Papers by Hossein Gholamalian
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, May 22, 2007
Geirud formation deposits of Kalariz in the Eastern Alborz start with a relatively thick sequence... more Geirud formation deposits of Kalariz in the Eastern Alborz start with a relatively thick sequence of sandstone, shale, and red, white and brown colored siltstone changing into yellow dolomitic layers, fossiliferous limestone and shaly or marly limestone. This formation lies over Mila formation with a disconformity and covered transitionally by limestones of Mobarak formation. In the above mentioned sequence, numerous and various conodonts and brachiopods were identified. Based on the distributionof brachiopoda, two assemblage zones and based on the conodonts, four assemblage zones were recognized with Famennian and Strunian age. The first brachiopoda biozone, equivalent to the first and second conodont biozones, belongs to early Famennian age (older than late crepida zone and romboidea to late trachytera zone) and the second Brachiopoda biozone which is equivalent to conodont biozone of number three and four has the late Famennian age (postera to late expansa zone and praesulcata zone). Paleontological and stratigraphical evidence indicates that Frasnian sediments are absent in the study area.
Three sections of Guri Member of Mishan Formation in the Bandar Abbas area are investigated for f... more Three sections of Guri Member of Mishan Formation in the Bandar Abbas area are investigated for foraminifer biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphic correlation. The base of Guri Member conformably overlies Gachsaran and\or Razak Formation, the top overlain by marly member. Thirty four foraminifer species are identified and prove the age of Burdigalian for Guri Member in the Gery Sheikh and Anguran sections and Burdigalian – Langhan range in the Bāz section. Two assemblage zones are recognized based on distribution range of species. Correlation to other sections shows the eastward marine progression and age change from the Burdigalian in the west to Burdigalian – Langhian in the east of Bandar Abbas area.
Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia
Fifteen conodont species and subspecies from the Negheleh section, Soh area, north of Esfahan rep... more Fifteen conodont species and subspecies from the Negheleh section, Soh area, north of Esfahan represent early Eifelian to middle Givetian time interval. Five biozones: costatus to australis, kockelianus, ensensis to hemiansatus, timorensis and rhenanus to ansatusare recognized. The present study suggests the Eifelian age for the base of Bahram Formation in the Sanandaj-Sirjan and the western part of Central Iran Microplate. The oldest known occurrence of thelodont turiinid species, Neoturinia hutkensis is reported from the early Eifelian strata of the Negheleh section. New age range from the late Eifelian to late Frasnian is proposed for Icriodus excavatus Weddige.Keywords: Middle Devonian, Eifelian, Givetian, conodonts, biostratigraphy.
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Nov 22, 2011
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Feb 20, 2010
Zootaxa, 2022
A new species of Galene de Haan, 1833 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Galenidae) is described from the Mid ... more A new species of Galene de Haan, 1833 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Galenidae) is described from the Mid Miocene (Langhian) strata of the Mishan Formation exposed at two localities in Hormozgan Province, Zagros Mountains, Iran. The galenid species, Galene dashtbani n. sp. is considered as the oldest representative of the genus and simultaneously the westernmost occurrence of all fossil and extant congeners known to date. The genus is currently limited to the Indo-West Pacific region. The present fossil occurrence of the genus suggests a Tethyan origin and subsequent migration eastward.
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, May 22, 2007
Geirud formation deposits of Kalariz in the Eastern Alborz start with a relatively thick sequence... more Geirud formation deposits of Kalariz in the Eastern Alborz start with a relatively thick sequence of sandstone, shale, and red, white and brown colored siltstone changing into yellow dolomitic layers, fossiliferous limestone and shaly or marly limestone. This formation lies over Mila formation with a disconformity and covered transitionally by limestones of Mobarak formation. In the above mentioned sequence, numerous and various conodonts and brachiopods were identified. Based on the distributionof brachiopoda, two assemblage zones and based on the conodonts, four assemblage zones were recognized with Famennian and Strunian age. The first brachiopoda biozone, equivalent to the first and second conodont biozones, belongs to early Famennian age (older than late crepida zone and romboidea to late trachytera zone) and the second Brachiopoda biozone which is equivalent to conodont biozone of number three and four has the late Famennian age (postera to late expansa zone and praesulcata zone). Paleontological and stratigraphical evidence indicates that Frasnian sediments are absent in the study area.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2008
Conodonts (34 species and subspecies) from the Hojedk section north of Kerman span the late Givet... more Conodonts (34 species and subspecies) from the Hojedk section north of Kerman span the late Givetian to early Famennian. The new data suggest that Devonian biostromes in central and eastern Iran were deposited on differing levels, and that the currently accepted ranges of Icriodus excavatus, Polygnathus subincompletus and P. mosquensis are late Givetian - late Frasnian, early to late Frasnian, and middle to late Frasnian. Polygnathus ashourii n. sp. is proposed.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2009
Sixty-three conodont species and subspecies from the Kal-e-Sardar section indicate that the strat... more Sixty-three conodont species and subspecies from the Kal-e-Sardar section indicate that the strata span early to late Famennian. Contrary to most of the sections measured in the Shishtu Formation, the icriodid-polygnathid biofacies is restricted to the lower part of Kal-e-Sardar Famennian succession. Palmatolepid and bispathodid-dominated biofacies in the middle and upper part of section represent a deep shelf to mid-continental slope marine environment. The currently accepted ranges of P. tichonovitchi, P. tenellus and P. inconcinnus are early Famennian, late Frasnian-early Famennian, and early to middle Famennian, respectively, together with middle to late Famennian for P. nodoundatus. Two new species, Polygnathus sardarensis and P. yazdii, are proposed.
Investigations on Hutk section prove the age of Middle Frasnian to Early Famennian for this secti... more Investigations on Hutk section prove the age of Middle Frasnian to Early Famennian for this section. Three genera and eighteen species have been obtained. Index species such as P. zinaidae and I. vitabilis show the age of Middle to Late Frasnian (hassi- linguiformis Zone)�for the lower part of the section. Some of the Famennian index species such as P. semicostatus, I. cornutus, I. iowaensis io waensis and Pel. inclinatus reveal the age of Early Famennian (triangularis- Late crepida Zone). The new age ranges for some species have been determined in this paper. The earliest presence of I. iowaensis seems to be in Middle Frasnian and the range of P. alatus extends to Early Famennian. The oldest specimens of P. communis can be observed at the base of Hutk section by the age of Middle Frasnian.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2011
The study of the conodont fauna from the Upper Devonian Shams Abad section provides new data on t... more The study of the conodont fauna from the Upper Devonian Shams Abad section provides new data on the stratigraphy of the Bahram Formation in the Kerman province, in southeastern Iran. The fauna includes twenty-four species, mainly belonging to genera Polygnathus and Icriodus , and gives evidence of a late Frasnian to middle Famennian age, in contrast to previous interpretation of the same unit. The shallow water conodont biofacies confirms an inner shelf to foreshore shallow marine depositional environment.
New investigations on a Late Devonian outcrop near Esfahan (Chahriseh section) revealed new data ... more New investigations on a Late Devonian outcrop near Esfahan (Chahriseh section) revealed new data about the Polygnathus bouckareti, Polygnathus communis group and genus Clydagnathus. The feature differentiation related to the recovered species shows the exigency of a few changes in the age and variety of morphotypes of P. communis group. Some identified species in this paper are: Polygnathus communis communis, P. communis mugodzharicus, P. bouckaerti, P. pomeranicus, P. lanceolus, P. inconcinnus, Icriodus alternatus alternatus and I. cornutus. By considering the conodont associations, changes in the age of P. bouckaerti and P. communis mugodzharicus are the other results. In addition, two morphotypes of P. communis mugodzharicus and more detailed explanation of P. communis group are presented.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 2013
The Middle - Late Devonian boundary is investigated based on twenty-two conodont species and subs... more The Middle - Late Devonian boundary is investigated based on twenty-two conodont species and subspecies from three sections in the north and west of Kerman, southeastern central Iran. Upper Givetian - lower Frasnian carbonates of the basal part of the Bahram Formation transgressively overlie the sandstone beds of the top of (?) Early - Middle Devonian Padeha Formation. These massive skeletal limestones encompass the G-F boundary. The base of Frasnian is identified by the appearance of early forms of Ancyrodella rotundiloba . It helps to compare our biozones to those of global stratotype in southern France. A new species, Polygnathus hojedki n. sp. is described here. New range is suggested for P. praepolitus .
Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2015
This research focusses on the facies distribution, paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the foram... more This research focusses on the facies distribution, paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the foraminifera of the Guri Member in the northern Bandar Abbas Hinterland located in the Roydar area of southern Iran. The Guri Member is 570 meters thick and composed of limestone, argillaceous limestone and marl. The distribution of the foraminifera in the study area indicates the existence of three biozones ranging from early to middle Miocene in age. Based on petrographical studies, depositional textures and fauna, eight microfacies were identified. The paleoecology, lithology and environmental interpretations were characterized by an open marine environment with an upward, gradually shallowing trend. Additionally, three distinct depositional settings were identified: tidal flat, inner ramp and middle ramp. Microfacies (MF) 1, representing a distal middle ramp setting, was characterized by the occurrence of hyaline, benthic and planktonic foraminifera. MF2 and MF3 were characterized by the ...
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2020
Gigantic representatives of the clymeniid genera Hoevelia and Protactoclymenia (Late Devonian amm... more Gigantic representatives of the clymeniid genera Hoevelia and Protactoclymenia (Late Devonian ammonoids) with conch sizes up to 50 cm occur in small numbers in shallow-water carbonates at Chahriseh (Central Iran). Comparison with other occurrences of gigantic clymeniids (Central Europe, North Africa) suggests that taphonomic reasons rather than latitudinal effects with differences in sea water temperature and oxygen availability are responsible for this gigantism. The large size of the ammonoids at Chahriseh is interpreted as local phenomenon caused by accumulation of post-mortem drifted specimens. The new species Hoevelia megalomanica is described.
Geological Quarterly, Mar 27, 2010
The Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) bound ary in Cen tral Iran has been in ves ti gated on the ba sis of... more The Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) bound ary in Cen tral Iran has been in ves ti gated on the ba sis of cono dont fau nas (34 spe cies and sub species) from four sec tions: Chahriseh near Esfahan, and Kal-e-Sardar, Howz-e-Dorah and Ghale-Kalaghu near Tabas. The F-F bound ary in the Chahriseh sec tion is lo cated in a one-metre in ter val be tween beds EX1 and F-F9 whereas in the Kal-e-Sardar sec tion it is at the base of bed Cly1. The F-F bound ary can not be rec og nized in the Howz-e-Dorah and Ghale-Kalaghu sec tions be cause of un con form able re lation ships and ero sion of the up per most late Frasnian beds in di cated in ci den tally by re worked boul ders (in di cat ing con tem po ra ne ous tectonic ac tiv ity) and by the abrupt ap pear ance of con trast ing en vi ron ments, in clud ing tempestites at the base of the lower Famennian. The best cono dont and palaeoenvironmental data were ob tained from the Kal-e-Sardar sec tion where a deeper ma rine en vi ron ment pre vailed dur ing the late Frasnian, be com ing shal lower in the early Famennian; the Chahriseh sec tion dis plays small fluc tu a tions in sea level during the early Famennian. The cono dont fau nas dis play the in cep tion of the Polygnathus communis group in the late Frasnian (rhenana-linguiformis zones) and the ap pear ance of Icriodus alternatus mawsonae in the Late rhenana Zone. A new age-range is suggested for Polygnathus aequalis Klapper and Lane, from the transitans to the linguiformis zones. Three cono dont biozones are rep resented in the late Frasnian to early Famennian of the Chahriseh sec tion, two late Frasnian and one early Famennian in the Kal-e-Sardar sec tion and two biozones in the late Frasnian and early Famennian of both the Howz-e-Dorah and Ghale-Kalaghu sec tions. Two new species are de scribed: Polygnathus tabasianus (Early to Late crepida zones) and Polygnathus vachiki (Late rhenana-linguiformis zones).
Advances in Environmental Biology, Jun 1, 2014
Papers by Hossein Gholamalian