Papers by Goran Jacimovic

The Journal of Agricultural Science, Apr 8, 2015
SUMMARYThe Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) v. 4·2 crop model was used... more SUMMARYThe Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) v. 4·2 crop model was used to estimate climate change impacts on soybean yield in Serbia in simulations for 2030 and 2050 integration periods using three global climate change models (GCMs): the European Centre Hamburg Model (ECHAM), The Hadley Centre Coupled Model (HadCM) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research Parallel Climate Model (NCAR-PCM) under two scenarios from the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC 2001): A1B SRES and A2 SRES. Input data included weather data from a 1971–2000 baseline period from ten weather stations assimilated from the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia. Output results from the three GCMs under the two scenarios for 2030 and 2050 were statistically downscaled with the ‘Met & Roll’ weather generator for predicted climate conditions. Mechanical and chemical soil properties were collected in the vicinity of weather stations and analysed by the Agency for Environmental Safety in Belgrade. Genetic coefficients, for the soybean maturity group II variety, were slightly modified using the DSSAT-SOYGRO model ones. The results showed a considerable benefit of carbon dioxide fertilization on soybean yield and yield increases at all locations. The greatest estimated yield increases obtained using outputs the HadCM model for 2030 both scenarios; in 2050, however, the A2 scenario resulted in smaller increase in yield at some locations. The highest increase in yield was in the central and eastern parts of Serbia. Analyses of the climate change impacts on irrigation demand showed a great increase in the irrigation demand amount per growing season. The average irrigation demand reached the highest values in the southern and eastern parts of Serbia. Water productivity reached highest values in eastern and central locations, while the minimum is expected in the most southern and northern location. According to all results it can be concluded that soybean will benefit greatly under climate change conditions and that soybean cropping, currently most concentrated in the Vojvodina region in northern Serbia, expanding in the central part and one location in eastern Serbia.
Agroznanje - Agro-knowledge Journal, 2009

Frontiers in Plant Science, Dec 17, 2021
The latest trends in hazelnut production are moving in the direction of selection and breeding of... more The latest trends in hazelnut production are moving in the direction of selection and breeding of more productive cultivars, isolation of native clones, and more intensive clonal selection of rootstocks aimed at enhancing the agronomic performance of plants. Serbia stands out in the production of quality planting material by grafting on Turkish filbert (Corylus colurna L.), which does not form shoots and develops in the form of a tree. The aim of this research was to investigate the success achieved by grafting leading Italian cultivars (Tonda gentile romana, Tonda di Giffoni, and Tonda Gentile della Langhe) and their clones on Turkish filbert seedlings using technology developed at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, as well as determine possible differences in the quality and variability of the obtained planting material. For this purpose, from the end of March to the end of April, two-year-old C. colurna generative rootstocks (seedlings) were grafted by the whip and tongue method. At the beginning of September, the grafted plants were counted, and after the plants entered the dormant period (autumn in the year of grafting), they were taken out of the soil and classified. The obtained results revealed that the chosen hazel cultivars and clones exhibited excellent grafting success rate. In both analyzed years, as well as throughout the entire study period, greater grafting success was achieved using clones relative to the main cultivars. Over the two-year study period, the highest grafting success was achieved by clone AD17. Class I grafted plants were obtained in 80% of the cases, especially with Tombesi and AD17 clones, while significantly fewer Class I grafted plants were produced by grafting basic cultivars. Clones AD17 and Tombesi also produced grafted plants of greatest height and graft union diameter. All clones exhibited superior uniformity (i.e., a more stable grafting success) relative to their basic cultivars.
Atmosphere, 2014
The impact of adverse weather conditions (AWCs) on crop production is random in both time and spa... more The impact of adverse weather conditions (AWCs) on crop production is random in both time and space and depends on factors such as severity, previous agrometeorological conditions, and plant vulnerability at a specific crop development stage. Any exclusion or improper treatment of any of these factors can cause crop models to produce significant under-or overestimates of yield. The analysis presented in this paper focuses on a range of agrometeorological indices (AMI) related to AWCs that might affect real yield as well as simulated yield. For this purpose, the analysis addressed four indicators of extreme temperatures and three indicators of dry conditions during the growth period of maize and winter wheat in Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Sweden. It is shown that increases in the number and intensity of AWCs cannot be unambiguously
Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2003

Zbornik radova Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, 2006
Koli~ina i raspored padavina su presudno uticali na visinu prinosa suncokreta u 2005 godini, pose... more Koli~ina i raspored padavina su presudno uticali na visinu prinosa suncokreta u 2005 godini, posebno vrlo visoke padavine u drugom delu vegetacija (juli 80%, avgust 153% i septembar 64 % vi{e od VP) zbog~ega je do{lo do vrlo intenzivne pojave bele trule`i koja je zna~ajno redukovala prinose. U svim analiziranim mikroogledima ostvaren je zna~ajno ni`i prinos, jer je procenat ubranih u odnosu na ponikle biljke zbog pojave navedenog oboljenja bio gotovo duplo manji u odnosu na 2004. godinu. Zbog toga su efekti pojedinih agrotehnikih mera bili vrlo specifi~ni i ne mogu slu`iti za korekciju usvojene tehnologije proizvodnje koja je bazirana na prose~nim vi{egodi{njim vrednostima vremenskih uslova koji se naj~e{}e pojavljuju. KLU^NE RE^I: suncokret, vremenski uslovi, gustina useva, vreme setve, |ubrenje Uvod Vremenski uslovi u velikom stepenu odre|uju visinu i kvalitet prinosa svih useva. U semiaridnim uslovima gde se nalazi i na{a zemlja presudnu ulogu imaju koli~ina i raspored padavina. Nekim usevima biolo{ki odgovaraju godine sa vi{e padavina, a drugim sa manje. Suncokret spada u grupu najotpornijih useva na su{u, ali mu ne odgovaraju godine sa visokim vegetacionim padavinama, naro~ito u julu i avgustu zbog osetljivosti na bolesti, posebno belu trule`. Ova 2005. godina je u pogledu padavina bila specifi~na i da bi uo~ili te specifi~nosti uporedi}emo je sa manje vi{e prose~nom 2004. godinom i vi{egodi{njim prosekom. Na~in gajenja 75

Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
The trial in this study was carried out in field conditions throughout three years from plots whe... more The trial in this study was carried out in field conditions throughout three years from plots where seed production of sunflower parental lines was established. Eight genotypes were examined; namely RHA-UK, RHA-ST-59, RHA-SES-IMI, RHA-SNRF, RHA-E-ANN-65, RHA-RU-3, RHA-CDN, and RHA-N-M-1. All the examined genotypes are parental components of the best sunflower hybrids developed by the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. Relationships between seed yield and eight different traits in sunflower were studied - oil and protein content, seed germination, 1000-seed weight, head diameter, number of branches and leaves and plant height. The same analyses were carried out for comparison of oil content. A highly significant positive correlation was determined between plant height and number of branches; plant height and the number of leaves; plant height and head diameter; plant height and seed yield; number of branches and yield; the number of leaves and yield; head diame...
Food and Feed Research, 2010

Letopis naučnih …, 2010
Istraživanja su izvedena u ogledima postavljenim u Mitscherlich-ovim sudovima, u polukontrolisani... more Istraživanja su izvedena u ogledima postavljenim u Mitscherlich-ovim sudovima, u polukontrolisanim uslovima vegetacione kuće u botaničkoj bašti Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Ispitivan je uticaj četiri sorte i rastućih količina azota na prinos cvasti nevena i herbe i lista bosiljka. Ispitivanje dekorativnih svojstava obuhvatilo je praćenje krupnoće i broja cvasti po biljci, te visine biljaka. Najveći prinos suvih cvasti nevena dobijen je kod čeških sorti Plamen i Plamen Plus, ali je najveći broj cvasti formirala domaća sorta Bački Petrovac. Prinos suvih cvasti nevena bio je statistički podjednak na varijantama sa 1,5 i 1 g N/sudu, a značajno veći u odnosu na kontrolnu varijantu i dozu od 0,5 g N/sudu. Najveća suva masa herbe bosiljka, dobijena je kod patuljaste sorte (O. basilicum 'Patula'). U proseku sorti, sve đubrene varijante dale su veći prinos u odnosu na kontrolnu, dok dalje povećanje doza N nije značajnije uticalo na povećanje prinosa herbe bosiljka.
... Vo.31, str.345-350. Marinkovic, В., Crnobarac, J., Mihailovic, TM, Rajic, M., Lalic,Branislav... more ... Vo.31, str.345-350. Marinkovic, В., Crnobarac, J., Mihailovic, TM, Rajic, M., Lalic,Branislava (2001): Optimalizacija tehnologije proizvodnje secerne repe. Zbornik radova, Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, Sveska 35. str. 291-306. ...
X International Agriculture Symposium, Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3-6 October 2019. Proceedings, 2019

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2013
In order to detect and quantifying drought (its frequency, duration and intensity), Palmer Drough... more In order to detect and quantifying drought (its frequency, duration and intensity), Palmer Drought Severity Index and Palmer Moisture Anomaly Z-Index were used in this paper. These indices were calculated by using monthly values of meteorological elements from meteorological station at Rimski Šančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia; for period 1965/66 to 2009/10. Also, yields of winter wheat from stationary long-term field trial, containing 20 different fertilization treatments with increasing doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were analyzed for the same region and period of time. For determining the most suitable index for quantifying effects of drought on wheat yield, correlation coefficients between two examined drought indexes and detrended wheat yields in long-term trial and Vojvodina province were calculated. Larger number of significant correlations was obtained between the wheat yields and Palmer's Z-index. On the basis of calculated r coefficients, it can be concluded that humidity/ drought conditions in October, December, March and April had the most important impact on grain yield. However, correlation coefficients in X and IV were positive, i.e. lower moisture conditions (drought) reduces yields, while in XII and III negative r coefficients indicated increase in yields at low moisture conditions. By observing the r values at different fertilizing variants in long-term experiment, it could be concluded that drought conditions in X and IV influenced all treatments more or less equally. Treatments with higher nitrogen doses were more sensitive to moisture conditions in XII, while in moisture conditions in III more sensitive were treatments without, or with small doses of nitrogen applied.
Cereal Research Communications, Nov 17, 2022
Lekovite sirovine, 2009
U ogledu sa dve domaće sorte belog sleza, izvedenom u Moorinu, ispitivan je efekat različitih do... more U ogledu sa dve domaće sorte belog sleza, izvedenom u Moorinu, ispitivan je efekat različitih doza azotnog đubriva, veličine vegetacionog prostora i načina razmnoavanja na prinos suvog korena sleza. Najveći prinos suvog korena (4.264 kg ha-1) postignut je na varijanti bez ...
The samples of medicinal plants, belonging to the Malvaceae family (marshmallow, common mallow an... more The samples of medicinal plants, belonging to the Malvaceae family (marshmallow, common mallow and hollyhock) have been gathered from a number of localities. The height of stems was measured, and the number of stems per plant was determined, as well as the number ...

Genetika, 2011
More effective breeding and development of new wheat genotypes depend on an intricate analysis of... more More effective breeding and development of new wheat genotypes depend on an intricate analysis of the complex relationships among many different traits. The objective of this paper was to determine the interrelationship, direct and indirect effects, and stability of different yield components in wheat. Forty divergent genotypes were analyzed in a threeyear study (2005-2007). Highly significant correlations were found between with the only negative correlation being that with plant height. Path analysis revealed highly significant direct effects of grain number per spike, grain mass per spike and 1000 grain weight on grain yield per plant. Analysis of stability parameters showed that the stability of grain yield per plant depended for the most part on the stability of grain number per spike, grain mass per spike and harvest index. Cluster analysis identified genotypes with a high performance for grain yield per plant and good stability parameters, indicating the possibility of developing wheat varieties with a high potential and high stability for a particular trait.

In this study, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of digital image analysis (DIA) as a substitu... more In this study, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of digital image analysis (DIA) as a substitute for standard analysis (SA) in assessing corn ear traits in agrotechnical field trials. Accurate and timely prediction of corn yield through corn ear traits can lead to precise agricultural management recommendations for the improvement of production. Four replications with 10 plots each were subjected to different fertilization regimes and analyzed using DIA and SA to determine the kernel number per ear (KN), ear length (EL), and ear diameter (ED). For both methods, the results showed that only nitrogen doses had a significant effect on the examined corn ear traits, and the correlation matrix revealed a strong and significant relationship between yield and corn ear traits. The post-hoc test showed no discrepancy in cases between the two methods for KN and EL, with a 6.7% discrepancy for ED. For both methods, a linear plateau was the best fit for KN and EL with increasing nitrogen dose...

Maize is the most widespread and, along with wheat, the most important staple crop in the Republi... more Maize is the most widespread and, along with wheat, the most important staple crop in the Republic of Serbia, which is of great significance for ensuring national food security. With the increasing demand for food and forage, intensive agricultural practices have been adopted in the maize production systems. In this direction, considerable research efforts have been made to examine the effects of different types of cover crops as a green manure on maize productivity; however, no consistent conclusions have been reached so far. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the possibility of predicting the effects of winter cover crops (CC) integrated with different management practices on the morphological traits, yield, and yield components of maize. The experiment was carried out on chernozem soil from 2016 to 2020 as a randomized complete block design arranged as a split-split-plot with three replicates. The pea as a sole crop (P) and the mixture of pea and tritical...
Papers by Goran Jacimovic