Papers by Grzegorz Szamocki
Verbum Vitae
The last phrase in Isa 6:1–13, in which critical exegesis sees an element of a post-exilic suplem... more The last phrase in Isa 6:1–13, in which critical exegesis sees an element of a post-exilic suplement to an existing text, communicates the thought of surviving the announced destruction of the little remainder referred to as the “holy seed.” The problem considered in the presented study is the meaning of the term “holy seed” in Isa 6:13bβ, the possible context and the historical motive for inserting this phrase into the text of Isa 6, as well as the place of this complementary interference in the historical process of formation of Isa 6. The article presents literary and historical-critical analyses of the terms “seed” and “holy people” relating to the people of God and Israel, especially the expression “holy seed,” which in the Old Testament, apart from Isa 6:13bβ, occurs only in Ezra 9:2, while it appears more often in the Book of Jubilees and in the Aramaic Levi Document. The results of the research lead to the thesis that the supplement in Isa 6:13bβ is a testimony to the last i...
Verbum Vitae
According to Deut 7:7-10, love is at the root of the relationship of God Jahweh with Israel. Mutu... more According to Deut 7:7-10, love is at the root of the relationship of God Jahweh with Israel. Mutual love is inscribed in the covenant between Jahweh and his people. Jahwe’s love for Israel and its characteristics can only be explained by the nature of God. Faithful to the promises given to the fathers of Israel, God shows love to Israel. In the name of that love He chooses Israel from other nations and accompanies him in his history. Out of love He performs great works for Israel and demonstrates His power in the destruction of the enemies who hate Him. The inhabitants of the Persian province of Yehud should be considered as the first recipients of the parenesis of Deut 7:7-10. For them, the reminder of the essence of Jahweh’s love, its constancy and consequences, constituted guidance and instruction in the effort of religious-national postexilic revival and restoration. In addition, the lesson of Deut 7:7-10, according to its place in the structure of the Book of Deuteronomy, prov...
Verbum Vitae, 2016
Literackie ujęcie teologicznej refleksji nad dawnymi dziejami świata i Izraela, zaprezentowane w ... more Literackie ujęcie teologicznej refleksji nad dawnymi dziejami świata i Izraela, zaprezentowane w starotestamentowej historiografii, przedstawia obraz Boga opierając się często na wyobrażeniach i określeniach znanych potencjalnym adresatom biblijnych wypowiedzi. Dla dzisiejszego czytelnika Biblii niektóre z nich mogą być jednak trudne do zrozumienia i wzajemnego uzgodnienia. Niniejszy artykuł próbuje rozwiązać problem pogodzenia obrazu Boga JHWH jako wojownika z Jego przedstawieniem jako miłośnika i dawcy pokoju. Analizy zostały przeprowadzone zasadniczo w dwóch etapach, z których pierwszy skupia się na interpretacji określenia „JHWH wojownik”, a drugi na zrozumieniu wyrażenia „JHWH pokój”. Ich rezultatem jest konkluzja, że ów obraz „JHWH wojownika” jest literackim środkiem w teologicznym przesłaniu o obecności Boga JHWH w życiu człowieka, Jego wszechmocy i wierności. Jako taki jest on jednak podporządkowany koncepcji Boga miłującego pokój i pragnącego obdarzać tym pokojem swój lud.
Bogoslovni vestnik, 2021
This article attempts to explain and interpret the mention in Num 11:26-29 of the prophesying of ... more This article attempts to explain and interpret the mention in Num 11:26-29 of the prophesying of Eldad and Medad in the context of the historical-literary formation process of Num 11, the Book of Numbers as a whole, and other texts dealing with the primary history of Israel. The presented study results suggest that Num 11:4-32 is a coherent story that received its final form in the late Persian period. The passus in Num 11:26-29 is an addition to the already existing story about the murmuring of the Israelites, the quails, and the prophesying of the seventy elders, which was edited in stages. Its presence can be attributed to the universalising rereading presumed in this article as a phase in the text's formation under consideration, which followed the Hexateuchal and the Pentateuchal redaction. This rereading reflects the universalising tendencies present in the theological and social concepts of the post-exilic community of Judah, which was concerned about its identity. In the case of Num 11:26-29, it emphasises the democratisation of prophecy and the universalism of the prophetic Spirit.
Collectanea Theologica, 2014
The Biblical Annals, 2016
Papers by Grzegorz Szamocki