Papers by Mohammad Ali Gorji
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Feb 1, 2022
We investigate a novel single field inflationary scenario which allows a transition between a slo... more We investigate a novel single field inflationary scenario which allows a transition between a slow-roll k-inflation with c s of order unity and a ghost inflation with c s 0, where c s is the sound speed for the curvature perturbations. We unify the two phases smoothly by appropriately taking into account a higher derivative scordatura term, which is always there from the effective field theory point of view but which becomes important only in the c s 0 regime. The model achieves the whole range of 0 ≤ c s ≤ 1 avoiding strong coupling and gradient instability, and allows us to access the c s 0 regime in a self-consistent manner. We also discuss implications to the formation of primordial black holes.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Aug 1, 2022
We investigate the relativistic effective field theory (EFT) describing a non-dissipative gravita... more We investigate the relativistic effective field theory (EFT) describing a non-dissipative gravitating continuum. In addition to ordinary continua, namely solids and fluids, we find an extraordinary more symmetric continuum, aether. In particular, the symmetry of the aether concludes that a homogeneous and isotropic state behaves like a cosmological constant. We formulate the EFT in the unitary/comoving gauge in which the dynamical degrees of freedom of the continuum (phonons) are eaten by the spacetime metric. This gauge choice, which is interpreted as the Lagrangian description in hydrodynamics, offers a neat geometrical understanding of continua. We examine a thread-based spacetime decomposition with respect to the four-velocity of the continuum which is different from the foliation-based Arnowitt-Deser-Misner one. Our thread-based decomposition respects the symmetries of the continua and, therefore, makes it possible to systematically find invariant building blocks of the EFT for each continuum even at higher orders in the derivative expansion. We also discuss the linear dynamics of the system and show that both gravitons and phonons acquire "masses" in a gravitating background.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022
We investigate a systematic formulation of vector-tensor theories based on the effective field th... more We investigate a systematic formulation of vector-tensor theories based on the effective field theory (EFT) approach. The input of our EFT is that the spacetime symmetry is spontaneously broken by the existence of a preferred timelike direction in accordance with the cosmological principle. After clarifying the difference of the symmetry breaking pattern from the conventional EFT of inflation/dark energy, we find an EFT description of vector-tensor theories around the cosmological background. This approach not only serves as a unified description of vector-tensor theories but also highlights universal differences between the scalar-tensor theories and the vector-tensor theories. The theories having different symmetry breaking patterns are distinguished by a phenomenological function and consistency relations between the EFT coefficients. We study the linear cosmological perturbations within our EFT framework and discuss the characteristic properties of the vector-tensor theories in the context of dark energy. In particular, we compute the effective gravitational coupling and the slip parameter for the matter density contrast in terms of the EFT coefficients.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jul 24, 2023
Recently, pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations announced evidence for an isotropic stochastic... more Recently, pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations announced evidence for an isotropic stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background. The origin of the PTA signal can be astrophysical or cosmological. In the latter case, the so-called secondary scalar-induced GW scenario is one of the viable explanations, but it has a potentially serious issue of the overproduction of primordial black holes (PBHs) due to the enhanced curvature perturbation. In this letter, we present a new interpretation of the PTA signal. Namely, it is originated from an extra spectator tensor field that exists on top of the metric tensor perturbation. As the energy density of the extra tensor field is always subdominant, it cannot lead to the formation of PBHs. Thus our primordial-tensor-induced scenario is free from the PBH overproduction issue.

arXiv (Cornell University), May 17, 2020
In a very recent paper [1], we have proposed a novel 4-dimensional gravitational theory with two ... more In a very recent paper [1], we have proposed a novel 4-dimensional gravitational theory with two dynamical degrees of freedom, which serves as a consistent realization of D → 4 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the rescaled Gauss-Bonnet coupling constantα. This has been made possible by breaking a part of diffeomorphism invariance, and thus is consistent with the Lovelock theorem. In the present paper, we study cosmological implications of the theory in the presence of a perfect fluid and clarify the similarities and differences between the results obtained from the consistent 4-dimensional theory and those from the previously considered, naive (and inconsistent) D → 4 limit. Studying the linear perturbations, we explicitly show that the theory only has tensorial gravitational degrees of freedom (besides the matter degree) and that forα > 0 andḢ < 0, perturbations are free of any pathologies so that we can implement the setup to construct early and/or late time cosmological models. Interestingly, a k 4 term appears in the dispersion relation of tensor modes which plays significant roles at small scales and makes the theory different than not only general relativity but also many other modified gravity theories as well as the naive (and inconsistent) D → 4 limit. Taking into account the k 4 term, the observational constraint on the propagation of gravitational waves yields the bound α (10 meV) −2. This is the first bound on the only parameter (besides the Newton's constant and the choice of a constraint that stems from a temporal gauge fixing) in the consistent theory of D → 4 Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Mar 1, 2021
A stealth de Sitter solution in scalar-tensor theories has an exact de Sitter background metric a... more A stealth de Sitter solution in scalar-tensor theories has an exact de Sitter background metric and a nontrivial scalar field profile. Recently, in the context of Degenerate Higher-Order Scalar-Tensor (DHOST) theories it was shown that stealth de Sitter solutions suffer from either infinite strong coupling or gradient instability for scalar field perturbations. The sound speed squared is either vanishing or negative. In the first case, the strong coupling scale is zero and thus lower than the energy scale of any physical phenomena. From the viewpoint of effective field theory, this issue is naturally resolved by introducing a controlled detuning of the degeneracy condition dubbed scordatura, recovering a version of ghost condensation. In this paper we construct a viable dark energy model in the scordatura DHOST theory based on a stealth cosmological solution, in which the metric is the same as in the standard ΛCDM model and the scalar field profile is linearly time-dependent. We show that the scordatura mechanism resolves the strong coupling and gradient instability. Further, we find that the scordatura is also necessary to make the quasi-static limit well-defined, which implies that the subhorizon observables are inevitably affected by the scordatura. We derive the effective gravitational coupling and the correction to the friction term for the subhorizon evolution of the linear dark matter energy density contrast as well as the Weyl potential and the gravitational slip parameter. In the absence of the scordatura, the quasi-static approximation would break down at all scales around stealth cosmological solutions even if the issue of the infinite strong coupling is unjustly disregarded. Therefore previous estimations of the subhorizon evolution of matter density contrast in modified gravity in the literature need to be revisited by taking into account the scordatura effect.

Physical review, Feb 1, 2022
The accumulated energy density of the excited entropy modes in multiple field inflationary scenar... more The accumulated energy density of the excited entropy modes in multiple field inflationary scenarios can play the role of dark matter. In the usual case of a flat field space without any turning trajectory, only light superhorizon entropy modes can be excited through the gravitational instability. In the case of a negatively curved field space, we show that subhorizon entropy modes can be excited as well through the tachyonic instability induced by the negative curvature of the field space. The latter, which is known as the geometrical destabilization mechanism, allows for the production of entropy modes with masses larger than or at the order of the Hubble expansion rate during inflation, leading to a new dark matter scenario. Due to the contribution of subhorizon modes, the corresponding spectral density has a peak at a scale smaller than its counterpart in the models based on a flat field space. This difference makes our model observationally distinguishable.

Physics Letters B, Nov 1, 2015
In this paper, we formulate the statistical mechanics in Snyder space that supports the existence... more In this paper, we formulate the statistical mechanics in Snyder space that supports the existence of a minimal length scale. We obtain the corresponding invariant Liouville volume which properly determines the number of microstates in the semiclassical regime. The results show that the number of accessible microstates drastically reduces at the high energy regime such that there is only one degree of freedom for a particle. Using the Liouville volume, we obtain the deformed partition function and we then study the thermodynamical properties of the ideal gas in this setup. Invoking the equipartition theorem, we show that 2/3 of the degrees of freedom freeze at the high temperature regime when the thermal de Broglie wavelength becomes of the order of the Planck length. This reduction of the number of degrees of freedom suggests an effective dimensional reduction of the space from 3 to 1 at the Planck scale.

Physical review, Jul 11, 2022
The cosmological memory effect is a permanent change in the relative separation of test particles... more The cosmological memory effect is a permanent change in the relative separation of test particles located in a FLRW spacetime due to the passage of gravitational waves. In the case of a spatially flat FLRW spacetime filled with a perfect fluid in general relativity, it is known that only tensor perturbations contribute to the memory effect while scalar and vector perturbations do not. In this paper, we show that in the context of scalar-tensor theories, the scalar perturbations associated to the scalar graviton contribute to the memory effect as well. We find that, depending on the mass and coupling, the influence of cosmic expansion on the memory effect due to the scalar perturbations can be either stronger or weaker than the one induced by the tensor perturbations. As a byproduct, in an appendix, we develop a general framework which can be used to study coupled wave equations in any curved spacetime region which admits a foliation by time slices.

arXiv (Cornell University), Dec 24, 2013
Polymer quantization is a non-standard representation of the quantum mechanics that inspired by l... more Polymer quantization is a non-standard representation of the quantum mechanics that inspired by loop quantum gravity. To study the associated statistical mechanics, one needs to find microstates' energies which are eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian operator in the polymer framework. But, this is not an easy task at all since the Hamiltonian takes a nonlinear form in polymer picture. In this paper, we introduce a semiclassical method in which it is not necessary to solve the eigenvalue problem. Instead, we work with the classical Hamiltonian function and the deformed density of states in the polymeric phase space. Implementing this method, we obtain the canonical partition function for the polymerized systems and we show that our results are in good agreement with those arising from full quantum considerations. Using the partition function, we study the thermodynamics of quantum Schwarzschild black hole and we obtain corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy due to loop quantum gravity effects.
arXiv (Cornell University), Mar 11, 2014
Inspired by quantum gravity proposal, we construct a deformed phase space which supports the UV a... more Inspired by quantum gravity proposal, we construct a deformed phase space which supports the UV and IR cutoffs. We show that the Liouville theorem is satisfied in the deformed phase space which allows us to formulate the thermodynamics of the early Universe in the semiclassical regime. Applying the proposed method to the Snyder noncommutative space, we find a temperature dependent equation of state which opens a new window for natural realization of inflation as a phase transition from quantum gravity regime to the standard radiation dominated era. Also we obtain finite energy and entropy densities for the Universe, when at least the Weak Energy Condition is satisfied. We show that there is a minimum size for the Universe which is proportional to the Planck length and consequently the Big Bang singularity is removed.
arXiv (Cornell University), Jan 29, 2012
We study the modifications to the Coulomb's law when the background geometry is a ndimensional ma... more We study the modifications to the Coulomb's law when the background geometry is a ndimensional maximally symmetric space, by using of the n-dimensional version of the Gauss' theorem. It is shown that some extra terms are added to the usual expression of the Coulomb electric field due to the curvature of the background space. Also, we consider the problem of existence of magnetic monopoles in such spaces and present analytical expressions for the corresponding magnetic fields and vector potentials. We show that the quantization rule of the magnetic charges (if they exist) would be applicable to our study as well.
arXiv (Cornell University), Oct 20, 2021
International Journal of Modern Physics D, Feb 1, 2016
We study the statistical mechanics of the early radiation dominated universe in the context of a ... more We study the statistical mechanics of the early radiation dominated universe in the context of a generalized uncertainty principle which supports the existence of a minimal length scale. Utilizing the resultant modified thermodynamical quantities, we obtain a deformed Friedmann equation which is very similar to that arises from loop quantum cosmology scenarios. The energy and entropy densities get maximum bounds about Planck temperature and a nonsingular universe then emerges in this setup.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, May 1, 2021
aSchool of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P. O. Box 19395-5531,... more aSchool of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P. O. Box 19395-5531, Tehran, Iran bCenter for Gravitational Physics, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan cKavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Jul 26, 2016
In this paper, we study thermostatistical properties of a photon gas in the framework of two defo... more In this paper, we study thermostatistical properties of a photon gas in the framework of two deformed special relativity models defined by the cosmological coordinatizations of the de Sitter (dS) and anti-de Sitter (AdS) momentum spaces. The dS model is a doubly special relativity theory in which an ultraviolet length scale is invariant under the deformed Lorentz transformations. For the case of AdS model, however, the Lorentz symmetry breaks at the high energy regime. We show that the existence of a maximal momentum in dS momentum space leads to maximal pressure and temperature at the thermodynamical level while maximal internal energy and entropy arise for the case of the AdS momentum space due to the existence of a maximal kinematical energy. These results show the thermodynamical duality of these models much similar to their well-known kinematical duality.

Modern Physics Letters A, Oct 20, 2014
We study a cosmological setup consisting of a FRW metric as the background geometry with a massle... more We study a cosmological setup consisting of a FRW metric as the background geometry with a massless scalar field in the framework of classical polymerization of a given dynamical system. To do this, we first introduce the polymeric representation of the quantum operators. We then extend the corresponding process to reach a transformation which maps any classical variable to its polymeric counterpart. It is shown that such a formalism has also an analogue in terms of the symplectic structure, i.e., instead of applying polymerization to the classical Hamiltonian to arrive its polymeric form, one can use a new set of variables in terms of which Hamiltonian retains its form but now the corresponding symplectic structure gets a new deformed functional form. We show that these two methods are equivalent and by applying of them to the scalar field FRW cosmology see that the resulting scale factor exhibits a bouncing behavior from a contraction phase to an expanding era. Since the replacing of the big bang singularity by a bouncing behavior is one of the most important predictions of the quantum cosmological theories, we may claim that our polymerized classical model brings with itself some signals from quantum theory.

Physical review, Mar 9, 2016
The theories known as doubly special relativity are introduced in order to take into account an o... more The theories known as doubly special relativity are introduced in order to take into account an observer-independent length scale and the speed of light in the framework of special relativity. These theories can be generally formulated on the de Sitter and also recently proposed anti-de Sitter momentum spaces. In the context of these theories, we study the statistical mechanics and to do this, we consider the natural measure on the corresponding extended phase space. The invariant measure on the space of distinct microstates is obtained by restriction of the natural measure of the extended phase space to the physical phase space through the disintegration theorem. Having the invariant measure, one can study the statistical mechanics in an arbitrary ensemble for any doubly special relativity theory. We use the constructed setup to study the statistical properties of four doubly special relativity models. Applying the results to the case of early universe thermodynamics, we show that one of these models that is defined by the cosmological coordinatization of anti-de Sitter momentum space, implies a finite total number of microstates. Therefore, without attribution to any ensemble density and quite generally, we obtain entropy and internal energy bounds for the early radiation dominated universe. We find that while these results cannot be supported by the standard Friedmann equations, they indeed are in complete agreement with the nonsingular effective Friedmann equations that arise in the context of loop quantum cosmology.

Physics Letters B, Feb 1, 2017
The doubly special relativity (DSR) theories are constructed in order to take into account an obs... more The doubly special relativity (DSR) theories are constructed in order to take into account an observer-independent length scale in special relativity framework. It is widely believed that any quantum theory of gravity would reduce to a DSR model at the flat limit when purely gravitational and quantum mechanical effects are negligible. Gravity's rainbow is a simple generalization of DSR theories to incorporate gravity. In this paper, we show that the effective Friedmann equations that are suggested by loop quantum cosmology (LQC) can be exactly reobtained in rainbow cosmology setup. The deformed geometry of LQC then fixes the modified dispersion relation and results in a unique DSR model. In comparison with standard LQC scenario where only the geometry is modified, both geometry and matter parts get modified in our setup. In this respect, we show that the total number of microstates for the universe is finite which suggests the statistical origin of the energy and entropy density bounds. These results explicitly show that the DSR theories are appropriate candidates for the flat limit of loop quantum gravity.
Papers by Mohammad Ali Gorji