Op 10 September 1934 het ’n groep skrywers en akademici by die Universiteit van Witwatersrand in ... more Op 10 September 1934 het ’n groep skrywers en akademici by die Universiteit van Witwatersrand in Johannesburg byeengekom om die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring op te rig. Van diegene wat teenwoordig was, was proff. T. E. Haarhoff en C. M. van den Heever, dr. P. de V. Pienaar en mnre. W. J. Erlank, Abel J. Coetzee, I. Mocke en W. H. Wilcocks. Twee jaar later, in 1936, het ’n publikasie met die titel Die Afrikaanse Boek die lig gesien wat ‘n jaar later voortbestaan het onder die titel Die Jaarboek van die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring. Die Jaarboek is onafgebroke tot 1950 gepubliseer en daarna omgeskakel in 1951 tot ‘n kwartaalblad met die titel Tydskrif vir letterkunde. Sedertdien word die publikasie onder hierdie titel uitgegee, alhoewel een uitgawe die titel 60 Tydskrif vir letterkunde in 1963 gedra het. Intussen het die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring tot niet gegaan en word die tydskrif sedert 2002 deur die Department Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria geadministreer. On 10th September 193...
Hierdie is ’n hersiene weergawe van die 2016 N.P. Van Wyk Louw-gedenklesing wat op Donderdag 8 Se... more Hierdie is ’n hersiene weergawe van die 2016 N.P. Van Wyk Louw-gedenklesing wat op Donderdag 8 September 2016 by die Universiteit van Johannesburg voorgedra is.
Adam Small het op 21 Desember 2011 sy vyf-en-sewentigste verjaardag gevier. Ter afwagting van hie... more Adam Small het op 21 Desember 2011 sy vyf-en-sewentigste verjaardag gevier. Ter afwagting van hierdie geleentheid het die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) in samewerking met Tydskrif vir Letterkunde ’n simposium met die titel “Adam Small: sy lewe en werk” op Vrydag, 7 Oktober 2011 aangebied. In die loop van sy lewe as ’n skrywer en akademikus was Small aan beide die UWK en Tydskrif vir Letterkunde verbonde. Die universiteit is in 1960 te midde van groot politieke omstredenheid opgerig en Small was aanvanklik die enigste swart lektor. In 1973 bedank hy sy pos as senior lektor in Wysbegeerte in simpatie met studente-eise vir ’n aanneemliker onderrigbedeling op die UWK-kampus. In 1984 keer hy terug as professor en hoof van die Departement Maatskaplike Werk. Twaalf jaar later tree hy uit die diens. Sy verbondenheid aan Tydskrif vir Letterkunde in die vroeë 1960s was van korte duur. Saam met ’n aantal jonger Afrikaanse skrywers wat later as ...
The reviewer identifies three disparate texts, Koos Malgas Sculptor of the Owl House (Julia Malga... more The reviewer identifies three disparate texts, Koos Malgas Sculptor of the Owl House (Julia Malgas and Jeni Couzyn, 2008), The Black Countess (R. E. van der Ross, 2008) and Die verhaal van Elandskloof (“The Story of Elandskloof”, Tobie Wiese assisted by Ricky Goedeman, 2009) as counter-discursive texts writtten against specific hegemonic practices. The first text presents a reevaluation of the contribution of Koos Malgas to the famous Outsider Art place, The Owl House in Nieu Bethesda; the second is a short biography on the black countess, Martha Grey and the third is a lay history of a Dutch Reformed Church mission station, Elandskloof. The writer discusses the obvious similarities between these texts such as the co-operation between authors, the margin as a site of resistance, the fragmented documentation of marginalised lives, the formation and re-formation of identities and the tensions around expressions of ‘truth’.
Hein Willemse doseer Afrikaanse letterkunde en Algemene Literatuurwetenskap aan die Universiteit ... more Hein Willemse doseer Afrikaanse letterkunde en Algemene Literatuurwetenskap aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy publiseer hoofsaaklik oor kanonisering, kreolisering, marginalisering en bio-/outobiografie in die (Suid-)Afrikaanse letterkunde. Sy belangstelling sluit ook navorsing oor Afrikaanse en Afrika mondelinge tradisies in. Hy is 'n voormalige president van die International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA) en sedert 2001 die eindredakteur van Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. Hy het voorheen gedien as besoekende professor aan verskeie universiteite in Afrika, Europa, Latyns-Amerika en die VSA. Hein Willemse teaches Afrikaans literature and Literary theory at the University of Pretoria. He has published mainly on canonisation, creolisation, marginalisation and bio-/auto biography in South African and Afrikaans literature. His interests include research into Afrikaans and African oral traditions. He is a former President of the International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA), and since 2001 the editor-inchief of Tydskrif vir Letter kunde. He previously served as a visiting Professor at several universities in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the USA.
Pieter W. Grobbelaar is 'n folkloris wat met sy talle akademiese publikasies en veral sy popu... more Pieter W. Grobbelaar is 'n folkloris wat met sy talle akademiese publikasies en veral sy populere boeke, artikels en radioprogramme 'n blywende bydrae tot die breer Afrikaanse kulturele omgewing gemaak het. Sy jongste publikasie, Kinders van konings, is 'n geannoteerde, chronologiese bloemlesing van Afrikaanse volksballades. Die volksballade vooronderstel gewoonlik tradisionele gemeenskappe, mondelinge oordrag, stories en natuurlik sang. Die samesteller reken dat die volksballade volgens "die strengste maatstawwe" in Afrikaans nie werklik bestaan nie, maar dat hy 'n "vryer gebruik van die term" (p. 9) in sy bloemlesing aanwend. In gemeenskappe waar skrif bekend was, het met verloop van tyd 'n wisselwerking tussen mondelinge oordraging en skrif ontstaan - 'n omstandigheid wat juis vir die Afrikaanse volksballade ter sake is.
The Orange Earth is discussed here as a fictionalised autobiographical account in which the Afrik... more The Orange Earth is discussed here as a fictionalised autobiographical account in which the Afrikaans poet and playwright, Adam Small, reflects on the impact of apartheid, creating a counternarrative of a marginalised life during that political system. In the play, presented essentially as a play of ideas, the Coloured main character Johnny Adams, the fictionalised alter ego of the author, plants a bomb that kills a white child and much of the action involves his rationalization of his deed of terror. The play references the cultural and linguistic relationship between Coloured and white Afrikaans-speaking people, and the former’s humiliation and exclusion under the apartheid policy. It is argued inter alia that Small’s choice of English as a language of literary expression could be interpreted as part of a counterdiscourse on cultural disaffection and political disillusion just as his option of urban violence as a solution to apartheid, his “cry for citizenship”, amounts to a despe...
This article reports on variations of the Cinderella fairytale as told by two southern Namibian s... more This article reports on variations of the Cinderella fairytale as told by two southern Namibian storytellers, Martha Frederik and Katrina Louw. The analysis concentrates on the self-imagery of these storytellers as reflected in their performances. Although their stories are not overtly political they interpret their social environment, the relationships between men and women and employment interactions. In this sense these narratives communicate deeper dimensions of Namibian colonial relationships. Life in the towns of Aranos and Gochas is uninspiring, since these are small agricultural supply stations, settled in the mostly arid, sparse, semi-desert southern region of Namibia, Hardap. These communities are generally dirt poor, inhabited mainly by the unemployed, children, women and pensioners. The article further explores facets of the Frederik and Louw's re-interpretations of Cinderella. A few salient sections in especially the performance of Frederik are selected to demonstra...
To every birth its blood, Serote's first novel, was originally published in 1981. It was writ... more To every birth its blood, Serote's first novel, was originally published in 1981. It was written over a period of six years and combines the piercing subjectivity of Serote's earlier works with a broad canvas of characters and time sequences. Whether his characters are young or old, men or women, Serote's extraordinary empathy takes us into the interior of their lives.
Op 10 September 1934 het ’n groep skrywers en akademici by die Universiteit van Witwatersrand in ... more Op 10 September 1934 het ’n groep skrywers en akademici by die Universiteit van Witwatersrand in Johannesburg byeengekom om die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring op te rig. Van diegene wat teenwoordig was, was proff. T. E. Haarhoff en C. M. van den Heever, dr. P. de V. Pienaar en mnre. W. J. Erlank, Abel J. Coetzee, I. Mocke en W. H. Wilcocks. Twee jaar later, in 1936, het ’n publikasie met die titel Die Afrikaanse Boek die lig gesien wat ‘n jaar later voortbestaan het onder die titel Die Jaarboek van die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring. Die Jaarboek is onafgebroke tot 1950 gepubliseer en daarna omgeskakel in 1951 tot ‘n kwartaalblad met die titel Tydskrif vir letterkunde. Sedertdien word die publikasie onder hierdie titel uitgegee, alhoewel een uitgawe die titel 60 Tydskrif vir letterkunde in 1963 gedra het. Intussen het die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring tot niet gegaan en word die tydskrif sedert 2002 deur die Department Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria geadministreer. On 10th September 193...
Hierdie is ’n hersiene weergawe van die 2016 N.P. Van Wyk Louw-gedenklesing wat op Donderdag 8 Se... more Hierdie is ’n hersiene weergawe van die 2016 N.P. Van Wyk Louw-gedenklesing wat op Donderdag 8 September 2016 by die Universiteit van Johannesburg voorgedra is.
Adam Small het op 21 Desember 2011 sy vyf-en-sewentigste verjaardag gevier. Ter afwagting van hie... more Adam Small het op 21 Desember 2011 sy vyf-en-sewentigste verjaardag gevier. Ter afwagting van hierdie geleentheid het die Departement Afrikaans en Nederlands aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland (UWK) in samewerking met Tydskrif vir Letterkunde ’n simposium met die titel “Adam Small: sy lewe en werk” op Vrydag, 7 Oktober 2011 aangebied. In die loop van sy lewe as ’n skrywer en akademikus was Small aan beide die UWK en Tydskrif vir Letterkunde verbonde. Die universiteit is in 1960 te midde van groot politieke omstredenheid opgerig en Small was aanvanklik die enigste swart lektor. In 1973 bedank hy sy pos as senior lektor in Wysbegeerte in simpatie met studente-eise vir ’n aanneemliker onderrigbedeling op die UWK-kampus. In 1984 keer hy terug as professor en hoof van die Departement Maatskaplike Werk. Twaalf jaar later tree hy uit die diens. Sy verbondenheid aan Tydskrif vir Letterkunde in die vroeë 1960s was van korte duur. Saam met ’n aantal jonger Afrikaanse skrywers wat later as ...
The reviewer identifies three disparate texts, Koos Malgas Sculptor of the Owl House (Julia Malga... more The reviewer identifies three disparate texts, Koos Malgas Sculptor of the Owl House (Julia Malgas and Jeni Couzyn, 2008), The Black Countess (R. E. van der Ross, 2008) and Die verhaal van Elandskloof (“The Story of Elandskloof”, Tobie Wiese assisted by Ricky Goedeman, 2009) as counter-discursive texts writtten against specific hegemonic practices. The first text presents a reevaluation of the contribution of Koos Malgas to the famous Outsider Art place, The Owl House in Nieu Bethesda; the second is a short biography on the black countess, Martha Grey and the third is a lay history of a Dutch Reformed Church mission station, Elandskloof. The writer discusses the obvious similarities between these texts such as the co-operation between authors, the margin as a site of resistance, the fragmented documentation of marginalised lives, the formation and re-formation of identities and the tensions around expressions of ‘truth’.
Hein Willemse doseer Afrikaanse letterkunde en Algemene Literatuurwetenskap aan die Universiteit ... more Hein Willemse doseer Afrikaanse letterkunde en Algemene Literatuurwetenskap aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy publiseer hoofsaaklik oor kanonisering, kreolisering, marginalisering en bio-/outobiografie in die (Suid-)Afrikaanse letterkunde. Sy belangstelling sluit ook navorsing oor Afrikaanse en Afrika mondelinge tradisies in. Hy is 'n voormalige president van die International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA) en sedert 2001 die eindredakteur van Tydskrif vir Letterkunde. Hy het voorheen gedien as besoekende professor aan verskeie universiteite in Afrika, Europa, Latyns-Amerika en die VSA. Hein Willemse teaches Afrikaans literature and Literary theory at the University of Pretoria. He has published mainly on canonisation, creolisation, marginalisation and bio-/auto biography in South African and Afrikaans literature. His interests include research into Afrikaans and African oral traditions. He is a former President of the International Society for the Oral Literatures of Africa (ISOLA), and since 2001 the editor-inchief of Tydskrif vir Letter kunde. He previously served as a visiting Professor at several universities in Africa, Europe, Latin America and the USA.
Pieter W. Grobbelaar is 'n folkloris wat met sy talle akademiese publikasies en veral sy popu... more Pieter W. Grobbelaar is 'n folkloris wat met sy talle akademiese publikasies en veral sy populere boeke, artikels en radioprogramme 'n blywende bydrae tot die breer Afrikaanse kulturele omgewing gemaak het. Sy jongste publikasie, Kinders van konings, is 'n geannoteerde, chronologiese bloemlesing van Afrikaanse volksballades. Die volksballade vooronderstel gewoonlik tradisionele gemeenskappe, mondelinge oordrag, stories en natuurlik sang. Die samesteller reken dat die volksballade volgens "die strengste maatstawwe" in Afrikaans nie werklik bestaan nie, maar dat hy 'n "vryer gebruik van die term" (p. 9) in sy bloemlesing aanwend. In gemeenskappe waar skrif bekend was, het met verloop van tyd 'n wisselwerking tussen mondelinge oordraging en skrif ontstaan - 'n omstandigheid wat juis vir die Afrikaanse volksballade ter sake is.
The Orange Earth is discussed here as a fictionalised autobiographical account in which the Afrik... more The Orange Earth is discussed here as a fictionalised autobiographical account in which the Afrikaans poet and playwright, Adam Small, reflects on the impact of apartheid, creating a counternarrative of a marginalised life during that political system. In the play, presented essentially as a play of ideas, the Coloured main character Johnny Adams, the fictionalised alter ego of the author, plants a bomb that kills a white child and much of the action involves his rationalization of his deed of terror. The play references the cultural and linguistic relationship between Coloured and white Afrikaans-speaking people, and the former’s humiliation and exclusion under the apartheid policy. It is argued inter alia that Small’s choice of English as a language of literary expression could be interpreted as part of a counterdiscourse on cultural disaffection and political disillusion just as his option of urban violence as a solution to apartheid, his “cry for citizenship”, amounts to a despe...
This article reports on variations of the Cinderella fairytale as told by two southern Namibian s... more This article reports on variations of the Cinderella fairytale as told by two southern Namibian storytellers, Martha Frederik and Katrina Louw. The analysis concentrates on the self-imagery of these storytellers as reflected in their performances. Although their stories are not overtly political they interpret their social environment, the relationships between men and women and employment interactions. In this sense these narratives communicate deeper dimensions of Namibian colonial relationships. Life in the towns of Aranos and Gochas is uninspiring, since these are small agricultural supply stations, settled in the mostly arid, sparse, semi-desert southern region of Namibia, Hardap. These communities are generally dirt poor, inhabited mainly by the unemployed, children, women and pensioners. The article further explores facets of the Frederik and Louw's re-interpretations of Cinderella. A few salient sections in especially the performance of Frederik are selected to demonstra...
To every birth its blood, Serote's first novel, was originally published in 1981. It was writ... more To every birth its blood, Serote's first novel, was originally published in 1981. It was written over a period of six years and combines the piercing subjectivity of Serote's earlier works with a broad canvas of characters and time sequences. Whether his characters are young or old, men or women, Serote's extraordinary empathy takes us into the interior of their lives.
Papers by Hein Willemse