Papers by Genevieve Andre-Fontaine
Eurosurveillance, 2002
En la region de Rochefort, Francia, se diagnosticaron cinco casos agrupados de leptospirosis en j... more En la region de Rochefort, Francia, se diagnosticaron cinco casos agrupados de leptospirosis en junio de 2001, todos ellos adolescentes que se habian banado en el canal Genouille. Los sintomas incluyeron fiebre, cefalea, dolor abdominal y vomitos, temblores y mialgia. Tres casos se confirmaron por reaccion en cadena de la polimerasa (polymerase chain reaction; PCR) y serologia. La duracion media acumulada del bano fue significativamente mas alta en los casos (23,8 horas) que en los controles (14,4 horas). No se observaron otros factores de riesgo especificos. La investigacion ambiental revelo la presencia de roedores excretores de leptospiras junto a la zona de bano. En todos los antigenos estudiados, la frecuencia de roedores seropositivos fue del 30,8%, siendo L. icterohaemorrhagiae el serogrupo predominante (23,1%).
Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire, 1980
Veterinary Microbiology, Oct 1, 1992
Seven strains of Leptospira interrogans belonging to seven different serogroups, and one strain o... more Seven strains of Leptospira interrogans belonging to seven different serogroups, and one strain of Leptospira biflexa were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with gradient gels and immunoblotting with hyperimmune rabbit sera raised against each strain. The molecular masses of the proteins were calculated with a polynomial regression model. The SDS-PAGE patterns of the L. interrogans strains were similar and characterized by 24 common bands. This profile was not found for L. biflexa. The immunoblots obtained either with the seven anti-L. interrogans sera or the anti-L. biflexa serum allowed a clear distinction between the two species. Taken as a whole, the L. interrogans strain patterns revealed by the seven anti-L. interrogans sera were similar, sharing eight common major bands. A serovar- or serogroup-specific antigenic zone, ranging from 21 to 26 kDa, was also identified.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 14, 2011
Le Point vétérinaire: revue d'enseignement post-universitaie et de formation permanente, 1989
Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Feb 1, 2015
A cross-sectional survey was conducted to estimate the presence of leptospiral antibodies among 4... more A cross-sectional survey was conducted to estimate the presence of leptospiral antibodies among 475 dogs from three countries of tropical Africa: Sudan (n = 62), Gabon (n = 255) and Ivory Coast (n = 158). Sixteen reference strains belonging to seven serogroups were used as antigen in the microscopic agglutination test. Overall, considering titres ≥1:40, 453 samples were positive towards one or several serovars of pathogenic leptospires. Focusing on high titres, i.e. ≥1:320, the seroprevalence was 40.8%. In Gabon, the seroprevalence was higher in rural areas than in an urban environment (p < 0.001). In Ivory Coast, the seroprevalence for serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae and Canicola was not statistically different according to the vaccinal status. Predominant serogroups varied according to the countries but Grippotyphosa and Sejroë were the most common, while Icterohaemorragiae and Canicola were dominant in Sudan. In these three countries, dogs are heavily exposed to pathogenic Leptospira and humans living in the same environment are also at risk of infection.
Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 1990
AIrstraet-ln the United States, leptospirosis takes the second place in human diseases transmitte... more AIrstraet-ln the United States, leptospirosis takes the second place in human diseases transmitted by animals. The clinical features of leptospirosis are very various in man and domestic animals by the nature of the serovar involved and the animal species infected. There are many epidemiological cycles of leptospirosis but environmental conditions are always important. 1. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF LEPTOSPIROSIS
Point Veterinaire, 2008
Un chien militaire est hospitalise au Tchad pour une insuffisance renale. Une leptospirose associ... more Un chien militaire est hospitalise au Tchad pour une insuffisance renale. Une leptospirose associee au serovar (1) Leptospira interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae est diagnostiquee par un examen serologique a l'aide du test de micro-agglutination et du test Elisa "protective peptide" (experimental). Ce dernier utilise les proprietes antigeniques d'un peptide d'une proteine (Hapi) secretee uniquement par tous les serogroupes pathogenes des le debut de l'infection.
Le Point vétérinaire: revue d'enseignement post-universitaie et de formation permanente, 1993
Heliyon, Nov 1, 2018
Dogs are naturally exposed to numerous pathogenic serogroups. Leptospirosis vaccines are claimed ... more Dogs are naturally exposed to numerous pathogenic serogroups. Leptospirosis vaccines are claimed to afford a clinical protection restricted to the serogroups of which they are composed. Objectives: Dogs exhibiting liver and kidney injury were suspected of having leptospirosis. The purpose of this study was to compare the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) results in naive and vaccinated dogs experiencing leptospirosis outcomes. Only MAT-positive animals were included in the study. Methods: Over five years, 3 512 dogs were suspected of having leptospirosis. For each case, biochemical parameter results were recorded. Leptospirosis involvement was investigated by MAT performed against 6 major serogroups (Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Australis, Autumnalis, Grippotyphosa and Sejro€ e). MAT-positive results confirmed leptospirosis cases in 147 naïve dogs and in 580 fully vaccinated dogs. Serological titres of agglutinating antibodies were related to the severity of liver and kidney failure. Results: The most prevalent outcome of leptospirosis in unvaccinated dogs was liver failure (57.8%) compared to 51.7% for kidney disease, but the most severe onset (90.8%) was found among the cases of acute kidney injury compared to the severe
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Mar 1, 2006
Studies were carried out to determine the cause of death in a prematurely born Thoroughbred foal ... more Studies were carried out to determine the cause of death in a prematurely born Thoroughbred foal that died 24 hours after birth. Necropsy revealed gross lesions suggestive of septicemia. A commercial Leptospira polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay designed to specifically amplify the hemolysis-associated protein 1 (hap1) gene present only in pathogenic Leptospira strains detected the presence of Leptospira DNA in various tissues of the foal. Histologic examination of lung, liver, kidney, and myocardium revealed numerous spirochetes in Warthin-Starry-stained tissue sections. Results of PCR analysis and histologic examination suggested a leptospiral infection in the newborn foal. At the moment of death, the infection coexisted with a streptococcal-associated aspiration bronchopneumonia and postpartum septicemia. These findings indicate that the PCR assay based on the amplification of the hap1 gene represents a useful tool for specific detection of pathogenic leptospira in field samples taken from horses.
Le Point vétérinaire: revue d'enseignement post-universitaie et de formation permanente, 2008
Le Point vétérinaire: revue d'enseignement post-universitaie et de formation permanente, 2010
Revue De Medecine Veterinaire, 1990
Le Point vétérinaire: revue d'enseignement post-universitaie et de formation permanente, 1991
Papers by Genevieve Andre-Fontaine