Videos by Ganjaboy Boltaev
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Papers by Ganjaboy Boltaev
Journal of materials science, Mar 1, 2024
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, May 1, 2023
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2020
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2020
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Mar 31, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Journal of Optics, Aug 24, 2012
ABSTRACT High-order harmonic generation (HHG) up to the 21st order of picosecond Nd:YAG laser rad... more ABSTRACT High-order harmonic generation (HHG) up to the 21st order of picosecond Nd:YAG laser radiation in the plasmas produced on the surfaces of metal targets is reported. The peculiarity of these studies was the observation of enhanced single (11th) harmonic generating from some plasmas in the vacuum ultraviolet range (80–200 nm), which may originate from the resonance-induced growth of the nonlinear optical response of the medium in the vicinity of strong neutral and ionic transitions causing an increase of single harmonic conversion efficiency. Our studies showed that picosecond pulses can be efficiently converted towards the 50–220 nm wavelength range using HHG in plasma. This also allowed high fluencies of harmonic emission to be achieved by application of longer (picosecond) pulses compared with the commonly used femtosecond pulses.
Optical Materials, Apr 1, 2023
Optics Letters, Jul 19, 2019
The Floquet resonance states of a periodically driven system are obtained using a special weighte... more The Floquet resonance states of a periodically driven system are obtained using a special weighted power method which forces the dynamical symmetry into regular wave propagation methods. We demonstrate the utility of this method for the calculation of high harmonic generation spectra in rare gases. By using this method the resonance Floquet state which dominates the spectrum is obtained directly at a low computational cost. This may allow the calculation of resonance Floquet states in parameter regimes not accessible before. Implementation involves only slight adjustments to the standard wave propagation codes. The method's unique advantage is explained and demonstrated.

Scientific Reports, Jun 1, 2022
High-order harmonics generation in the laser-induced plasmas produced on the surfaces of lead-fre... more High-order harmonics generation in the laser-induced plasmas produced on the surfaces of lead-free perovskites is studied. We analyze the harmonics generation in (CH 3 NH 3) 2 CuCl 4 and (CH 3 NH 3) 2 CuBr 4 plasmas during their ablation by the femtosecond, picosecond, and nanosecond pulses. The modifications of the high-order harmonics spectra are studied using the-color pump scheme (800 nm and 400 nm, 40 fs pulses). The influence of the variations of laser chirp and pulse duration on the dynamics of high-order harmonics generation is examined. The spectral shift, chirp-related harmonic cutoff scaling, and the role of the pulse duration of converting and heating laser radiation are examined at different conditions of plasma formation and harmonic generation. The dependencies of the pulse duration and the fluence of heating pulses on the harmonic's blue shift are found. The effect of harmonics broadening and splitting on the two red-and blue-shifted components is demonstrated. High-order harmonics generation (HHG) in the laser-induced plasmas (LIP) is a simple way to analyze a diversity of materials by studying this nonlinear optical (NLO) process using a broad range of samples (from simple metals to complex molecular compounds) 1-6. Additionally, the combination of different methods like application of two and multi-color pumps 7,8 , probing extended and multi-jet plasmas in the frame of the quasi-phase-matching approach 9 , time-resolved LIP probing 10 , searching for the advanced nanostructured plasmas 11-13 , resonance enhancement of generation harmonics 14-21 , search for the advanced molecular plasmas for efficient HHG 22,23 , analysis of the spatial coherence of harmonics from plasmas 24 , generation of attosecond pulses during HHG in LIP 2,25 , HHG spectroscopy of materials 26 , application of vortex beams for HHG in plasmas 27 , etc. enriched the range of the phenomena involved in this field of study. Thus the HHG in LIP can serve as the advanced tool for analyzing the properties of various materials. Recently, a new class of materials united under the common term 'perovskites' attracted intensive research attention due to their exciting optical and optoelectronic properties 28-31. These materials have potential applications in lasers, light-emitting diodes, photodiodes, and photodetectors. Perovskite materials have also proven to be excellent NLO materials in a broad spectral range thus making them the promising candidates for photonics and optoelectronics applications. NLO properties such as saturable absorption, reverse saturable absorption, two-photon-absorption process, and third-order NLO properties have been demonstrated 32-44 for the metalcontaining perovskites. However, the high-order NLO properties of perovskite materials are still demanding further research. Recently, high-order NLO properties via HHG in LIP of Ni-doped CsPbBr 3 colloidal nanocrystals were investigated and the enhancement of harmonics was demonstrated 45,46. Meanwhile, an alternative class of lead-free perovskites like MA 2 CuCl 4 , MA 2 CuBr 4 , etc., where Pb 2+ ion became substituted by Cu 2+ , is of primary importance due to lower toxicity. Here MA is referred to as the methylammonium (CH 3 NH 3). In this paper, the high-order NLO properties of the two lead-free perovskite materials MA 2 CuCl 4 and MA 2 CuBr 4 are investigated. The presence of Cl is essential to improve the material stability against copper reduction and enhance the perovskite crystallization for the family of perovskite materials with the common chemical formula MA 2 CuCl x Br 4-x where x changes from 0 to 4. While MA 2 CuCl 4 is monoclinic, the materials with mixed halides MA 2 CuBr 4 crystallize with an orthorhombic crystal system. The difference between two perovskite materials was shown through the HHG under the influence of the strong electromagnetic field.
«Узбекский физический журнал»
Исследованы нелинейно-оптические характеристики Cr4+:YAG кристалла методикой Zсканирования по схе... more Исследованы нелинейно-оптические характеристики Cr4+:YAG кристалла методикой Zсканирования по схеме с открытой апертурой. В качестве пробного источника использовано излучение непрерывного лазера на длине волны 1030 нм мощностью до 400 мВт. При этом наблюдалось нелинейное поглощение лазерного излучения, которое связано снасыщением возбужденного состояния кристалла. Определена интенсивность насыщения и проведена оценка сечений поглощения в основном и возбужденном состоянияхCr4+:YAG кристалла.

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Ultrafast laser ablation of metal surfaces is a common physical process used to generate periodic... more Ultrafast laser ablation of metal surfaces is a common physical process used to generate periodic surface structures with tuneable multifunctionality for various applications in science and technology. In this work, the formation of femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSSs) is investigated with 50 kHz repetition rate laser of 40 fs pulse duration and a central wavelength ( λ w = 1030 nm ) along with its second ( λ 2 w = 515 nm ) and third ( λ 3 w = 343 nm ) harmonic components. The variation in the LIPSS periodicity is demonstrated by changing the wavelength of the ablating laser pulses. LIPSS with periodicity ∼0.85 μ m at the fundamental ablating pulses, ∼0.42 μ m periodicity at the second harmonic, and ∼0.35 μ m periodicity at the third harmonic were observed. The third harmonic radiation was generated in an air-filament with minimal temporal delay with respect to the fundamental driving pulses to structure Nickel surfaces at ambient conditions. The approach d...

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
We report on the spatial and spectral variation of high-order harmonics generation from noble gas... more We report on the spatial and spectral variation of high-order harmonics generation from noble gases when driven by high-repetition rate femtosecond laser with different peak intensity and polarization states. Ar, Xe, and Kr were chosen for the generation of coherent extreme ultraviolet radiation. We observe that increasing the intensity of the driving pulses (DPs) leads to disappearance of harmonics yield in the on-axis part of the spatial distribution of the harmonics in Xe target, contrary to Ar and Kr. This observation is attributed to the higher ionization potential of the latter gases. Spectral depletion of harmonics generated in Ar and Xe using radially and azimuthally polarized Gaussian–Laguerre two-color DPs is also observed. The significant depletion in the spectral distribution of harmonics is obtained when two-color pump (TCP) scheme is applied. We demonstrate how TCP scheme with azimuthally polarized DPs can be used as a tool to control the spectral distribution of harmo...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2020
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2020
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts, 2020

ZnxSn1-xSe (x=0) thin films were fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using polycrystall... more ZnxSn1-xSe (x=0) thin films were fabricated by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) using polycrystalline tin selenide (SnSe) precursors. The morphology, structure, optical and electrical properties of films were studied as a function of the composition of precursors and the substrate temperature. Results obtained have shown that Se rich films were fabricated at low substrate temperatures, despite the different compositions of the SnSe precursor during the synthesis. In this case, the grain sizes of the films vary in the range of 8-20 μm, depending on the substrate temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the samples showed that the films have a orthorhombic crystalline structure. The optical measurements have revealed that the samples have optical bandgap of 1.21 eV and the absorption coefficient of ~105 cm-1. The samples performed p-type conductivity being in the range of 10-102 (Ohm×cm)-1 depending on the deposition conditions.

Applied Physics B, 2020
High-pulse repetition rate lasers allow significant enhancement in the average power of the low-o... more High-pulse repetition rate lasers allow significant enhancement in the average power of the low-order harmonics generation in isotropic media. We report on the third (343-nm) and fifth (206-nm) harmonics generating in air and different nanoparticlecontaining laser-produced plasmas by applying Yb-doped fiber laser delivering 37-fs, 100-kHz, 1030-nm, 0.5-mJ pulses. Different characteristics of these processes (power and density dependences, influence of impeding processes, role of synthesized nanoparticles, variations of the spectral modulation of driving pulses, etc.) are analyzed. We compare the formation of the plasmas on the surfaces of aluminum, carbon, manganese, and titanium bulk species, as well as quantum dots of metal sulfides as the media for low-order harmonics generation, using 250-fs (1030-nm) and 5-ns (1064-nm) heating pulses at different delays between the heating and driving pulses. Average power of about 20 mW was estimated for the third harmonic emission from metal plasmas, with 3 × 10 16 UV photons (343 nm) emitted per second.
AIP Advances, 2020
High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in atoms and molecules allows the study of the static and dy... more High-order harmonic generation (HHG) in atoms and molecules allows the study of the static and dynamic properties of these systems. We present the results of HHG studies in the plasmas produced using femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses on the surfaces of lanthanides and their oxides (La, Yb, Pr6O11, and Tb4O7). The plasmas induced by femtosecond pulses have proven to be a more efficient medium for HHG than the plasmas produced by picosecond pulses in the case of two-color pump HHG. We analyze the advantages of laser ablation using femtosecond pulses for the extension of the cutoff energy of generated harmonic in lanthanide plasma. We have shown that Yb plasma is the efficient medium for the harmonic generation up to the 73rd order, which is one of the largest orders generated in laser-produced plasmas.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2019
Videos by Ganjaboy Boltaev
Papers by Ganjaboy Boltaev