Papers by Gertrude Namubiru

Молодий вчений, 2021
Перехід від аналогового телебачення до цифрового, швидке зростання кіноіндустрії, Інтернету, глоб... more Перехід від аналогового телебачення до цифрового, швидке зростання кіноіндустрії, Інтернету, глобалізація та легкий доступ до мультимедійних матеріалів є тими факторами, що сприяли успіху аудіовізуального перекладу. Сьогодні переклад сценаріїв кінофільмів викликаний гострою необхідністю ознайомити міжнародну аудиторію з певною аудіовізуальною продукцією. Локалізація мультимедіа, або іншими словами переклад відео, графіки, анімації, GIF чи інфографіки є основою інтернаціонального розповсюдження аудіовізуальної продукції, а відтак припливу аудиторії, що своєю чергою призводить до стабільного фінансового зростання компаній-виробників. Однак, локалізація цього контенту може виявитися доволі складним завданням, оскільки контент повинен відповідати нормам та принципам місцевої культури. У статті зроблений короткий огляд методів перекладу аудіовізуальної продукції. Проведено аналіз українських субтитрів до кінострічки Пітера Фарреллі «Зелена книга» та виокремлено неточності у перекладі.
Goal 16 Social learning is vital to facilitate and ensure participative, inclusive and just socie... more Goal 16 Social learning is vital to facilitate and ensure participative, inclusive and just societies, as well as social coherence. Goal 17 Lifelong learning builds capacity to understand and promote sustainable development policies and practices. Fundamental Question: How can these goals be infused in the curriculum to ensure that learners from primary to secondary schools can be engaged in understanding, supporting and participating at their levels to the achievement of these goals? These two cases, including the role of education in the achievement of the remaining 16 SDGs, will be used to brainstorm around the rational of the curriculum components, such as content, teaching methods, even assessment, both formative and summative.

Journal of Education and Practice, 2017
This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) dur... more This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) during its formation that involved the merger of three tertiary institutions and the period immediately thereafter. This was regarded as a period of significant transformation at the institution. The study was prompted by the rampant strikes and protests that the students and staff staged against the University’s leaders during that time. The researchers used the descriptive cross-sectional sample survey design to collect both qualitative and quantitative data through the use of surveys and interview methods from 44 administrators, 201 academic staff, 345 students, and 230 support staff. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that, at that time, KyU leadership lacked a shared vision and common strategies for managing transformation besides being non-collegial and heavily bureaucratic in nature. Secondly, the Universi...

Academia Letters, 2021
Quality education is a key to development and it is a human right. It is believed that quality ed... more Quality education is a key to development and it is a human right. It is believed that quality education is determined by clearly thought out educational goals. Educational goals define who should learn what and this is done in an organized and achievable form through the curriculum. Clear educational goals, according to (Toffler 2014) require the skills to translate them into sound curriculum and pedagogy to ensure quality education. According to Toffler (2014) the prime goal of education in the 21st century is mastery of information, getting of embedded knowledge and understanding, and the advanced use of technology in society. Besides SDG number 4 mentions the element of education that ensures quality and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all, among others. However, quality education requires highly competent and committed teachers employing active pedagogies (UNESCO-IBE, 2013). A need for quality education should guide the curriculum development of the 21st century to allow learners s to master the learning process, engage with the curriculum, own and direct learning in their own flexible ways, as Toffler 2014 argues. Leadbeater (2008) as quoted by Scott 1(2015) argues that the successful provision of quality education worldwide depends on transforming pedagogy and redesigning learning tasks that promote learner creativity as they deal with daily challenges. On the other hand, Scott 1(2015) reemphasized that rethinking pedagogy for the twenty-first century is as crucial as identifying the new competencies that today's learners need to develop. Scott 1 asserts that since the emergence of a global movement that calls for a new model of learning for the twenty first century, it has been argued that formal education must be transformed to enable new forms of learning that are needed to tackle complex global challenges. Basing on her as

This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) dur... more This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) during its formation that involved the merger of three tertiary institutions and the period immediately thereafter. This was regarded as a period of significant transformation at the institution. The study was prompted by the rampant strikes and protests that the students and staff staged against the University’s leaders during that time. The researchers used the descriptive cross-sectional sample survey design to collect both qualitative and quantitative data through the use of surveys and interview methods from 44 administrators, 201 academic staff, 345 students, and 230 support staff. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that, at that time, KyU leadership lacked a shared vision and common strategies for managing transformation besides being non-collegial and heavily bureaucratic in nature. Secondly, the University was bedeviled with a myriad of leadership challenges related to, amongst others, personality clashes amongst leaders; the problem of red-tape in decision making; the shortage of funds and other resources; and the interference by external agents in the affairs of the University. However, several efforts were also made to avert the crises that the institution experienced at that time. It was thus concluded that the kind of leadership exercised during that time of transformation was partly responsible for the challenges experienced then and probably today. The researchers therefore recommended that the University managers should often develop a shared vision, employ a collegial kind of leadership, and be supportive to different units as well as individuals in the institution.
Keywords: leadership, management, transformation, challenges, university

This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) dur... more This study investigated how leadership was exercised at Kyambogo University [KyU] (in Uganda) during its formation that involved the merger of three tertiary institutions and the period immediately thereafter. This was regarded as a period of significant transformation at the institution. The study was prompted by the rampant strikes and protests that the students and staff staged against the University's leaders during that time. The researchers used the descriptive crosssectional sample survey design to collect both qualitative and quantitative data through the use of surveys and interview methods from 44 administrators, 201 academic staff, 345 students, and 230 support staff. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that, at that time, KyU leadership lacked a shared vision and common strategies for managing transformation besides being non-collegial and heavily bureaucratic in nature. Secondly, the University was bedeviled with a myriad of leadership challenges related to, amongst others, personality clashes amongst leaders; the problem of red-tape in decision making; the shortage of funds and other resources; and the interference by external agents in the affairs of the University. However, several efforts were also made to avert the crises that the institution experienced at that time. It was thus concluded that the kind of leadership exercised during that time of transformation was partly responsible for the challenges experienced then and probably today. The researchers therefore recommended that the University managers should often develop a shared vision, employ a collegial kind of leadership, and be supportive to different units as well as individuals in the institution.

This study investigated the management of Kyambogo University during the transformation ... more Abstract
This study investigated the management of Kyambogo University during the transformation process. It was prompted by the rampant strikes which were surrounding the transforming University, emanating from both students and staff. The study used the descriptive cross-sectional sample survey design. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview and documentary analysis guides from 44 administrators, 201 lecturers, 370 students and 234 support staff of Kyambogo University. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that Kyambogo University’s planning and decision making were consultative in nature but not participative and involving. This negatively influenced the transformation process because some people felt they were left out in the management of the institution. It was also found out that the leadership of the University was pseudo-democratic. However, the stakeholders desired a fully democratic leadership style. It was thus concluded that planning, decision-making and leadership have had were partly responsible for the challenges experienced in Kyambogo University during the transformation process. The researcher therefore, recommended that university management should adapt an organic organisational structure which calls for teamwork, participative - decentralised decision-making and collegial kind of leadership. Secondly, the University leaders should align the traditional organisation’s culture of the merged institutions to the introduced culture of the young university.
Papers by Gertrude Namubiru
Keywords: leadership, management, transformation, challenges, university
This study investigated the management of Kyambogo University during the transformation process. It was prompted by the rampant strikes which were surrounding the transforming University, emanating from both students and staff. The study used the descriptive cross-sectional sample survey design. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview and documentary analysis guides from 44 administrators, 201 lecturers, 370 students and 234 support staff of Kyambogo University. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that Kyambogo University’s planning and decision making were consultative in nature but not participative and involving. This negatively influenced the transformation process because some people felt they were left out in the management of the institution. It was also found out that the leadership of the University was pseudo-democratic. However, the stakeholders desired a fully democratic leadership style. It was thus concluded that planning, decision-making and leadership have had were partly responsible for the challenges experienced in Kyambogo University during the transformation process. The researcher therefore, recommended that university management should adapt an organic organisational structure which calls for teamwork, participative - decentralised decision-making and collegial kind of leadership. Secondly, the University leaders should align the traditional organisation’s culture of the merged institutions to the introduced culture of the young university.
Keywords: leadership, management, transformation, challenges, university
This study investigated the management of Kyambogo University during the transformation process. It was prompted by the rampant strikes which were surrounding the transforming University, emanating from both students and staff. The study used the descriptive cross-sectional sample survey design. Data were collected using questionnaires, interview and documentary analysis guides from 44 administrators, 201 lecturers, 370 students and 234 support staff of Kyambogo University. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and content analysis techniques. The study findings indicated that Kyambogo University’s planning and decision making were consultative in nature but not participative and involving. This negatively influenced the transformation process because some people felt they were left out in the management of the institution. It was also found out that the leadership of the University was pseudo-democratic. However, the stakeholders desired a fully democratic leadership style. It was thus concluded that planning, decision-making and leadership have had were partly responsible for the challenges experienced in Kyambogo University during the transformation process. The researcher therefore, recommended that university management should adapt an organic organisational structure which calls for teamwork, participative - decentralised decision-making and collegial kind of leadership. Secondly, the University leaders should align the traditional organisation’s culture of the merged institutions to the introduced culture of the young university.