We demonstrated in this article orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrica... more We demonstrated in this article orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles P1, P2. The OR stipulates that two electrical dipoles, will be reciprocally oriented parallel in the same sense if electrical forces F are of decreasing type with distance r. If forces F are of increasing type, the dipoles will be oriented parallel but on opposite sense. The AT principle stipulates that two dipoles will exhibit always a reciprocal force Ra of attraction in both cases of force F type and orientation. These findings complete our work [11] where we found that FD force, between two electrical dipoles at atomic and nuclear level, is the actual gravitation force FN..
The first author acknowledges the initial advice on the subject and encouragement of his late pro... more The first author acknowledges the initial advice on the subject and encouragement of his late professor N. Barbulescu. He is sincerely grateful to prof. P. Mazilu from TUCB Bucharest for his rigorous lessons of rationality. He is also indebted to, Gen. prof. G. Barsan, to Col. prof. Al. Babos from LFA Sibiu, to prof. D. Stoicescu from ULBS Sibiu, to prof. D. Siposan from MTA Bucharest, to Ms. prof. Mirela Maier, to Ms.
In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomen... more In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomena in nature, including some that have remained unexplained to date. Our New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of the ether called HM16. The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R = FDC/FN ≈ 1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP’s own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.
The Paper highlights discovery from 2000 of two Errors (ERM81/87) by Michelson in analysis of his... more The Paper highlights discovery from 2000 of two Errors (ERM81/87) by Michelson in analysis of his experiments ME81/87. ERM81/87 has also been addressed in series of previous articles by the authors. ERM81/87 consisted of assuming the transverse path of light ray 2 or of SW2 swimmer, to be an isosceles triangle (Error 1) inclined with angle β' in referential frame (RF) ether/water (E/W), or a double orthogonal path (in RF device/bank (D/B)), thus calculating the wrong result, t2 < t1 , or Δt = t1-t2 > 0, (Error 2), states SW2 wins the contest. In ERM81/87 it is proven firstly, by Demonstration 1, based on logic, starting from the non-observance in Michelson's analysis, of rules of correctness and fair play, in development of the two swimmers contest (TSC). Rresulted in correct transversal path as a right triangle, with t2 = t1 (in RF, E/W), the correct contest result is a draw. Demonstration 2 consists, in correction of SW2 route, resulting under fair play conditions, for transversal path, a right triangle with hypotenuse inclined at angle 2β (in RF, E/W) and t2 = t1 or Δt = 0, with the contest result in a tie. Demonstration 3 is based on a new Generalised Case (GC) of the TSC where the orientation of the starting path of SW1 can be inclined at any angle α, always one obtains, t1 = t2, the correct result. Evidence provided shows Michelson designed his interferometer by analogy with TSC, Michelson considered SW2 the winner. Evidence provided in 1892 by Lorenz expressed doubts about the correctness of Michelson's analysis of ME81/87, without finding errors. We show, an initial error (ERM81) was committed by Michelson in ME81analysis, erroneously superposing paths for SW2 (in RF, D/B), and in incorrect calculations of t2 and Δt, obtaining t2 < t1, an error communicated to him by Potier, which also mentioned the correct result Δt = 0, without any demonstration. In analysis of ME87, Michelson acknowledged the error, modified the path of SW2 to isosceles triangle (in RF, E/W), and made new t2 calculation. But he reduced by only half, the Δt, compared to Δt in ME81, meaning the basic error in Δt (ERM87) has persisted, until today. We emphasize that errors ERM81/87 in TSC are repeatedly printed, and appear in all college physics textbooks around the world, exemplifying by presenting four such excerpts from college textbooks from the US and Canada. Thus, a correction of ERM81/87 is required, starting with the correction of the TSC, by admitting the correct result of equality of SW1 and SW2, in all college physics textbooks. As result the ether can be reintroduced into physics with multiple consequences including reevaluation of the Special Relativity Theory.
In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomen... more In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomena in nature, including some that have remained unexplained to date. Our New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of the ether called HM16. The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R=FDC/FN ≈1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP's own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.
In Paper are highlighted our discovery from 2000 of two Errors 1 and 2 (ERM81/87) committed by M... more In Paper are highlighted our discovery from 2000 of two Errors 1 and 2 (ERM81/87) committed by Michelson in the analysis of his experiments ME81/87. This topic of ERM81/87 has also been addressed in series of other previous articles by the authors. ERM81/87 consisted of assuming the transverse path of light ray 2 or of SW2 swimmer, to be an isosceles triangle (Error 1) inclined with angle β’ in referential frame (RF) ether/water (E/W), or a double orthogonal path (in RF device/bank (D/B)), and thus calculating the wrong result, t2 <t1 , or Δt=t1-t2>0, (Error 2), stating SW2 wins the contest. In Paper, ERM81/87 it is proven firstly, by Demonstration 1, based on logical reasoning, starting from the non-observance in Michelson's analysis, of the rules of correctness and of fair play, in the development of the contest of the two swimmers (TSC). So resulted that correct transversal path is a right triangle, with t2=t1 (in RF, E/W), and the correct contest result is a draw. Demonstration 2 consists, in correction of SW2 route, resulting under fair play conditions, for transversal path, a right triangle with hypotenuse inclined at angle 2β (in RF, E/W) and t2=t1 or Δt=0, with the contest result in a tie. Demonstration 3 is based on a new Generalised Case (GC) of the TSC in which the orientation of the starting path of SW1 can be inclined at any angle α, when always one obtains, t1 = t2, which must be the correct result. Are provided also evidences, showing that Michelson designed his interferometer based on an analogy with TSC, Michelson considering the SW2 winner. Is provided evidence that in 1892, Lorenz expressed doubts about the correctness of Michelson's analysis of ME81/87, but without finding errors. It is shown in Paper, that an initial error (ERM81) was committed by Michelson in ME81analysis, by erroneously superposing paths for SW2 (in RF, D/B), and in incorrect calculations of t2 and Δt, obtaining t2 <t1, an error communicated to him by Potier, which also mentioned the correct result Δt =0, but without any demonstration. In his analysis of ME87, Michelson acknowledged this error, modified the path of SW2 to isosceles triangle (in RF, E/W), and made new t2 calculation. However, he reduced by only half, the Δt, compared to Δt in ME81, meaning that the basic error in Δt (ERM87) has persisted, until today. We emphasize that errors ERM81/87 in TSC are repeatedly printed, and are being appeared in all college physics textbooks around the world, exemplifying by presenting four such excerpts from college textbooks from the US and Canada. Thus, a correction of ERM81/87 is required, starting with the correction of the TSC, by admitting the correct result of equality of SW1 and SW2, in all college physics textbooks. As result the ether can be reintroduced into physics with multiple consequences including re-evaluation of the Special Relativity Theory.
A brief history of mass nature is presented, including formulas for mass variation with velocity ... more A brief history of mass nature is presented, including formulas for mass variation with velocity V. A new mass hypothesis (MH), on the nature of mass m is presented. Accordingly, the mass m0 of submicroparticle (SMP), is given by the kinetic energy accumulated inside the SMP, by the vortices/vibrations of groups of ether (ETH) cells, constituting the submicroparticles (SSMP). These SSMPs will also create the inertial force (FI) of the SMP, due to the opposition manifested by ETH, toward any accelerated movement of SMP. A new explanation of mass m increase, with V is proposed, admitting the existence of ether in the form of our model, HM16. The entrainment of the surrounding ETH of SMP, takes place, with speed VETH, which stores the EETH energy. The spatial variation of VETH around the SMP, was analysed using the method of potential motions, for a cylinder, moving in water-like fluid, or in ETH, resulting a spectrum of the lines of current ψ, indicating the size of VETH, rapidly decr...
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s int... more The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will go downstream the river flow, and Sw2 will go perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2’s path will require less time and that it will reach the first the start point. However, it is found that, in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction, an action which is actually a deceit of the arbiters, and, hence, this will be a non-fair-play action towards Sw1. The article proves by calculus that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path is a right triangle instead of isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. And as consequence the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in ...
Classical hypotheses and the theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment are reana... more Classical hypotheses and the theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment are reanalyzed in this paper. Initially, the reanalysis in the paper of the illustrative model of the interferometer, represented by a boat traversing a river reveals that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle as classically thought. The transversal light path in the interferometer, taking into account the supposed ether presence, the correct reflection angles, and considering the Huygens-Fresnel theory of light, was found to be different from the isosceles triangle supposed by Michelson. A correct alternative light path, as a rectangular triangle, which necessitates a zero or negligible time difference, compared to that expected theoretically by Michelson, was found. But such small time differences were reported in some experiments including Michelson's own experiments. This means that in a movable media as the ether, the light's double travel time does not depend on the direction of its displacement. Previously, the same result was found to be correct for the boat as well. The above findings may also be applicable to other similar experiments. Consequently, Michelson's interferometer experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether and the special theory of relativity must be reconsidered. In fact, the correct interpretation of Michelson's experiment does not confirm the relativity of the light speed ͑the independence of the movement direction͒ for a double travel, and it is not applicable to a simple travel.
This paper begins by analyzing the justification of the separation existing between electrical an... more This paper begins by analyzing the justification of the separation existing between electrical and gravitational forces. The existing justification is that the dipole interaction force at long distances r for neutral bodies totally cancels the opposing force. In this paper it will be demonstrated that this force may exist at any distance, but it depends on a term in ͑r −4 ͒ or greater power, while the gravitational force depends on ͑r −2 ͒. In order to obtain the principal term in ͑r −2 ͒ for dipole interaction, it was necessary to admit a hypothesis introducing into Coulomb&amp;#39;s law a new term in the form −ln r. With the corrected Coulomb&amp;#39;s law, for dipole interaction force, an expression having the principal term in ͑r −2 ͒ results as in the Law of Gravitational force. Numerical verification showed agreement between the forces obtained using the Newton and corrected Coulomb&amp;#39;s laws for astronomical distances. On this basis the principal points and consequences of a new theory of gravitational forces are presented. Résumé: L&amp;#39;article départ de l&amp;#39;analyse de la justification actuelle de la separation q&amp;#39;existe entre les forces électriques et les forces gravitationnelles. La justification existante consiste en admettre que la force d&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle électrique pour un corp neutre, a longue distance r, s&amp;#39;annule totalement. Dans l&amp;#39;article on demontra que cette force peut exister, mais elle depende d&amp;#39;un terme contenant ͑r −4 ͒ ou pouvoirs supérieurs, tandis que la force gravitationnelle dépende de ͑r −2 ͒. En but d&amp;#39;obtenir le terme principal en ͑r −2 ͒ aussi pour l&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle, il a été nécessaire d&amp;#39;admettre une hypothese qui introduit dans la loi de Coulomb un nouveau terme sous la forme −ln r. Avec la loi de Coulomb correcte, pour la force d&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle a résulté une expression ayant le terme principal en ͑r −2 ͒ aussi comme la force gravitationelle. Les vérifications numériques ont démontrés une bonne concordance entre les forces obtenue avec les deux lois de Newton et de Coulomb, pour des distances astronomiques. Sur cette base sont présentées les points principaux et les conséquences de la nouvelle théorie des forces gravitationnelles.
Here we briefly expose a new physics theory, which contains some explanations of physical phenome... more Here we briefly expose a new physics theory, which contains some explanations of physical phenomena in nature including some unexplained to date. The New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of ether HM16 which lead to NPT16.
This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error has been foun... more This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error has been found in Michelson’s analysis of his interferometer experiment, even though Einstein relied on it, while developing the Special Relativity Theory, in which he eliminated ether from physics. Our own results imply that ether can exist. We have also validated the hypothesis that Coulomb’s law would better describe the complex reality, including ether, by adding other terms to the actual term in r-2. As such, the force that exists between two distant dipoles, when computed with a modified version Coulomb’s law, depends on r-2, as in Newton’s law. Numerically, the two forces were practically equal given that the gravitation consists of electromagnetic interactions. For ether’s composition, we proposed the HM16 model, in which the constituents etherons α and β are placed in the nodes of a crystalline network with a cell of approximately 10-27m, then subject to manifesting forces of mutual attracti...
Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we d... more Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we describe the mechanism of occurrence of the submi-croparticle (SMP). A general hypothesis, HFVI, is introduced for the modalities of interaction between two SMPs, based on periodic mechanical percussion forces, produced by fundamental vibrations FVs. A mechanism for describing the interaction between a SMPs and the ETH is presented. Positive and negative particles are defined by their membrane types of movement, such as +,−u/+,−v vibrations, and rotations at speeds +Ω/−Ω. The process of creating a pair of SMPs is discussed. Applying HFVI to the interaction between pairs of SMPs immobile in ETH, and considering longitudinal FVL, was obtained the forces of attraction/repulsion +F L21 /-F L21 , which correspond to the completed Coulomb force F CC including gravitation. The resultant F RL21 will form an oriented field of forces, which is a quasielectric field QE, equivalent to actual E electric field. Considering transversal FVT, was obtained the vibratory forces +,−F T21 , whose resultant forms an vibrating field of forces, QHs, a quasimagnetic special field, which may explain some of the quantum properties of SMPs. Considering a mobile SMP, two new γ strains in ETH appear. Strains γ L are created by the displacement of SMP with velocity V, whose force +,−F T12 is the support of a component of the magnetic field H (quasimagnetic field QH), giving the QH L component. Strains γ R are created by the rotation of SMP with speed Ω, whose force +, −F R12 constitutes physical support of the component QH R of magnetic field H (i.e. QH). The crea-How to cite this paper: Has
Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attra... more Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles. The OR principle stipulates that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, from two bodies A and B, at any distance in the free state each, will be reciprocally oriented parallel and in the same sense if the electrical interaction forces F between them are of decreasing type with distance r. If the electrical interaction forces F are of increasing type with distance, the two dipoles will be reciprocally oriented parallel but on the opposite sense. The AT principle stipulate that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, at any distance in the free state each, will present always a reciprocal force of attraction F D in both cases of orientation accordingly to OR principle in case of any type of electrical force F decreasing or increasing with distance. These findings may complete our previous work where we found that F D force, between two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B considered at atomic and nuclear level, is in fact the actual gravitation Newton force F N. The paper must be considered together with this work for more consistency.
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson's int... more The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson's interferometric experiment (ME), represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals, etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will swim along the river flow, and Sw2 will swim perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2's path will require less time and that it will reach the start point first. However, in this work, it has been determined that in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction. This action would be deceitful to the arbiters and thus considered as non-fair-play towards Sw1. The article proves by swimming times calculus, that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path (in water reference frame) is a right triangle instead of the isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. Consequently, the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in a tie, and the myth of Sw2 as the race winner shall be debunked. Note that the same result shall also be applicable to Michelson's interferometric experiment (ME) as well as to any similar experiment. Therefore, utilising the isosceles triangle as the transversal path in PM and also in ME is an erroneous act.
In this study, we demonstrate the correctness of our 2010 hypothesis regarding the need to comple... more In this study, we demonstrate the correctness of our 2010 hypothesis regarding the need to complete Coulomb's F C law with the term lnr, resulting in the completed F CC force. For this purpose, we consider the electrical interactions between charged microparticles (MPs), which develop as fundamental vibrations (FVs) in ether, producing the vibrational strains ε and γ and the resulting stresses σ and τ, as percussions of ether cells (ECs) upon the MP surface. The stresses σ and τ produce a resultant force F P , due to the percussions which constitute the real electric force F CC. The spatial effect of ether on F P is demonstrated by an analytical method, considering the electrical interaction between MPs through various equidistant spatial paths l i of FVs, modelled on the basis of the Huygens principle for waves. For this issue, we utilized a numerical calculation, which could be generalized. But this spatial effect of the ether leads at a very slow decreasing of the F P forces ratio r F when doubling the distance l, in contrast to Coulomb's F C forces whose ratio r F decreases accentuate with doubling l. Accordingly, the necessity of including the term ln r in the F CC force, which is limited to 1.0 for doubling l, at long distances, was justified.
Theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed... more Theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed the illustrative model, represented by two swimmers race traversing a river which revealed that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle, but a right triangle and the race ends in a tie. Also, in the interferometer device, the transversal double light path, considering the ether presence and classical geometrical optics together with Huygens principle of light, we found to be too a right triangle instead isosceles one considered by Michelson, which thus is an error. But this new path necessitates zero-time difference, for which fringes displacements are not expected, unlike Michelson's analysis. So, we found that the light's double travel times don't depend on the interferometer arms directions and so the expected by Michelson fringes displacements, must not appear. The above findings are applicable to other similar experiments with ray double travel, including light, lasers, masers, γ-rays, etc. We demonstrated that Michelson's experiment correct interpretation does not confirm the relativity of the light speed. Consequently, Michelson's experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether which must remain the bearer of the E-M phenomena. Consequently, the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) must be reconsidered, based on Lorentz electromagnetic theory from 1895 and the quanta entanglement and E-M field can be physically explained by the ether presence.
This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error was found in ... more This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error was found in Michelson&#39;s analysis of his interferometer experiment, even though Einstein relied on it, while developing the special relativity theory, in which he eliminated ether from physics. Our own results imply that ether can exist. We have also validated the hypothesis that Coulomb&#39;s law would better describe the complex reality, including ether, by adding other terms to the actual term in r À2. As such, the force that exists between two distant dipoles, when computed with a modified version of Coulomb&#39;s law, depends on r À2 , as in Newton&#39;s law. Numerically, the two forces were practically equal given that the gravitation consists of electromagnetic (EM) interactions. For ether&#39;s structure, we proposed the HM16 model, in which the constituent etherons a and b are placed in the nodes of a crystalline network with a cell of approximately 10 À27 m, and manifesting forces of mutual attraction/rejection. Ether behaves as an ideal mechanism in the form of a perpetuum mobile. The microparticles (MPs) consist of local zones of ether where an energy intake induced a state of vibrating or vortex motion. The vibrant MPs, having electrical charges, will transmit fundamental vibrations (FVs) in ether around the MPs, which have a finite velocity c F. Stationary FVs do not transmit energy in the continuous infinite ether, but they do create interaction forces between MPs having electric (modified Coulomb forces) and magnetic nature given by ether. An MP passing through two energetic levels will expel (or absorb) a elementary special particle (ESMP), namely, the photon (F), which moves through the ether at the speed of light (c), which is a property granted by the ether. The Fs photons constitute EM waves that transmit energy through ether. The F photon can be constituted similar to an MP, which creates its own FVs in ether. It is likely that the two velocities c F and c will not be equal. As we consider that c F &gt; c, velocity c F corresponds to the &quot;gravitational&quot; waves resulting from the electric interaction between the MPs produced by the completed Coulomb&#39;s law. The HM16 model of ether can explain the nature of the electric field in terms of volumetric e strains of ether, while the nature of the magnetic field can be explained by distortional c strains of ether. The HM16 model can also explain the various interactions between EM waves and MPs as well as collisions between MPs. V C 2017 Physics Essays Publication. [http://dx. Résumé: Cet article est basé sur les résultats obtenus dans les articles précédents où une erreur a été trouvée dans l&#39;analyse de Michelson de son expérience avec l&#39;interféromètre, même si Einstein est appuyé sur elle, tout en développant la théorie de la relativité spéciale, dans laquelle il a éliminé l&#39;éther de la physique. Nos propres résultats impliquent que l&#39;éther peut exister. Nous avons également validé l&#39;hypothèse selon laquelle la loi de Coulomb serait mieux décrire la réalité complexe, y compris l&#39;éther, en ajoutant d&#39;autres termes a l&#39;actuel terme en r À2. En tant que tel, la force qui existe entre deux dipôles éloignés, lorsque est calculé avec la loi de Coulomb modifiée, dépend de r À2 , comme dans la loi de Newton. Numériquement, les deux forces ont été pratiquement égales, ainsi que la gravitation se compose d&#39;interactions électromagnétiques. Pour la composition de l&#39;éther, on a proposé le modèle HM16, dans lequel les étherons constituants a et b, sont placés dans les noeuds d&#39;un réseau cristallin avec une cellule d&#39;environ 10 À27 m, ou ils manifestent des forces mutuelle d&#39;attraction/repulsion. L&#39;éther se comporte comme un mécanisme idéal sous la forme d&#39;un perpetuum mobile. Les microparticules (MPs) sont constituées de zones locales d&#39;éther où un apport énergétique induit un état de vibration ou mouvement tourbillonnaire. Les MPs en vibration, ayant des charges électriques, vont transmettre des vibrations fondamentales (FVs) dans l&#39;éther autour des MPs, qui ont une vitesse finie c f. Les FVs stationnaires ne transmettent pas d&#39;énergie dans l&#39;éther infini continu, mais ils créent des forces d&#39;interaction entre les MPs, forces de nature électrique, et de nature magnétique créées par l&#39;éther. Une MP passant a)
Theoretical basis of Michelson interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed t... more Theoretical basis of Michelson interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed the illustrative model, represented by a boat traversing a river which revealed that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle, but a right triangle. Also in the interferometer, the transversal double light path, considering the ether presence and classical theories of light, we found to be too a right triangle instead isosceles one considered by Michelson. But this new path necessitates zero time difference, for which fringes displacements are not expected, unlike Michelson's analysis. So we found that the light's double travel times don't depend on the interferometer arms directions and so the expected by Michelson fringes displacements, must not appear. The above findings are applicable to other similar experiments with ray double travel, including light, lasers, masers, γ-rays, etc. We demonstrated that Michelson's experiment correct interpretation does not confirm the relativity of the light speed. Consequently, Michelson's experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether which must remain the bearer of the E-M phenomena. Consequently, the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) must be reconsidered, based on Lorentz electromagnetic theory from 1895 and the quanta entanglement and E-M field can be physically explained by the ether presence.
The paper starts by analyzing the actual justification of the separation existing between electri... more The paper starts by analyzing the actual justification of the separation existing between electrical and gravitational forces, considering that for neutral bodies the electrical interaction force at long distances r, totally cancels as equal and opposed +/-forces F C , given by Coulomb law. Initially it was demonstrated that the type of the force F D , attraction or repulsion, between two electrical dipoles, having the same orientation, is given by the variation mode of the electrical forces F C with the r distance. In this paper one demonstrates that this electrical dipole force F D may exist at any distance r, by reciprocal orientation of any two dipoles. But such dipole force F D depends on a term in 1/r 4 or greater power, being negligible compared to the gravitational force F N , which in Newton's law depends on 1/r 2. In order to obtain the principal term in 1/r 2 , for dipole interaction F D , it was necessary and sufficiently to admit a hypothesis which considers a new Coulomb law force F CC , as a series of terms of powers of r, including a new term of the form-ln r. With this corrected Coulomb law force F CC , for dipole interaction new force F DC , an expression having the principal term in 1/r 2 results, as in Newton's law. In order to verify the above hypothesis, numerical checking for the new dipole force F DC with first 4 terms of series was performed, utilizing actual electric permeability, the constant ε 0 corrected, in all the terms. These calculations made for an astronomical distance (10 9 m), showed a good agreement (relative ratio R=F N /F DC ≈ 0.626) between the force F N given by Newton's law and the dipole force F DC obtained with the corrected Coulomb law. On the basis of this gravity theory, some important consequences result, such as the inexistence of the gravitational waves, of the black holes, of the space gravitational curvature, and of the big-bang. This gravity theory with more than 4 terms of series yield all of the four known forces in nature, so unifying them. The new dipolar gravity theory is physically possible only in quantum manifestation of the charges, and admitting the presence of a continuum media (a modern ether) as physical support of electromagnetic interactions.
We demonstrated in this article orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrica... more We demonstrated in this article orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles P1, P2. The OR stipulates that two electrical dipoles, will be reciprocally oriented parallel in the same sense if electrical forces F are of decreasing type with distance r. If forces F are of increasing type, the dipoles will be oriented parallel but on opposite sense. The AT principle stipulates that two dipoles will exhibit always a reciprocal force Ra of attraction in both cases of force F type and orientation. These findings complete our work [11] where we found that FD force, between two electrical dipoles at atomic and nuclear level, is the actual gravitation force FN..
The first author acknowledges the initial advice on the subject and encouragement of his late pro... more The first author acknowledges the initial advice on the subject and encouragement of his late professor N. Barbulescu. He is sincerely grateful to prof. P. Mazilu from TUCB Bucharest for his rigorous lessons of rationality. He is also indebted to, Gen. prof. G. Barsan, to Col. prof. Al. Babos from LFA Sibiu, to prof. D. Stoicescu from ULBS Sibiu, to prof. D. Siposan from MTA Bucharest, to Ms. prof. Mirela Maier, to Ms.
In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomen... more In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomena in nature, including some that have remained unexplained to date. Our New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of the ether called HM16. The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R = FDC/FN ≈ 1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP’s own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.
The Paper highlights discovery from 2000 of two Errors (ERM81/87) by Michelson in analysis of his... more The Paper highlights discovery from 2000 of two Errors (ERM81/87) by Michelson in analysis of his experiments ME81/87. ERM81/87 has also been addressed in series of previous articles by the authors. ERM81/87 consisted of assuming the transverse path of light ray 2 or of SW2 swimmer, to be an isosceles triangle (Error 1) inclined with angle β' in referential frame (RF) ether/water (E/W), or a double orthogonal path (in RF device/bank (D/B)), thus calculating the wrong result, t2 < t1 , or Δt = t1-t2 > 0, (Error 2), states SW2 wins the contest. In ERM81/87 it is proven firstly, by Demonstration 1, based on logic, starting from the non-observance in Michelson's analysis, of rules of correctness and fair play, in development of the two swimmers contest (TSC). Rresulted in correct transversal path as a right triangle, with t2 = t1 (in RF, E/W), the correct contest result is a draw. Demonstration 2 consists, in correction of SW2 route, resulting under fair play conditions, for transversal path, a right triangle with hypotenuse inclined at angle 2β (in RF, E/W) and t2 = t1 or Δt = 0, with the contest result in a tie. Demonstration 3 is based on a new Generalised Case (GC) of the TSC where the orientation of the starting path of SW1 can be inclined at any angle α, always one obtains, t1 = t2, the correct result. Evidence provided shows Michelson designed his interferometer by analogy with TSC, Michelson considered SW2 the winner. Evidence provided in 1892 by Lorenz expressed doubts about the correctness of Michelson's analysis of ME81/87, without finding errors. We show, an initial error (ERM81) was committed by Michelson in ME81analysis, erroneously superposing paths for SW2 (in RF, D/B), and in incorrect calculations of t2 and Δt, obtaining t2 < t1, an error communicated to him by Potier, which also mentioned the correct result Δt = 0, without any demonstration. In analysis of ME87, Michelson acknowledged the error, modified the path of SW2 to isosceles triangle (in RF, E/W), and made new t2 calculation. But he reduced by only half, the Δt, compared to Δt in ME81, meaning the basic error in Δt (ERM87) has persisted, until today. We emphasize that errors ERM81/87 in TSC are repeatedly printed, and appear in all college physics textbooks around the world, exemplifying by presenting four such excerpts from college textbooks from the US and Canada. Thus, a correction of ERM81/87 is required, starting with the correction of the TSC, by admitting the correct result of equality of SW1 and SW2, in all college physics textbooks. As result the ether can be reintroduced into physics with multiple consequences including reevaluation of the Special Relativity Theory.
In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomen... more In this paper, we present a new physics theory that offers some explanations of physical phenomena in nature, including some that have remained unexplained to date. Our New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of the ether called HM16. The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R=FDC/FN ≈1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP's own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.
In Paper are highlighted our discovery from 2000 of two Errors 1 and 2 (ERM81/87) committed by M... more In Paper are highlighted our discovery from 2000 of two Errors 1 and 2 (ERM81/87) committed by Michelson in the analysis of his experiments ME81/87. This topic of ERM81/87 has also been addressed in series of other previous articles by the authors. ERM81/87 consisted of assuming the transverse path of light ray 2 or of SW2 swimmer, to be an isosceles triangle (Error 1) inclined with angle β’ in referential frame (RF) ether/water (E/W), or a double orthogonal path (in RF device/bank (D/B)), and thus calculating the wrong result, t2 <t1 , or Δt=t1-t2>0, (Error 2), stating SW2 wins the contest. In Paper, ERM81/87 it is proven firstly, by Demonstration 1, based on logical reasoning, starting from the non-observance in Michelson's analysis, of the rules of correctness and of fair play, in the development of the contest of the two swimmers (TSC). So resulted that correct transversal path is a right triangle, with t2=t1 (in RF, E/W), and the correct contest result is a draw. Demonstration 2 consists, in correction of SW2 route, resulting under fair play conditions, for transversal path, a right triangle with hypotenuse inclined at angle 2β (in RF, E/W) and t2=t1 or Δt=0, with the contest result in a tie. Demonstration 3 is based on a new Generalised Case (GC) of the TSC in which the orientation of the starting path of SW1 can be inclined at any angle α, when always one obtains, t1 = t2, which must be the correct result. Are provided also evidences, showing that Michelson designed his interferometer based on an analogy with TSC, Michelson considering the SW2 winner. Is provided evidence that in 1892, Lorenz expressed doubts about the correctness of Michelson's analysis of ME81/87, but without finding errors. It is shown in Paper, that an initial error (ERM81) was committed by Michelson in ME81analysis, by erroneously superposing paths for SW2 (in RF, D/B), and in incorrect calculations of t2 and Δt, obtaining t2 <t1, an error communicated to him by Potier, which also mentioned the correct result Δt =0, but without any demonstration. In his analysis of ME87, Michelson acknowledged this error, modified the path of SW2 to isosceles triangle (in RF, E/W), and made new t2 calculation. However, he reduced by only half, the Δt, compared to Δt in ME81, meaning that the basic error in Δt (ERM87) has persisted, until today. We emphasize that errors ERM81/87 in TSC are repeatedly printed, and are being appeared in all college physics textbooks around the world, exemplifying by presenting four such excerpts from college textbooks from the US and Canada. Thus, a correction of ERM81/87 is required, starting with the correction of the TSC, by admitting the correct result of equality of SW1 and SW2, in all college physics textbooks. As result the ether can be reintroduced into physics with multiple consequences including re-evaluation of the Special Relativity Theory.
A brief history of mass nature is presented, including formulas for mass variation with velocity ... more A brief history of mass nature is presented, including formulas for mass variation with velocity V. A new mass hypothesis (MH), on the nature of mass m is presented. Accordingly, the mass m0 of submicroparticle (SMP), is given by the kinetic energy accumulated inside the SMP, by the vortices/vibrations of groups of ether (ETH) cells, constituting the submicroparticles (SSMP). These SSMPs will also create the inertial force (FI) of the SMP, due to the opposition manifested by ETH, toward any accelerated movement of SMP. A new explanation of mass m increase, with V is proposed, admitting the existence of ether in the form of our model, HM16. The entrainment of the surrounding ETH of SMP, takes place, with speed VETH, which stores the EETH energy. The spatial variation of VETH around the SMP, was analysed using the method of potential motions, for a cylinder, moving in water-like fluid, or in ETH, resulting a spectrum of the lines of current ψ, indicating the size of VETH, rapidly decr...
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s int... more The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experiment (ME) represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will go downstream the river flow, and Sw2 will go perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2’s path will require less time and that it will reach the first the start point. However, it is found that, in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction, an action which is actually a deceit of the arbiters, and, hence, this will be a non-fair-play action towards Sw1. The article proves by calculus that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path is a right triangle instead of isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. And as consequence the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in ...
Classical hypotheses and the theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment are reana... more Classical hypotheses and the theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment are reanalyzed in this paper. Initially, the reanalysis in the paper of the illustrative model of the interferometer, represented by a boat traversing a river reveals that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle as classically thought. The transversal light path in the interferometer, taking into account the supposed ether presence, the correct reflection angles, and considering the Huygens-Fresnel theory of light, was found to be different from the isosceles triangle supposed by Michelson. A correct alternative light path, as a rectangular triangle, which necessitates a zero or negligible time difference, compared to that expected theoretically by Michelson, was found. But such small time differences were reported in some experiments including Michelson's own experiments. This means that in a movable media as the ether, the light's double travel time does not depend on the direction of its displacement. Previously, the same result was found to be correct for the boat as well. The above findings may also be applicable to other similar experiments. Consequently, Michelson's interferometer experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether and the special theory of relativity must be reconsidered. In fact, the correct interpretation of Michelson's experiment does not confirm the relativity of the light speed ͑the independence of the movement direction͒ for a double travel, and it is not applicable to a simple travel.
This paper begins by analyzing the justification of the separation existing between electrical an... more This paper begins by analyzing the justification of the separation existing between electrical and gravitational forces. The existing justification is that the dipole interaction force at long distances r for neutral bodies totally cancels the opposing force. In this paper it will be demonstrated that this force may exist at any distance, but it depends on a term in ͑r −4 ͒ or greater power, while the gravitational force depends on ͑r −2 ͒. In order to obtain the principal term in ͑r −2 ͒ for dipole interaction, it was necessary to admit a hypothesis introducing into Coulomb&amp;#39;s law a new term in the form −ln r. With the corrected Coulomb&amp;#39;s law, for dipole interaction force, an expression having the principal term in ͑r −2 ͒ results as in the Law of Gravitational force. Numerical verification showed agreement between the forces obtained using the Newton and corrected Coulomb&amp;#39;s laws for astronomical distances. On this basis the principal points and consequences of a new theory of gravitational forces are presented. Résumé: L&amp;#39;article départ de l&amp;#39;analyse de la justification actuelle de la separation q&amp;#39;existe entre les forces électriques et les forces gravitationnelles. La justification existante consiste en admettre que la force d&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle électrique pour un corp neutre, a longue distance r, s&amp;#39;annule totalement. Dans l&amp;#39;article on demontra que cette force peut exister, mais elle depende d&amp;#39;un terme contenant ͑r −4 ͒ ou pouvoirs supérieurs, tandis que la force gravitationnelle dépende de ͑r −2 ͒. En but d&amp;#39;obtenir le terme principal en ͑r −2 ͒ aussi pour l&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle, il a été nécessaire d&amp;#39;admettre une hypothese qui introduit dans la loi de Coulomb un nouveau terme sous la forme −ln r. Avec la loi de Coulomb correcte, pour la force d&amp;#39;interaction de dipôle a résulté une expression ayant le terme principal en ͑r −2 ͒ aussi comme la force gravitationelle. Les vérifications numériques ont démontrés une bonne concordance entre les forces obtenue avec les deux lois de Newton et de Coulomb, pour des distances astronomiques. Sur cette base sont présentées les points principaux et les conséquences de la nouvelle théorie des forces gravitationnelles.
Here we briefly expose a new physics theory, which contains some explanations of physical phenome... more Here we briefly expose a new physics theory, which contains some explanations of physical phenomena in nature including some unexplained to date. The New Physics Theory 2016 (NPT16) is based on a new model of ether HM16 which lead to NPT16.
This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error has been foun... more This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error has been found in Michelson’s analysis of his interferometer experiment, even though Einstein relied on it, while developing the Special Relativity Theory, in which he eliminated ether from physics. Our own results imply that ether can exist. We have also validated the hypothesis that Coulomb’s law would better describe the complex reality, including ether, by adding other terms to the actual term in r-2. As such, the force that exists between two distant dipoles, when computed with a modified version Coulomb’s law, depends on r-2, as in Newton’s law. Numerically, the two forces were practically equal given that the gravitation consists of electromagnetic interactions. For ether’s composition, we proposed the HM16 model, in which the constituents etherons α and β are placed in the nodes of a crystalline network with a cell of approximately 10-27m, then subject to manifesting forces of mutual attracti...
Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we d... more Article continues and complements our previous articles on the HM16 ether (ETH) model. Here, we describe the mechanism of occurrence of the submi-croparticle (SMP). A general hypothesis, HFVI, is introduced for the modalities of interaction between two SMPs, based on periodic mechanical percussion forces, produced by fundamental vibrations FVs. A mechanism for describing the interaction between a SMPs and the ETH is presented. Positive and negative particles are defined by their membrane types of movement, such as +,−u/+,−v vibrations, and rotations at speeds +Ω/−Ω. The process of creating a pair of SMPs is discussed. Applying HFVI to the interaction between pairs of SMPs immobile in ETH, and considering longitudinal FVL, was obtained the forces of attraction/repulsion +F L21 /-F L21 , which correspond to the completed Coulomb force F CC including gravitation. The resultant F RL21 will form an oriented field of forces, which is a quasielectric field QE, equivalent to actual E electric field. Considering transversal FVT, was obtained the vibratory forces +,−F T21 , whose resultant forms an vibrating field of forces, QHs, a quasimagnetic special field, which may explain some of the quantum properties of SMPs. Considering a mobile SMP, two new γ strains in ETH appear. Strains γ L are created by the displacement of SMP with velocity V, whose force +,−F T12 is the support of a component of the magnetic field H (quasimagnetic field QH), giving the QH L component. Strains γ R are created by the rotation of SMP with speed Ω, whose force +, −F R12 constitutes physical support of the component QH R of magnetic field H (i.e. QH). The crea-How to cite this paper: Has
Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attra... more Here, we initially introduced and demonstrated two principles: orientation OR principle and attraction AT principle of electrical dipoles. The OR principle stipulates that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, from two bodies A and B, at any distance in the free state each, will be reciprocally oriented parallel and in the same sense if the electrical interaction forces F between them are of decreasing type with distance r. If the electrical interaction forces F are of increasing type with distance, the two dipoles will be reciprocally oriented parallel but on the opposite sense. The AT principle stipulate that any two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B, at any distance in the free state each, will present always a reciprocal force of attraction F D in both cases of orientation accordingly to OR principle in case of any type of electrical force F decreasing or increasing with distance. These findings may complete our previous work where we found that F D force, between two electrical dipoles P1A, P1B considered at atomic and nuclear level, is in fact the actual gravitation Newton force F N. The paper must be considered together with this work for more consistency.
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson's int... more The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson's interferometric experiment (ME), represented by the race between two swimmers Sw1, Sw2 (or boats, or planes, or sound signals, etc.). The two swimmers must each swim the same distance, but Sw1 will swim along the river flow, and Sw2 will swim perpendicularly to this direction. In all such works, it is considered that Sw2's path will require less time and that it will reach the start point first. However, in this work, it has been determined that in order to make this possible, Sw2 must not observe the orthogonality rule of his start direction. This action would be deceitful to the arbiters and thus considered as non-fair-play towards Sw1. The article proves by swimming times calculus, that if the fair-play rules are observed, then the correct crosswise path (in water reference frame) is a right triangle instead of the isosceles triangle considered by Michelson. Consequently, the two times shall be perfectly equal and the race ends in a tie, and the myth of Sw2 as the race winner shall be debunked. Note that the same result shall also be applicable to Michelson's interferometric experiment (ME) as well as to any similar experiment. Therefore, utilising the isosceles triangle as the transversal path in PM and also in ME is an erroneous act.
In this study, we demonstrate the correctness of our 2010 hypothesis regarding the need to comple... more In this study, we demonstrate the correctness of our 2010 hypothesis regarding the need to complete Coulomb's F C law with the term lnr, resulting in the completed F CC force. For this purpose, we consider the electrical interactions between charged microparticles (MPs), which develop as fundamental vibrations (FVs) in ether, producing the vibrational strains ε and γ and the resulting stresses σ and τ, as percussions of ether cells (ECs) upon the MP surface. The stresses σ and τ produce a resultant force F P , due to the percussions which constitute the real electric force F CC. The spatial effect of ether on F P is demonstrated by an analytical method, considering the electrical interaction between MPs through various equidistant spatial paths l i of FVs, modelled on the basis of the Huygens principle for waves. For this issue, we utilized a numerical calculation, which could be generalized. But this spatial effect of the ether leads at a very slow decreasing of the F P forces ratio r F when doubling the distance l, in contrast to Coulomb's F C forces whose ratio r F decreases accentuate with doubling l. Accordingly, the necessity of including the term ln r in the F CC force, which is limited to 1.0 for doubling l, at long distances, was justified.
Theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed... more Theoretical basis of Michelson's interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed the illustrative model, represented by two swimmers race traversing a river which revealed that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle, but a right triangle and the race ends in a tie. Also, in the interferometer device, the transversal double light path, considering the ether presence and classical geometrical optics together with Huygens principle of light, we found to be too a right triangle instead isosceles one considered by Michelson, which thus is an error. But this new path necessitates zero-time difference, for which fringes displacements are not expected, unlike Michelson's analysis. So, we found that the light's double travel times don't depend on the interferometer arms directions and so the expected by Michelson fringes displacements, must not appear. The above findings are applicable to other similar experiments with ray double travel, including light, lasers, masers, γ-rays, etc. We demonstrated that Michelson's experiment correct interpretation does not confirm the relativity of the light speed. Consequently, Michelson's experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether which must remain the bearer of the E-M phenomena. Consequently, the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) must be reconsidered, based on Lorentz electromagnetic theory from 1895 and the quanta entanglement and E-M field can be physically explained by the ether presence.
This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error was found in ... more This paper is based on the results obtained in our previous articles where an error was found in Michelson&#39;s analysis of his interferometer experiment, even though Einstein relied on it, while developing the special relativity theory, in which he eliminated ether from physics. Our own results imply that ether can exist. We have also validated the hypothesis that Coulomb&#39;s law would better describe the complex reality, including ether, by adding other terms to the actual term in r À2. As such, the force that exists between two distant dipoles, when computed with a modified version of Coulomb&#39;s law, depends on r À2 , as in Newton&#39;s law. Numerically, the two forces were practically equal given that the gravitation consists of electromagnetic (EM) interactions. For ether&#39;s structure, we proposed the HM16 model, in which the constituent etherons a and b are placed in the nodes of a crystalline network with a cell of approximately 10 À27 m, and manifesting forces of mutual attraction/rejection. Ether behaves as an ideal mechanism in the form of a perpetuum mobile. The microparticles (MPs) consist of local zones of ether where an energy intake induced a state of vibrating or vortex motion. The vibrant MPs, having electrical charges, will transmit fundamental vibrations (FVs) in ether around the MPs, which have a finite velocity c F. Stationary FVs do not transmit energy in the continuous infinite ether, but they do create interaction forces between MPs having electric (modified Coulomb forces) and magnetic nature given by ether. An MP passing through two energetic levels will expel (or absorb) a elementary special particle (ESMP), namely, the photon (F), which moves through the ether at the speed of light (c), which is a property granted by the ether. The Fs photons constitute EM waves that transmit energy through ether. The F photon can be constituted similar to an MP, which creates its own FVs in ether. It is likely that the two velocities c F and c will not be equal. As we consider that c F &gt; c, velocity c F corresponds to the &quot;gravitational&quot; waves resulting from the electric interaction between the MPs produced by the completed Coulomb&#39;s law. The HM16 model of ether can explain the nature of the electric field in terms of volumetric e strains of ether, while the nature of the magnetic field can be explained by distortional c strains of ether. The HM16 model can also explain the various interactions between EM waves and MPs as well as collisions between MPs. V C 2017 Physics Essays Publication. [http://dx. Résumé: Cet article est basé sur les résultats obtenus dans les articles précédents où une erreur a été trouvée dans l&#39;analyse de Michelson de son expérience avec l&#39;interféromètre, même si Einstein est appuyé sur elle, tout en développant la théorie de la relativité spéciale, dans laquelle il a éliminé l&#39;éther de la physique. Nos propres résultats impliquent que l&#39;éther peut exister. Nous avons également validé l&#39;hypothèse selon laquelle la loi de Coulomb serait mieux décrire la réalité complexe, y compris l&#39;éther, en ajoutant d&#39;autres termes a l&#39;actuel terme en r À2. En tant que tel, la force qui existe entre deux dipôles éloignés, lorsque est calculé avec la loi de Coulomb modifiée, dépend de r À2 , comme dans la loi de Newton. Numériquement, les deux forces ont été pratiquement égales, ainsi que la gravitation se compose d&#39;interactions électromagnétiques. Pour la composition de l&#39;éther, on a proposé le modèle HM16, dans lequel les étherons constituants a et b, sont placés dans les noeuds d&#39;un réseau cristallin avec une cellule d&#39;environ 10 À27 m, ou ils manifestent des forces mutuelle d&#39;attraction/repulsion. L&#39;éther se comporte comme un mécanisme idéal sous la forme d&#39;un perpetuum mobile. Les microparticules (MPs) sont constituées de zones locales d&#39;éther où un apport énergétique induit un état de vibration ou mouvement tourbillonnaire. Les MPs en vibration, ayant des charges électriques, vont transmettre des vibrations fondamentales (FVs) dans l&#39;éther autour des MPs, qui ont une vitesse finie c f. Les FVs stationnaires ne transmettent pas d&#39;énergie dans l&#39;éther infini continu, mais ils créent des forces d&#39;interaction entre les MPs, forces de nature électrique, et de nature magnétique créées par l&#39;éther. Une MP passant a)
Theoretical basis of Michelson interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed t... more Theoretical basis of Michelson interferometer experiment is reanalyzed. Initially we reanalyzed the illustrative model, represented by a boat traversing a river which revealed that the correct transversal trajectory is not an isosceles triangle, but a right triangle. Also in the interferometer, the transversal double light path, considering the ether presence and classical theories of light, we found to be too a right triangle instead isosceles one considered by Michelson. But this new path necessitates zero time difference, for which fringes displacements are not expected, unlike Michelson's analysis. So we found that the light's double travel times don't depend on the interferometer arms directions and so the expected by Michelson fringes displacements, must not appear. The above findings are applicable to other similar experiments with ray double travel, including light, lasers, masers, γ-rays, etc. We demonstrated that Michelson's experiment correct interpretation does not confirm the relativity of the light speed. Consequently, Michelson's experiment should not be considered negative concerning the presence of ether which must remain the bearer of the E-M phenomena. Consequently, the Special Relativity Theory (SRT) must be reconsidered, based on Lorentz electromagnetic theory from 1895 and the quanta entanglement and E-M field can be physically explained by the ether presence.
The paper starts by analyzing the actual justification of the separation existing between electri... more The paper starts by analyzing the actual justification of the separation existing between electrical and gravitational forces, considering that for neutral bodies the electrical interaction force at long distances r, totally cancels as equal and opposed +/-forces F C , given by Coulomb law. Initially it was demonstrated that the type of the force F D , attraction or repulsion, between two electrical dipoles, having the same orientation, is given by the variation mode of the electrical forces F C with the r distance. In this paper one demonstrates that this electrical dipole force F D may exist at any distance r, by reciprocal orientation of any two dipoles. But such dipole force F D depends on a term in 1/r 4 or greater power, being negligible compared to the gravitational force F N , which in Newton's law depends on 1/r 2. In order to obtain the principal term in 1/r 2 , for dipole interaction F D , it was necessary and sufficiently to admit a hypothesis which considers a new Coulomb law force F CC , as a series of terms of powers of r, including a new term of the form-ln r. With this corrected Coulomb law force F CC , for dipole interaction new force F DC , an expression having the principal term in 1/r 2 results, as in Newton's law. In order to verify the above hypothesis, numerical checking for the new dipole force F DC with first 4 terms of series was performed, utilizing actual electric permeability, the constant ε 0 corrected, in all the terms. These calculations made for an astronomical distance (10 9 m), showed a good agreement (relative ratio R=F N /F DC ≈ 0.626) between the force F N given by Newton's law and the dipole force F DC obtained with the corrected Coulomb law. On the basis of this gravity theory, some important consequences result, such as the inexistence of the gravitational waves, of the black holes, of the space gravitational curvature, and of the big-bang. This gravity theory with more than 4 terms of series yield all of the four known forces in nature, so unifying them. The new dipolar gravity theory is physically possible only in quantum manifestation of the charges, and admitting the presence of a continuum media (a modern ether) as physical support of electromagnetic interactions.
Papers by Ioan Has
The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R=FDC/FN ≈1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP's own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.
The ether was eliminated from physics in 1905 by Einstein, through his Special Relativity Theory (SRT), based on experiments carried out in 1881/87 by Michelson (ME81/87). We reintroduce the ether to physics as a result of two errors that we have discovered in Michelson’s analysis of his experiments ME81/87. We initially proposed the development of NTP16 in 2016, and we now present an actualised, up-to-date form of NPT16. NPT is the result of taking into account the special properties of ETH ether, which in the HM16 model is characterized by its composition, as a deformable elastic body, without friction, so without energy consumption/loss. ETH consists of compact ether cells EC, which transmit the fundamental vibrations FVs of ECs, created by microparticles MPs, constituted as energy concentrations in their own vortices/oscillations, energy that creates even the mass m of MP. Longitudinal and transverse FVs vibrations, are transmitted between MPs and between ECs, by mechanical percussion pi, specific to the current positive or negative electric charge of an MP. And gravity is the result of the interaction forces FDC between the dipoles, so-called electric, but created by a Coulomb type force FCC, between two MPs completed with a term in lnr. And at astronomical distances, there is a ratio R=FDC/FN ≈1.60, which indicates the presence of an increase in the real mass of the stars, of about +60%, compared to the mass considered by gravitational Newton force FN, a result that can explain/replace the current fictitious dark matter. The NPT also gives a physical explanation of the phenomenon of increasing the mass of a material body MB, as its speed V increases. This speed V, leads to an accumulation of energy around MPs, stored in the ECs vortices of ETH around MP, created even by the V-speed motion of the MP. And the energy accumulated around the MP is added to the MP's own energy, which is even the mass of the MP thus increased.