Hans Daiber
Prof. Dr. Hans Daiber (born 1942).Holder of the chair of oriental languages at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M., 1995-2010, until his retirement.He taught at Free University of Amsterdam 1977-1995, at University of Tokyo 1992, and at ISTAC (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia) 2001.His main fields are Arabic and Islam, including Islamic philosophy, theology, history of sciences and the field of Greek-Syriac-Arabic-Latin translations. He is an expert in analysing and describing Arabic manuscripts.Member of the KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences) since 1981 and representative of the KNAW to the UAI (Union Académique Internationale) until 1995.His phd-thesis from the year 1967 appeared in print in 1980 under the title Aetius Arabus.In 1973 he got his qualification for teaching Arabic and Islam with his monograph on Das theologisch-philosophische System des Muʿammar Ibn ʿAbbād as-Sulamī (gest. 830 n. Chr.), which appeared in print in 1975.He wrote 16 monographs and more than 100 articles. He is editor of IPTS (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Sciences) and of ASL (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus). In 1999 and 2007 he published a Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy in three volumes, including extensive indices. In 2012 he published Islamic Thought in the Dialogue of Cultures. A Historical and Bibliographical Survey. Recently (2021-2023) he published a monograph on “From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond” (6 vols, Brill).
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