Интерактивном Климатском атласу Босне и Херцеговине може се приступити преко линка: http://www.un... more Интерактивном Климатском атласу Босне и Херцеговине може се приступити преко линка: http://www.unfccc.ba/klimatski_atlas/ Координатни систем: MGI Balkans 6 Формат: GeoTiff (GIS format) Rezolucija: 1 arc sec (приближно 90 м) Климатолошким мапама у дигиталном формату, на упит, може се приступити преко WMS и WCS сервиса, што омогућава широку примјену урађених мапа за различите видове ГИС и климатолошких анализа и истраживања.
Lake Skadar on the Balkan Peninsula faces many ecological challenges. The lake is located in the ... more Lake Skadar on the Balkan Peninsula faces many ecological challenges. The lake is located in the border area between Mon-tenegro and Albania and its ecosystem interacts with important and highly populated urban centres such as Podgorica and Bar. Despite the crucial role the lake plays in the sustainability of the ecosystem and the health of the population, there is a lack of environmental quality assessment and data-based analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess both the wa-ter quality of Lake Skadar and the air pollution in Podgorica and Bar in the period from 2011 to 2018. To assess water qual-ity, the Water Quality Index (WQI) model, i.e. the SWQI method, was used, which was calculated based on 10 parameters of physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of water from 9 hydrological stations (oxygen saturation, biochemical oxygen consumption for 5 days, ammonium ions, pH, total nitrogen oxides, orthophosphates, suspended solids, tempera-ture, electrical con...
У овом раду приказан је иновативни методолошки поступак за класификацију климе. Аутори су развили... more У овом раду приказан је иновативни методолошки поступак за класификацију климе. Аутори су развили ГИС базирани модел класификације климе заснован на хидротермичком коефицијенту Г. Т. Сељанина (HTC). Улазни параметри на основу којих се врши класификација су вриједности HTC и број мјесеци са просјечним температурама ваздуха већим од 10°C. Развијени ГИС модел омогућава аутоматизовану класификацију климе за било које подручје или временско раздобље. Поред разраде и описа модела у раду је дат примјер класификације климе на студији случаја за Босну и Херцеговину.
This paper presents the results of research on possible climate change in Bosnia and Herzegovina ... more This paper presents the results of research on possible climate change in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the climate scenario RCP8.5 and its potential impact on fruit production. Climate change analyses are based on expected fluctuations in air temperature, precipitation and climate indices. The results indicate pronounced climate change, which refers to an increase in annual temperature to 5 °C, and a decrease in annual precipitation of up to 30% and in the summer season (June, July, and August) and up to 40% by the end of the XXI century. In addition, an increase in the number of summer days and a decrease in the number of days with the appearance of snow can be expected. Reducing the number of days with snow and snow cover can cause a decrease in underground aquifers with water during the winter and spring seasons. These changes can have a serious impact on the problem of drought and water deficit, which can have direct consequences for the agricultural sector in Bosnia and ...
This study examines the practice of disclosing risk information in the financial statements of ba... more This study examines the practice of disclosing risk information in the financial statements of banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research is carried out using the content analysis. The aim of the research is to determine the volume and characteristics of risk disclosures. The results of research show that banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina disclose less risk information than banks in developed countries, such as Canada and the UK. Most information is disclosed about credit risk. More quantitative than qualitative data is disclosed. The banks are focused on providing mandatory risk disclosures but they do not provide all mandatory disclosures. They primarily disclose past and timeneutral risk information. They are more likely to disclose positive and neutral news about risk exposure and risk management rather than negative news.
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2020
Climate change is having a strong impact in the Western Balkans; it is decreasing water reserves ... more Climate change is having a strong impact in the Western Balkans; it is decreasing water reserves and increasing the intensity and frequency of droughts and floods. Such changes have a predominantly negative impact on agricultural production. However, positive effects on grape growth are also expected. Here, the expected changes in the vineyard index in Bosnia and Herzegovina were analyzed using a multicriteria climate classification system. Three climate indices—the heliothermal index, the drought index, and the cool night index—were calculated based on datasets of mean daily temperature, maximum and minimum daily temperature, and daily rainfall accumulation for three locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These three locations represented different climatic zones. The trends in these climate indices are expected to significantly influence the viticulture sector. The most significant changes in these indices are predicted to occur in the second half of the twenty-first century. Rising temperatures are expected to extend the growing season, and increasing heat accumulation is expected to influence the grape yield and ripening potential in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The changing climatic conditions are likely to result in the introduction of new vine varieties to Bosnia and Herzegovina that are typical of regions with a drier and warmer climate. This study highlights that grape and wine production is on the rise in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that climate change will provide the opportunity to develop this sector.
Intensive urbanization and global warming are impacting the health and well-being of urban popula... more Intensive urbanization and global warming are impacting the health and well-being of urban population. Nevertheless, urban environments with different designs will have different micro and local climate conditions. This study used data from micrometeorological measurements performed in different urban spaces (downtown, urban park, riverside) in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on hot summer days in June 2021. Air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and globe temperature were measured and Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt), Psychologically Equivalent Temperature (PET), and modified Psychologically Equivalent Temperature (mPET) were calculated for each location. Results show that the downtown is the most uncomfortable area in terms of the highest TA, Tg, Tmrt, PET, and mPET values registered at this location. The urban park is the most comfortable area with the lowest values of Tg, Tmrt, PET, and mPET. Relative humidity is the highest at the riverside and the lowest in downtow...
The paper analyzes changes in extreme temperature indices over the Peripannonian region of Bosnia... more The paper analyzes changes in extreme temperature indices over the Peripannonian region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data on daily minimum and maximum temperatures during the period 1961–2016 from four meteorological stations were used for the calculation in the RClimDex (1.0) sopware trends in 16 indices recommended by the Expert team on climate change detection and indices. The estimated significant upward tendency in indices of warm extremes and downward in cold-related indices confirm that warming is present. The highest trend values were obtained for indices TXx, TNn, TN90p, TX90p, SU25, SU30 and WSDI. The results indicate significant distributional changes in the period 1987−2016 compared to the period 1961−1990. A significant positive (negative) correlation between the East-Atlantic pattern and indices of warm (cold) extremes was determined throughout the year. In winter and spring, significant links to the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation, respectively, we...
Based on climate change projections, specifically scenarios without ambitious mitigation, climate... more Based on climate change projections, specifically scenarios without ambitious mitigation, climate change can be expected to continue in the Western Balkan region in the future. Even if the international Paris agreement achieves its goals and the mean global temperature increase remains well below 2 °C, we will face at least one more degree of warming and corresponding changes in other climate variables. Climate change projections show that for the Western Balkan region possible changes in the mean annual temperature, in relation to the period 1971–2000, range from 2 to 5.5 °C, depending on the scenario selected and the part of the region analyzed. Projections results shows that mean annual rainfall decrease can be up to −40%, compared to the reference period 1917–2000, and that most of the territory has negative anomaly. On the other side, many studies identify possible increases in the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation in warmer climates. In addition, it is interesting that there will be a future change in multi-day episodes with extreme precipitation accumulations. In this paper, changes in the number of episodes with five-day accumulated precipitation over 60 mm and the overall accumulated precipitation during these episodes are analyzed for the Western Balkan region, using dynamically downscaled climate projections with a non-hydrostatic climate model that has an 8 km horizontal resolution.
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method ... more The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method in drought prediction in eastern Bosnia. As an indicator of drought, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used. In the wider area of Rogatica (eastern Bosnia), 11 core samples from trees were taken. The best connection between the width of tree rings and drought was shown by the sample of a 67-year-old European silver fir (Abies alba) from the mountain Boksanica. Removal of the biological trend (standardization) was performed by the autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) method. Calculations showed that precipitation, i.e. drought in the summer months, is crucial for radial increment of the sample. The obtained results of our research have been confirmed in examples in the region and further.
Сажетак: Циљ овог рада је да се утврди стање екстремних вредности температуре ваздуха у Републици... more Сажетак: Циљ овог рада је да се утврди стање екстремних вредности температуре ваздуха у Републици Српској и одреде њихови прагови као границе неповољности климе. Проучаване су температура ваздуха много испод нормалне и температура ваздуха много изнад нормалне. Просторни распоред минималних температура ваздуха у Републици Српској током проучаваног периода 2006-2010. година показује меридијанску, упоредничку и висинску закономерност. Средњи годишњи максимуми споро расту од севера ка југу и незнатно од запада ка истоку Републике Српске.
Интерактивном Климатском атласу Босне и Херцеговине може се приступити преко линка: http://www.un... more Интерактивном Климатском атласу Босне и Херцеговине може се приступити преко линка: http://www.unfccc.ba/klimatski_atlas/ Координатни систем: MGI Balkans 6 Формат: GeoTiff (GIS format) Rezolucija: 1 arc sec (приближно 90 м) Климатолошким мапама у дигиталном формату, на упит, може се приступити преко WMS и WCS сервиса, што омогућава широку примјену урађених мапа за различите видове ГИС и климатолошких анализа и истраживања.
Lake Skadar on the Balkan Peninsula faces many ecological challenges. The lake is located in the ... more Lake Skadar on the Balkan Peninsula faces many ecological challenges. The lake is located in the border area between Mon-tenegro and Albania and its ecosystem interacts with important and highly populated urban centres such as Podgorica and Bar. Despite the crucial role the lake plays in the sustainability of the ecosystem and the health of the population, there is a lack of environmental quality assessment and data-based analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess both the wa-ter quality of Lake Skadar and the air pollution in Podgorica and Bar in the period from 2011 to 2018. To assess water qual-ity, the Water Quality Index (WQI) model, i.e. the SWQI method, was used, which was calculated based on 10 parameters of physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of water from 9 hydrological stations (oxygen saturation, biochemical oxygen consumption for 5 days, ammonium ions, pH, total nitrogen oxides, orthophosphates, suspended solids, tempera-ture, electrical con...
У овом раду приказан је иновативни методолошки поступак за класификацију климе. Аутори су развили... more У овом раду приказан је иновативни методолошки поступак за класификацију климе. Аутори су развили ГИС базирани модел класификације климе заснован на хидротермичком коефицијенту Г. Т. Сељанина (HTC). Улазни параметри на основу којих се врши класификација су вриједности HTC и број мјесеци са просјечним температурама ваздуха већим од 10°C. Развијени ГИС модел омогућава аутоматизовану класификацију климе за било које подручје или временско раздобље. Поред разраде и описа модела у раду је дат примјер класификације климе на студији случаја за Босну и Херцеговину.
This paper presents the results of research on possible climate change in Bosnia and Herzegovina ... more This paper presents the results of research on possible climate change in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the climate scenario RCP8.5 and its potential impact on fruit production. Climate change analyses are based on expected fluctuations in air temperature, precipitation and climate indices. The results indicate pronounced climate change, which refers to an increase in annual temperature to 5 °C, and a decrease in annual precipitation of up to 30% and in the summer season (June, July, and August) and up to 40% by the end of the XXI century. In addition, an increase in the number of summer days and a decrease in the number of days with the appearance of snow can be expected. Reducing the number of days with snow and snow cover can cause a decrease in underground aquifers with water during the winter and spring seasons. These changes can have a serious impact on the problem of drought and water deficit, which can have direct consequences for the agricultural sector in Bosnia and ...
This study examines the practice of disclosing risk information in the financial statements of ba... more This study examines the practice of disclosing risk information in the financial statements of banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research is carried out using the content analysis. The aim of the research is to determine the volume and characteristics of risk disclosures. The results of research show that banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina disclose less risk information than banks in developed countries, such as Canada and the UK. Most information is disclosed about credit risk. More quantitative than qualitative data is disclosed. The banks are focused on providing mandatory risk disclosures but they do not provide all mandatory disclosures. They primarily disclose past and timeneutral risk information. They are more likely to disclose positive and neutral news about risk exposure and risk management rather than negative news.
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2020
Climate change is having a strong impact in the Western Balkans; it is decreasing water reserves ... more Climate change is having a strong impact in the Western Balkans; it is decreasing water reserves and increasing the intensity and frequency of droughts and floods. Such changes have a predominantly negative impact on agricultural production. However, positive effects on grape growth are also expected. Here, the expected changes in the vineyard index in Bosnia and Herzegovina were analyzed using a multicriteria climate classification system. Three climate indices—the heliothermal index, the drought index, and the cool night index—were calculated based on datasets of mean daily temperature, maximum and minimum daily temperature, and daily rainfall accumulation for three locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These three locations represented different climatic zones. The trends in these climate indices are expected to significantly influence the viticulture sector. The most significant changes in these indices are predicted to occur in the second half of the twenty-first century. Rising temperatures are expected to extend the growing season, and increasing heat accumulation is expected to influence the grape yield and ripening potential in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The changing climatic conditions are likely to result in the introduction of new vine varieties to Bosnia and Herzegovina that are typical of regions with a drier and warmer climate. This study highlights that grape and wine production is on the rise in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that climate change will provide the opportunity to develop this sector.
Intensive urbanization and global warming are impacting the health and well-being of urban popula... more Intensive urbanization and global warming are impacting the health and well-being of urban population. Nevertheless, urban environments with different designs will have different micro and local climate conditions. This study used data from micrometeorological measurements performed in different urban spaces (downtown, urban park, riverside) in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on hot summer days in June 2021. Air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and globe temperature were measured and Mean Radiant Temperature (Tmrt), Psychologically Equivalent Temperature (PET), and modified Psychologically Equivalent Temperature (mPET) were calculated for each location. Results show that the downtown is the most uncomfortable area in terms of the highest TA, Tg, Tmrt, PET, and mPET values registered at this location. The urban park is the most comfortable area with the lowest values of Tg, Tmrt, PET, and mPET. Relative humidity is the highest at the riverside and the lowest in downtow...
The paper analyzes changes in extreme temperature indices over the Peripannonian region of Bosnia... more The paper analyzes changes in extreme temperature indices over the Peripannonian region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data on daily minimum and maximum temperatures during the period 1961–2016 from four meteorological stations were used for the calculation in the RClimDex (1.0) sopware trends in 16 indices recommended by the Expert team on climate change detection and indices. The estimated significant upward tendency in indices of warm extremes and downward in cold-related indices confirm that warming is present. The highest trend values were obtained for indices TXx, TNn, TN90p, TX90p, SU25, SU30 and WSDI. The results indicate significant distributional changes in the period 1987−2016 compared to the period 1961−1990. A significant positive (negative) correlation between the East-Atlantic pattern and indices of warm (cold) extremes was determined throughout the year. In winter and spring, significant links to the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation, respectively, we...
Based on climate change projections, specifically scenarios without ambitious mitigation, climate... more Based on climate change projections, specifically scenarios without ambitious mitigation, climate change can be expected to continue in the Western Balkan region in the future. Even if the international Paris agreement achieves its goals and the mean global temperature increase remains well below 2 °C, we will face at least one more degree of warming and corresponding changes in other climate variables. Climate change projections show that for the Western Balkan region possible changes in the mean annual temperature, in relation to the period 1971–2000, range from 2 to 5.5 °C, depending on the scenario selected and the part of the region analyzed. Projections results shows that mean annual rainfall decrease can be up to −40%, compared to the reference period 1917–2000, and that most of the territory has negative anomaly. On the other side, many studies identify possible increases in the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation in warmer climates. In addition, it is interesting that there will be a future change in multi-day episodes with extreme precipitation accumulations. In this paper, changes in the number of episodes with five-day accumulated precipitation over 60 mm and the overall accumulated precipitation during these episodes are analyzed for the Western Balkan region, using dynamically downscaled climate projections with a non-hydrostatic climate model that has an 8 km horizontal resolution.
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method ... more The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method in drought prediction in eastern Bosnia. As an indicator of drought, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used. In the wider area of Rogatica (eastern Bosnia), 11 core samples from trees were taken. The best connection between the width of tree rings and drought was shown by the sample of a 67-year-old European silver fir (Abies alba) from the mountain Boksanica. Removal of the biological trend (standardization) was performed by the autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) method. Calculations showed that precipitation, i.e. drought in the summer months, is crucial for radial increment of the sample. The obtained results of our research have been confirmed in examples in the region and further.
Сажетак: Циљ овог рада је да се утврди стање екстремних вредности температуре ваздуха у Републици... more Сажетак: Циљ овог рада је да се утврди стање екстремних вредности температуре ваздуха у Републици Српској и одреде њихови прагови као границе неповољности климе. Проучаване су температура ваздуха много испод нормалне и температура ваздуха много изнад нормалне. Просторни распоред минималних температура ваздуха у Републици Српској током проучаваног периода 2006-2010. година показује меридијанску, упоредничку и висинску закономерност. Средњи годишњи максимуми споро расту од севера ка југу и незнатно од запада ка истоку Републике Српске.
Papers by Goran Trbić