Papers by Gloria Marchetti
Regioni: Bimestrale di analisi giuridica e istituzionale, Oct 1, 2020
The speech focus on the relationship between the changes of political information, disseminated t... more The speech focus on the relationship between the changes of political information, disseminated through social media, and the dangers to democracy. In particular, three topics is be addressed: the change of ways of making political information by social media; the new characteristics of political information disseminated through social media and the risk for democracy; the need to combat political disinformation and fake news through a European and State regulation
The speech aims to reflect on the relationship between algorithms and democracy. The massive use ... more The speech aims to reflect on the relationship between algorithms and democracy. The massive use of algorithms leads to threaten democracy even in European Countries. The speech analyzes the reasons that leads to believe that algorithms can threaten democracy
Il saggio esamina il processo di conferimento delle funzioni amministrative operato dalla Regione... more Il saggio esamina il processo di conferimento delle funzioni amministrative operato dalla Regione Lombardia nei confronti degli enti locali nello specifico settore dei beni culturali. In particolare, viene messo in rilievo come la legislazione regionale nel procedere a tale decentramento abbia, per un verso, valorizzato il ruolo degli enti locali, prevedendo e incentivando l\u2019esercizio associato delle funzioni da parte dei Comuni e, per altro verso, previsto particolari modalit\ue0 e strumenti di collaborazione e/o di concertazione con gli enti coinvolti

The view prevailing among legal scholars-and endorsed in this paper-is that the coming into force... more The view prevailing among legal scholars-and endorsed in this paper-is that the coming into force of the reform of Title V, Part 2, of the Constitution introduced a multi-polar institutional framework in Italy, in which the various bodies making up the Republic are on an equal footing. Accordingly, this has made it necessary to reconsider the relationships between Regions and Local Authorities, which should rely on increasingly cooperative models. Regions are called upon to become policy-making bodies in charge of steering and planning activities for the respective territories. Given this scenario, the need is highlighted to introduce suitable decision-making, planning, and monitoring tools that can ensure an integrated system of governance. In particular, concerted action mechanisms should be implemented as regards the various entities concerned in order to determine the objectives, the procedures applying to Local Government, the responsibilities vested in the individual entities, and the cooperation mechanisms between Regions and Local Authorities. This is aimed at ensuring a certain degree of uniformity at regional level in a multi-tiered system that has to reconcile the requirements of differentiation resulting from the enhanced potential of locally autonomous bodies with the need to safeguard uniformity and consistency of the regional system.
Franco Angeli, 2006
Il saggio esamina il processo di conferimento delle funzioni amministrative operato dalla Regione... more Il saggio esamina il processo di conferimento delle funzioni amministrative operato dalla Regione Lombardia nei confronti degli enti locali nello specifico settore dei beni culturali. In particolare, viene messo in rilievo come la legislazione regionale nel procedere a tale decentramento abbia, per un verso, valorizzato il ruolo degli enti locali, prevedendo e incentivando l\u2019esercizio associato delle funzioni da parte dei Comuni e, per altro verso, previsto particolari modalit\ue0 e strumenti di collaborazione e/o di concertazione con gli enti coinvolti
L'intervento esamina l'istituto della mediazione in tema di diffamazione a mezzo stampa, ... more L'intervento esamina l'istituto della mediazione in tema di diffamazione a mezzo stampa, soffermandosi, in particolare sulle tematiche relative alla stampa in Internet e alle fake news. In questo contesto, vengono esaminati gli aspetti problematici e le possibili soluzioni adottabili per farvi fronte
Nell'intervento ci si \ue8 soffermati a valutare le possibili conseguenze, in caso di approva... more Nell'intervento ci si \ue8 soffermati a valutare le possibili conseguenze, in caso di approvazione della riforma costituzionale Renzi-Boschi, sul sistema delle fonti primarie
The essay aims at analyzing the relationship between algorithms and democracy. Algorithms used by... more The essay aims at analyzing the relationship between algorithms and democracy. Algorithms used by platforms can lead to disinformation so as to produce an impact on democracy. The essay then focuses on the possible solutions to deal with this phenomenon and assesses their limits.

International Relations and Diplomacy, 2020
The essay aims at analyzing the relationship between the changes of political information, dissem... more The essay aims at analyzing the relationship between the changes of political information, disseminated through the net, and the dangers to democracy. In particular, three topics will be addressed: the change of ways of making political information on the net; the new characteristics of political information disseminated on the net and the risk for democracy; the need to combat political disinformation on the net through adequate regulation. In this regard, the paper analyzes the measures adopted in some European countries, such as France, Germany, and Spain, aimed at countering disinformation online and fake news, especially in the field of political information, and the action started by the European Union for this purpose. The measures adopted by some European countries are aimed at: repressing the disinformation and fake news; providing transparency obligations for providers; promoting media literacy programs. Instead, the European Union preferred to resort to self-regulation by providers. In fact, although the European Union can adopt a regulation containing specific obligations for providers, for the moment it has provided for the adoption of a Code of good practice to combat disinformation which is not binding on them. In this regard, the paper analyzes the possible measures that States and European Union could introduce in order to combat the phenomenon of political disinformation able to influence the voters and condition the electoral competitions. Finally, the paper focuses on the effectiveness of these measures and their limits.

Rassegna Parlamentare, 2005
Il saggio, dopo aver analizzato la legislazione statale avente ad oggetto interventi sostitutivi ... more Il saggio, dopo aver analizzato la legislazione statale avente ad oggetto interventi sostitutivi nei confronti delle Regioni e degli enti locali precedente la riforma del Titolo V, parte II, Cost., si sofferma sulle novit\\ue0 introdotte da tale riforma. In particolare, la possibilit\\ue0 di interventi sostitutivi statali nei confronti degli organi regionali e locali viene esaminata in relazione alle possibili ripercussioni sull\\u2019assetto dei rapporti Stato-Regioni-enti locali. Nella seconda parte del saggio ci si sofferma, invece, sulla possibilit\\ue0 delle Regioni di sostituirsi agli enti locali, riconosciuta dalla costante giurisprudenza costituzionale (a partire dalla sent. 313 del 2003). In particolare, viene messo in luce come la Corte abbia cercato di individuare precisi requisiti, sostanziali e procedurali, per il ricorso ai poteri sostitutivi regionali. Il saggio, tuttavia, sottolinea come tali poteri sostitutivi pongano problemi rispetto al riconoscimento della tutela degli enti locali. Nello specifico, viene evidenziato come permangano, anche a seguito delle pronunce della Corte costituzionale, dubbi interpretativi sia in merito all\\u2019individuazione dei presupposti legittimanti l\\u2019intervento sostitutivo sia ai limiti e alle regole da rispettare nella disciplina e nell\\u2019esercizio dello stesso
The essay analyses how the health emergency due to the spread of Covid-19 was handled in Italy. I... more The essay analyses how the health emergency due to the spread of Covid-19 was handled in Italy. It is aimed at examining: the regulatory framework relating to the management of the pandemic; the role of State and Regions in adopting measures to contain the virus; the coordination between State and Regions to deal with the health emergency. In particular, the aim of the essay is to verify whether the State, in managing the pandemic, has respected the constitutional principles that underpin the Italian regional system. Keywords: Coronavirus Emergency Regulation, State and Regions competences, State and Regions coordination, Italian Regional System, Principle of Loyal Cooperation.
Papers by Gloria Marchetti