While the circulation of The Dream of Red Chamber in the Anglophone countries has been developed... more While the circulation of The Dream of Red Chamber in the Anglophone countries has been developed more than two centuries, it is rarely to hear of the reception of this great work in the Nordic context. In recent years, some new documents have been discovered in these areas, which displayed another picture other than its general situations in Mainland Europe. As detected that the Finnish translation is the earliest text, the Swedish version by Pär Bergman addresses the first complete manuscript in this field. Against this context, the translations of the Redology in Norway, Denmark and Iceland have not yet developed, but their selective approaches showed a general tendency in these areas. In analyzing the editions, translators, languages as well as the inner structure of the sources, this study will provide a general outline of the development and the new approaches of Redology in the Sino-Nordic cultural interactions.
The translation of Ming-Qing literature played a significant role in the introduction of overseas... more The translation of Ming-Qing literature played a significant role in the introduction of overseas Sinology during the last century. However, it is rarely found a systematic Chinese study of the circulation of these materials in the Scandinavian academic world. A possible reason could be that the language situation of the five Nordic countries, which was rooted in the Augustinian-Lutheran tradition, has a large gap with the Chinese context. In confronting this cultural gap, it is important to consider how the terminology of Classical works was imported into the Nordic indigenous texts so as to facilitate its reception by the local readers. This article will provide an in-depth examination of the introduction of the Ming-Qing classical literature to five countries, i.e., Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, with particular focus on translation status, development outlines, general features, as well as circulation models. Through a systematic analysis of the text, it explores the interaction of the two traditions between the distinct philosophical values and beliefs, with a view to better understanding the spread of Chinese classical literature into the Nordic countries.
《红楼梦》能否进入哲学的视阈并成为严格意义上中国哲学研究的一个领域,是近些年来学界争论的一个问题。虽然上世纪新红学中“曹学”“版本学”“探佚学”“脂学”的兴起使红学成为国际汉学三大显学之一而与甲... more 《红楼梦》能否进入哲学的视阈并成为严格意义上中国哲学研究的一个领域,是近些年来学界争论的一个问题。虽然上世纪新红学中“曹学”“版本学”“探佚学”“脂学”的兴起使红学成为国际汉学三大显学之一而与甲骨学、敦煌学三足鼎立,但红学依然尚未进入中国哲学学科体系而成为独立的哲学系统分析对象。围绕《红楼梦》与中国哲学关系问题,本文将探讨《红楼梦》作为“悟书”的哲学思想资源,从儒佛道三教互动的视阈来分析“《红楼梦》哲学”的性质、理论基础、所处的时代思潮、哲学主题以及可能的研究进路等问题,以期从小说哲学的角度来诠释《红楼梦》内在的哲学对话结构及其精神价值。
成神论为欧洲基督教思想传统中的核心命题之一,无论在奥古斯丁影响下的欧洲拉丁西方还是在希腊俄国东方基督宗教世界中,都占据根基性地位。处于德国与北欧奥古斯丁—路德传统以及俄国东正教对话要冲中的芬兰学... more 成神论为欧洲基督教思想传统中的核心命题之一,无论在奥古斯丁影响下的欧洲拉丁西方还是在希腊俄国东方基督宗教世界中,都占据根基性地位。处于德国与北欧奥古斯丁—路德传统以及俄国东正教对话要冲中的芬兰学派,在成神论等一系列关键问题上有突破性诠释。回归芬兰学派暨北欧奥古斯丁研究传统与俄国东正教对话的语境,结合古典教父们的传统教义以及最新发现的奥古斯丁成神论文献,有助于人们了解当前芬兰学派奥古斯丁成神论的前沿研究及其最新进展。
The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in ... more The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the eighteenth century during the Qing dynasty, is celebrated as the greatest of all classical Chinese novels. However, little effort has been made to explore its theological dimension, as well as the theological interaction with Chinese classical philosophy in the field of Redology (the name for research around this text). This article aims to fill this gap to explore the theological influences upon the thematic ideas of this novel. Attending to the newly discovered theological materials in recent studies, I argue that the author of Honglou meng is not ignorant of Christianity, and in fact, used a triadic image to refer to the trinitarian persons.
While the circulation of The Dream of Red Chamber in the Anglophone countries has been developed... more While the circulation of The Dream of Red Chamber in the Anglophone countries has been developed more than two centuries, it is rarely to hear of the reception of this great work in the Nordic context. In recent years, some new documents have been discovered in these areas, which displayed another picture other than its general situations in Mainland Europe. As detected that the Finnish translation is the earliest text, the Swedish version by Pär Bergman addresses the first complete manuscript in this field. Against this context, the translations of the Redology in Norway, Denmark and Iceland have not yet developed, but their selective approaches showed a general tendency in these areas. In analyzing the editions, translators, languages as well as the inner structure of the sources, this study will provide a general outline of the development and the new approaches of Redology in the Sino-Nordic cultural interactions.
The translation of Ming-Qing literature played a significant role in the introduction of overseas... more The translation of Ming-Qing literature played a significant role in the introduction of overseas Sinology during the last century. However, it is rarely found a systematic Chinese study of the circulation of these materials in the Scandinavian academic world. A possible reason could be that the language situation of the five Nordic countries, which was rooted in the Augustinian-Lutheran tradition, has a large gap with the Chinese context. In confronting this cultural gap, it is important to consider how the terminology of Classical works was imported into the Nordic indigenous texts so as to facilitate its reception by the local readers. This article will provide an in-depth examination of the introduction of the Ming-Qing classical literature to five countries, i.e., Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, with particular focus on translation status, development outlines, general features, as well as circulation models. Through a systematic analysis of the text, it explores the interaction of the two traditions between the distinct philosophical values and beliefs, with a view to better understanding the spread of Chinese classical literature into the Nordic countries.
《红楼梦》能否进入哲学的视阈并成为严格意义上中国哲学研究的一个领域,是近些年来学界争论的一个问题。虽然上世纪新红学中“曹学”“版本学”“探佚学”“脂学”的兴起使红学成为国际汉学三大显学之一而与甲... more 《红楼梦》能否进入哲学的视阈并成为严格意义上中国哲学研究的一个领域,是近些年来学界争论的一个问题。虽然上世纪新红学中“曹学”“版本学”“探佚学”“脂学”的兴起使红学成为国际汉学三大显学之一而与甲骨学、敦煌学三足鼎立,但红学依然尚未进入中国哲学学科体系而成为独立的哲学系统分析对象。围绕《红楼梦》与中国哲学关系问题,本文将探讨《红楼梦》作为“悟书”的哲学思想资源,从儒佛道三教互动的视阈来分析“《红楼梦》哲学”的性质、理论基础、所处的时代思潮、哲学主题以及可能的研究进路等问题,以期从小说哲学的角度来诠释《红楼梦》内在的哲学对话结构及其精神价值。
成神论为欧洲基督教思想传统中的核心命题之一,无论在奥古斯丁影响下的欧洲拉丁西方还是在希腊俄国东方基督宗教世界中,都占据根基性地位。处于德国与北欧奥古斯丁—路德传统以及俄国东正教对话要冲中的芬兰学... more 成神论为欧洲基督教思想传统中的核心命题之一,无论在奥古斯丁影响下的欧洲拉丁西方还是在希腊俄国东方基督宗教世界中,都占据根基性地位。处于德国与北欧奥古斯丁—路德传统以及俄国东正教对话要冲中的芬兰学派,在成神论等一系列关键问题上有突破性诠释。回归芬兰学派暨北欧奥古斯丁研究传统与俄国东正教对话的语境,结合古典教父们的传统教义以及最新发现的奥古斯丁成神论文献,有助于人们了解当前芬兰学派奥古斯丁成神论的前沿研究及其最新进展。
The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in ... more The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the eighteenth century during the Qing dynasty, is celebrated as the greatest of all classical Chinese novels. However, little effort has been made to explore its theological dimension, as well as the theological interaction with Chinese classical philosophy in the field of Redology (the name for research around this text). This article aims to fill this gap to explore the theological influences upon the thematic ideas of this novel. Attending to the newly discovered theological materials in recent studies, I argue that the author of Honglou meng is not ignorant of Christianity, and in fact, used a triadic image to refer to the trinitarian persons.
Papers by Gao Yuan