Papers by Herman Depypere
In een steeds ouder wordende populatie groeit naast het belang van een lang leven vooral de inter... more In een steeds ouder wordende populatie groeit naast het belang van een lang leven vooral de interesse voor de quality of life. Het behouden van een kwaliteitsvolle stem is voor vele vrouwen dan ook belangrijk. Bij menopauzale vrouwen spelen hierbij naast het natuurlijke verouderingsproces van de stem ook hormonale factoren een belangrijke rol. De doelstelling van dit artikel is het vergelijken van de spreektoonhoogte van premenopauzale vrouwen met deze van drie groepen van postmenopauzale vrouwen (met hormonale substitutie, zonder hormonale substitutie en een hoge BMI en zonder hormonale substitutie en een lage BMI). Voor deze vergelijking werd gebruik gemaakt van ANCOVA met leeftijd als covariabele. Uit de resultaten van dit onderzoek blijkt dat enkel de postmenopauzale vrouwen zonder hormonale substitutie en een lage BMI een significant lagere toonhoogte vertonen in vergelijking met de premenopauzale vrouwen.
Journal of Voice, Sep 1, 2012
European Journal of Pharmacology, May 1, 1998
Maturitas, Sep 1, 2009
During lifetime the female larynx is very sensitive to sex hormone fluctuations. The menopause fo... more During lifetime the female larynx is very sensitive to sex hormone fluctuations. The menopause forms a critical event in a women's life and also affects the laryngeal tissues. The present report gives an overview of the recent literature about the impact of the menopause on the female larynx and vocal quality. The article discusses the symptoms, aetiology and different treatment options for laryngeal changes during the menopause. The literature pertaining to the impact of the menopause on the voice and the larynx was reviewed to provide a critical summary about the menopausal voice, aetiology and therapeutic options. In postmenopausal women laryngeal changes like oedema and muscular and mucosal dystrophy and atrophy were found. For the voice, the most important acoustic changes in postmenopausal women are a decreased vocal frequency range, decreased fundamental frequency and a higher frequency perturbation. Potential direct and indirect causes for these changes are discussed. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed in some women for the treatment of menopausal complaints. The first reports in the literature point out a tendency towards a positive, organ-conserving effect of hormone treatment on the larynx and probably the voice. The type and the form of application of hormone therapy seem to be important in the outcome of the studies.
Reproduction, Sep 1, 1988
Reproduction, Nov 1, 1990
Stem-, spraak- en taalpathologie, Jun 14, 2013
PubMed, 2012
In an initial study it was shown that (without hormonal influences) middle-aged (premenopausal) w... more In an initial study it was shown that (without hormonal influences) middle-aged (premenopausal) women show a smaller frequency and intensity range and a lower fundamental frequency of the voice compared to young women. To investigate the impact of menopause on voice and nasal resonance a cross-sectional non-randomized study design was used. Vocal characteristics and nasal resonance in premenopausal and postmenopausal women without hormone therapy (HT) were compared. Postmenopausal women without HT showed a significantly lower speaking fundamental frequency (SFF) and were able to phonate lower compared to postmenopausal women with HT. The mean difference in SFF was 14 Hz. HT can also counteract the menopausal changes in SFF. The lower SFF did not result in vocal complaints. Further research about the impact of menopause and HT on voice should concentrate on elite professional voice users.
Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research, Jun 9, 2008
Epidemiological studies comparing typical Western and traditional Eastern lifestyles indicate tha... more Epidemiological studies comparing typical Western and traditional Eastern lifestyles indicate that dietary intake of soyderived phytoestrogens, including genistein, daidzein, and equol, may have signifi cant health protective eff ects on hormone-dependent cancers, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Phytoestrogens have been demonstrated to exert varying eff ects depending on tissue, endogenous hormone concentrations, and receptor types. Thus, a detailed understanding of the biodistribution and bioavailability of specifi c phytoestrogens is required in order to predict the subsequent biologic activities. In this study we aimed to investigate the cellular uptake of these soy-derived phytoestrogens in diff erent cell types, including the mammary MCF-7/6 and MDAB-MB 231 cell lines, the ovarian Ishikawa Var-I cell lines and in murine adipocyte clusters. Furthermore, the biodistribution between serum and cell fraction was also investigated in human whole blood. Equol generally shows a higher cellular uptake when compared with genistein and daidzein. Therefore, equol may be more potent with respect to its relative bioactivity, which is corroborated by the observations of specifi c health eff ects associated with the equol-producer phenotype.
Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde, 2012
In Belgie brengt de gemiddelde vrouw meer dan een derde van haar leven door in de menopauze. Vele... more In Belgie brengt de gemiddelde vrouw meer dan een derde van haar leven door in de menopauze. Velen onder hen hebben op dat moment last van een aantal klachten. Warmteopwellingen, hartkloppingen en een slechte nachtrust zijn heel typisch, maar worden vaak miskend. Hormonale substitutie is een bewezen doeltreffende behandeling voor deze menopauzale klachten. Er bestaan echter heel wat misvattingen rond hormonale substitutie. Deze behandeling zou slecht zijn voor het hart en de bloedvaten. Bovendien zou ze uiteindelijk de kans op borstkanker sterk verhogen. Wanneer laag gedoseerde natuurlijke hormonen vroeg na de aanvang van de menopauze worden gestart, heeft deze behandeling bij vrouwen met klachten een aanzienlijke verbetering van de levenskwaliteit tot gevolg. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat wanneer hormonen vroeg na de menopauze worden gegeven, ze gunstig zijn voor het hart en de bloedvaten. De grote Amerikaanse gerandomiseerde „Women’s Health Initiative”-studie (WHI) toont inderdaad aan dat er zich bij vrouwen die begonnen met de inname van hormonen kort na de aanvang van de menopauze een significante daling voordoet van de mortaliteit met 30%. Een lage dosis orale of percutane hormonen is vrijwel niet trombogeen. Bij vrouwen met menopauzale klachten bestaat er een duidelijke indicatie voor hormonale substitutie met laag gedoseerde natuurlijke hormonen.
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Aug 1, 2017
Introduction: Options for breast reconstructions enclose autologous tissue transfers or implants.... more Introduction: Options for breast reconstructions enclose autologous tissue transfers or implants. Fat grafting is gaining more interest in this specific field of breast surgery. This study concentrates on the technique and aesthetic results of breast reconstruction with fat grafts combined with implants, in women who have undergone total mastectomy. Methods: Breast reconstructions (n Z 23) was performed using a protocol of intratissular expansion with serial deflation-lipofilling. In order to achieve the best aesthetic outcome, an additional small implant was placed. A retrospective data analysis was performed. In all patients a tissue expander was placed at the time of mastectomy or after removal of a previous breast reconstruction. The mean of lipoaspirate material for the reconstruction was 333 mL (range 120e715 mL). To create an adequate volume of the reconstructed breast, a supplementary small implant was placed, with a mean volume of 222 mL (range 125e375 mL). The mean follow-up was 33 months (range 19e50 months). Results: A MRI analysis was performed in eight patients at least 9 months after the last lipofilling procedure, demonstrating a mean of 171 mL (range 64e538 mL) of transferred fat, a mean fat survival of 53% and a volume ratio of fat graft/implant of 0.97 (range 0,3e3,8).
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Jun 1, 1997
Pregnancy rates among adolescents have not decreased over the last 10 years, despite numerous eff... more Pregnancy rates among adolescents have not decreased over the last 10 years, despite numerous efforts. To solve this important health problem, the major strategy recommended is to encourage contraceptive use among sexually active teenagers. An important means of obtaining this is by promoting methods that are not dependent on daily administration in order to avoid noncompliance. One such method (Norplant) has already shown to be much more effective than the combination pill in preventing pregnancy in adolescent women. The frameless intrauterine implant system (fixed, frameless, and completely flexible) has been studied since 1985 in women between 14 and 50 years of age. The results in young nulligravid women confirm its very high effectiveness (cumulative pregnancy rate at 36 months: 1.4%), its low expulsion rate (cumulative rate at 36 months: 0.9%) and its optimal tolerance (cumulative removal rate for medical reasons at 36 months: 2.4%), resulting in a high acceptance of the implant and a high continued use. The system (GyneFix) offers long-term protection (5 years), and its insertion, with or without anesthetic, is easily accomplished in the office. The GyneFix should therefore be recommended as an excellent alternative for birth control pills for young women with low risk for STDs, especially when compliance is a problem, without an increased risk for complications and without systemic side effects. Removal of the device is accomplished by traction on the tail. It can also be used for emergency contraception and for insertion immediately after termination of pregnancy.
European Journal of Cancer Prevention, Jun 30, 2022
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2005
... Barbara Vanhoecke [801001624102] - Ghent University [email protected]; Laurent Dolle... more ... Barbara Vanhoecke [801001624102] - Ghent University [email protected]; Laurent Dolle - Ghent University; A Vercoutter-Edouart; J Antol; Herman Depypere [801000620554] - Ghent University [email protected]; Marc Bracke [801000436153] - Ghent ...
Climacteric, Mar 7, 2015
Abstract Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is a well-established method of managing climacteric ... more Abstract Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is a well-established method of managing climacteric symptoms in women approaching the menopause, but it is associated with a significant risk of endometrial hyperplasia if unopposed by concomitant progestogen administration. The levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) offers a highly effective method of minimizing this risk and has additional benefits beyond endometrial protection. The LNG-IUS provides excellent contraception, which may still be necessary in perimenopausal women, and is suitable for women with underlying conditions that may preclude their use of estrogen-containing contraceptive methods. It can effectively manage bleeding problems through the transition from perimenopause into menopause, with many women developing amenorrhea. The LNG-IUS is well tolerated with a favorable safety profile, which generally mirrors that of women of reproductive age using it for contraception only. Moreover, the LNG-IUS plus ERT combination does not appear to be associated with clinically relevant effects on plasma lipids or other markers of cardiovascular risk. Women using the LNG-IUS plus ERT also experience improvements in quality of life, and adherence and continuation rates are high. This review will summarize the clinical evidence for the use of the LNG-IUS plus ERT in peri- and postmenopausal women and present the key attributes of this combined therapy.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Feb 1, 2009
Creating or recreating an aesthetically pleasing breast shape in reconstructive and aesthetic bre... more Creating or recreating an aesthetically pleasing breast shape in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery is an act that most experienced "breast" surgeons will find self-evident. We propose a simple three-step philosophical and hands-on approach that will make it easier for young and unexperienced plastic surgeons to not only analyze the problematic breast but also come up with an easy surgical strategy to create reproducible results.This is Part I of four parts describing the three-step principle being applied in reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery. Part I explains how to analyze a problematic breast by understanding the three main anatomical features of a breast and how they interact: the footprint, the conus of the breast, and the skin envelope. Part II deals with reconstructions after complete mastectomy and Part III covers reconstruction after breast conservation surgery. Finally, Part IV applies the same principles in the field of aesthetic breast surgery. Throughout these four parts, the three-step principle will be the red line to fall back on to define the problem and to propose a solution.
Papers by Herman Depypere