasi dan pemahaman konsep.
The voltaic cell teaching materials used in high school are still in the form of textbooks that d... more The voltaic cell teaching materials used in high school are still in the form of textbooks that do not present multiple representations of chemistry, namely the macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels. The three levels of chemical representation can be visualized using flipbook teaching materials so that students are expected to understand the voltaic cell material. Teaching materials are used to support the learning process. Current learning still uses conventional learning models that only focus on teachers. Constructivist-based active learning is needed because it involves students so that learning is more meaningful. One of the constructivist learning models is the guided inquiry learning model which includes observing, asking questions, compiling hypotheses, gathering information, testing hypotheses, and concluding. The purpose.of this to.produce a proper guided inquiry-based flipbook teaching material. The flipbook teaching.materials were developed.usin...
Studying hydrocarbon material requires ability in problem solving so students are able to identif... more Studying hydrocarbon material requires ability in problem solving so students are able to identify, analyze, and describe abstract chemical concepts and principles into concrete. The purpose of this study was to the improving of students' hydrocarbon problem solving abilities through the SAVI learning model assisted by puzzle media. The research design used in this study was pre-experimental with a research design namely One Group Pretest-Posttest Design.The study was conducted at SMAN 7 Mataram, Jl. Adi Sucipto, Ampenan Utara, Kec. Ampenan, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara. The subjects of this study were students of class XI Science. The research instrument include syllabus, lesson plans, worksheets, and multiple choice test items. Data were analyzed using the N-Gain test to find out the increased ability to solve hydrocarbon problems. The results showed that the level of N-Gain was in the range of 0.33 with a moderate category which meant an increase in students' problem ...
Berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif termasuk dalam ranah berpikir tingkat tinggi yang melibatkan ko... more Berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif termasuk dalam ranah berpikir tingkat tinggi yang melibatkan kontrol aktif dalam proses kognitif untuk memecahkan suatu masalah. Berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan penguasaan berpikir kreatif dan keterampilan metakognitif sangat diperlukan, salah satunya melalui penggunaan buku model pembelajaran kolaboratif berdasarkan masalah yang merangsang kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan metakognitif siswa. Riset ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) ini bertujuan untuk menguji validitas buku model pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis masalah. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket. Pengembangan buku menggunakan model Plomp, sehingg penggunaan buku perlu divalidasi, dalam hal ini buku divalidasi oleh tiga orang ahli menggunakan V Aiken, hasil validasi menunjukkan validitas isi 0,919 oleh pakar, validitas konstruk 0,903 oleh pakar dengan kategori valid dan dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan meta...
While collaborative problem-based learning (PBL), particularly in Western nations, has been resea... more While collaborative problem-based learning (PBL), particularly in Western nations, has been researched and shown to be beneficial in enhancing students' metacognitive skills, it is still sparingly used in Asian nations like Indonesia. This study's goal was to learn more about the potential benefits of cooperative PBL on students' metacognitive skills. The systematic literature review (SLR) research design was used for this study, and the requirements were full text, journal articles, open access, accredited national and international publications between 2010 and 2020, and articles on the role of collaborative PBL in chemistry students' metacognitive development. The findings of the SLR used in this study show that PBL enhances students' metacognitive skills, particularly in chemistry students. The majority of research, however, continues to employ unreliable, nonstandard methods. Therefore, it is believed that this research may be used as supplemental data to ac...
Misconceptions are defined as wrong ideas or views of a person's concept different from the s... more Misconceptions are defined as wrong ideas or views of a person's concept different from the scientific concepts formulated by experts in their field. It must be reduced immediately so as not to hinder the process of understanding the next interconnected matter. Reducing students' misconceptions can be done through remedial learning. This study aimed to describe the phase in processing information that causes students' misconceptions based on learning theory, describe the implementation of an effective remedial learning strategy to reduce misconceptions in chemistry, and describe learning media that can be integrated into remedial learning in chemistry. The method used in this study was the systematic literature review (SLR) by searching articles on the electronics journal database. The database used in this study was ERIC, Google Scholar, and Sinta from 2011 to 2021. Seventeen articles were found in 14 indexed journals (Scopus and Sinta). The data was analyzed by collect...
Collaborative Learning (CL) is a learning model that implies cooperation in a group consisting of... more Collaborative Learning (CL) is a learning model that implies cooperation in a group consisting of two or more people to achieve a common goal while respecting each individuals contribution as a whole. CL is more synonymous with social interaction. In the learning process, the centre of attention is the interaction of educators with students, interactions between students, and interactions of students with their environment. The purpose of this review is to look at global trends related to CL research in the field of Chemistry Education. Obtained 62,555 articles discussing CL with various keywords, 88 of which are relevant to the purpose of this article review. After being mapped, there are five research themes related to CL, namely (1) CL based on student activities and the role of educators, (2) Collaboration Strategy for STEM, (3) CL based game, (4) Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), and (5) CL in Laboratory Work. Based on the review findings, research related to CL...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan
Laboratory-based learning is learning that aims to develop an understanding of scientific content... more Laboratory-based learning is learning that aims to develop an understanding of scientific content, problem-solving skills, science skills and understanding. This study aims to determine the effect of guided inquiry laboratory on critical thinking skills in terms of students' initial abilities in the material reaction rate. The research design used was a quasi-experimental posttest. Sampling using cluster random sampling technique is the students of class XI semester 1 one of the public high schools in Malang City. Hypothesis testing used two-way ANOVA with SPSS 22 for windows. The results showed that there was an interaction between the learning strategy and the prior knowledge of students' critical thinking skills. Abstrak: Pembelajaran berbasis praktikum merupakan pembelajaran yang bertujuan mengembangkan pemahaman konsep kimia, keterampilan pemecahan masalah, ketrampilan dan pemahaman sains. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh praktikum inkuiri terbimbing terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis ditinjau dari kemampuan awal siswa pada materi laju reaksi. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental posttest. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling adalah siswa kelas XI semester I salah satu SMA Negeri di Kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan parktikum inkuiri terbimbing dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan praktikum verifikatif. Terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.
Green chemistry in chemistry learning has been a central issue in chemistry education research th... more Green chemistry in chemistry learning has been a central issue in chemistry education research the last ten years. The objectives of this literature review are: a) to map green chemistry research topics in chemistry learning the last ten years; b) to find out the opportunity for the implementation of Green chemistry in chemistry learning. The research method used is a systematic literature review of articles published in the scopus journal obtained from the Scopus database for the last 10 years (2011-2021). Article searches use titles, abstracts or keywords that meet logical conditions ("Green Chemistry") or ("Chemistry"). The population of this study was 200 articles published in the Scopus database and the sample used was 19 articles. The findings show that: a) the trend of the most topics discussing green chemistry in organic chemistry by 68% and green chemistry in environmental chemistry by 16%, b) green chemistry provides a very large opportunity in chemistr...
Studies in the area of chemistry teaching discovered that problem-based learning strategies (PBL)... more Studies in the area of chemistry teaching discovered that problem-based learning strategies (PBL) effectively improve students’ conceptual understanding. However, there is minimal information about the effectiveness of PBL if it is applied with multiple representations (MR) for the students with different learning preferences. This study aimed to prove the effects of problem-based learning strategies (PBL) using multiple representations (MR) and students’ learning styles on the conceptual understanding in chemistry. There were two whole classes in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bali State Polytechnic that were assigned to be the experimental group (n =59) and control group (n = 58). Felder-Soloman's Index of Learning Style (ILS) was applied to differentiate the students’ learning preferences, while their conceptual understanding in chemistry was assessed using a test after 6 weeks of treatment. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) shows that the conceptual understanding...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan ajar multimedia terhadap hasil belajar d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan ajar multimedia terhadap hasil belajar dan persepsi mahasiswa pada matakuliah kimia organik I. Sebanyak 31 mahasiswa sebagai sampel diberikan pretes dan postes, serta angket untuk mengetahui reaksi mereka terhadap bahan ajar multimedia. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat positif dengan menghasilkan peningkatan terhadap hasil belajar. Mahasiswa merasa senang, termotivasi, dan tertarik untuk belajar kimia organik I dengan bahan ajar multimedia. Mahasiswa berharap pembelajaran lainnya bisa menggunakan multimedia. This study aimed to investigate the effect of multimedia teaching materials to students’ learning outcomes and perceptions in organic chemistry I courses. There were 31 university students as a sample that given pre-and posttest, and a survey to ascertain their reactions toward the multimedia teching material. The results obtained were very positive with an increase to the learning outcomes. Students felt happy, motivated, int...
This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teacher... more This present aims at identifying and describing the misconception faced by primary school teachers in natural science subject. This is a descriptive qualitative study which is conducted to 50 primary school teachers. The data are gathered through observation sheet, interview, and diagnostic test. The data are further analyzed descriptively through four stages analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and making conclusion. The result of the study shows that there are 74.6 % of total responses of misconception and non-misconception. On the other hand, there are 25.4% who have the scientific concepts. Mostly, the misconception occurs on, 1) the concept of substances which are needed for photosynthesis on plants, 2) concepts of the needs of sunlight in photosynthesis, 3) the concepts of substance density, and 4) the concepts of free fall motion. Article visualizations:
: This study aimed to compare the students’ learning outcome and science process skill that learn... more : This study aimed to compare the students’ learning outcome and science process skill that learned by two different methods viewed from prior knowledge. This study used the quasi-experimental design. The research‘s instruments were student‘s learning outcome and science process skill test. Data were analyzed using by MANOVA. The results showed that: (1) there was differences in student‘s learning outcome and science process skill that learned with guided inquiry based laboratory activities and verification based laboratory; (2) there was no interaction between learning methods in laboratory activity and prior knowledge on student‘s learning outcome. Thus, the guided inquiry strategy has enhanced student’s learning outcome and science process skill. Key Words : guided inquiry, laboratory activity, prior knowledge Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar dan keterampilan proses sains siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan dua metode berbeda ditinjau dari p...
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
This study aimed to compare the students' motivation that learned by two different methods vi... more This study aimed to compare the students' motivation that learned by two different methods viewed from prior knowledge. This study used the quasi-experimental design. Data were obtained from motivation questionnaire which consist of 31 point statements. Data were analyzed using two ways ANOVA. The results showed that: (1) there was differences in students' motivation that learned with hands-on and demonstration in guided inquiry learning, (2) student with high prior knowledge have better motivation in learning rather than students with low prior knowledge, (3) there was no interaction between learning methods and prior knowledge on students' motivation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan 2 metode berbeda ditinjau dari kemampuan awal. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen semu. Data penelitian diperoleh dari angket motivasi yang terdiri atas 31 butir pernyataan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA du...
Pollution is serious environmental problem. One of causes of pollution is the presence of heavy m... more Pollution is serious environmental problem. One of causes of pollution is the presence of heavy metals. Besides heavy metal, there are plastics that cause serious problem in environment because they are difficult to decompose. These two problems appear an idea about synthesizing activated carbon-magnetite (Fe3O4) composite based on polyethylene that can absorbs heavy metals. The method used literature review of relevant articles. This study examines the properties of magnetite both physical and chemical along with applications and benefits of magnetite in daily life. This study can become a new perspective effort to reduce heavy metals pollution using plastic waste as composite with Fe3O4
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2021
Argumentation is an important activity in scientific exploration which has been agreed as a major... more Argumentation is an important activity in scientific exploration which has been agreed as a major component in science education. Quality argumentation skills are formed with the understanding of concepts owned by students. The current low level of argumentation skills is caused by the learning process. Application of guided inquiry learning with the STEM approach is expected to provide space to practice arguments based on the results of the constructs of students' concepts during learning. The results of the study stated that differences in initial abilities, the application of guided inquiry with the STEM approach affect the concepts understanding and argumentation skills of students. Also there is no interaction, between models and learning approaches and initial abilities towards understanding concepts and argumentation skills. Abstrak: Argumentasi merupakan aktivitas penting pada eksplorasi ilmiah yang telah disepakati sebagai komponen utama dalam pendidikan sains. Keterampilan argumentasi yang berkualitas dibentuk dengan modal pemahaman konsep yang dimiliki siswa. Rendahnya keterampilan argumentasi saat ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh proses pembelajaran. Penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan STEM diharapkan dapat menyediakan ruang untuk melatih argumentasi berdasarkan hasil konstruk konsep siswa selama pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa perbedaan kemampuan awal, penerapan inkuiri terbimbing dengan pendekatan STEM berpengaruh terhadap pemahaman konsep dan keterampilan argumentasi siswa namun tidak ditemukan adanya interaksi antara model maupun pendekatan pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal terhadap keterampilan argumentasi dan pemahaman konsep.
The voltaic cell teaching materials used in high school are still in the form of textbooks that d... more The voltaic cell teaching materials used in high school are still in the form of textbooks that do not present multiple representations of chemistry, namely the macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels. The three levels of chemical representation can be visualized using flipbook teaching materials so that students are expected to understand the voltaic cell material. Teaching materials are used to support the learning process. Current learning still uses conventional learning models that only focus on teachers. Constructivist-based active learning is needed because it involves students so that learning is more meaningful. One of the constructivist learning models is the guided inquiry learning model which includes observing, asking questions, compiling hypotheses, gathering information, testing hypotheses, and concluding. The purpose.of this to.produce a proper guided inquiry-based flipbook teaching material. The flipbook teaching.materials were developed.usin...
Studying hydrocarbon material requires ability in problem solving so students are able to identif... more Studying hydrocarbon material requires ability in problem solving so students are able to identify, analyze, and describe abstract chemical concepts and principles into concrete. The purpose of this study was to the improving of students' hydrocarbon problem solving abilities through the SAVI learning model assisted by puzzle media. The research design used in this study was pre-experimental with a research design namely One Group Pretest-Posttest Design.The study was conducted at SMAN 7 Mataram, Jl. Adi Sucipto, Ampenan Utara, Kec. Ampenan, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara. The subjects of this study were students of class XI Science. The research instrument include syllabus, lesson plans, worksheets, and multiple choice test items. Data were analyzed using the N-Gain test to find out the increased ability to solve hydrocarbon problems. The results showed that the level of N-Gain was in the range of 0.33 with a moderate category which meant an increase in students' problem ...
Papers by I Wayan Dasna