Papers by Gavrilo Ostojic
Универзитет у Београду, Jun 1, 2016
Vojno delo, 2017
php (преузето 11.11.2014) 13 Изградња Великог канала започета је за време владавине краља Фуџија ... more php (преузето 11.11.2014) 13 Изградња Великог канала започета је за време владавине краља Фуџија Ву 486. године п.н.е. Првобитно канал је имао намену да омогући лако и брзо пребацивање војних трупа на север државе. Међутим, како су расле потребе за развојем трговине, тако је и дужина канала расла, нарочито после Х века, када је успостављен систем преводница, омогућивши да велики бродова лако савладавају висинску разлику. По завршетку изградње, канал је достигао дужину од 1.776 km (
Vojno delo, 2018
1 Монсун-периодично кретање ваздушних маса у нижим деловима тропосфере које се сусреће у одређени... more 1 Монсун-периодично кретање ваздушних маса у нижим деловима тропосфере које се сусреће у одређеним регионима у свету. Појава монсуна је праћена великом количином падавина.
Medjunarodni problemi, 2011
Sources of drinking water are a renewable but limited natural resource that is unevenly distribut... more Sources of drinking water are a renewable but limited natural resource that is unevenly distributed on the Earth. The rapid development of human society, this especially including the period from the beginning of the last century up to the present days, has resulted in the increased consumption of water in agriculture, industry and in urban areas. Environmental pollution caused by by-products and climate change, which have been prominent in the last decades, have made water become a resource in globally short supply. The aspiration to dominate the lacking sources of drinking water, especially in arid and sub-arid regions, resulted in the increased number of international disputes. In some cases, they were settled by imposing special conditions that were dictated by economically developed and powerful states that were parties to the dispute. The paper points to the situation with sources of drinking water in the world, the development of international water law in settling internatio...
Weather, Climate, and Society, 2013
Climate change is increasingly recognized as having national security implications, which has pro... more Climate change is increasingly recognized as having national security implications, which has prompted dialogue between the climate change and national security communities—with resultant advantages and differences. Climate change research has proven useful to the national security community sponsors in several ways. It has opened security discussions to consider climate as well as political factors in studies of the future. It has encouraged factoring in the stresses placed on societies by climate changes (of any kind) to help assess the potential for state stability. And it has shown that changes such as increased heat, more intense storms, longer periods without rain, and earlier spring onset call for building climate resilience as part of building stability. For the climate change research community, studies from a national security point of view have revealed research lacunae, such as the lack of usable migration studies. This has also pushed the research community to consider ...
Papers by Gavrilo Ostojic