Kali ini dibahas unit operasi yang mekanisme penyisihan (removal) zat padat (solid) penyebab keke... more Kali ini dibahas unit operasi yang mekanisme penyisihan (removal) zat padat (solid) penyebab kekeruhan berlawanan dengan mekanisme pada sedimentasi, yaitu flotasi. Di dalam bahasa Inggris ada yang menulis istilah ini dengan floatation; float = apung, ada juga yang menuliskannya dengan flotation.
Pada tanggal 20 Juli 2020 Presiden Jokowi mengumumkan Peraturan Presiden No. 82/2020 tentang Komi... more Pada tanggal 20 Juli 2020 Presiden Jokowi mengumumkan Peraturan Presiden No. 82/2020 tentang Komite Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. Isinya beberapa macam termasuk pembubaran 18 badan, tim kerja, satuan tugas, komite. Satu di antara lembaga yang dibubarkan adalah BPPSPAM (Badan Peningkatan Penyelenggaraan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum).
PDAM bisa eksis karena ada uang yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air dan kebutuhan operasional adm... more PDAM bisa eksis karena ada uang yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air dan kebutuhan operasional administratif. PDAM memberikan air kepada pelanggan dan pelanggan memberikan uang kepada PDAM. Jumlah uang yang diberikan oleh pelanggan kepada PDAM ini disebut tarif air.
Seperti halnya si kembar Sipadan-Ligitan, kasus Ambalat hanyalah dampak. Dampak ketakpedulian pem... more Seperti halnya si kembar Sipadan-Ligitan, kasus Ambalat hanyalah dampak. Dampak ketakpedulian pemerintah terhadap laut. Siapa yang tahu Sipadan dan Ligitan sebelum kasus itu ditulis di media massa? Mayoritas kita tak tahu nusa itu. Masih banyak yang bertanya-tanya, di mana Sipadan-Ligitan itu setelah Mahkamah Internasional di Den Haag memutuskan keduanya menjadi milik Malaysia pada 18 Desember 2002. Akankah nusa lainnya disengketakan lagi lalu akhirnya kita dikalahkan dengan hormat karena menganggap kita bangsa pemaaf, suka mengalah, dan tak suka perang?
A rare flocculator in water treatment but has a good enough in performance of a laboratory scale.... more A rare flocculator in water treatment but has a good enough in performance of a laboratory scale. If applied by water enterprise, this unit would be placed in front of office because of its art and artistic.
Water treatment research for Citarum River has been done using coagulants aluminum sulphate and M... more Water treatment research for Citarum River has been done using coagulants aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds powder with Jar Test. Three different turbidities have been tested, e.g. Citarum water with turbidity 214 NTU, supernatant water 48,4 NTU, and effluent of Multistage Filtration (Gutertap) 14,7 NTU. Dose of coagulants are varied for three turbidities and three kind of coagulants. Aluminum sulphate and nonfatty Moringa powder could reduce turbidity more than 95%. Fatty Moringa powder needs more dose to reduce turbidity for 95%. But in case of low turbidity of Gutertap effluent, efficiency of the three coagulants were less than 45%. Concluded that more turbid the water, the reduction of turbidity will be higher both for aluminum sulphate and Moringa powder with and without fat. This happened because of the electrical charge of Moringa powder. In the process of flocc growth, colloidal and suspended solid are trapped in floccs so that the water become clearer.
An aerobic digester is a bioprocess to treat a wide range of organic matter. In its application, ... more An aerobic digester is a bioprocess to treat a wide range of organic matter. In its application, this unit is used to minimize organic pollutant in sludge.
Rapid Sand Filter is the most popular unit operation in water treatment plant although it has som... more Rapid Sand Filter is the most popular unit operation in water treatment plant although it has some problems in its operation and maintenance. But this filter is used widely in Indonesia by PDAM, a water company, because of its capability to treat big capacity of water. The crucial problem is backwashing, about the upflow velocity in theoretical and practical aspects.
Beta lactam antibiotics are pollutant in water bodies such as lakes and rivers. Beta lactam ring... more Beta lactam antibiotics are pollutant in water bodies such as lakes and rivers. Beta lactam rings may have a negative impact on living beings in lakes and rivers. Beta lactam rings also cause resistance or bacterial resistance to antibiotics. If human beings are exposed to beta lactam ring, this could negatively impact on their health. This study attempted to break down the beta lactam rings with several chemical reagents. These reagents hydrolyze the beta lactam ring and are then analyzed using the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) instrument. This study aims to determine the how effective the reagent for breaking the beta lactam ring. The research was conducted in three stages: preliminary research, research on reagent effectiveness , and research on β-lactamase degradation using reagents. The results showed that calcium hypochlorite was able to break the beta lactam cycle with 100% efficiency.
sumber air baku yang bersahabat sudah langka. Banyak air baku yang tidak bersahabat. Tidak mudah ... more sumber air baku yang bersahabat sudah langka. Banyak air baku yang tidak bersahabat. Tidak mudah diolah. Bahkan kualitasnya sudah setara dengan air limbah. Akankah berhenti berproduksi hanya karena air baku sudah berubah menjadi seperti air limbah? Tentu tidak. Spirit filsafat PDAM adalah P = Pegawai, D = Desain, A = Area servis, M = Manajemen dan aspek AIR: A (aman secara kualitas), I (Isi atau volume air yang dibutuhkan per orang per hari), dan R (Rutin, kontinyu 24 jam sehari) (Cahyana, 2004). Masyarakat tetap setia menunggu inovasi teknologi yang diterapkan di PDAM untuk air minum yang aman, tarif yang bersahabat dan tersedia sepanjang hari dan malam.
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa virus Corona baru (novel Coronavirus) berkaitan... more Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa virus Corona baru (novel Coronavirus) berkaitan dengan virus sebelumnya. Virus yang dinamai SARS-CoV-2 ini masih satu keluarga dengan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV atau SARS) dan Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV atau MERS). Artinya, virus-virus tersebut memiliki kesamaan sifat fisika dan biokimia. Tetapi yang paling bahaya adalah virus hasil mutasi terakhir seperti Corona ini. Penyakit akibat virus baru ini dinamai CoViD-19, Coronavirus Disease-19, penyakit karena Corona yang muncul tahun 2019.
The first COVID-19 outbreak was occurred in Wuhan, December 2019. WHO has assigned the outbreak a... more The first COVID-19 outbreak was occurred in Wuhan, December 2019. WHO has assigned the outbreak as pandemic on March 11, 2020. This article aims to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water and wastewater so that people have scientific information in eradication practice. Articles were obtained from scholar.google.com, National Library, textbooks. During pandemic doctors, paramedics have carried out curative efforts. People have carried out preventive efforts. A third attempt is needed, mechanical action using chlorine. Chlorine was able to inactivate viruses in objects affected by droplets. At a dose 0.2–40 mg/l and free chlorine residual 0.2–0.5 mg/l, chlorination was effective in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water. Bacteria can be used as a host by viruses. If the bacteria die, viruses are inactive. The novel Coronavirus envelope can be destroyed by chlorine. Researchers have found genetic material of novel ...
Mengapa banjir tetap saja terjadi? Karena volume air hujan lebih banyak daripada volume ruang yan... more Mengapa banjir tetap saja terjadi? Karena volume air hujan lebih banyak daripada volume ruang yang tersedia. Akibatnya air mengisi luasan wilayah seperti sawah di tepi jalan tol, merendam padi bahkan naik ke badan jalan tol yang sudah ditinggikan itu. Hukum alamnya, air hujan pasti meresap apabila masih memiliki ruang parasitas dan porositas tanah. Terjadi banjir berarti ruang parasitas (bukan porositas) sudah jenuh air. Tidak mampu lagi menerima air. Air tolakan inilah yang harus ditangani, direkayasa agar tidak membanjiri sawah, permukiman warga, dan tol.
The study was divided into two steps: Jar test to determine the optimum dose of coagulant and flo... more The study was divided into two steps: Jar test to determine the optimum dose of coagulant and flocculation experiments to evaluate the helical flocculator efficiency. Efficiencies were in the range of medium to high. On flowrate 13 ml/second was obtained good results for two pipe sizes but different in helical diameters. In 0.5 inch pipe with 0.8 m helical diameter the turbidity reduction efficiencies were 72.4% and 73.9% and sediment volume were 18.3 ml and 20.0 ml. In 0.625 inch pipe with 0.4 m helical diameter the turbidity reduction efficiencies were 76.7% and 78.5% and sediment volume were 14.3 ml and 19.7 ml. The optimum velocity gradient about 64.9–69.6 persecond and detention time about 438–649 seconds. The results showed that helical flocculator was effective for floc formation. Flowrate, pipe diameter, helical diameter were three key parameters to perform helical flocculator.
The purpose of this literature review is to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicati... more The purpose of this literature review is to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water and wastewater so that people can get scientific information on the practice of eradicating the new Corona virus. The research method was carried out by reviewing scientific articles obtained from the search engine scholar.google.com, the National Library website and textbooks. Chlorine is able to deactivate the virus on objects that are splashed by the patient's saliva. Giving chlorine doses of 0.2–40 mg / l and remaining free chlorine 0.2–0.5 mg / l, chlorination is effective in eradicating viruses and bacteria in drinking water. When the bacteria die, the virus dies or is inactive. The new Corona virus blanket can also be destroyed by chlorine. Researchers have also found genetic traces of the new Corona virus in wastewater. The genetic traces of the new Corona virus found in wastewater could be a latent danger for a new outbreak in the ...
Laboratory wastewater was derived from analytical activities in the laboratory and grouped to haz... more Laboratory wastewater was derived from analytical activities in the laboratory and grouped to hazardous waste. It was different from hazardous industrial wastewater because of many different pollutants. The composition of its dangerous substances was not easy to be processed by biological process. Therefore, chemical method was tried, namely Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The optimum dose of Fenton (H2O2 and FeSO4) reagent was the purpose to reduce the concentration of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Variations applied were COD concentrations, which were 10,090,09 mg / L, 5.009,01 mg / L and 511,71 mg / L with varied reagen. The optimum dose of Fenton reagent was obtained 1: 300 with COD reduction efficiency as follows: COD concentration 10,090,09 mg / L = 21,43%, COD concentration 5.009,01 mg / L = 46,76% and concentration of COD 511,71 mg / L = 83,10%. The results suggested that Fenton could to reduce COD concentration up to 80% in relatively low concentrations. Keywords: labo...
Sertifikasi, tak dapat dimungkiri, adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kinerja orang dan... more Sertifikasi, tak dapat dimungkiri, adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kinerja orang dan/atau institusi yang disertifikasi. Ada objek yang disertifikasi, ada subjek yang menyertifikasinya, dan ada tolokukur sebagai bahan ujiannya berupa daftar isian atau portofolio. Di dunia konsultan dan jasa konstruksi telah lama diterbitkan sertifikat keahlian. Dengan sertifikat ini, seseorang dapat diterima sebagai pemimpin tim atau tenaga ahli dalam suatu pekerjaan pemerintah. Kadang-kadang swasta pun mensyaratkan sertifikat keahlian dari sebuah asosiasi. Tanpa sertifikat ini nilai keahlian seseorang diragukan walaupun secara de facto ia ahli di bidangnya.
Activated sludge is a wastewater treatment reactor widely applied for hospital. The reactor requi... more Activated sludge is a wastewater treatment reactor widely applied for hospital. The reactor requires a mechanical aerator as a source of oxygen. At the same time, Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland is rarely used. Both types of reactors utilize microbes in reducing pollutants of wastewater. The role of microbes in activated sludge is taken over by microbes that grow in the root zone of Typha latifolia and Vetiver sp. Two laboratory scale reactors were made to get serial data on the performance of the two plants in treating hospital wastewater. The result, the removal efficiency of COD on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and COD on Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were 87.71% and 67.61%. On Vetiver sp. plants were 90,07% and 68,32%. The removal efficiency of BOD5 on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were 90.00% and 71.7%. On Vetiver sp. plants were 91.69% and 73.29%. The efficiency of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen removal (TKN) Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latif...
Laut adalah open dumping raksasa. Geomorfologinya telah menjadi takdir bahwa laut harus berada di... more Laut adalah open dumping raksasa. Geomorfologinya telah menjadi takdir bahwa laut harus berada di tempat terendah dan menampung semua limbah kegiatan manusia. Laut menjadi badan air terbesar di dunia dengan luasan 97% dari muka Bumi. Selayaknya dimanfaatkan. Salah satunya, tepi laut atau pantai cocok dijadikan lokasi PLTSa. Minimal ada tiga komponen yang menguntungkan kalau membangun PLTSa di laut (pantai).
Mengapa filter tradisional yang dibuat masyarakat di perdesaan dan perkotaan sering gagal atau ce... more Mengapa filter tradisional yang dibuat masyarakat di perdesaan dan perkotaan sering gagal atau cepat mampet? Jawabannya terletak pada bagian Confilter zone-nya. Yang lebih khas lagi ialah Tubfilter Zone-nya. Zone inilah kunci utama keberhasilan FAHAD dalam mengolah air baku yang keruh dan kotor menjadi air jernih yang bersih. Berbahan campuran abu, bubuk bata merah, lem kayu dan diperkuat ijuk, adonan lantas dibentuk menjadi tabung atau tungku. Formulasi adonan inilah kekhasan FAHAD.
Kali ini dibahas unit operasi yang mekanisme penyisihan (removal) zat padat (solid) penyebab keke... more Kali ini dibahas unit operasi yang mekanisme penyisihan (removal) zat padat (solid) penyebab kekeruhan berlawanan dengan mekanisme pada sedimentasi, yaitu flotasi. Di dalam bahasa Inggris ada yang menulis istilah ini dengan floatation; float = apung, ada juga yang menuliskannya dengan flotation.
Pada tanggal 20 Juli 2020 Presiden Jokowi mengumumkan Peraturan Presiden No. 82/2020 tentang Komi... more Pada tanggal 20 Juli 2020 Presiden Jokowi mengumumkan Peraturan Presiden No. 82/2020 tentang Komite Penanganan Covid-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional. Isinya beberapa macam termasuk pembubaran 18 badan, tim kerja, satuan tugas, komite. Satu di antara lembaga yang dibubarkan adalah BPPSPAM (Badan Peningkatan Penyelenggaraan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum).
PDAM bisa eksis karena ada uang yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air dan kebutuhan operasional adm... more PDAM bisa eksis karena ada uang yang digunakan untuk pengolahan air dan kebutuhan operasional administratif. PDAM memberikan air kepada pelanggan dan pelanggan memberikan uang kepada PDAM. Jumlah uang yang diberikan oleh pelanggan kepada PDAM ini disebut tarif air.
Seperti halnya si kembar Sipadan-Ligitan, kasus Ambalat hanyalah dampak. Dampak ketakpedulian pem... more Seperti halnya si kembar Sipadan-Ligitan, kasus Ambalat hanyalah dampak. Dampak ketakpedulian pemerintah terhadap laut. Siapa yang tahu Sipadan dan Ligitan sebelum kasus itu ditulis di media massa? Mayoritas kita tak tahu nusa itu. Masih banyak yang bertanya-tanya, di mana Sipadan-Ligitan itu setelah Mahkamah Internasional di Den Haag memutuskan keduanya menjadi milik Malaysia pada 18 Desember 2002. Akankah nusa lainnya disengketakan lagi lalu akhirnya kita dikalahkan dengan hormat karena menganggap kita bangsa pemaaf, suka mengalah, dan tak suka perang?
A rare flocculator in water treatment but has a good enough in performance of a laboratory scale.... more A rare flocculator in water treatment but has a good enough in performance of a laboratory scale. If applied by water enterprise, this unit would be placed in front of office because of its art and artistic.
Water treatment research for Citarum River has been done using coagulants aluminum sulphate and M... more Water treatment research for Citarum River has been done using coagulants aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds powder with Jar Test. Three different turbidities have been tested, e.g. Citarum water with turbidity 214 NTU, supernatant water 48,4 NTU, and effluent of Multistage Filtration (Gutertap) 14,7 NTU. Dose of coagulants are varied for three turbidities and three kind of coagulants. Aluminum sulphate and nonfatty Moringa powder could reduce turbidity more than 95%. Fatty Moringa powder needs more dose to reduce turbidity for 95%. But in case of low turbidity of Gutertap effluent, efficiency of the three coagulants were less than 45%. Concluded that more turbid the water, the reduction of turbidity will be higher both for aluminum sulphate and Moringa powder with and without fat. This happened because of the electrical charge of Moringa powder. In the process of flocc growth, colloidal and suspended solid are trapped in floccs so that the water become clearer.
An aerobic digester is a bioprocess to treat a wide range of organic matter. In its application, ... more An aerobic digester is a bioprocess to treat a wide range of organic matter. In its application, this unit is used to minimize organic pollutant in sludge.
Rapid Sand Filter is the most popular unit operation in water treatment plant although it has som... more Rapid Sand Filter is the most popular unit operation in water treatment plant although it has some problems in its operation and maintenance. But this filter is used widely in Indonesia by PDAM, a water company, because of its capability to treat big capacity of water. The crucial problem is backwashing, about the upflow velocity in theoretical and practical aspects.
Beta lactam antibiotics are pollutant in water bodies such as lakes and rivers. Beta lactam ring... more Beta lactam antibiotics are pollutant in water bodies such as lakes and rivers. Beta lactam rings may have a negative impact on living beings in lakes and rivers. Beta lactam rings also cause resistance or bacterial resistance to antibiotics. If human beings are exposed to beta lactam ring, this could negatively impact on their health. This study attempted to break down the beta lactam rings with several chemical reagents. These reagents hydrolyze the beta lactam ring and are then analyzed using the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) instrument. This study aims to determine the how effective the reagent for breaking the beta lactam ring. The research was conducted in three stages: preliminary research, research on reagent effectiveness , and research on β-lactamase degradation using reagents. The results showed that calcium hypochlorite was able to break the beta lactam cycle with 100% efficiency.
sumber air baku yang bersahabat sudah langka. Banyak air baku yang tidak bersahabat. Tidak mudah ... more sumber air baku yang bersahabat sudah langka. Banyak air baku yang tidak bersahabat. Tidak mudah diolah. Bahkan kualitasnya sudah setara dengan air limbah. Akankah berhenti berproduksi hanya karena air baku sudah berubah menjadi seperti air limbah? Tentu tidak. Spirit filsafat PDAM adalah P = Pegawai, D = Desain, A = Area servis, M = Manajemen dan aspek AIR: A (aman secara kualitas), I (Isi atau volume air yang dibutuhkan per orang per hari), dan R (Rutin, kontinyu 24 jam sehari) (Cahyana, 2004). Masyarakat tetap setia menunggu inovasi teknologi yang diterapkan di PDAM untuk air minum yang aman, tarif yang bersahabat dan tersedia sepanjang hari dan malam.
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa virus Corona baru (novel Coronavirus) berkaitan... more Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa virus Corona baru (novel Coronavirus) berkaitan dengan virus sebelumnya. Virus yang dinamai SARS-CoV-2 ini masih satu keluarga dengan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV atau SARS) dan Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV atau MERS). Artinya, virus-virus tersebut memiliki kesamaan sifat fisika dan biokimia. Tetapi yang paling bahaya adalah virus hasil mutasi terakhir seperti Corona ini. Penyakit akibat virus baru ini dinamai CoViD-19, Coronavirus Disease-19, penyakit karena Corona yang muncul tahun 2019.
The first COVID-19 outbreak was occurred in Wuhan, December 2019. WHO has assigned the outbreak a... more The first COVID-19 outbreak was occurred in Wuhan, December 2019. WHO has assigned the outbreak as pandemic on March 11, 2020. This article aims to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water and wastewater so that people have scientific information in eradication practice. Articles were obtained from scholar.google.com, National Library, textbooks. During pandemic doctors, paramedics have carried out curative efforts. People have carried out preventive efforts. A third attempt is needed, mechanical action using chlorine. Chlorine was able to inactivate viruses in objects affected by droplets. At a dose 0.2–40 mg/l and free chlorine residual 0.2–0.5 mg/l, chlorination was effective in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water. Bacteria can be used as a host by viruses. If the bacteria die, viruses are inactive. The novel Coronavirus envelope can be destroyed by chlorine. Researchers have found genetic material of novel ...
Mengapa banjir tetap saja terjadi? Karena volume air hujan lebih banyak daripada volume ruang yan... more Mengapa banjir tetap saja terjadi? Karena volume air hujan lebih banyak daripada volume ruang yang tersedia. Akibatnya air mengisi luasan wilayah seperti sawah di tepi jalan tol, merendam padi bahkan naik ke badan jalan tol yang sudah ditinggikan itu. Hukum alamnya, air hujan pasti meresap apabila masih memiliki ruang parasitas dan porositas tanah. Terjadi banjir berarti ruang parasitas (bukan porositas) sudah jenuh air. Tidak mampu lagi menerima air. Air tolakan inilah yang harus ditangani, direkayasa agar tidak membanjiri sawah, permukiman warga, dan tol.
The study was divided into two steps: Jar test to determine the optimum dose of coagulant and flo... more The study was divided into two steps: Jar test to determine the optimum dose of coagulant and flocculation experiments to evaluate the helical flocculator efficiency. Efficiencies were in the range of medium to high. On flowrate 13 ml/second was obtained good results for two pipe sizes but different in helical diameters. In 0.5 inch pipe with 0.8 m helical diameter the turbidity reduction efficiencies were 72.4% and 73.9% and sediment volume were 18.3 ml and 20.0 ml. In 0.625 inch pipe with 0.4 m helical diameter the turbidity reduction efficiencies were 76.7% and 78.5% and sediment volume were 14.3 ml and 19.7 ml. The optimum velocity gradient about 64.9–69.6 persecond and detention time about 438–649 seconds. The results showed that helical flocculator was effective for floc formation. Flowrate, pipe diameter, helical diameter were three key parameters to perform helical flocculator.
The purpose of this literature review is to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicati... more The purpose of this literature review is to review the effectiveness of chlorination in eradicating viruses (and bacteria) in drinking water and wastewater so that people can get scientific information on the practice of eradicating the new Corona virus. The research method was carried out by reviewing scientific articles obtained from the search engine scholar.google.com, the National Library website and textbooks. Chlorine is able to deactivate the virus on objects that are splashed by the patient's saliva. Giving chlorine doses of 0.2–40 mg / l and remaining free chlorine 0.2–0.5 mg / l, chlorination is effective in eradicating viruses and bacteria in drinking water. When the bacteria die, the virus dies or is inactive. The new Corona virus blanket can also be destroyed by chlorine. Researchers have also found genetic traces of the new Corona virus in wastewater. The genetic traces of the new Corona virus found in wastewater could be a latent danger for a new outbreak in the ...
Laboratory wastewater was derived from analytical activities in the laboratory and grouped to haz... more Laboratory wastewater was derived from analytical activities in the laboratory and grouped to hazardous waste. It was different from hazardous industrial wastewater because of many different pollutants. The composition of its dangerous substances was not easy to be processed by biological process. Therefore, chemical method was tried, namely Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The optimum dose of Fenton (H2O2 and FeSO4) reagent was the purpose to reduce the concentration of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Variations applied were COD concentrations, which were 10,090,09 mg / L, 5.009,01 mg / L and 511,71 mg / L with varied reagen. The optimum dose of Fenton reagent was obtained 1: 300 with COD reduction efficiency as follows: COD concentration 10,090,09 mg / L = 21,43%, COD concentration 5.009,01 mg / L = 46,76% and concentration of COD 511,71 mg / L = 83,10%. The results suggested that Fenton could to reduce COD concentration up to 80% in relatively low concentrations. Keywords: labo...
Sertifikasi, tak dapat dimungkiri, adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kinerja orang dan... more Sertifikasi, tak dapat dimungkiri, adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kinerja orang dan/atau institusi yang disertifikasi. Ada objek yang disertifikasi, ada subjek yang menyertifikasinya, dan ada tolokukur sebagai bahan ujiannya berupa daftar isian atau portofolio. Di dunia konsultan dan jasa konstruksi telah lama diterbitkan sertifikat keahlian. Dengan sertifikat ini, seseorang dapat diterima sebagai pemimpin tim atau tenaga ahli dalam suatu pekerjaan pemerintah. Kadang-kadang swasta pun mensyaratkan sertifikat keahlian dari sebuah asosiasi. Tanpa sertifikat ini nilai keahlian seseorang diragukan walaupun secara de facto ia ahli di bidangnya.
Activated sludge is a wastewater treatment reactor widely applied for hospital. The reactor requi... more Activated sludge is a wastewater treatment reactor widely applied for hospital. The reactor requires a mechanical aerator as a source of oxygen. At the same time, Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland is rarely used. Both types of reactors utilize microbes in reducing pollutants of wastewater. The role of microbes in activated sludge is taken over by microbes that grow in the root zone of Typha latifolia and Vetiver sp. Two laboratory scale reactors were made to get serial data on the performance of the two plants in treating hospital wastewater. The result, the removal efficiency of COD on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and COD on Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were 87.71% and 67.61%. On Vetiver sp. plants were 90,07% and 68,32%. The removal efficiency of BOD5 on Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latifolia plants were 90.00% and 71.7%. On Vetiver sp. plants were 91.69% and 73.29%. The efficiency of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen removal (TKN) Q1 = 0.13 l/h and Q2 = 0.43 l/h for Typha latif...
Laut adalah open dumping raksasa. Geomorfologinya telah menjadi takdir bahwa laut harus berada di... more Laut adalah open dumping raksasa. Geomorfologinya telah menjadi takdir bahwa laut harus berada di tempat terendah dan menampung semua limbah kegiatan manusia. Laut menjadi badan air terbesar di dunia dengan luasan 97% dari muka Bumi. Selayaknya dimanfaatkan. Salah satunya, tepi laut atau pantai cocok dijadikan lokasi PLTSa. Minimal ada tiga komponen yang menguntungkan kalau membangun PLTSa di laut (pantai).
Mengapa filter tradisional yang dibuat masyarakat di perdesaan dan perkotaan sering gagal atau ce... more Mengapa filter tradisional yang dibuat masyarakat di perdesaan dan perkotaan sering gagal atau cepat mampet? Jawabannya terletak pada bagian Confilter zone-nya. Yang lebih khas lagi ialah Tubfilter Zone-nya. Zone inilah kunci utama keberhasilan FAHAD dalam mengolah air baku yang keruh dan kotor menjadi air jernih yang bersih. Berbahan campuran abu, bubuk bata merah, lem kayu dan diperkuat ijuk, adonan lantas dibentuk menjadi tabung atau tungku. Formulasi adonan inilah kekhasan FAHAD.
Papers by Gede H Cahyana