Ditemukan bahwa gereja kehilangan anggota jemaatnya, baik anggota lama maupun anggota yang baru b... more Ditemukan bahwa gereja kehilangan anggota jemaatnya, baik anggota lama maupun anggota yang baru bergabung. Hal ini terjadi kurangnya program pemeliharan terhadap anggota jemaatnya. Jiwa-jiwa (anggota) jemaat di dalam gereja-Nya perlu dijaga dan dipelihara, karena pemeliharan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rohani mereka serta Anda memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengkhotbahkan Injil kepada generasi berikutnya. Jika mereka tidak dirawat dan dipelihara dengan baik maka kemungkinan besar mereka akan hilang. Pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh penatua gereja adalah melalui program pemeliharaan yaitu dengan ada proyek, pelatihan, motivasi, pelaksana, promosi, pelatihan dan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar melalui program pemeliharan yang dilakukan oleh gereja maka akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan rohani dan menuntun anggota jemaat dapat lebih setia dalam iman dan kehadiran dalam ibadah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membuka wa...
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 has caused tremendous effects to the various facets of human life. ... more The Corona Virus Disease 2019 has caused tremendous effects to the various facets of human life. To mention some areas, it has disrupted the economy, education, transportation, food, employment, leisure, and worship services. However, though how destructive the pandemic has been, the church still spreads Gospel. Through its evangelization program, the church resorts to find effective ways how to reach both its current members and the unreached. Using qualitative method which focusing on the documentary research, this paper is purposed to discuss how the early church faced trials and found methods to do the commission. The result shows that amidst the trials the early church, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, always found a method to make the mission continue moving forward. The implication of the study shows that the digital science and technology is an effective method in attaining church’s mission despite the present situation of the world.
The Hebrew scriptures contain rich material on pneumatology. Cultural context greatly influenced ... more The Hebrew scriptures contain rich material on pneumatology. Cultural context greatly influenced the construction of dogmatics in biblical times, but the study of pneumatology from a social and historical point of view received less attention. This study aims to explore the social context of the meaning of spirits in the ancient Mesopotamian and Hebrew eras. Through a socio-historical approach, the pneumatology construction plot of the ancient Hebrews can be known, where its development also influences the construction of New Testament theology and can be used as a reference for the development of dogmatics at the end of time. Methods This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The mingling of the ancient Hebrews with the Mesopotamians influenced the ancient Hebrews' presuppositions for the articulation of pneumatology and its everyday use. The widespread and transcendental use of pneumatology occurred as a result of the initial conceptual fragility and articulation t...
The concept of "last judgment" means punishment for the wicked and reward for the righteous with ... more The concept of "last judgment" means punishment for the wicked and reward for the righteous with the ultimate goal of human life. Philosophers' theories sometimes contradict the contents of the Bible. Does eudaimonism go against the Bible or support each other? This study endeavours to cultivate a deeper insight into Aristotle's happiness theory-eudaimonia juxtaposed with the pericope in Matthew about the final judgment. With a literature review approach, this qualitative method interpreted the narrative through several stages. Eudaimonia walks in rhythm with the concept of the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46. Eudaimonia is about doing virtue as a self-maximizing potential to achieve the ultimate goal of human life, which is judged by reason as a demand of someone's current situation with the assumption that leads to the truth. Matthew 25:31-46 reveals that the determination of "last judgment" is judged through practical religion by sharing Jesus' friendship "today" through virtue with those who hunger and thirst for truth. Those who do it will receive the kingdom of God, and those who do not will be thrown into eternal fire.
Education is understood as the institution creating human resources capable of making a better so... more Education is understood as the institution creating human resources capable of making a better society in facing social change. However, education becomes the object of social change when education must submit to the development of the industrial world. The hidden curriculum is taught to prepare human resources to fulfil the market’s needs. Education is prepared to work for people who have capital as known terminology, capitalism. The growth of technology and its equipment make education a private and expensive institution economically, whereas unfortunate people cannot participate. Therefore, it creates incapable human resources to fill the free-market vacancy, and religious education is placed in the midpoint. The inequality of supply in human resource skills towards the demand for working space forms the unstable demand and supply curves. As a result, the shifting curve of the Short-Run Aggregate Supply of human capital moves toward supporting capitalism to stand still. Through t...
KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)
This study aimed to determine the effect of the pastoral care program on the mental health and re... more This study aimed to determine the effect of the pastoral care program on the mental health and resilience of church members who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is quantitative using the Correlated T-test data analysis technique. The research found that the pastoral assistance program applied to congregations who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant positive effect on mental health. Likewise, the results of the analysis of the pastoral assistance program applied to congregations who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of church congregations. So it can be said that there is a significant effect of the pastoral assistance program on the mental health and resilience of the congregation who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pastoral assistance programs are essential to provide, considering their various functions that impact mental health and provide a complete self-understanding for ...
Kecanduan narkoba sudah menjadi permasalahan besar dihadapi dan mengkawatirkan, di dunia. Pada ta... more Kecanduan narkoba sudah menjadi permasalahan besar dihadapi dan mengkawatirkan, di dunia. Pada tahun 2017 sampai 2019 ada sekitar 3,3 sampai 3,6 juta jiwa lebih diantara umur 10 tahun sampai 59 tahun, dan termasuk pelajar. Mereka yang berusia 15 tahun sampai 35 tahun (generasi milenial) lebih cenderung pecandu narkoba. Berdasarkan data ini, penelitian bermaksud agar gereja dan gembala mengadakan pembinaan kepada warga gereja dan kepada mereka yang telah menggunakan narkoba sebagai mana dalam Matius 18:12 – 14, dengan tujuan mencegah menjadi pecandu dan pengguna narkoba. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu mengungkap makna dan pengalaman subjek serta mengutip literatur-literatur dari internet dan pengalaman penulis selama tinggal di rumah satu keluarga dimana ada anaknya yang kecanduan narkoba yang tidak mendapatkan pembinaan serta pendampingan. Hasilnya agar warga gereja dapat mengetahui efek dan bahayanya narkoba dan kepada mereka yang ketergantungan narkoba menyad...
The purpose of writing is to study 2 Kings 5 of Naaman's recovery as a motivation for crisis ... more The purpose of writing is to study 2 Kings 5 of Naaman's recovery as a motivation for crisis counseling during the Covid-19 Pandemi. The writing method is a descriptive analysis method, by reading, observing the entire contents of the text, seeing a description of the actions taken by the characters in the text, paying attention to the relationships that exist in the text and drawing the general meaning of the text. The meaning of the text is taken as a lesson in the implementation of crisis counseling. during a pandemi. The results of the study provide a lesson on how 2 Kings 5 stories of Naaman who experienced despair can be healed and the King of Israel who is depressed finds a solution. When Naaman and the King of Israel came to God through his prophet Elisha, Naaman was healed and even clean and the crisis of the king of Israel was resolved. During the Covid-19 Pandemi, there are many people who experience something similar to stress and even despair when they are positivel...
Musa adalah seorang pemimpin yang terkenal didalam Alkitab, khususnya didalam Kitab Perjanjian La... more Musa adalah seorang pemimpin yang terkenal didalam Alkitab, khususnya didalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama. Di dalam Kitab Ulangan 20 didapati dalam memimpin bangsa Israel Musa dan Harun mencoba memberikan pengarahan peranan mereka sebagai seorang pemimpin. Kisah tentang Musa dan Harun mennunjukan dosa yang mencegah mereka memasuki tanah perjanjian. Sebagai pemimpin bangsa Israel, Musa memberikan pengarahan dan instruksi agar bangsa Israel dapat menurut akan perintah Allah. Adanya persungutan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Israel menyebabkan membuka pertengkaran didalam kepemimpinan Musa dan mungkin telah menyebabkan dia menjadi jengkel dan bertindak tidak sesuai dengan arahan Tuhan. Keputusan yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin merupakan peran ketaatan dalam memimpin umat Allah dan bagaimana dapat mempengaruhi peran dalam kepemimpinan.
Orang-orang menghadapi masalah yang berbeda dalam hidup, mungkin dalam hubungan, profesi, pendidi... more Orang-orang menghadapi masalah yang berbeda dalam hidup, mungkin dalam hubungan, profesi, pendidikan, mata pencaharian, dan bahkan hiburan. Orang-orang menghadapi masalah, mungkin di darat, di laut, dan di udara. Masalah-masalah ini termasuk keuangan, penyakit, kematian, kecelakaan, musibah-badai petir, badai, gempa bumi-pengangguran, dan makanan. Tantangan-tantangan ini dapat menimpa siapa pun dari semua lapisan masyarakat. Tanpa rasa hormat, itu dapat mempengaruhi muda atau tua, kaya atau miskin, dan profesional atau nonprofesional. Sementara beberapa jelas bergulat ketika masalah-masalah hidup muncul mengalami ketakutan dan keputusasaan, beberapa jelas mengatasinya. Apa yang membuat perbedaan? Makalah ini membahas iman-suatu hal yang penting untuk menantang setiap prahara yang ditentang oleh siapa pun.
Batam Island has diverse social characteristics that are shown by many ethnicities, traditions, a... more Batam Island has diverse social characteristics that are shown by many ethnicities, traditions, and religions. This diversity exists as a result of the population on this island is dominated by domestic migrants from all around Indonesia. In line with the expansion of industry in Batam, the island's population is rapidly increasing, which is accompanied by the establishment of various types of worship places. Based on population growth, it is essential to examine the historical development of churches of all denominations as well as the establishment of worship places in other religions. The research method used in this writing is qualitative research method by conducting literature review related to church growth. The result of this historical review was, the growth of Christian churches in Batam is not as fast as the growth of mosques, but that does not mean it has decreased in number. They continue to grow and shift geographically in various ways. Clearly, Christianity has s...
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021
Fenomena jumlah LGBT di kota Batam sangat mencengangkan. LGBT adalah sebuah penyimpangan sexual y... more Fenomena jumlah LGBT di kota Batam sangat mencengangkan. LGBT adalah sebuah penyimpangan sexual yang dapat merusak generasi remaja dan merusak Gereja sebagai tubuh Kristus. Perlu pencegahan yang serius secara terpadu sehingga fenomena ini dapat ditekan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan ialah menemukan dan mengkaji pendidikan keluarga dan lingkungan sosial yang berperan untuk mencegah maraknya orientasi seks LGBT ditengah masyarakat sosial serta menghubungkannya dengan dasar Alkitab dari 1 Korintus 15:33: Janganlah kamu sesat: Pergaulan yang buruk merusakkan kebiasaan yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualiatif yang sifatnya deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dari ahli yang ditentukan sebagai informan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka dan Alkitab. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa orientasi seks LGBT disebabkan kurangnya dijalankannya fungsi pendidikan keluarga dan pengaruh lingkungan sosial yang tidak baik. Pendidikan Keluarga, Li...
Di masa pandemi imun tubuh menjadi hal yang sangat vital, sebab imun tubuhlah yang berperan dalam... more Di masa pandemi imun tubuh menjadi hal yang sangat vital, sebab imun tubuhlah yang berperan dalam melawan virus dan membantu pemulihan tubuh. Hati dan pikiran adalah hal yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap imun tubuh. Amsal 17:22 mencatat bahwa hati dan pikiran manusia sangat berpengaruh sekali. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membuktikan kebenaran dari Amsal 17:22 tentang hati yang gembira sebagai obat yang dibuktikan secara ilmiah yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap imun tubuh agar dapat diimplementasikan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode kualitatif yang hasilnya diterangkan secara naratif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan teks Alkitab yang dijadikan landasan akan ditafsirkan menggunakan metode hermeneutic. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah teks Amsal 17:22 dapat dibuktikan secara ilmiah dengan hasil bahwa hati gembira, situasi pikiran yang baik akan meningkatkan imun ...
Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning, little is known onhow instruc... more Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning, little is known onhow instructional strategies can enhance what true education necessitates, i.e. anIFL that prepares learners beyond the present life. This quantitative study exploredthe implementation of such strategies as perceived by students in higher educationin West Indonesia. The findings revealed that to be more effective and powerful inIFL, instructional strategies play an important role—within and without theclassroom setting. Implications of this study include the necessities for teachers’knowledge on the effective application of instructional strategies.
In writing this thesis, the author tries to examine the effect of the Holy Communionservice on th... more In writing this thesis, the author tries to examine the effect of the Holy Communionservice on the spiritual growth of the GMAHK Bunsadan Kota Marudu Sabah Cityof Malaysia congregation based on 1 Corinthians 11:27. This research is based onfour indicators: The theological understanding of the word "unworthy" in 1Corinthians 11:27; how to attend the Lord's Supper to be considered worthy; theimpact of the Holy Communion Service on the spirituality of the members of thecongregation and the views of the experts on the spiritual growth in the HolyCommunion. This research is divided into two main parts, which is theoreticalresearch and field research. From the result of theoretical research, the meaning ofthe word improper can be found in 1 Corinthians 11:27 where it refers to eating anddrinking as the Corinthians did, who ate it not referring to the death of Jesus Christ'ssacrifice (without respect), but in a manner like the Israelites made the Passover ,which they cele...
This thesis begins with explanation about background of The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventis... more This thesis begins with explanation about background of The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity. The key words are: Rule and Discipline. The discussion about The Rule and Discipline for Church Member is very relevant for the church’s condition nowadays, because there are many churches or church members are separated because of not applying the rule and discipline inside the church. Nowadays the churches rarely monitor, warn and guide the sinned member to repent and being back to God. Even the church that hardly maintain in submitting or telling God’s words faithfully often get weak in applying the discipline or punishment. Those kinds of church generally give reason that applying discipline inside the church will bring the bad consequences or result for the members who did mistakes, they will be offended and leave the church...
The enrollment of Theology students within these past years has continue to significantly rise. S... more The enrollment of Theology students within these past years has continue to significantly rise. Students have been coming to learn. Among these enrollees are self- supporting students who find their way to study without any financial support from parents, relatives, and significant others. This narrative inquiry documents their experiences and sacrifices with the various challenges they face. This also highlights their coping strategies in dealing with these challenges. The findings of the study revealed that these self-supporting students did not only have the passion to learn but the passion to share what they have learned thus enabling them to tackle the hardships they daily face. To them, to share is way beyond to learn.
is the understanding of the Jehovah's calendar; andhow does the understanding of the churches abo... more is the understanding of the Jehovah's calendar; andhow does the understanding of the churches about the Lunar Sabbath?This research is divided into two main parts such as theoretically and practically.Theresult of thistheory is, regarding to the understanding of the Lunar Sabbath, we have no Biblical basis to celebrate the Lunar Sabbath,and the sanctification of the Sabbath is an imperative biblical doctrine for every people who believes that God is the Creator and the Redeemer. The Sabbath day according to the SabbathLunar adherents with its connection to the seventh-day Sabbath is,the Lunar Sabbath adherents claim that the lunisolar calendar is the original biblical calendar in which the Sabbath falls on the 8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , and the 29 th that falls on Tuesday.The Lord Himself sanctified the Sabbath on Saturday in the week of creation.The understanding the Jehovah's calendaris Jesus crucified on the passoveron the sixth day of the week on 14 th and rested on 15 th and rose on 16 th .But if the Sabbath always falls on that date, surely God will not lowered the manna on the 15th (Joshua 5: 10-12) because it is the Sabbath, but according to Joshua 5:10-12,God lowered the manna on the 15 th. So the 15 th date cannot be a Sabbath.The theory of the Lunar Sabbath and the theory of the Sabbath is Saturday is,for the Lunar Sabbath theory,that on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday it was the day when Jesus was crucified. But according to the Bible, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the days of the crucifixion of Jesus.Pratically, thisresearch result of the respondents provided evidence that all the statements contained in the questionnaire (P1-P19) are well understood except for P13 to P18 and P19 with poor interpretation.
Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning (IFL), littleis known on how i... more Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning (IFL), littleis known on how instructional strategies can enhance what true educationnecessitates—an IFL that prepares learners beyond the present life. This studyexplores the impact of instructional strategies towards IFL. It reveals that to be moreeffective and powerful in such integration, instructional strategies play an importantrole—within and without the classroom setting.
Ditemukan bahwa gereja kehilangan anggota jemaatnya, baik anggota lama maupun anggota yang baru b... more Ditemukan bahwa gereja kehilangan anggota jemaatnya, baik anggota lama maupun anggota yang baru bergabung. Hal ini terjadi kurangnya program pemeliharan terhadap anggota jemaatnya. Jiwa-jiwa (anggota) jemaat di dalam gereja-Nya perlu dijaga dan dipelihara, karena pemeliharan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rohani mereka serta Anda memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengkhotbahkan Injil kepada generasi berikutnya. Jika mereka tidak dirawat dan dipelihara dengan baik maka kemungkinan besar mereka akan hilang. Pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan oleh penatua gereja adalah melalui program pemeliharaan yaitu dengan ada proyek, pelatihan, motivasi, pelaksana, promosi, pelatihan dan evaluasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar melalui program pemeliharan yang dilakukan oleh gereja maka akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan rohani dan menuntun anggota jemaat dapat lebih setia dalam iman dan kehadiran dalam ibadah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membuka wa...
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 has caused tremendous effects to the various facets of human life. ... more The Corona Virus Disease 2019 has caused tremendous effects to the various facets of human life. To mention some areas, it has disrupted the economy, education, transportation, food, employment, leisure, and worship services. However, though how destructive the pandemic has been, the church still spreads Gospel. Through its evangelization program, the church resorts to find effective ways how to reach both its current members and the unreached. Using qualitative method which focusing on the documentary research, this paper is purposed to discuss how the early church faced trials and found methods to do the commission. The result shows that amidst the trials the early church, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, always found a method to make the mission continue moving forward. The implication of the study shows that the digital science and technology is an effective method in attaining church’s mission despite the present situation of the world.
The Hebrew scriptures contain rich material on pneumatology. Cultural context greatly influenced ... more The Hebrew scriptures contain rich material on pneumatology. Cultural context greatly influenced the construction of dogmatics in biblical times, but the study of pneumatology from a social and historical point of view received less attention. This study aims to explore the social context of the meaning of spirits in the ancient Mesopotamian and Hebrew eras. Through a socio-historical approach, the pneumatology construction plot of the ancient Hebrews can be known, where its development also influences the construction of New Testament theology and can be used as a reference for the development of dogmatics at the end of time. Methods This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The mingling of the ancient Hebrews with the Mesopotamians influenced the ancient Hebrews' presuppositions for the articulation of pneumatology and its everyday use. The widespread and transcendental use of pneumatology occurred as a result of the initial conceptual fragility and articulation t...
The concept of "last judgment" means punishment for the wicked and reward for the righteous with ... more The concept of "last judgment" means punishment for the wicked and reward for the righteous with the ultimate goal of human life. Philosophers' theories sometimes contradict the contents of the Bible. Does eudaimonism go against the Bible or support each other? This study endeavours to cultivate a deeper insight into Aristotle's happiness theory-eudaimonia juxtaposed with the pericope in Matthew about the final judgment. With a literature review approach, this qualitative method interpreted the narrative through several stages. Eudaimonia walks in rhythm with the concept of the final judgment in Matthew 25:31-46. Eudaimonia is about doing virtue as a self-maximizing potential to achieve the ultimate goal of human life, which is judged by reason as a demand of someone's current situation with the assumption that leads to the truth. Matthew 25:31-46 reveals that the determination of "last judgment" is judged through practical religion by sharing Jesus' friendship "today" through virtue with those who hunger and thirst for truth. Those who do it will receive the kingdom of God, and those who do not will be thrown into eternal fire.
Education is understood as the institution creating human resources capable of making a better so... more Education is understood as the institution creating human resources capable of making a better society in facing social change. However, education becomes the object of social change when education must submit to the development of the industrial world. The hidden curriculum is taught to prepare human resources to fulfil the market’s needs. Education is prepared to work for people who have capital as known terminology, capitalism. The growth of technology and its equipment make education a private and expensive institution economically, whereas unfortunate people cannot participate. Therefore, it creates incapable human resources to fill the free-market vacancy, and religious education is placed in the midpoint. The inequality of supply in human resource skills towards the demand for working space forms the unstable demand and supply curves. As a result, the shifting curve of the Short-Run Aggregate Supply of human capital moves toward supporting capitalism to stand still. Through t...
KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)
This study aimed to determine the effect of the pastoral care program on the mental health and re... more This study aimed to determine the effect of the pastoral care program on the mental health and resilience of church members who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is quantitative using the Correlated T-test data analysis technique. The research found that the pastoral assistance program applied to congregations who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant positive effect on mental health. Likewise, the results of the analysis of the pastoral assistance program applied to congregations who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic on the resilience of church congregations. So it can be said that there is a significant effect of the pastoral assistance program on the mental health and resilience of the congregation who lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pastoral assistance programs are essential to provide, considering their various functions that impact mental health and provide a complete self-understanding for ...
Kecanduan narkoba sudah menjadi permasalahan besar dihadapi dan mengkawatirkan, di dunia. Pada ta... more Kecanduan narkoba sudah menjadi permasalahan besar dihadapi dan mengkawatirkan, di dunia. Pada tahun 2017 sampai 2019 ada sekitar 3,3 sampai 3,6 juta jiwa lebih diantara umur 10 tahun sampai 59 tahun, dan termasuk pelajar. Mereka yang berusia 15 tahun sampai 35 tahun (generasi milenial) lebih cenderung pecandu narkoba. Berdasarkan data ini, penelitian bermaksud agar gereja dan gembala mengadakan pembinaan kepada warga gereja dan kepada mereka yang telah menggunakan narkoba sebagai mana dalam Matius 18:12 – 14, dengan tujuan mencegah menjadi pecandu dan pengguna narkoba. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu mengungkap makna dan pengalaman subjek serta mengutip literatur-literatur dari internet dan pengalaman penulis selama tinggal di rumah satu keluarga dimana ada anaknya yang kecanduan narkoba yang tidak mendapatkan pembinaan serta pendampingan. Hasilnya agar warga gereja dapat mengetahui efek dan bahayanya narkoba dan kepada mereka yang ketergantungan narkoba menyad...
The purpose of writing is to study 2 Kings 5 of Naaman's recovery as a motivation for crisis ... more The purpose of writing is to study 2 Kings 5 of Naaman's recovery as a motivation for crisis counseling during the Covid-19 Pandemi. The writing method is a descriptive analysis method, by reading, observing the entire contents of the text, seeing a description of the actions taken by the characters in the text, paying attention to the relationships that exist in the text and drawing the general meaning of the text. The meaning of the text is taken as a lesson in the implementation of crisis counseling. during a pandemi. The results of the study provide a lesson on how 2 Kings 5 stories of Naaman who experienced despair can be healed and the King of Israel who is depressed finds a solution. When Naaman and the King of Israel came to God through his prophet Elisha, Naaman was healed and even clean and the crisis of the king of Israel was resolved. During the Covid-19 Pandemi, there are many people who experience something similar to stress and even despair when they are positivel...
Musa adalah seorang pemimpin yang terkenal didalam Alkitab, khususnya didalam Kitab Perjanjian La... more Musa adalah seorang pemimpin yang terkenal didalam Alkitab, khususnya didalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama. Di dalam Kitab Ulangan 20 didapati dalam memimpin bangsa Israel Musa dan Harun mencoba memberikan pengarahan peranan mereka sebagai seorang pemimpin. Kisah tentang Musa dan Harun mennunjukan dosa yang mencegah mereka memasuki tanah perjanjian. Sebagai pemimpin bangsa Israel, Musa memberikan pengarahan dan instruksi agar bangsa Israel dapat menurut akan perintah Allah. Adanya persungutan yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Israel menyebabkan membuka pertengkaran didalam kepemimpinan Musa dan mungkin telah menyebabkan dia menjadi jengkel dan bertindak tidak sesuai dengan arahan Tuhan. Keputusan yang dilakukan seorang pemimpin merupakan peran ketaatan dalam memimpin umat Allah dan bagaimana dapat mempengaruhi peran dalam kepemimpinan.
Orang-orang menghadapi masalah yang berbeda dalam hidup, mungkin dalam hubungan, profesi, pendidi... more Orang-orang menghadapi masalah yang berbeda dalam hidup, mungkin dalam hubungan, profesi, pendidikan, mata pencaharian, dan bahkan hiburan. Orang-orang menghadapi masalah, mungkin di darat, di laut, dan di udara. Masalah-masalah ini termasuk keuangan, penyakit, kematian, kecelakaan, musibah-badai petir, badai, gempa bumi-pengangguran, dan makanan. Tantangan-tantangan ini dapat menimpa siapa pun dari semua lapisan masyarakat. Tanpa rasa hormat, itu dapat mempengaruhi muda atau tua, kaya atau miskin, dan profesional atau nonprofesional. Sementara beberapa jelas bergulat ketika masalah-masalah hidup muncul mengalami ketakutan dan keputusasaan, beberapa jelas mengatasinya. Apa yang membuat perbedaan? Makalah ini membahas iman-suatu hal yang penting untuk menantang setiap prahara yang ditentang oleh siapa pun.
Batam Island has diverse social characteristics that are shown by many ethnicities, traditions, a... more Batam Island has diverse social characteristics that are shown by many ethnicities, traditions, and religions. This diversity exists as a result of the population on this island is dominated by domestic migrants from all around Indonesia. In line with the expansion of industry in Batam, the island's population is rapidly increasing, which is accompanied by the establishment of various types of worship places. Based on population growth, it is essential to examine the historical development of churches of all denominations as well as the establishment of worship places in other religions. The research method used in this writing is qualitative research method by conducting literature review related to church growth. The result of this historical review was, the growth of Christian churches in Batam is not as fast as the growth of mosques, but that does not mean it has decreased in number. They continue to grow and shift geographically in various ways. Clearly, Christianity has s...
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen, 2021
Fenomena jumlah LGBT di kota Batam sangat mencengangkan. LGBT adalah sebuah penyimpangan sexual y... more Fenomena jumlah LGBT di kota Batam sangat mencengangkan. LGBT adalah sebuah penyimpangan sexual yang dapat merusak generasi remaja dan merusak Gereja sebagai tubuh Kristus. Perlu pencegahan yang serius secara terpadu sehingga fenomena ini dapat ditekan. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan ialah menemukan dan mengkaji pendidikan keluarga dan lingkungan sosial yang berperan untuk mencegah maraknya orientasi seks LGBT ditengah masyarakat sosial serta menghubungkannya dengan dasar Alkitab dari 1 Korintus 15:33: Janganlah kamu sesat: Pergaulan yang buruk merusakkan kebiasaan yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualiatif yang sifatnya deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dari ahli yang ditentukan sebagai informan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka dan Alkitab. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa orientasi seks LGBT disebabkan kurangnya dijalankannya fungsi pendidikan keluarga dan pengaruh lingkungan sosial yang tidak baik. Pendidikan Keluarga, Li...
Di masa pandemi imun tubuh menjadi hal yang sangat vital, sebab imun tubuhlah yang berperan dalam... more Di masa pandemi imun tubuh menjadi hal yang sangat vital, sebab imun tubuhlah yang berperan dalam melawan virus dan membantu pemulihan tubuh. Hati dan pikiran adalah hal yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap imun tubuh. Amsal 17:22 mencatat bahwa hati dan pikiran manusia sangat berpengaruh sekali. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk membuktikan kebenaran dari Amsal 17:22 tentang hati yang gembira sebagai obat yang dibuktikan secara ilmiah yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap imun tubuh agar dapat diimplementasikan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode kualitatif yang hasilnya diterangkan secara naratif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan teks Alkitab yang dijadikan landasan akan ditafsirkan menggunakan metode hermeneutic. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah teks Amsal 17:22 dapat dibuktikan secara ilmiah dengan hasil bahwa hati gembira, situasi pikiran yang baik akan meningkatkan imun ...
Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning, little is known onhow instruc... more Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning, little is known onhow instructional strategies can enhance what true education necessitates, i.e. anIFL that prepares learners beyond the present life. This quantitative study exploredthe implementation of such strategies as perceived by students in higher educationin West Indonesia. The findings revealed that to be more effective and powerful inIFL, instructional strategies play an important role—within and without theclassroom setting. Implications of this study include the necessities for teachers’knowledge on the effective application of instructional strategies.
In writing this thesis, the author tries to examine the effect of the Holy Communionservice on th... more In writing this thesis, the author tries to examine the effect of the Holy Communionservice on the spiritual growth of the GMAHK Bunsadan Kota Marudu Sabah Cityof Malaysia congregation based on 1 Corinthians 11:27. This research is based onfour indicators: The theological understanding of the word "unworthy" in 1Corinthians 11:27; how to attend the Lord's Supper to be considered worthy; theimpact of the Holy Communion Service on the spirituality of the members of thecongregation and the views of the experts on the spiritual growth in the HolyCommunion. This research is divided into two main parts, which is theoreticalresearch and field research. From the result of theoretical research, the meaning ofthe word improper can be found in 1 Corinthians 11:27 where it refers to eating anddrinking as the Corinthians did, who ate it not referring to the death of Jesus Christ'ssacrifice (without respect), but in a manner like the Israelites made the Passover ,which they cele...
This thesis begins with explanation about background of The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventis... more This thesis begins with explanation about background of The Understanding Of Seventh Day Adventist Church Member About The Rule And Discipline For The Guilty Church Member According To Matthew 18 : 15-18 In Region XII Of Jakarta Conference And Vinicity. The key words are: Rule and Discipline. The discussion about The Rule and Discipline for Church Member is very relevant for the church’s condition nowadays, because there are many churches or church members are separated because of not applying the rule and discipline inside the church. Nowadays the churches rarely monitor, warn and guide the sinned member to repent and being back to God. Even the church that hardly maintain in submitting or telling God’s words faithfully often get weak in applying the discipline or punishment. Those kinds of church generally give reason that applying discipline inside the church will bring the bad consequences or result for the members who did mistakes, they will be offended and leave the church...
The enrollment of Theology students within these past years has continue to significantly rise. S... more The enrollment of Theology students within these past years has continue to significantly rise. Students have been coming to learn. Among these enrollees are self- supporting students who find their way to study without any financial support from parents, relatives, and significant others. This narrative inquiry documents their experiences and sacrifices with the various challenges they face. This also highlights their coping strategies in dealing with these challenges. The findings of the study revealed that these self-supporting students did not only have the passion to learn but the passion to share what they have learned thus enabling them to tackle the hardships they daily face. To them, to share is way beyond to learn.
is the understanding of the Jehovah's calendar; andhow does the understanding of the churches abo... more is the understanding of the Jehovah's calendar; andhow does the understanding of the churches about the Lunar Sabbath?This research is divided into two main parts such as theoretically and practically.Theresult of thistheory is, regarding to the understanding of the Lunar Sabbath, we have no Biblical basis to celebrate the Lunar Sabbath,and the sanctification of the Sabbath is an imperative biblical doctrine for every people who believes that God is the Creator and the Redeemer. The Sabbath day according to the SabbathLunar adherents with its connection to the seventh-day Sabbath is,the Lunar Sabbath adherents claim that the lunisolar calendar is the original biblical calendar in which the Sabbath falls on the 8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , and the 29 th that falls on Tuesday.The Lord Himself sanctified the Sabbath on Saturday in the week of creation.The understanding the Jehovah's calendaris Jesus crucified on the passoveron the sixth day of the week on 14 th and rested on 15 th and rose on 16 th .But if the Sabbath always falls on that date, surely God will not lowered the manna on the 15th (Joshua 5: 10-12) because it is the Sabbath, but according to Joshua 5:10-12,God lowered the manna on the 15 th. So the 15 th date cannot be a Sabbath.The theory of the Lunar Sabbath and the theory of the Sabbath is Saturday is,for the Lunar Sabbath theory,that on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday it was the day when Jesus was crucified. But according to the Bible, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the days of the crucifixion of Jesus.Pratically, thisresearch result of the respondents provided evidence that all the statements contained in the questionnaire (P1-P19) are well understood except for P13 to P18 and P19 with poor interpretation.
Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning (IFL), littleis known on how i... more Despite the vast research on the integration of faith and learning (IFL), littleis known on how instructional strategies can enhance what true educationnecessitates—an IFL that prepares learners beyond the present life. This studyexplores the impact of instructional strategies towards IFL. It reveals that to be moreeffective and powerful in such integration, instructional strategies play an importantrole—within and without the classroom setting.
Papers by Alvyn Hendriks