This research is based on the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester student... more This research is based on the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester students’ English learning approach. The population of this research is students of English Education, Universitas Bandar Lampung. This research aimed to know how the principles of extensive reading and extensive listening implemented in ER and EL process through Xreading website and what students' perceptions of the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester students’ English learning approach. The instruments of this research were observation, interview and TOEL test. Then, the data were analyzed by coding compression. The result showed that most of the ER principles had been implemented well in the implementation of ER in Xreading. On the other side, the implementation of EL in Xreading, only several principles of EL have been implemented. Thus, the implementation of the ER process in Xreading was more dominated than the EL process. Even though EL also helped students to...
This research is based on the researcher’s experience as a student of college in learning English... more This research is based on the researcher’s experience as a student of college in learning English. Most of the students were got failed in motivation to read in class, it happened because we used to give a reading text that we don’t know and we don’t like it. It make us become lazy to read the material of reading text which is given because of lack of motivation that happened. In the end we often can’t get the point of the idea of the reading text that given and felt that the problems have influenced our reading rate become stuck, or there are no improvements. The researcher chose a method extensive reading to overcome the problem. This research is aimed to know how the improvement of extensive reading approach on the reading motivation, reading rate in the third semester student of English Department Universitas Bandar Lampung studying English as a foreign language. The students’ motivation and reading rate improved after the implementation of extensive reading. By this method the ...
This research aims to apply BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) to students. BBC is one of bro... more This research aims to apply BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) to students. BBC is one of broadcaster in Britain and it provides a website to learn. Its name is BBC Learning English and it shows many videos and the facilities to learn. The purpose of this research is to analyze the students’ listening comprehension. In this research, I used qualitative research. The kind of research was used to get information about phenomenon and an accident during the research. The method of this research was audio-visual method where students used their sight and hearing sense. Because BBC provided many videos, it was apt with this method. In here, students did not merely acquire the information from their hearing sense but they were helped by the picture and the accident. The result of this research showed that the improvement from first meeting to second meeting. The improvement happened in their comprehension. In the first meeting, six students can be said fail in the test. They wrote ever...
It can be challenging for teachers to prepare students for a reading comprehension test. While mo... more It can be challenging for teachers to prepare students for a reading comprehension test. While most research on reading comprehension tests focuses on the interaction between the text complexity and test-taker’s ability, this study investigates the interaction between the text complexity and degree of difficulty of the tasks, following each text in an adapted reading comprehension test. The experiment examined the plausibility of adapting a reading comprehension test for university students through textual complexity management. It involved undergraduate English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) participants (N = 1000) with English proficiency levels ranging from A1 to C2. A 38-item reading comprehension test with textual complexity adjustment was adapted. Item fit was assessed using the Rasch model analysis. ANOVA was performed to determine which reading comprehension subsamples differed significantly, whether the difficulty level of the test confirmed that of the texts, and what cognitive process contributed the most to test difficulty. The findings generated 32 qualified items, which fit the Rasch model. Participants significantly differed in reading comprehension, indicating the test’s ability to differentiate the participants based on their classification. The study carried an implication that the difficulty of reading comprehension test is not solely contingent on textual complexity but
also relies on task difficulty. Therefore, teachers must pay attention to both when preparing students for a reading comprehension test.
Online discussion forum is well-known in educational technology development especially in blended... more Online discussion forum is well-known in educational technology development especially in blended learning because it supports the traditional face to face (f2f) class. Online discussion forum is familiar as the leading of critical thinking process. This paper reports about qualitative study on web-based class by using blended learning focuses on online discussion forum. This study is held in order to analyze the critical thinking process that appears during online discussion forum class. This study is conducted with 26 students of speaking class of Bandar Lampung University. Observation and questionnaire are conducted to see critical thinking process during online discussion forum class. The finding of the study will help the further study to develop critical thinking ability.
The focus of the object to be examined in this research is to find out if there is a improvement ... more The focus of the object to be examined in this research is to find out if there is a improvement of using Three-Steps Interview in improving students’ speaking skill towards eleventh grades students of SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year 2016/2017. The research is an experimental research design which measure the score of pre-test and post-test as an appliance to know whether there is an effect of using Three-Steps Interview or not. The subject of this research is consisted of 58 students which are divided into experimental class and control class. The data is analyzed by using independent sample test. The result shows that students’ mean score of experimental and control class in post-test is significantly different. It shows the t-count is higher than t-table (11,871 > 2, 0032). Therefore, null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses were accepted. It means that there is an effect of using Three-Steps Interview to improve students’ speaking skill. These r...
High interest of Bandar Lampung citizen in mastering English communication has made many English ... more High interest of Bandar Lampung citizen in mastering English communication has made many English learning centers appearing with various methods and learning approaches. One of the approaches used by those centers in teaching English is that students learn English using the cultures of countries where the English language comes from. However, in the Indonesian context, English learning materials are spread within various cultures types, information, senses, and elements. This fact urges this study to analyze the cultural contents of four textbooks of four different high schools in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia in order to map how cultures play role in Indonesian ELT context especially ELT in Bandar Lampung. The data gathering techniques used are Interview, Questionnaire, and Senior High School English textbooks analysis. The results conclude that target cultures, contextual writing tasks, aesthetic sense and products (Silvia, 2014&Adaskou, 1990) dominate the English textbooks so ...
This study reviewed the use of stage hypnosis in teaching students English words meaning. Memoriz... more This study reviewed the use of stage hypnosis in teaching students English words meaning. Memorization is one principle in mastering vocabulary that takes a quiet interval until someone really owns words (Thornbury, 2002). To reduce study time problem, the researcher applied a suggestive principle, teaching students by inserting positive suggestion. In this case, stage hypnosis, part of hypnotism, was provided as a solution to that study time problem. The positive suggestion was translated into suggesting students about literal meaning of words in English. The sample consists of four second semester students of English Study program of UBL Bandar Lampung. After the observation (pretest-treatment-1 st posttest-2 nd posttest), and interview to the sample, the researcher found that stage hypnosis is very significant for teaching words meaning. All sample show a significant behavioral change by unconsciously knowing the 10 difficult words’ meaning. The interview also proved their prefer...
This study was done in order to describe the students’ interest and motivation who were assigned ... more This study was done in order to describe the students’ interest and motivation who were assigned by using the authentic materials through Schoology in speaking II class. The population of this study was the second semester students of English Education Study Program in UBL. Researcher used two kinds of instruments included the observation of students’ interest and motivation after they were assigned with authentic materials and the questionnaire aimed to describe their experiences during the treatment given. Result of this study showed that students’ interest and motivation improved and the treatment gave positive effect for their speaking ability.
The aim of this study is the implementation of giving English Subtitle in a movie to improve stud... more The aim of this study is the implementation of giving English Subtitle in a movie to improve students’ listening ability. It is to look at the process of implementing the use of movies in learning listening through English movie and giving subtitles using the movie maker application. This research consisted of two instruments, observation and interview. This research focused on planning, identifying, implementing, and evaluating the improvement of students’ listening comprehension ability. The study uses qualitative method. It is exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or groups. To improve the students listening comprehension ability, we focused on using English subtitle in a movie. After the students added the subtitles in a movie, they felt challenged and they could understand the listening text as well as the knowledge that they had never known before.
Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting states that the content of broadca... more Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting states that the content of broadcasting must contain information, education, entertainment and benefits for the formation of intellectual, character, morals, progress, nation power, maintaining unity, and practicing Indonesian religious and cultural values. However, after Indonesian reformation in 1998, radio that once presented the content of local culture has since chosen to shift the program of the event with a variety of reasons one of them is the lack of advertising that goes in the program slot of events. It is unfortunate if the role of a very strategic radio in providing cultural education to the community was not able to be realized maximally. This study aims to provide a formula for the making of cultural event programs on private broadcast radio in Bandar Lampung City. This research method uses qualitative approach which is considered appropriate for use in this research because the chosen approach is in accor...
The objective of this research was to describe the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruang... more The objective of this research was to describe the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruangguru as English online course. Descriptive qualitative was used to conduct this research. We used observation to gather our data by observing the features and the learning process in the Ruangguru including what contents are inside, what technology or media used, what methods used to deliver the material and how they related one to each other. Based on the entire result, we found that the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruangguru looks quite appropriate based on the existing principles. Both the observation result and the questionnaire responses showed the existence of the TPACK principles in the Ruangguru even though there are some categories that still did not seem appropriate, such as the single use of lecturing method in each lesson, and the absence of practice skills. However, it was only a small part that did not match one among many TPACK principles implemented in the Rua...
This research aimed to know how the role group discussion in improving students’ vocabulary maste... more This research aimed to know how the role group discussion in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. This research was qualitative method which used triangulation method – observation, questionnaire, and interview. The researcher also gave activity for students to strengthen the result of triangulation data. This subject of research was consisted of 24 students of X.2 at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. The result showed that the highest percentage 62.5% strongly agree was about ‘active participant’ as indicator which made improvement for students’ vocabulary. Students felt active while they were having group discussion. On the other hand, the result also showed the students’ social skill development in during group discussion. Some students said they could share their opinion with their friends. It meant that the role of group discussion could give influence to students’ vocabulary in learning English at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. In conclusion, the role o...
This research were conducted to identify and describe the condition of learners’ autonomy in out-... more This research were conducted to identify and describe the condition of learners’ autonomy in out-of-class English writing learning activities of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of Universitas Bandar Lampung. Mixed method was used to conduct this research. I used both quantitative and qualitative approach, in form of questionnaire with five points Likert-scale and unstructured interview in collecting the data. The results of this research implied that the students were in medium level of autonomy measured by calculating the overall mean average of the questionnaire (mean=3.20). From the interview, I got that the students were lack of awareness of their writing learning outside the class.
In “ Histoire de ma vie ” or what we know as “The Story of My Life”, by Giacomo Casanova, it was ... more In “ Histoire de ma vie ” or what we know as “The Story of My Life”, by Giacomo Casanova, it was Casanova who was known as a womanizer or a great seducer to women. It was him who in almost of his life travelled from country to country to make his adventures which were fully colored with controversial affairs with different women. The first time he got an affair was with his instructor’s young sister, Bettina. “It was she who little by little kindled in my heart the first sparks of a feeling which later became my ruling passion”(36). From that on he made his way of connecting with different kinds of women until he felt that whatever gave pleasure to himself as the most important things in his life.
This research is based on the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester student... more This research is based on the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester students’ English learning approach. The population of this research is students of English Education, Universitas Bandar Lampung. This research aimed to know how the principles of extensive reading and extensive listening implemented in ER and EL process through Xreading website and what students' perceptions of the implementation of ER and EL in Xreading as the 1st semester students’ English learning approach. The instruments of this research were observation, interview and TOEL test. Then, the data were analyzed by coding compression. The result showed that most of the ER principles had been implemented well in the implementation of ER in Xreading. On the other side, the implementation of EL in Xreading, only several principles of EL have been implemented. Thus, the implementation of the ER process in Xreading was more dominated than the EL process. Even though EL also helped students to...
This research is based on the researcher’s experience as a student of college in learning English... more This research is based on the researcher’s experience as a student of college in learning English. Most of the students were got failed in motivation to read in class, it happened because we used to give a reading text that we don’t know and we don’t like it. It make us become lazy to read the material of reading text which is given because of lack of motivation that happened. In the end we often can’t get the point of the idea of the reading text that given and felt that the problems have influenced our reading rate become stuck, or there are no improvements. The researcher chose a method extensive reading to overcome the problem. This research is aimed to know how the improvement of extensive reading approach on the reading motivation, reading rate in the third semester student of English Department Universitas Bandar Lampung studying English as a foreign language. The students’ motivation and reading rate improved after the implementation of extensive reading. By this method the ...
This research aims to apply BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) to students. BBC is one of bro... more This research aims to apply BBC (British Broadcasting Cooperation) to students. BBC is one of broadcaster in Britain and it provides a website to learn. Its name is BBC Learning English and it shows many videos and the facilities to learn. The purpose of this research is to analyze the students’ listening comprehension. In this research, I used qualitative research. The kind of research was used to get information about phenomenon and an accident during the research. The method of this research was audio-visual method where students used their sight and hearing sense. Because BBC provided many videos, it was apt with this method. In here, students did not merely acquire the information from their hearing sense but they were helped by the picture and the accident. The result of this research showed that the improvement from first meeting to second meeting. The improvement happened in their comprehension. In the first meeting, six students can be said fail in the test. They wrote ever...
It can be challenging for teachers to prepare students for a reading comprehension test. While mo... more It can be challenging for teachers to prepare students for a reading comprehension test. While most research on reading comprehension tests focuses on the interaction between the text complexity and test-taker’s ability, this study investigates the interaction between the text complexity and degree of difficulty of the tasks, following each text in an adapted reading comprehension test. The experiment examined the plausibility of adapting a reading comprehension test for university students through textual complexity management. It involved undergraduate English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) participants (N = 1000) with English proficiency levels ranging from A1 to C2. A 38-item reading comprehension test with textual complexity adjustment was adapted. Item fit was assessed using the Rasch model analysis. ANOVA was performed to determine which reading comprehension subsamples differed significantly, whether the difficulty level of the test confirmed that of the texts, and what cognitive process contributed the most to test difficulty. The findings generated 32 qualified items, which fit the Rasch model. Participants significantly differed in reading comprehension, indicating the test’s ability to differentiate the participants based on their classification. The study carried an implication that the difficulty of reading comprehension test is not solely contingent on textual complexity but
also relies on task difficulty. Therefore, teachers must pay attention to both when preparing students for a reading comprehension test.
Online discussion forum is well-known in educational technology development especially in blended... more Online discussion forum is well-known in educational technology development especially in blended learning because it supports the traditional face to face (f2f) class. Online discussion forum is familiar as the leading of critical thinking process. This paper reports about qualitative study on web-based class by using blended learning focuses on online discussion forum. This study is held in order to analyze the critical thinking process that appears during online discussion forum class. This study is conducted with 26 students of speaking class of Bandar Lampung University. Observation and questionnaire are conducted to see critical thinking process during online discussion forum class. The finding of the study will help the further study to develop critical thinking ability.
The focus of the object to be examined in this research is to find out if there is a improvement ... more The focus of the object to be examined in this research is to find out if there is a improvement of using Three-Steps Interview in improving students’ speaking skill towards eleventh grades students of SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung in Academic Year 2016/2017. The research is an experimental research design which measure the score of pre-test and post-test as an appliance to know whether there is an effect of using Three-Steps Interview or not. The subject of this research is consisted of 58 students which are divided into experimental class and control class. The data is analyzed by using independent sample test. The result shows that students’ mean score of experimental and control class in post-test is significantly different. It shows the t-count is higher than t-table (11,871 > 2, 0032). Therefore, null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses were accepted. It means that there is an effect of using Three-Steps Interview to improve students’ speaking skill. These r...
High interest of Bandar Lampung citizen in mastering English communication has made many English ... more High interest of Bandar Lampung citizen in mastering English communication has made many English learning centers appearing with various methods and learning approaches. One of the approaches used by those centers in teaching English is that students learn English using the cultures of countries where the English language comes from. However, in the Indonesian context, English learning materials are spread within various cultures types, information, senses, and elements. This fact urges this study to analyze the cultural contents of four textbooks of four different high schools in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia in order to map how cultures play role in Indonesian ELT context especially ELT in Bandar Lampung. The data gathering techniques used are Interview, Questionnaire, and Senior High School English textbooks analysis. The results conclude that target cultures, contextual writing tasks, aesthetic sense and products (Silvia, 2014&Adaskou, 1990) dominate the English textbooks so ...
This study reviewed the use of stage hypnosis in teaching students English words meaning. Memoriz... more This study reviewed the use of stage hypnosis in teaching students English words meaning. Memorization is one principle in mastering vocabulary that takes a quiet interval until someone really owns words (Thornbury, 2002). To reduce study time problem, the researcher applied a suggestive principle, teaching students by inserting positive suggestion. In this case, stage hypnosis, part of hypnotism, was provided as a solution to that study time problem. The positive suggestion was translated into suggesting students about literal meaning of words in English. The sample consists of four second semester students of English Study program of UBL Bandar Lampung. After the observation (pretest-treatment-1 st posttest-2 nd posttest), and interview to the sample, the researcher found that stage hypnosis is very significant for teaching words meaning. All sample show a significant behavioral change by unconsciously knowing the 10 difficult words’ meaning. The interview also proved their prefer...
This study was done in order to describe the students’ interest and motivation who were assigned ... more This study was done in order to describe the students’ interest and motivation who were assigned by using the authentic materials through Schoology in speaking II class. The population of this study was the second semester students of English Education Study Program in UBL. Researcher used two kinds of instruments included the observation of students’ interest and motivation after they were assigned with authentic materials and the questionnaire aimed to describe their experiences during the treatment given. Result of this study showed that students’ interest and motivation improved and the treatment gave positive effect for their speaking ability.
The aim of this study is the implementation of giving English Subtitle in a movie to improve stud... more The aim of this study is the implementation of giving English Subtitle in a movie to improve students’ listening ability. It is to look at the process of implementing the use of movies in learning listening through English movie and giving subtitles using the movie maker application. This research consisted of two instruments, observation and interview. This research focused on planning, identifying, implementing, and evaluating the improvement of students’ listening comprehension ability. The study uses qualitative method. It is exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or groups. To improve the students listening comprehension ability, we focused on using English subtitle in a movie. After the students added the subtitles in a movie, they felt challenged and they could understand the listening text as well as the knowledge that they had never known before.
Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting states that the content of broadca... more Article 36 paragraph (1) of Law No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting states that the content of broadcasting must contain information, education, entertainment and benefits for the formation of intellectual, character, morals, progress, nation power, maintaining unity, and practicing Indonesian religious and cultural values. However, after Indonesian reformation in 1998, radio that once presented the content of local culture has since chosen to shift the program of the event with a variety of reasons one of them is the lack of advertising that goes in the program slot of events. It is unfortunate if the role of a very strategic radio in providing cultural education to the community was not able to be realized maximally. This study aims to provide a formula for the making of cultural event programs on private broadcast radio in Bandar Lampung City. This research method uses qualitative approach which is considered appropriate for use in this research because the chosen approach is in accor...
The objective of this research was to describe the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruang... more The objective of this research was to describe the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruangguru as English online course. Descriptive qualitative was used to conduct this research. We used observation to gather our data by observing the features and the learning process in the Ruangguru including what contents are inside, what technology or media used, what methods used to deliver the material and how they related one to each other. Based on the entire result, we found that the implementation of TPACK framework in the Ruangguru looks quite appropriate based on the existing principles. Both the observation result and the questionnaire responses showed the existence of the TPACK principles in the Ruangguru even though there are some categories that still did not seem appropriate, such as the single use of lecturing method in each lesson, and the absence of practice skills. However, it was only a small part that did not match one among many TPACK principles implemented in the Rua...
This research aimed to know how the role group discussion in improving students’ vocabulary maste... more This research aimed to know how the role group discussion in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. This research was qualitative method which used triangulation method – observation, questionnaire, and interview. The researcher also gave activity for students to strengthen the result of triangulation data. This subject of research was consisted of 24 students of X.2 at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. The result showed that the highest percentage 62.5% strongly agree was about ‘active participant’ as indicator which made improvement for students’ vocabulary. Students felt active while they were having group discussion. On the other hand, the result also showed the students’ social skill development in during group discussion. Some students said they could share their opinion with their friends. It meant that the role of group discussion could give influence to students’ vocabulary in learning English at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. In conclusion, the role o...
This research were conducted to identify and describe the condition of learners’ autonomy in out-... more This research were conducted to identify and describe the condition of learners’ autonomy in out-of-class English writing learning activities of the third semester students of English Education Study Program of Universitas Bandar Lampung. Mixed method was used to conduct this research. I used both quantitative and qualitative approach, in form of questionnaire with five points Likert-scale and unstructured interview in collecting the data. The results of this research implied that the students were in medium level of autonomy measured by calculating the overall mean average of the questionnaire (mean=3.20). From the interview, I got that the students were lack of awareness of their writing learning outside the class.
In “ Histoire de ma vie ” or what we know as “The Story of My Life”, by Giacomo Casanova, it was ... more In “ Histoire de ma vie ” or what we know as “The Story of My Life”, by Giacomo Casanova, it was Casanova who was known as a womanizer or a great seducer to women. It was him who in almost of his life travelled from country to country to make his adventures which were fully colored with controversial affairs with different women. The first time he got an affair was with his instructor’s young sister, Bettina. “It was she who little by little kindled in my heart the first sparks of a feeling which later became my ruling passion”(36). From that on he made his way of connecting with different kinds of women until he felt that whatever gave pleasure to himself as the most important things in his life.
Papers by Helta Anggia
also relies on task difficulty. Therefore, teachers must pay attention to both when preparing students for a reading comprehension test.
also relies on task difficulty. Therefore, teachers must pay attention to both when preparing students for a reading comprehension test.