Papers by Handerson Silva Santos
Applied nursing research, Apr 1, 2024
Objectives Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of er... more Objectives Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of errors in nursing work. Background Many of the known errors in nursing are based on the structural failure of the complex health service system. Our study addresses the question “Is there an association between errors made by nursing workers and working conditions?” Methods The study was carried out through a cross-sectional exploratory analysis of 19 ethical-disciplinary processes focused on errors made by nursing workers. The articles were processed, judged, and archived at the Regional Nursing Councils of the Northeast Region of Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to verify the relationship between the variables through multivariate analysis. Results The analyzes show that working conditions can interfere at occurrence in error. This increases the chance of an “inconsequential” error occurring for the patient in poor/very poor working conditions. The most serious errors, “with consequences irreversible” for the patient, only occur from more severe working conditions. Adversely, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of errors in hospitals (33.33 %) compared to “other places” (28.58 %) when these occurred in poor working conditions. When conducting the incident in poor working conditions, there was a minimum of 52 % protection OR = 0.48 % [0.16; 11.80]; (1–0.48)) against these errors in general in the nursing area. Conclusion The strong association was exposed in working conditions classified as bad/very bad/very bad, resulting in the most serious errors and with irreversible consequences for patients. However, a level of protection for different types of workers was noticed in the field, which shows that there is hope that if the work environment changes with more organization, management, and standards of care, we can prevent future errors.
Applied Nursing Research, 2024
Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of er... more Objectives
Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of errors in nursing work.
Many of the known errors in nursing are based on the structural failure of the complex health service system. Our study addresses the question “Is there an association between errors made by nursing workers and working conditions?”
The study was carried out through a cross-sectional exploratory analysis of 19 ethical-disciplinary processes focused on errors made by nursing workers. The articles were processed, judged, and archived at the Regional Nursing Councils of the Northeast Region of Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to verify the relationship between the variables through multivariate analysis.
The analyzes show that working conditions can interfere at occurrence in error. This increases the chance of an “inconsequential” error occurring for the patient in poor/very poor working conditions. The most serious errors, “with consequences irreversible” for the patient, only occur from more severe working conditions. Adversely, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of errors in hospitals (33.33 %) compared to “other places” (28.58 %) when these occurred in poor working conditions. When conducting the incident in poor working conditions, there was a minimum of 52 % protection OR = 0.48 % [0.16; 11.80]; (1–0.48)) against these errors in general in the nursing area.
The strong association was exposed in working conditions classified as bad/very bad/very bad, resulting in the most serious errors and with irreversible consequences for patients. However, a level of protection for different types of workers was noticed in the field, which shows that there is hope that if the work environment changes with more organization, management, and standards of care, we can prevent future errors.
O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa e a rede de unidades basicas de saude com o modelo assistencial... more O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa e a rede de unidades basicas de saude com o modelo assistencial tradicional, ou seja, nao se estrutura a partir da Estrategia Saude da Familia. Essa rede e formada pelo conjunto de unidades basicas de saude, localizado nos 12 distritos sanitarios de Salvador, cujo modelo de atencao a saude baseia-se na demanda espontânea, na inexistencia do delineamento territorial de assistencia e adstricao dos usuarios, oferecendo servicos de saude sob a forma de programas e/ou por meio do Programa de Agentes Comunitarios de Saude, doravante denominadas UBS. A escolha desse objeto de estudo relaciona-se com a lenta reversao das UBS em Unidades de Saude da Familia (USF) em Salvador, uma vez que 60% das unidades de saude que compoem a rede de atencao basica em Salvador sao UBS, algumas delas oferecendo, alem do servico ambulatorial, o servico de pronto atendimento nas 24 horas. Este estudo e parte de um projeto maior e corresponde ao seu segundo momento. O primeiro ...
Introducao: As Infeccoes Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) apresentam como determinantes de causalidade ... more Introducao: As Infeccoes Respiratorias Agudas (IRA) apresentam como determinantes de causalidade inadequadas condicoes de trabalho, renda, moradia, escolaridade, entre outros e sao as principais causas de mortalidade infantil no Distrito Sanitario do Suburbio Ferroviario de Salvador (DSSF). O PET/VS iniciou em 2013 a realizacao de um diagnostico de saude da regiao, com enfase na mortalidade materno-infantil, visando construir estrategias de integracao ensino-servico-comunidade com o objetivo inicial de reduzir os indices de mortalidade, e interferir nos fatores determinantes do processo saude-doenca da populacao. Objetivos: Analisar os determinantes sociais e economicos da Mortalidade Infantil Proporcional por IRA nos anos de 2008 a 2012 da populacao do DSSF. Metodologia: Revisao integrativa sobre a mortalidade infantil no Brasil e na America Latina por meio de publicacoes cientificas na Biblioteca Virtual de Saude entre os anos de 2008 a 2012. Em seguida foi realizada analise dos d...
Revista Baiana de Enfermagem, Jun 6, 2018
Como citar este artigo: Araújo-dos-Santos T, Oliveira AS, Santos HS, Melo CMM, Costa HOG. Denúnci... more Como citar este artigo: Araújo-dos-Santos T, Oliveira AS, Santos HS, Melo CMM, Costa HOG. Denúncias das trabalhadoras da enfermagem aos sindicatos: o desafio da resistência e da ação. Rev baiana enferm. 2018;32:e20453. Objetivo: analisar as denúncias realizadas por enfermeiras, técnicas e auxiliares de enfermagem nos sindicatos que representam essas categorias no estado da Bahia. Método: pesquisa exploratória, qualitativa e documental. Os dados foram agrupados em cinco tipologias da precarização. A análise baseou-se no materialismo dialético. Resultados: foram analisadas 64 denúncias. As tipologias de precarização mais frequentes foram Condenação e descarte do direito do trabalho (35,1%) e Vulnerabilidade no trabalho (23,9%). As denúncias revelaram que as trabalhadoras eram atingidas pela precarização do trabalho, sendo o descumprimento do direito trabalhista a principal manifestação da precarização. Conclusão: as denúncias realizadas por trabalhadoras do campo da enfermagem nos sindicatos, ainda que sejam uma das formas de resistência à precarização do trabalho, foram em número pequeno, o que pode revelar o medo da perda do emprego, como também a alienação dessas trabalhadoras em relação à luta por seus direitos. Descritores: Trabalho. Enfermagem. Sindicatos. Objective: analyze the complaints of female nurses, nursing technicians and auxiliary nurses to the unions representing these categories in the state of Bahia. Method: exploratory, qualitative and documentary research. The data were grouped in five typologies of insecurity. The analysis was based on dialectic materialism.
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem
Objective: To analyze the news published in the Brazilian press about nursing work during the COV... more Objective: To analyze the news published in the Brazilian press about nursing work during the COVID-19 pandemic period, between February 2020 and August 2021. Methods: This is a documentary, descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Elaborated from information collected on news sites, through clipping, following the stages of monitoring, collection, analysis and archiving of mentions of work in nursing made by the Brazilian media. The sample totaled 432 news. Data analysis was performed using the Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin. Results The year 2020 stood out among the analyzed news (59.96%), whose characters involved were nursing professionals, female (36.57%), technical (38.89%) and higher (38. 43%). There was a predominance of news in the Southeast (45.83%) and Midwest (17.36%) regions. Six categories were identified for data analysis: deaths among workers (40.74%), precarious working conditions (28.94%), vaccination (8.56%), contamination of workers (...
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem
Revista Baiana de Enfermagem
Objetivo: analisar condições determinantes para a produção de erro no trabalho em enfermagem. Mét... more Objetivo: analisar condições determinantes para a produção de erro no trabalho em enfermagem. Método: pesquisa documental, analítica, qualitativa. Dados coletados em 19 processos ético-disciplinares, no período de 2000 a 2018, cujo objeto de denúncia foi o erro cometido por trabalhadoras em enfermagem. Empregou-se a Análise de Conteúdo Temática proposta por Bardin e a Teoria da Produção Social interpretada por Carlos Matus. Resultados: as técnicas e auxiliares em enfermagem foram as trabalhadoras mais denunciadas; o erro de medicação foi o mais frequente; a precarização do trabalho foi condição determinante na ocorrência de erros nos processos analisados. Considerações finais: predominaram condições estruturais de produção de erro no trabalho em enfermagem, permitindo refutar a noção hegemônica do erro como fenômeno moral no trabalho em enfermagem. Descritores: Enfermagem. Trabalho. Condições de Trabalho. Erros Médicos. Segurança do Paciente. Objective: to analyze determinant conditions for the production of error in nursing work. Method: documentary, analytical, qualitative research. Data collected in 19 ethical-disciplinary processes, from 2000 to 2018, whose object of complaint was the mistake committed by nursing workers. The Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin and the Theory of Social Production interpreted by Carlos Matus were used. Results: nursing techniques and assistants were the most reported workers; medication error was the most frequent; job precariousness was a determining condition in the occurrence of errors in the processes analyzed. Final considerations: structural conditions of error production in nursing work predominated, allowing refuting the hegemonic notion of error as a moral phenomenon in nursing work.
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Objective: To reflect on the repercussions of the Labor Reform on nursing work during the COVID-1... more Objective: To reflect on the repercussions of the Labor Reform on nursing work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This is a reflective study based on the legal aspects of the Labor Reform in dialog with scientific productions pertaining to nursing work. Results: With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the flexibilization of labor is being intensified, legally backed up by the Labor Reform. For nursing workers, the repercussions are felt in the work relationship, during the workday, in the salary, in union action, and in job protection. Final considerations: It is evident that, after the legislative changes, there’s no certainty that the flexibilization of labor and social security laws will bring favorable results in terms of economic growth, reduction of inequalities, and lower unemployment rates for the nursing workers. Therefore, the political organization of the professional categories is the way to overcome this scenario.
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
RESUMO Objetivo: Refletir sobre as repercussões da Reforma Trabalhista no trabalho em enfermagem ... more RESUMO Objetivo: Refletir sobre as repercussões da Reforma Trabalhista no trabalho em enfermagem durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo reflexivo com base nos aspectos legais da Reforma Trabalhista em diálogo com produções científicas acerca do trabalho em enfermagem. Resultados: Com a ascensão da pandemia de COVID-19, observa-se o acirramento da flexibilização do trabalho, amparado juridicamente pela Reforma Trabalhista. Para os/as trabalhadores/as da enfermagem, as repercussões dão-se no vínculo de trabalho, na jornada de trabalho, no salário, na atuação sindical e na proteção ao emprego. Considerações finais: Evidencia se que, para os/as trabalhadores/as da enfermagem, após as mudanças legislativas, não há segurança de que a flexibilização das leis trabalhistas e previdenciárias tragam resultados favoráveis para o crescimento econômico, redução das desigualdades e menores taxas de desemprego. Com isso, a organização política das categorias é a via ...
Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nu... more Objective: To identify the contribution of all the dimensions involved in job insecurity among nursing professionals in Brazilian state public hospitals. Method: This was a quantitative descriptive study conducted between March 2015 and February 2016, with nurses, nursing technicians and nursing aides. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. Results: The sample consisted of 265 nurses (n=161 with job security and n=104 outsourced) and 810 nursing technicians and nursing aides (n=597 with job security and n=213 outsourced). Among the nurses, “Working conditions” accounted for 46.8% of their job insecurity. Among nursing technicians and nursing aides “intensity of work due to work process organization” best explained the construct of job insecurity (51.2%). Conclusion: Job insecurity is expressed differently depending on the type of nursing professional. The difference in the distribution of the dimensions showed that job insecurity is related to the hierarchical pos...
Escola Anna Nery, 2016
Força de trabalho da enfermeira em serviços estaduais com gestão direta: Revelando a precarização... more Força de trabalho da enfermeira em serviços estaduais com gestão direta: Revelando a precarização Fuerza de trabajo de la enfermera en servicios estatales con gestión directa: Revelando la precarización
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, 2022
Caracterização da produção científica sobre erro no trabalho em saúde Characterization of scienti... more Caracterização da produção científica sobre erro no trabalho em saúde Characterization of scientific production on errors in health work Caracterización de la producción científica sobre error en el trabajo en salud
Objective: to analyze the perception of students, teachers and workers about the work process of ... more Objective: to analyze the perception of students, teachers and workers about the work process of nurses. Method: this is an exploratory research, which uses a qualitative approach. The subjects were students, teachers and nurses. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview, organized into tables, classified according to the categories of nurses’ work process and analyzed in the light of the Marxist theoretical framework on the work process in health/nursing. Results: the participants conceptualized the nurses’ work process in a fragmented way, did not recognize their inseparable managerial nature, and considered the managerial work of nurses as an obstacle. Conclusion: there are no differences in the perception of students, teachers and workers on the work process of the nurse.
Objective: to reflect on the use of the dialectical materialism for the analysis of quantitative ... more Objective: to reflect on the use of the dialectical materialism for the analysis of quantitative data. The dialectical materialism is based on the understanding of the historical reality and of its contradictions, explaining social phenomena. Method: the concrete experience has been taken as the use of the dialectical materialism in the analysis of quantitative data from a research, whose object is the precarious work of nurses in public hospitals. From the statistical results, the contradictions between them and the literature review on the precariousness of work were identified. Then, based on the Marxist literature, other arguments were put forward in order to deepen the ascent to the explanation of the phenomenon. Results the information obtained with analytical statistics shows the movement, contradiction and unity of the opposites present in the responses of the analyzed variables. This fact made it possible to move away from the appearance of the numbers to understand the rel...
Papers by Handerson Silva Santos
Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of errors in nursing work.
Many of the known errors in nursing are based on the structural failure of the complex health service system. Our study addresses the question “Is there an association between errors made by nursing workers and working conditions?”
The study was carried out through a cross-sectional exploratory analysis of 19 ethical-disciplinary processes focused on errors made by nursing workers. The articles were processed, judged, and archived at the Regional Nursing Councils of the Northeast Region of Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to verify the relationship between the variables through multivariate analysis.
The analyzes show that working conditions can interfere at occurrence in error. This increases the chance of an “inconsequential” error occurring for the patient in poor/very poor working conditions. The most serious errors, “with consequences irreversible” for the patient, only occur from more severe working conditions. Adversely, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of errors in hospitals (33.33 %) compared to “other places” (28.58 %) when these occurred in poor working conditions. When conducting the incident in poor working conditions, there was a minimum of 52 % protection OR = 0.48 % [0.16; 11.80]; (1–0.48)) against these errors in general in the nursing area.
The strong association was exposed in working conditions classified as bad/very bad/very bad, resulting in the most serious errors and with irreversible consequences for patients. However, a level of protection for different types of workers was noticed in the field, which shows that there is hope that if the work environment changes with more organization, management, and standards of care, we can prevent future errors.
Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of errors in nursing work.
Many of the known errors in nursing are based on the structural failure of the complex health service system. Our study addresses the question “Is there an association between errors made by nursing workers and working conditions?”
The study was carried out through a cross-sectional exploratory analysis of 19 ethical-disciplinary processes focused on errors made by nursing workers. The articles were processed, judged, and archived at the Regional Nursing Councils of the Northeast Region of Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to verify the relationship between the variables through multivariate analysis.
The analyzes show that working conditions can interfere at occurrence in error. This increases the chance of an “inconsequential” error occurring for the patient in poor/very poor working conditions. The most serious errors, “with consequences irreversible” for the patient, only occur from more severe working conditions. Adversely, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of errors in hospitals (33.33 %) compared to “other places” (28.58 %) when these occurred in poor working conditions. When conducting the incident in poor working conditions, there was a minimum of 52 % protection OR = 0.48 % [0.16; 11.80]; (1–0.48)) against these errors in general in the nursing area.
The strong association was exposed in working conditions classified as bad/very bad/very bad, resulting in the most serious errors and with irreversible consequences for patients. However, a level of protection for different types of workers was noticed in the field, which shows that there is hope that if the work environment changes with more organization, management, and standards of care, we can prevent future errors.