HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 12, 2019
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les ré... more Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les résultats de travaux en cours. Ils s'adressent principalement aux chercheurs, aux étudiants et au monde académique. Ils couvrent l'ensemble des sujets de travail de l'AFD : analyse économique, théorie économique, analyse des politiques publiques, sciences de l'ingénieur, sociologie, géographie et anthropologie. Une publication dans les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD n'en exclut aucune autre. Les opinions exprimées dans ce papier sont celles de son (ses) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l'AFD. Ce document est publié sous l'entière responsabilité de son (ses) auteur(s). AFD Research Papers AFD Research Papers are intended to rapidly disseminate findings of ongoing work and mainly target researchers, students and the wider academic community. They cover the full range of AFD work, including: economic analysis, economic theory, policy analysis, engineering sciences, sociology, geography and anthropology. AFD Research Papers and other publications are not mutually exclusive. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of AFD. It is therefore published under the sole responsibility of its author(s). Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun
Advances in religious and cultural studies (ARCS) book series, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Ca... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Cameroon. In order to achieve this objective, the authors used data collected from 504 individuals in Douala and Yaoundé cities by the Laboratory for Research in Fundamental and Applied Economics (LAREFA) of the University of Dschang. Using the binary probit model and the bivariate probit model, the following results were obtained: 1) although not significant, the probability for a Muslim to start his own business decreases by 0.8% as compared to individuals of other religious denominations; 2) although not also significant, for an entrepreneur (or manager) to be a Muslim increases by about 8% his probability to become a well-established entrepreneur (or manager).
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Jul 1, 2021
The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial ... more The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial innovation by Cameroonian companies, as well as comparing the share of managerial innovation resulting from inter-organizational networks of the same group and of different groups. Noting a lack of such a study on Cameroon, this study used data from the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (CEREG) to achieve the objective. Using a binary probit model and a recursive bivariate probit model, the authors found that, first, a company that collaborates with other companies has an increased probability of 0.37 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to another company that does not collaborate. Second, a company belonging to a group that collaborates with companies of a different group has an increased probability of 0.30 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to a company that only collaborates with companies of the group to which she belongs. Business leaders should cooperate with all market players.
The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial ... more The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial innovation by Cameroonian companies, as well as comparing the share of managerial innovation resulting from inter-organizational networks of the same group and of different groups. Noting a lack of such a study on Cameroon, this study used data from the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (CEREG) to achieve the objective. Using a binary probit model and a recursive bivariate probit model, the authors found that, first, a company that collaborates with other companies has an increased probability of 0.37 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to another company that does not collaborate. Second, a company belonging to a group that collaborates with companies of a different group has an increased probability of 0.30 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to a company that only collaborates with companies of the group to which she belongs. Business leaders should coop...
Evaluation de la performance de l'agriculture naturelle dans la région du Centre au Cameroun par ... more Evaluation de la performance de l'agriculture naturelle dans la région du Centre au Cameroun par la méthode d'élicitation du jugement d'experts G. De La Paix Bayiha (1) (2)(3) (4)(*) , D. Makowski (6)(7) , S. Mathe (1)(5) , G. Kobou (4) , L. Temple (1)(2)
De nombreux agriculteurs Camerounais pratiquent l'agriculture naturelle, un type d'agricu... more De nombreux agriculteurs Camerounais pratiquent l'agriculture naturelle, un type d'agriculture potentiellement qualifiable de " biologique ". Pourtant, peu de references experimentales sont disponibles sur sa capacite a contribuer aux enjeux de la securite alimentaire au Cameroun. De ce fait, la question de sa performance par rapport a l'agriculture conventionnelle reste cruciale pour sa reconnaissance institutionnelle. L'objectif est d'identifier des situations (regions et especes cultivees) ou les performances de l'agriculture naturelle sont proches ou superieures a celle de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons mobilise l'elicitation probabiliste des jugements d'experts. Cette methode est appliquee aupres de 56 experts dans la region du Centre Cameroun. Les resultats montrent que les rendements en agriculture naturelle sont inferieurs de 28% a ceux conventionnelle tandis que pour les prix bord champ de...
Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun, 2021
Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les ré... more Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les résultats de travaux en cours. Ils s'adressent principalement aux chercheurs, aux étudiants et au monde académique. Ils couvrent l'ensemble des sujets de travail de l'AFD : analyse économique, théorie économique, analyse des politiques publiques, sciences de l'ingénieur, sociologie, géographie et anthropologie. Une publication dans les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD n'en exclut aucune autre. Les opinions exprimées dans ce papier sont celles de son (ses) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l'AFD. Ce document est publié sous l'entière responsabilité de son (ses) auteur(s). AFD Research Papers AFD Research Papers are intended to rapidly disseminate findings of ongoing work and mainly target researchers, students and the wider academic community. They cover the full range of AFD work, including: economic analysis, economic theory, policy analysis, engineering sciences, sociology, geography and anthropology. AFD Research Papers and other publications are not mutually exclusive. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of AFD. It is therefore published under the sole responsibility of its author(s). Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun
Understanding the Relationship Between Religion and Entrepreneurship, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Ca... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Cameroon. In order to achieve this objective, the authors used data collected from 504 individuals in Douala and Yaoundé cities by the Laboratory for Research in Fundamental and Applied Economics (LAREFA) of the University of Dschang. Using the binary probit model and the bivariate probit model, the following results were obtained: 1) although not significant, the probability for a Muslim to start his own business decreases by 0.8% as compared to individuals of other religious denominations; 2) although not also significant, for an entrepreneur (or manager) to be a Muslim increases by about 8% his probability to become a well-established entrepreneur (or manager).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 12, 2019
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les ré... more Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les résultats de travaux en cours. Ils s'adressent principalement aux chercheurs, aux étudiants et au monde académique. Ils couvrent l'ensemble des sujets de travail de l'AFD : analyse économique, théorie économique, analyse des politiques publiques, sciences de l'ingénieur, sociologie, géographie et anthropologie. Une publication dans les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD n'en exclut aucune autre. Les opinions exprimées dans ce papier sont celles de son (ses) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l'AFD. Ce document est publié sous l'entière responsabilité de son (ses) auteur(s). AFD Research Papers AFD Research Papers are intended to rapidly disseminate findings of ongoing work and mainly target researchers, students and the wider academic community. They cover the full range of AFD work, including: economic analysis, economic theory, policy analysis, engineering sciences, sociology, geography and anthropology. AFD Research Papers and other publications are not mutually exclusive. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of AFD. It is therefore published under the sole responsibility of its author(s). Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun
Advances in religious and cultural studies (ARCS) book series, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Ca... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Cameroon. In order to achieve this objective, the authors used data collected from 504 individuals in Douala and Yaoundé cities by the Laboratory for Research in Fundamental and Applied Economics (LAREFA) of the University of Dschang. Using the binary probit model and the bivariate probit model, the following results were obtained: 1) although not significant, the probability for a Muslim to start his own business decreases by 0.8% as compared to individuals of other religious denominations; 2) although not also significant, for an entrepreneur (or manager) to be a Muslim increases by about 8% his probability to become a well-established entrepreneur (or manager).
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Jul 1, 2021
The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial ... more The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial innovation by Cameroonian companies, as well as comparing the share of managerial innovation resulting from inter-organizational networks of the same group and of different groups. Noting a lack of such a study on Cameroon, this study used data from the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (CEREG) to achieve the objective. Using a binary probit model and a recursive bivariate probit model, the authors found that, first, a company that collaborates with other companies has an increased probability of 0.37 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to another company that does not collaborate. Second, a company belonging to a group that collaborates with companies of a different group has an increased probability of 0.30 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to a company that only collaborates with companies of the group to which she belongs. Business leaders should cooperate with all market players.
The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial ... more The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of openness on the adoption of managerial innovation by Cameroonian companies, as well as comparing the share of managerial innovation resulting from inter-organizational networks of the same group and of different groups. Noting a lack of such a study on Cameroon, this study used data from the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Gestion (CEREG) to achieve the objective. Using a binary probit model and a recursive bivariate probit model, the authors found that, first, a company that collaborates with other companies has an increased probability of 0.37 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to another company that does not collaborate. Second, a company belonging to a group that collaborates with companies of a different group has an increased probability of 0.30 of adopting new managerial practices, compared to a company that only collaborates with companies of the group to which she belongs. Business leaders should coop...
Evaluation de la performance de l'agriculture naturelle dans la région du Centre au Cameroun par ... more Evaluation de la performance de l'agriculture naturelle dans la région du Centre au Cameroun par la méthode d'élicitation du jugement d'experts G. De La Paix Bayiha (1) (2)(3) (4)(*) , D. Makowski (6)(7) , S. Mathe (1)(5) , G. Kobou (4) , L. Temple (1)(2)
De nombreux agriculteurs Camerounais pratiquent l'agriculture naturelle, un type d'agricu... more De nombreux agriculteurs Camerounais pratiquent l'agriculture naturelle, un type d'agriculture potentiellement qualifiable de " biologique ". Pourtant, peu de references experimentales sont disponibles sur sa capacite a contribuer aux enjeux de la securite alimentaire au Cameroun. De ce fait, la question de sa performance par rapport a l'agriculture conventionnelle reste cruciale pour sa reconnaissance institutionnelle. L'objectif est d'identifier des situations (regions et especes cultivees) ou les performances de l'agriculture naturelle sont proches ou superieures a celle de l'agriculture conventionnelle. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons mobilise l'elicitation probabiliste des jugements d'experts. Cette methode est appliquee aupres de 56 experts dans la region du Centre Cameroun. Les resultats montrent que les rendements en agriculture naturelle sont inferieurs de 28% a ceux conventionnelle tandis que pour les prix bord champ de...
Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun, 2021
Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les ré... more Papiers de recherche Les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD ont pour but de diffuser rapidement les résultats de travaux en cours. Ils s'adressent principalement aux chercheurs, aux étudiants et au monde académique. Ils couvrent l'ensemble des sujets de travail de l'AFD : analyse économique, théorie économique, analyse des politiques publiques, sciences de l'ingénieur, sociologie, géographie et anthropologie. Une publication dans les Papiers de Recherche de l'AFD n'en exclut aucune autre. Les opinions exprimées dans ce papier sont celles de son (ses) auteur(s) et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de l'AFD. Ce document est publié sous l'entière responsabilité de son (ses) auteur(s). AFD Research Papers AFD Research Papers are intended to rapidly disseminate findings of ongoing work and mainly target researchers, students and the wider academic community. They cover the full range of AFD work, including: economic analysis, economic theory, policy analysis, engineering sciences, sociology, geography and anthropology. AFD Research Papers and other publications are not mutually exclusive. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of AFD. It is therefore published under the sole responsibility of its author(s). Développement urbain, économie informelle et inégalités au Cameroun
Understanding the Relationship Between Religion and Entrepreneurship, 2020
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Ca... more The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Islam on entrepreneurial initiative in Cameroon. In order to achieve this objective, the authors used data collected from 504 individuals in Douala and Yaoundé cities by the Laboratory for Research in Fundamental and Applied Economics (LAREFA) of the University of Dschang. Using the binary probit model and the bivariate probit model, the following results were obtained: 1) although not significant, the probability for a Muslim to start his own business decreases by 0.8% as compared to individuals of other religious denominations; 2) although not also significant, for an entrepreneur (or manager) to be a Muslim increases by about 8% his probability to become a well-established entrepreneur (or manager).
Papers by Georges Kobou