Papers by Giovanni Cinque
IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
1* National Coordinator of HYDRORAD Project in Moldova 1 National Observatory from Athens, Greece... more 1* National Coordinator of HYDRORAD Project in Moldova 1 National Observatory from Athens, Greece 2 HIMET, High Innovation in Meteorology, L’Aquila, Italia 3 Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA 4 ELDES, ELI International Company, Firenze, Italia Informaţia expusă în acest articol este rezultatul implementării proiectului „HYDRORAD Integrated advanced distribuited system for hydro-meteorological monitoring and forecasting using low-cost high-performance X-band mini-radar and cellular network infrastructures” în cadrul programului de cercetare „7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), Research for SMEs”, fi nanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi care atestă un studiu de caz în Republica Moldova. Scopul principal al proiectului „HYDRORAD” a fost elaborarea şi aplicarea sistemelor inovaţionale de mini-radare cu dublă polarizare cu banda-X şi a modelelor numerice de estimare a precipitaţiilor, nowcasting, clasifi carea precipitaţiilor şi integrarea cu model...
The main aim of the HydroRad European project was to develop an innovative dual-polarization X-ba... more The main aim of the HydroRad European project was to develop an innovative dual-polarization X-band mini-radar system and software support tools like rainfall estimation, nowcasting, precipitation classification and integration with hydrological and meteorological models for the use in weather and flood applications. These mini-radars are low cost, easy to deploy and, thus, ideal for the setup of radar networks to cover areas with complex terrain. In order to test the system an experimental campaign took place during autumn 2011 in Moldova. A network of three mini-radars was setup and tested against an advanced mobile polarimetric radar (XPol) in the center of the network and in-situ rain measurements from a video disdrometer and raingauges. Original polarimetric algorithms for attenuation correction and rainfall estimation were applied and their results were compared to the reference in-situ data for moderate widespread and intense convective rain events. The results show that mini-radars can produce high quality and accurate rain fields in difficult to cover complex terrain areas.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2013
Hydro-meteorological hazards like convective outbreaks leading to torrential rain and floods are ... more Hydro-meteorological hazards like convective outbreaks leading to torrential rain and floods are among the most critical environmental issues worldwide. In that context weather radar observations have proven to be very useful in providing information on the spatial distribution of rainfall that can support early warning of floods. However, quantitative precipitation estimation by radar is subjected to many limitations and uncertainties. The use of dual-polarization at high frequency (i.e. X-band) has proven particularly useful for mitigating some of the limitation of operational systems, by exploiting the benefit of easiness to transport and deploy and the high spatial and temporal resolution achievable at small antenna sizes. New developments on X-band dual-polarization technology in recent years have received the interest of scientific and operational communities in these systems. New enterprises are focusing on the advancement of cost-efficient mini-radar network technology, based on highfrequency (mainly X-band) and low-power weather radar systems for weather monitoring and hydro-meteorological forecasting. Within the above context, the main objective of the HY-DRORAD project was the development of an innovative integrated decision support tool for weather monitoring and hydro-meteorological applications. The integrated system tool is based on a polarimetric X-band mini-radar network which is the core of the decision support tool, a novel radar products generator and a hydro-meteorological forecast modelling system that ingests mini-radar rainfall products to forecast precipitation and floods. The radar products generator includes algorithms for attenuation correction, hydrometeor classification, a vertical profile reflectivity correction, a new polarimetric rainfall estimators developed for mini-radar observations, and short-term nowcasting of convective cells. The hydrometeorological modelling system includes the Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) and the Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center hydrologic and hydraulic modelling chain. The characteristics of this tool make it ideal to support flood monitoring and forecasting within urban environment and small-scale basins. Preliminary results, carried out during a field campaign in Moldova, showed that the mini-radar based hydro-meteorological forecasting system can constitute a suitable solution for local flood warning and civil flood protection applications.
Atmospheric Environment, 2013
The receiver of the Differential Absorption Lidar system of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) ha... more The receiver of the Differential Absorption Lidar system of the University of L'Aquila (Italy) has been upgraded for the detection of Raman scattering from nitrogen and water vapour induced by XeCl and XeF excimer laser lines. In this configuration, only the XeF source is activated, so we can measure the tropospheric water vapour mixing ratio profiles with a height resolution of 300 m and 10 min in time. The lower limit sensitivity for the mixing ratio of water vapour is about 2 Q 10 24 and the precision ranges between 5% at 2 km and 50% at 9 km. The aerosol back-scattering ratio profiles can be measured with the same altitude and time resolution up to the lower stratosphere, the relative error is below 5% in the troposphere and about 30% at the highest altitudes. Comparisons with coincident PTU balloon-sondes show that the performances of the system in measuring the tropospheric water vapour are well calibrated for studying the water vapour evolution and cloud formation in the troposphere.
Scopul principal al proiectului „HYDRORAD” a fost elaborarea şi aplicarea sistemelor inovaţionale... more Scopul principal al proiectului „HYDRORAD” a fost elaborarea şi aplicarea sistemelor inovaţionale de mini-radare cu dublă polarizare cu banda-X şi a modelelor numerice de estimare a precipitaţiilor, nowcasting, clasificarea precipitaţiilor şi integrarea cu modelele ...
... Marzano FS1b, Picciotti E.1a, Cinque G. 1a, Montopoli M. 1b, Bernardini L. 1a, Giuliani G.1b ... more ... Marzano FS1b, Picciotti E.1a, Cinque G. 1a, Montopoli M. 1b, Bernardini L. 1a, Giuliani G.1b , Anagnostou E. 2a,2b ... NCEP) and the Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), the Naval Research Laboratory, the University of Oklahoma, and the ...
Sensible heat flux and boundary layer depth measurements by Doppler SODAR and sonic anemometer da... more Sensible heat flux and boundary layer depth measurements by Doppler SODAR and sonic anemometer data (*) G. CINQUE (1)(2), R. ZAURI (2), P. DI CARLO (2) M. IARLORI (2) and V. RIZI (2)
Papers by Giovanni Cinque