Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan suatu upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkunga... more Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan suatu upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan di perkotaan. Di Kota Jakarta makin banyak lahan terbuka hijau berubah menjadi perumahan, perkantoran dan lainnya sehingga luasnya berkurang. Dengan berkurangnya luas ruang terbuka hijau mengakibatkan menurunnya jasa lingkungan. Salah satu bentuk RTH adalah hutan kota. Jasa lingkungan hutan kota perlu ditegakkan. Salah satu hutan kota di Kota Jakarta adalah Hutan Kota Srengseng (HKS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya kontribusi jasa lingkungan Hutan Kota Srengseng (HKS). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan pengukuran, serta pengumpulan dokumen terkait. Teknik analisis yang digunakan antara lain analisis THI (Temperature Humidity Index), metode Gerakis, rumus Widagdo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa HKS sebagai penyedia jasa lingkungan hampir berjalan dengan baik. Jasa lingkungan HKS sebagai...
Balanced housing policy objective is to reach a harmony in diversity. It regulates the diversity ... more Balanced housing policy objective is to reach a harmony in diversity. It regulates the diversity of housing units into 3:2:1 proportion. It shows a comparison of 3 simple type houses, 2 medium types, and 1 luxury type based on its area or price. Due to the profit gain, the developers found it difficult to apply. This study aim is to identify the optimized housing proportion fulfilling the comparison and still gaining the profit. The unit of analysis is cluster where the community harmony can take place. Burgundy Residence and Olive Residence in Summarecon Bekasi took as samples. The research method is operational research. By comparing the number of each house types, its affordability, and its proportion using the simplex-method showed that there is inconsistency in this balanced housing policy based on an area and price. The two clusters showed imbalance proportion in term of area and affordability. The optimization has balanced proportion with an expanded stretch of land. The unit...
How to create a sustainable community is the main problem in the urban settlement development. It... more How to create a sustainable community is the main problem in the urban settlement development. It is no exception for the walk-up flats development. The general objective of this research was to formulate the model of environmental harmony to create a sustainable walk-up flats community. There are three specific objectives. The fisrt is to prove the effect of individual on the sustainability of community. It was used the survey methode using questionnaire and the regression analysis to test the conceptual model. The second is to identify the effort to create a sustainable community. It was used the interview which directed to find it. The third is to recognize the characteristics of the model of environmental harmony. It was achieved by sintesize the output of the first and the second objectives. The results were: 1) the individual affects the sustainability of community significantly; 2) to create the community sustainability needs the law enforcement at the flats which depend on t...
The tourism area of Toba Lake is one of The National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN). In the last ... more The tourism area of Toba Lake is one of The National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN). In the last five years the number of visitors is still low. The aim of this study is to identify the problematic aspects in developing tourism area and the efforts to overcome it. This research is quantitative and used design survey. The aspects in developing the tourism area analyzed were: tourist attraction, accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, as well as social condition and community support. All those aspects was elaborated into indicators which set to be the statements in questionnaire using Likert scale. Based on chi square test, all the aspects has different category significantly. The results showed that accessibility and community support were the aspects with the lower category than others. But, the accessibility need to be prioritised in developing the Toba Lake tourism area in Toba Samosir regency. It is required efforts to provide and improve its accessibility in developing t...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
In a Walkability Survey in Asian Cities, Jakarta occupies the bottom four. Having been its low le... more In a Walkability Survey in Asian Cities, Jakarta occupies the bottom four. Having been its low level of walkability, Jakarta in implementing the sustainable city concept arranges the walkable pedestrian ways. As the center of commercial activities, Jakarta needs the walkability measurement for commercial corridor. This research aim is to identify the level of walkability in commercial corridors. The unit of analysis is a commercial corridor. Field observation and questionnaire survey were used as the methods. Field observation is to identify the condition of pedestrian facilities, pedestrian flows, and land use along the left and right sides of the corridor. There were three variables of the condition of the corridor’s sidewalk associated with the level of pedestrian’s comfort, that were safety, amenity, and accessibility. These three variables are measured by several indicators measured using a Likert scale. The number of respondents was 96. To test the data’s reliability and valid...
Improving poor conditions of the kampung in urban areas can be solved without evictions. Eviction... more Improving poor conditions of the kampung in urban areas can be solved without evictions. Eviction is not a good strategy as it will eliminate the uniqueness of kampung characteristics. Aims: This study was aimed to find out the relevance of social capital in kampung arrangement and also to understand the most influential element of the social capital and its role on the arrangement of kampung in Kampung Pisang. Methodology and results: The study investigated the elements of social capital that affect the activities in every phase in kampung arrangement process. This was done through the analysis of data resulted from the questionnaire and interview surveys on the residents of Kampung Pisang. The result showed the most influential element of social capital is the social network in participation variable. Conclusion, significance and impact study: Participation as an element of social capital plays a major role in kampung arrangement in Kampung Pisang, Makassar city in Indonesia. By participation, the relevance of social capital in kampung arrangement is developing people's knowledge about the environmental quality and using it in the improvement of physical environmental condition. This paper showed that kampung arrangement could be done by using social capital to hinder evictions.
Tri Hita Karana, Tri Mandala, and Sanga Mandala are the Balinese spatial planning philosophies. C... more Tri Hita Karana, Tri Mandala, and Sanga Mandala are the Balinese spatial planning philosophies. Core values in Tri Hita Karana are balanced and harmony among parahyangan, palemahan, and pawongan. Denpasar city plan was stated formally based on Tri Hita Karana. Application of this concept was revealed into Tri Mandala and Sanga Mandala which producing nine zones. If these philosophy implemented fully then the land allotment in the spatial plan follow the rules and there is no problem of disharmony between the elements of Tri Hita Karana. The purpose of this study is to identify deviations in the application of traditional Balinese spatial concepts in the Denpasar city plan and proposed prevention of the emergence of problems in its implementation. To find deviations between the Tri Hita Karana concept and the city spatial plan, an overlapping analysis was conducted between the Sanga Mandala zoning and the Denpasar city spatial plan. The results show that there have been deviations in...
Due to the limitation of slum dweller’s residence, they use public spaces for their daily activit... more Due to the limitation of slum dweller’s residence, they use public spaces for their daily activities. One kind of them is a park. Public space used for various kinds of activities by slum dwellers is called a multifunction public space. Utilization of multifunction public space can potentially lead to spatial use conflict which interfere with its functional sustainability. The aim of this research was to identify the level of sustainability of the utilization of a multifunction public space in the slum area. This research used a quantitative approach and a questionnaires survey method. Respondents were slum dwellers using the park. The total respondents was 96 by using the Lemeshow formula. The results showed that there were differences in the level of sustainability among three parks. The highest level of sustainable utilization is Pendongkelan, the medium level is Melati Indah, and the lowest level is Taman Anggrek. There were four aspects of sustainability which were measured. D...
Kampung kota adalah permukiman tradisional yang tidak terencana dengan kompleksitas permasalahann... more Kampung kota adalah permukiman tradisional yang tidak terencana dengan kompleksitas permasalahannya seperti kota. Kampung kota Kali Apuran di Jakarta Barat yang padat dan tidak teratur, serta secara sosial dihuni penduduk yang heterogen maka sense of community merupakan hal penting. Ruang publik adalah elemen yang dapat memfasilitasi tumbuhnya sense of community. Terdapat macam-macam ruang publik di kampung kota yang dimanfaatkan penghuni sebagai tempat aktivitas dan interaksi antarwarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat sense of community warga kampung kota Kali Apuran pada berbagai jenis ruang publik yang ada di dalamnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan survey angket, yang diambil secara acak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis ruang publik di Kampung Kali Apuran memiliki tingkat sense of community yang sama, yakni pada tingkat sedang. Artinya bahwa semua jenis ruang publik memfasilitasi sense of community. Adapun persentasenya berturut-turut menuru...
Housing development has to be directed to establish a spatial community characterized by the bond... more Housing development has to be directed to establish a spatial community characterized by the bond among members and place attachment to their living space. The moving outside of inhabitants can be caused by low social harmony or low functional conditions of their housing. It can be happened in flats as well as in landed housing. Social harmony is the condition of the bond among inhabitants including a bond of value, a bond of feeling, and a common action. It is an important element to establish a community. This research aims are identifying the difference of social harmony between the inhabitants of flats and landed houses, as well as identifying the elements of functional conditions of housing that affect social harmony. The research design used questionnaire survey using Likert’s scale. Tebet area was chosen as the study area because there are landed houses and flats inside. The results showed that there was the difference of social harmony between the two types of housing. Socia...
Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan suatu upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkunga... more Penyediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan suatu upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan di perkotaan. Di Kota Jakarta makin banyak lahan terbuka hijau berubah menjadi perumahan, perkantoran dan lainnya sehingga luasnya berkurang. Dengan berkurangnya luas ruang terbuka hijau mengakibatkan menurunnya jasa lingkungan. Salah satu bentuk RTH adalah hutan kota. Jasa lingkungan hutan kota perlu ditegakkan. Salah satu hutan kota di Kota Jakarta adalah Hutan Kota Srengseng (HKS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya kontribusi jasa lingkungan Hutan Kota Srengseng (HKS). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan pengukuran, serta pengumpulan dokumen terkait. Teknik analisis yang digunakan antara lain analisis THI (Temperature Humidity Index), metode Gerakis, rumus Widagdo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa HKS sebagai penyedia jasa lingkungan hampir berjalan dengan baik. Jasa lingkungan HKS sebagai...
Balanced housing policy objective is to reach a harmony in diversity. It regulates the diversity ... more Balanced housing policy objective is to reach a harmony in diversity. It regulates the diversity of housing units into 3:2:1 proportion. It shows a comparison of 3 simple type houses, 2 medium types, and 1 luxury type based on its area or price. Due to the profit gain, the developers found it difficult to apply. This study aim is to identify the optimized housing proportion fulfilling the comparison and still gaining the profit. The unit of analysis is cluster where the community harmony can take place. Burgundy Residence and Olive Residence in Summarecon Bekasi took as samples. The research method is operational research. By comparing the number of each house types, its affordability, and its proportion using the simplex-method showed that there is inconsistency in this balanced housing policy based on an area and price. The two clusters showed imbalance proportion in term of area and affordability. The optimization has balanced proportion with an expanded stretch of land. The unit...
How to create a sustainable community is the main problem in the urban settlement development. It... more How to create a sustainable community is the main problem in the urban settlement development. It is no exception for the walk-up flats development. The general objective of this research was to formulate the model of environmental harmony to create a sustainable walk-up flats community. There are three specific objectives. The fisrt is to prove the effect of individual on the sustainability of community. It was used the survey methode using questionnaire and the regression analysis to test the conceptual model. The second is to identify the effort to create a sustainable community. It was used the interview which directed to find it. The third is to recognize the characteristics of the model of environmental harmony. It was achieved by sintesize the output of the first and the second objectives. The results were: 1) the individual affects the sustainability of community significantly; 2) to create the community sustainability needs the law enforcement at the flats which depend on t...
The tourism area of Toba Lake is one of The National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN). In the last ... more The tourism area of Toba Lake is one of The National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN). In the last five years the number of visitors is still low. The aim of this study is to identify the problematic aspects in developing tourism area and the efforts to overcome it. This research is quantitative and used design survey. The aspects in developing the tourism area analyzed were: tourist attraction, accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, as well as social condition and community support. All those aspects was elaborated into indicators which set to be the statements in questionnaire using Likert scale. Based on chi square test, all the aspects has different category significantly. The results showed that accessibility and community support were the aspects with the lower category than others. But, the accessibility need to be prioritised in developing the Toba Lake tourism area in Toba Samosir regency. It is required efforts to provide and improve its accessibility in developing t...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
In a Walkability Survey in Asian Cities, Jakarta occupies the bottom four. Having been its low le... more In a Walkability Survey in Asian Cities, Jakarta occupies the bottom four. Having been its low level of walkability, Jakarta in implementing the sustainable city concept arranges the walkable pedestrian ways. As the center of commercial activities, Jakarta needs the walkability measurement for commercial corridor. This research aim is to identify the level of walkability in commercial corridors. The unit of analysis is a commercial corridor. Field observation and questionnaire survey were used as the methods. Field observation is to identify the condition of pedestrian facilities, pedestrian flows, and land use along the left and right sides of the corridor. There were three variables of the condition of the corridor’s sidewalk associated with the level of pedestrian’s comfort, that were safety, amenity, and accessibility. These three variables are measured by several indicators measured using a Likert scale. The number of respondents was 96. To test the data’s reliability and valid...
Improving poor conditions of the kampung in urban areas can be solved without evictions. Eviction... more Improving poor conditions of the kampung in urban areas can be solved without evictions. Eviction is not a good strategy as it will eliminate the uniqueness of kampung characteristics. Aims: This study was aimed to find out the relevance of social capital in kampung arrangement and also to understand the most influential element of the social capital and its role on the arrangement of kampung in Kampung Pisang. Methodology and results: The study investigated the elements of social capital that affect the activities in every phase in kampung arrangement process. This was done through the analysis of data resulted from the questionnaire and interview surveys on the residents of Kampung Pisang. The result showed the most influential element of social capital is the social network in participation variable. Conclusion, significance and impact study: Participation as an element of social capital plays a major role in kampung arrangement in Kampung Pisang, Makassar city in Indonesia. By participation, the relevance of social capital in kampung arrangement is developing people's knowledge about the environmental quality and using it in the improvement of physical environmental condition. This paper showed that kampung arrangement could be done by using social capital to hinder evictions.
Tri Hita Karana, Tri Mandala, and Sanga Mandala are the Balinese spatial planning philosophies. C... more Tri Hita Karana, Tri Mandala, and Sanga Mandala are the Balinese spatial planning philosophies. Core values in Tri Hita Karana are balanced and harmony among parahyangan, palemahan, and pawongan. Denpasar city plan was stated formally based on Tri Hita Karana. Application of this concept was revealed into Tri Mandala and Sanga Mandala which producing nine zones. If these philosophy implemented fully then the land allotment in the spatial plan follow the rules and there is no problem of disharmony between the elements of Tri Hita Karana. The purpose of this study is to identify deviations in the application of traditional Balinese spatial concepts in the Denpasar city plan and proposed prevention of the emergence of problems in its implementation. To find deviations between the Tri Hita Karana concept and the city spatial plan, an overlapping analysis was conducted between the Sanga Mandala zoning and the Denpasar city spatial plan. The results show that there have been deviations in...
Due to the limitation of slum dweller’s residence, they use public spaces for their daily activit... more Due to the limitation of slum dweller’s residence, they use public spaces for their daily activities. One kind of them is a park. Public space used for various kinds of activities by slum dwellers is called a multifunction public space. Utilization of multifunction public space can potentially lead to spatial use conflict which interfere with its functional sustainability. The aim of this research was to identify the level of sustainability of the utilization of a multifunction public space in the slum area. This research used a quantitative approach and a questionnaires survey method. Respondents were slum dwellers using the park. The total respondents was 96 by using the Lemeshow formula. The results showed that there were differences in the level of sustainability among three parks. The highest level of sustainable utilization is Pendongkelan, the medium level is Melati Indah, and the lowest level is Taman Anggrek. There were four aspects of sustainability which were measured. D...
Kampung kota adalah permukiman tradisional yang tidak terencana dengan kompleksitas permasalahann... more Kampung kota adalah permukiman tradisional yang tidak terencana dengan kompleksitas permasalahannya seperti kota. Kampung kota Kali Apuran di Jakarta Barat yang padat dan tidak teratur, serta secara sosial dihuni penduduk yang heterogen maka sense of community merupakan hal penting. Ruang publik adalah elemen yang dapat memfasilitasi tumbuhnya sense of community. Terdapat macam-macam ruang publik di kampung kota yang dimanfaatkan penghuni sebagai tempat aktivitas dan interaksi antarwarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat sense of community warga kampung kota Kali Apuran pada berbagai jenis ruang publik yang ada di dalamnya. Metode penelitian menggunakan survey angket, yang diambil secara acak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis ruang publik di Kampung Kali Apuran memiliki tingkat sense of community yang sama, yakni pada tingkat sedang. Artinya bahwa semua jenis ruang publik memfasilitasi sense of community. Adapun persentasenya berturut-turut menuru...
Housing development has to be directed to establish a spatial community characterized by the bond... more Housing development has to be directed to establish a spatial community characterized by the bond among members and place attachment to their living space. The moving outside of inhabitants can be caused by low social harmony or low functional conditions of their housing. It can be happened in flats as well as in landed housing. Social harmony is the condition of the bond among inhabitants including a bond of value, a bond of feeling, and a common action. It is an important element to establish a community. This research aims are identifying the difference of social harmony between the inhabitants of flats and landed houses, as well as identifying the elements of functional conditions of housing that affect social harmony. The research design used questionnaire survey using Likert’s scale. Tebet area was chosen as the study area because there are landed houses and flats inside. The results showed that there was the difference of social harmony between the two types of housing. Socia...
Papers by Hanny Wahidin