Papers by Husjain Djajaningrat
2018 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), 2018
The performance of the South African Lightning Detection Network (SALDN) with regards to detectio... more The performance of the South African Lightning Detection Network (SALDN) with regards to detection efficiency and location accuracy is presented in this paper. The performance is evaluated over a region in South Africa by using high-speed camera footage of ground truth lightning events, time-correlated with data from the SALDN. The data set contains 128 flashes which were recorded with high-speed cameras. The flash detection efficiency of the network is 88.3 % and the stroke detection efficiency is 72.1 %. The location accuracy has a median location error of 67.7 m based on 71 events which attached to the Hillbrow and Sentech Towers.

ABSTRAK Makanan jajanan anak telah menjadi bagian dari keseharian anak, terutama anak Sekolah Das... more ABSTRAK Makanan jajanan anak telah menjadi bagian dari keseharian anak, terutama anak Sekolah Dasar (SD). Makanan jajanan yang dibeli di tempat yang kurang terjamin kebersihannya dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada saluran pencernaan karena adanya kontaminasi bakteri. Salah satu bakteri yang mengkontaminasi makanan adalah Salmonella. Menurut SNI tahun 2011, batas cemaran maksimum Salmonella pada makanan dan minuman adalah negatip/25g. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi adanya kontaminasi Salmonella pada makanan jajanan yang dijual di SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Sampel berupa makanan dan minuman yang dijual di salah satu SD wilayah Pondok Gede. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteriologi Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III pada bulan Oktober - November 2013. Metode yang digunakan adalah kultur. Hasil penelitian terhadap 28 sampel jajanan ditemukan 10 sampel (35,7%) terkontaminasi salmonella. Sebanyak 4 sampel (26,7%) berasal ...
Penerapan manajemen bencana secara terorganisir dengan baik, baru terbatas dijalankan dikalangan ... more Penerapan manajemen bencana secara terorganisir dengan baik, baru terbatas dijalankan dikalangan usaha karena merupakan salah satu bagian dari program keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja.

Milled chili is the result of milling fresh chili, with or without the preservatives. In the manu... more Milled chili is the result of milling fresh chili, with or without the preservatives. In the manufacture of milled chili, there's so many milled chili processing that use rot chili as the raw materials. it can lead contamination by the bacteria that cause of food poisoning. According to ISO 2011, the maximum limit of microbial contamination in seasoning include milled chili is Salmonella sp negatif/25g, Staphyllococcus aureus 1x102 colonies / g and MPN Coliform 100/g. This research aims to determine the bacteriological quality of milled chili which are sold in the traditional markets at Pondok Gede area and the percentage of milled chili with good quality. This research is experimental research with milled chili samples are sold in traditional markets at Pondok Gede area. this research was done at the Laboratory of Bacteriology Department Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III. the methods were used are culturing and the Most Probable Number (MPN). The result of 32 samp...

Low hemoglobin (Hb) levelsaid as anemia,would reduce the ability to learn and endurance. Students... more Low hemoglobin (Hb) levelsaid as anemia,would reduce the ability to learn and endurance. Students who suffer from anemia will not have a high enthusiasm for learning because it is difficult to concentrate. Consequently, anemia indirectly affect the value of courses and learning achievement.Purpose to determine the relationship between Hb levels with the achievement of students studying at the health Polytechnic of Jakarta III. Methodsdesign of cross-sectional. Sample are 94 boarders health Polytechnic of Jakarta III, taken with proportional sampling technique. Instruments Hb levelsinvestigation byHbmethodeand questionaires. Data was analyzed with Chisquare. and Regression. Resultindicates that the average blood Hb level was 12.01 g% of students. Amounting to 40.4% female students had blood Hb levels <12 g% below normal and indicated there is anemia. Average achievement results 3.26 and <3.0 as much as 12.8%, Conclusions showed that level of Hb have significant related with lea...

Es Capucino cincau merupakan olahan es kopi yang manis dan segar dengan tambahan cincau yang just... more Es Capucino cincau merupakan olahan es kopi yang manis dan segar dengan tambahan cincau yang justru memberi tekstur unik namun tidak asing. Cincau merupakan jenis gel nabati yang mempunyai kandungan karbohidrat tinggi, biasa digunakan sebagai bahan campuran minuman . Namun pada proses pengolahan Es cappucino cincau dapat mengalami kontaminasi bakteri patogen contohnya adalah Salmonella sp yang bila tertelan dalam jumlah banyak oleh manusia maka dapat menganggu kesehatan. Menurut Peraturan Kepala BPOM, batas maksimum cemaran Salmonella sp. dalam es , susu, cincau adalah negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi adanya kontaminasi Salmonella pada minuman es cappucino cincau yang dijual di wilayah Pondok Gede Bekasi. Penelitian deskriptif dengan pengambilan sampel random sampling yang berada di sekitar wilayah Pondok Gede Bekasi, metoda yang digunakan biakan/kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 32 sampel, sebesar 9.37% sampel yang terkontaminasi Salmonella sp....

Imatur/Total neutrofil (IT Ratio) merupakan perbandingan antara neutrofil muda dan total neutrofi... more Imatur/Total neutrofil (IT Ratio) merupakan perbandingan antara neutrofil muda dan total neutrofi pada sediaan apusan darah tepi. Sepsis pada neonates merupakan sindrom respon inflamasi sitemik yang terjadi sebagai akibat infeksi yang dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus , jamur ataupun parasit. Sepsis pada neonat u s dapat mengakibatkan kematian tetapi gejalanya tidak spesifik sehingga memerlukan diagnosa yang tepat dan cepat secara dini. Peningkatan IT Ratio dapat digunakan sebagai deteksi dini terhadap sepsis pada neonates karena neutrofil merupakan respon imun non spesifik yang muncul pertama kali pada proses infeksi (sepsis). Metode desain penelitian observasional c ross-sectional study dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran IT Ratio pada neonatus denganrisiko sepsis di RSIA Hermina Ciputat. Penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan studi pustaka dan data medical record pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan di RSIA Hermina Ciputat, dari bulan Juli sampai Oktober 201 5 . Hasil penelit...
Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada, 2021
Antimicrobial susceptibility of 50 Neisseria meningitidis strains detected in Nova Scotia between... more Antimicrobial susceptibility of 50 Neisseria meningitidis strains detected in Nova Scotia between 2004 and 2018 was determined. The isolates were cultured from sites that might prompt chemoprophylaxis (27 blood, 18 cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], 3 CSF–blood, and 2 conjunctiva). Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined to azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, minocycline, rifampin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, and penicillin G, using a diffusion gradient strip on Mueller–Hinton agar with 5% sheep blood in 5% CO2 for 20–24 hours. All isolates remained susceptible to azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, minocycline, and rifampin, but there was 26% resistance to trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. There was a rise in penicillin MIC of the isolates over the study period.

Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2019
Neonatal sepsis is a major issue on neonatal-care field. This incident occurs by many factors, on... more Neonatal sepsis is a major issue on neonatal-care field. This incident occurs by many factors, one of the factor is infant with a low birth weight. Blood culture is used as the gold standard for diagnosis. The spectrum of bacteria which caused neonatal sepsis is constantly change and vary due to antibiotic resistance phenomenon. This study aimed to determine the relationship of birth weight infant with bacteriological profile and antibiotic resistance of neonatal sepsis in RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta. This study used observational method with cross sectional design and purposive sampling method which is analyzed by chisquare test. Medical record data and blood culture and antibiotic resistance test from all subjects in Januari until December 2018 were reviewed. The sample in this research is neonatal sepsis patients who met inclusion criteria were 51 patients. From 51 (55,43%) subjects, there were 39 (76,47%) neonatal sepsis in low birth weight infant. Klebsiella pneumonia spp (41,17%...

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan, 2018
Vegetarian vegans are at risk of anemia, it maybe because the food intake lacks the nutritional c... more Vegetarian vegans are at risk of anemia, it maybe because the food intake lacks the nutritional components necessery for hemoglobin formation. The aims of this study is to determine of hemoglobin (Hb) concentration in vegetarian as an indication of suffering of anemia. The study was conducted on 57 vegetarian vegan people which was eligible by inclusioncriterion. The independent variables in this study were gender, age, and duration of being vegetarian, while the dependent variable was hemoglobin concentration. Hemoglobin concentrations of each subject was measured by Cyanmethehemoglobinmethod. Bivariate analyzed was done bychi square test and by descriptively bycomparing Hb concentration with reference value. There are four people (7.0%)out of the 57 subjects studied who had Hb concentrations below the reference value, consisting of one male and three female. The male and female subjects between the ages 12-25 years had the best mean Hb concentrations compared to others aged groups...

Legalitas: Jurnal Hukum, 2020
Limited Liability Company, Nilam Sari Cipta Amrizal, is a company engaged in the Electrical Contr... more Limited Liability Company, Nilam Sari Cipta Amrizal, is a company engaged in the Electrical Contracting sector based in Jambi. Based on the type of business activity, this company has a high risk to Occupational Health & Safety. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in the Limited Liability Company of Nilam Sari Cipta Amrizal, the obstacles faced and the efforts to solve them. Occupational health and safety is one of the workers' rights that must be fulfilled as regulated in Government Regulation Number 50 Year 2012. The research method used is a juridical empirical research type with an analytical approach. In this study, the authors describe the problems under study, which are arranged based on theory and related concepts to obtain a comprehensive and systematic description of the occupational safety and health management system, data sources from field research using interview methods and literature ...

Journal of Indonesian Medical Laboratory and Science (JoIMedLabS)
Kadar timbal darah menggambarkan kadar timbal dalam tubuh. Absorbsi timbal darah yang meningkat m... more Kadar timbal darah menggambarkan kadar timbal dalam tubuh. Absorbsi timbal darah yang meningkat menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah retikulosit. Hematoksik dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap efek timbal darah pada masyarakat seperti pekerja cat oplosan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan dan keeratan hubungan kadar timbal darah dengan hasil hitung retikulosit pekerja cat oplosan di wilayah Jakarta Timur. Metode Penelitian analitik observasional pendekatan desain cross sectional, secara non probabilityconsecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian, pada Pekerja Cat Oplosan di wilayah Jakarta Timur diperoleh kadar timbal darah tertinggi 0,45 mg/L, dengan persentase retikulosit tertinggi 1,62 %. Terdapat Pekerja Cat Oplosan dengan kadar timbal melebihi batas rujukan (>0,40 mg/L) dengan persentase retikulosit diatas normal (>1,5 %) sebanyak 10 %. Pekerja Cat Oplosan dengan kadar timbal dalam batas rujukan dengan persentase retikulosit normal masih besar yaitu 80 %...
Papers by Husjain Djajaningrat