Papers by Ganesh Bhattarai

Business Perspectives and Research
This study has developed a model incorporating employee networking ability and self-promotion beh... more This study has developed a model incorporating employee networking ability and self-promotion behavior in the relationship between perception of organizational politics and career satisfaction. Specifically, this study examined (a) the direct association of perception of organizational politics, networking ability, and self-promotion behavior with career satisfaction, and (b) mediating role of networking ability and self-promotion behavior in the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and career satisfaction. Positivist research philosophy and deductive reasoning approach were adopted to conclude. “AMOS” structural equation modeling was used to examine self-reported perceptual cross-sectional data acquired from 725 employees working in Nepalese commercial banks. The direct influence of organizational politics on career satisfaction was significant, although it was in the opposite direction of the predicted connection. Both networking abilities and self-promotion...

Many of the most notorious biological invasions occur at continent-wide or global scales but stud... more Many of the most notorious biological invasions occur at continent-wide or global scales but studies investigating mechanisms enhancing species invasions are often conducted at small spatial scales. Moreover, the contribution of mechanisms facilitating invasion might also vary across a geographical space. I used biogeographical approaches to explore the mechanisms enhancing invasion of introduced genotypes of Phragmites australis along the coastal wetlands of North America. I tested the hypotheses that large-scale disturbance events, such as hurricanes and tropical storms, enhance the invasion success of introduced P. australis in North America. The growth rate of P. australis patches was strongly and positively related to the frequency of hurricane events along the coastal wetlands of the United States. Hurricane frequency alone explained 81% of the variation in the growth rate of P. australis patches over this broad geographical range. I also examined the evolution of latitudinal gradients in native and invasive genotypes of P. australis in relation to plant-herbivore interactions in North America. Common garden experiments revealed that the native and invasive genotypes of P. australis have evolved latitudinal clines on traits associated with herbivory, specifically for aphid Hyalopterus pruni. For a chewing herbivore, Spodoptera frugiperda, only native genotypes exhibited latitudinal clines. The existence of non-parallel latitudinal gradients between native and invasive genotypes creates spatial heterogeneity in the importance of herbivory on P. australis invasion and suggests the greater susceptibility of high-latitude communities. These latitudinal and genotypic variations on plant defenses, palatability, and herbivory suggest a possibility of an asymmetric apparent competition between native and invasive genotypes. A replicated field study in four sites along the Atlantic Coast showed that invasive genotypes could suppress the fitness of native genotypes x by herbivore-mediated apparent competition. Moreover, the intensity of apparent competition declined with increasing latitude. These biogeographical studies suggest that multiple processes might be contributing to the spread of the introduced genotypes of P. australis in North America and that the importance of these processes might vary along an environmental gradient. These studies have broader implications for understanding species invasions at the continental scale and for managing natural habitats that are threatened by plant invasions.
Journal of Economics and Business
The Journal of Economics and Business is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and ... more The Journal of Economics and Business is an Open Access publication. It may be read, copied, and distributed free of charge according to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Pravaha, 2020
In the literature of corporate politics, directionality (cause or effect) of the relationship bet... more In the literature of corporate politics, directionality (cause or effect) of the relationship between perceived corporate politics and political behavior is unsettled. This study was carried out to measure the association between employee's perceived corporate politics and their political behavior as a response to such context. Positivist research philosophy, deductive reasoning approach of research, and inferential statistic were adopted to infer the conclusion. Perceptual cross-sectional data were taken from the employees working in the Nepalese Banking industry. Structural Equation Modeling, using Analysis of Momentum Structure, was adopted to calculate the results. Data analysis of 725 respondents revealed that employees' perceived corporate politics positively affected their political behavior regarding self-promotion and ingratiation. Moreover, this study measured that employees' self-promoting behavior causes to predict their ingratiating behavior at the workplace...

Rupantaran: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020
Large number of previous studies have tested that perception of organizational politics negative... more Large number of previous studies have tested that perception of organizational politics negatively impact on employee outcomes with linear relationship. To ascertain the condition where perception of organizational politics can be fruitful for employee outcomes, this study measured the nonlinear relationship of perception of organizational politics with satisfaction with co-workers and job stress. 453 employees working with microfinance companies in Kathmandu valley were surveyed to get cross sectional perceptual data. To infer the conclusion, data were analyzed adopting quantitative analysis, deductive reasoning approach as well as positivist research philosophy. Empirical evidences revealed the nonlinear impact of perception of organizational politics on satisfaction with co-workers and job stress. Both high and low levels of perceived organizational politics were harmful for satisfaction with co-workers and job stress. But a medium level of perception of organizational politics ...
South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, 2021

Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2020
Article history: Received: 30 August, 2020 Accepted: 21 November, 2020 Online: 08 December, 2020 ... more Article history: Received: 30 August, 2020 Accepted: 21 November, 2020 Online: 08 December, 2020 The study aimed to understand and analyze the technological and innovation performance measures of the Nepalese cellular telecommunications industry from the customers’ perspective. The measures like network service quality, signal strength and coverage, voice quality, and calls drop are used for technological performance, whereas measures like product/service innovation, process innovation, customization, competitive innovation, and marketing innovation are used for innovation performance. It followed a descriptive research design employing a structured questionnaire survey instrument. Two market leader companies of the Nepalese telecommunications industry (Nepal Telecom and Ncell) and their customers were considered as objects of the study. For this study, 391 respondents were selected by using the judgmental sampling technique. Targeted respondents of the study were postgraduate under...
Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region, 2021
The use of Earth observation (EO) information and geospatial information technologies (GITs) for ... more The use of Earth observation (EO) information and geospatial information technologies (GITs) for evidence-based decision-making is a growing opportunity because of open access and increased availability of data.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2021
The perception of organizational politics seriously affects working people, and it is an unavoida... more The perception of organizational politics seriously affects working people, and it is an unavoidable detrimental aspect of an organization. Prior studies are focused on the detrimental consequences of perceived organizational politics and not paid attention to its remedial actions. Therefore, proper intervention as a corrective action for the harmful effect of organizational politics perception was essential. Hence, this study was motivated to know: (a) the effect of the perception of organizational politics on employees’ performance, and (b) the mitigating role of impression management (self-promotion and ingratiation) for the detrimental effect of perception of organizational politics on work performance. Perceptual cross-sectional data was taken from 725 employees working in Nepalese banks. Quantitative data analysis revealed that perception of organizational politics has a detrimental impact on employee performance; impression management (self-promotion and ingratiation) worked ...

Saptagandaki Journal, 2020
Researchers concentrated on antecedents and consequences of abusive supervision and paid less att... more Researchers concentrated on antecedents and consequences of abusive supervision and paid less attention to factors that mitigate abusive supervision’s harmful effect in an organization. As a response to the situation, this study was carried out to measure the (i) direct impact of abusive supervision on withdrawal behavior, (ii) direct impact of ability-job-fit on withdrawal behavior, and (iii) defensive role of ability-job-fit for the harmful effect of abusive supervision on withdrawal behavior. Perceptual data were collected from the 350 employees working in the Nepalese multipurpose saving and credit cooperative limited. To infer the conclusion, data were analyzed quantitatively adopting the deducting reasoning approach and positivist research philosophy. This study found that there was- a positive impact of abusive supervision on withdrawal behaviors, negative impact of ability-job-fit on withdrawal behaviors, ability-job-fit defended the harmful effect of abusive supervision on ...

Dristikon: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020
This study was carried out to examine the direct impact of employees‘ careerist orientation and c... more This study was carried out to examine the direct impact of employees‘ careerist orientation and career growth opportunities on their organizational citizenship behaviours (conscientiousness and altruism) as well as role of career growth opportunities in the relationship between careerist orientation and organizational citizenship behaviours (conscientiousness and altruism). 268employees working in non-profit making projects in Kathmandu valley were surveyed and analyzed. Quantitative analysis of multi-source measured perceptual data revealed that (1)employees‘ careerist orientation negatively impacts on organizational citizenship behavior (conscientiousness and altruism), (2) and career growth opportunities positively impacts on organizational citizenship behaviors (conscientiousness and altruism), and (3) employees career growth opportunities cure their harmful impact of careerist orientation on organizational citizenship behaviour (conscientiousness and altruism). Moreover, this s...

Researcher: A Research Journal of Culture and Society, 2020
In the context of controversial empirical evidences regarding the effect of demographic variables... more In the context of controversial empirical evidences regarding the effect of demographic variables on organizational justices, this study was carried out to measure the (a) employees' perceived organizational justice within the different demographic groups, and (b) the impact of demographic aspects (i.e., sex, tenure, and education) on organizational justices. Five hundred forty-six employees working in Nepalese commercial banks were taken as the sample. Perceptual cross-sectional data were analyzed quantitatively using both descriptive and inferential statistics. This study revealed that the average level of perceived justices was more than fifty percentages on five-point Likert-type scales, indicating they did not feel injustice. Females than males, temporary than permanent, and master's degree holders than bachelor's degree holders perceive less distributive justice. Likewise, female than male, permanent than temporary, master's degree holders than higher or le...

Researcher: A Research Journal of Culture and Society, 2020
The objective of this study was to examine how much the Nepalese listed manufacturing companies ... more The objective of this study was to examine how much the Nepalese listed manufacturing companies are utilizing management accounting techniques to rationalize decisions. It followed a descriptive research design and employed a survey questionnaire instrument to collect data. The population of this study comprised all the listed manufacturing companies on the Nepal Stock Exchange and their employees. Targeted respondents were those representatives of the sample companies who worked in the accounting department or/and at the managerial level. By using a random sampling technique, a sum of 408 respondents had partaken in the survey and 385 responses were properly filled up for further analysis. The survey questionnaire had three questions relating to general and demographic information, 28 questions relating to management accounting techniques, and five questions relating to the effect of the study variables on rationalizing decisions. Collected data were analyzed with the help of a st...
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2020
Oikos, 2020
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been th... more This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as

South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 2018
This study has examined the direct and interactive effect of employee's perceived organizational ... more This study has examined the direct and interactive effect of employee's perceived organizational procedural justice and careerism on work engagement. Self-reported perceptual cross-sectional data obtained from 546 employees have been analyzed quantitatively. Direct effects of organizational procedural justice on work engagement was measured positive and significant. Likewise, direct impact of employees' careerism on their work engagement was measured negative and significant. Regarding the interactive effect of organizational procedural justices and careerism on work engagement; careerism moderated the relationship of organizational procedural justice with work engagement. Precisely, this study revealed that increase in level of careerism caused to decrease in strength of positive association of organizational procedural justice with work engagement. Moreover, buffering moderation of careerism in the relationship of organizational procedural justice with work engagement was comparatively stronger for those employees who have high level of organizational procedural justice and vice-versa.

ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2018
This study has examined the direct and interactive effects of performance appraisal satisfaction ... more This study has examined the direct and interactive effects of performance appraisal satisfaction and intrinsic motivation on affective organizational commitment. Self-reported perceptual cross-sectional data obtained from 358 employees working in the Nepalese insurance industry have been analysed quantitatively. Direct effects of performance appraisal satisfaction on intrinsic motivation as well as on affective organizational commitment were significant. Intrinsic motivation antagonistically moderated the relationship of performance appraisal satisfaction with affective organizational commitment. Where, relatively negative strong prediction of performance appraisal satisfaction on affective organizational commitment was for those employees who had a high level of intrinsic motivation and vice versa. Likewise, the intrinsic motivation mediated the relationship between performance appraisal satisfactions to affective organizational commitment. Out of total mediated effected size of performance appraisal satisfaction to affective organizational commitment, 38% effect size went through intrinsic motivation.

South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 2019
Purpose Organizational politics has been a topic of conceptual and empirical interest for researc... more Purpose Organizational politics has been a topic of conceptual and empirical interest for researchers and practitioners for many years. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between organizational politics and employee work outcomes in educational institutions. In addition, this paper also aims to assess the moderating role of social capital. Design/methodology/approach Employee perceptions about organizational politics and its impact on their work outcomes have been assessed empirically with a sample of 270 full-time employees in higher education institutions of Pakistan. The data have been collected from faculty members of five universities of Pakistan using survey method. SPSS and AMOS have been used to analyze the data and SEM has been used to test the hypotheses. Findings The results indicate a moderating effect of social capital on the relationship between perceived organizational politics and employee outcomes, and the most significant employee outcomes are...

Frontiers in plant science, 2017
Phragmites australis is a cosmopolitan grass and often the dominant species in the ecosystems it ... more Phragmites australis is a cosmopolitan grass and often the dominant species in the ecosystems it inhabits. Due to high intraspecific diversity and phenotypic plasticity, P. australis has an extensive ecological amplitude and a great capacity to acclimate to adverse environmental conditions; it can therefore offer valuable insights into plant responses to global change. Here we review the ecology and ecophysiology of prominent P. australis lineages and their responses to multiple forms of global change. Key findings of our review are that: (1) P. australis lineages are well-adapted to regions of their phylogeographic origin and therefore respond differently to changes in climatic conditions such as temperature or atmospheric CO2; (2) each lineage consists of populations that may occur in geographically different habitats and contain multiple genotypes; (3) the phenotypic plasticity of functional and fitness-related traits of a genotype determine the responses to global change factors...
Papers by Ganesh Bhattarai