Papers by Francesco Gambioli
Applied Sciences
Vertical sloshing of liquid-filled tanks has been shown to induce substantial dissipative effects... more Vertical sloshing of liquid-filled tanks has been shown to induce substantial dissipative effects. Building upon these previous results obtained on simpler sloshing systems, a scaled wing prototype is presented here, equipped with a fuel tank that allows the observation of liquid sloshing and quantification of induced dynamic effects. Based on experiments conducted at a 50% filling level for a baffled wing fuel tank model, substantial additional damping effects were demonstrated with liquid inside the tank regardless of the vertical acceleration amplitude. A numerical model based on a finite element wing structural model and a surrogate 1DOF fluid model was explored, with numerical simulations showing good agreement compared to experiments throughout the decaying motion of the system.
Aerospace Science and Technology
Journal of Fluids and Structures
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 2022
A multiphase FSI framework using only open-source software has been developed, utilising componen... more A multiphase FSI framework using only open-source software has been developed, utilising components able to run on high-performance computing platforms. A partitioned approach is employed, ensuring a separation of concerns (fluid, structure and coupling), allowing design flexibility and robustness while reducing future maintenance efforts. Multiphase FSI test cases have been simulated and compared with published results and show good agreement. Simulation of a model representing an elastic aircraft wing with a fluid (fuel) sloshing inside is presented. This demonstrates the ability of this multiphase FSI framework in simulating complex and challenging cases involving a free liquid surface.
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2022
This paper aims to present a non-dimensional analysis which characterizes the structural vibratio... more This paper aims to present a non-dimensional analysis which characterizes the structural vibration induced slosh damping for a singledegree-of-freedom (SDOF) tank system under vertical motion. We identify several key non-dimensional relations which are then characterised in terms of slosh loads and dissipated power using volume of fluid (VoF) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Scaling-laws are then constructed for future quantification of these phenomena. The fitted scaling rules are shown to offer a clear correlation for the selected SDOF system for liquid density ratio and flow Froude number.

Fuel sloshing is seen as a potential mechanism to reduce the loads in aircraft due to atmospheric... more Fuel sloshing is seen as a potential mechanism to reduce the loads in aircraft due to atmospheric turbulence and gusts via an increase in the effective damping. A series of steprelease experiments have been performed on a cantilever beam structure with a tank at its end filled with different levels of liquid in order to provide experimental data to characterise the amount of damping caused by the sloshing motion and to validate future numerical models. This paper presents an analysis of some of the acceleration data sets acquired during the experiments and shows how the frequency and damping behaviour varies during the time decay resulting from the step-release. Correlation is made between the amount of effective damping and the different fluid motions in the tank. The analysis is repeated for the dry beam configurations as well as different test conditions including tank level filling and number of compartments in the tank.

Applied Sciences
We present the CFD based non-dimensional characterization of violent slosh induced energy dissipa... more We present the CFD based non-dimensional characterization of violent slosh induced energy dissipation due a tank under vertical excitation. Experimentally validated CFD is used for this purpose as an ideally suited and versatile tool. It is thus first demonstrated that a weakly compressible VoF based CFD scheme is capable of computing violent slosh induced energy dissipation with high accuracy. The resulting CFD based energy analysis further informs that the main source of energy dissipation during violent slosh is due liquid impact. Next, a functional relationship characterising slosh induced energy dissipation is formulated in terms of fluid physics based non-dimensional numbers. These comprised contact angle and liquid–gas density ratio as well as Reynolds, Weber and Froude numbers. The Froude number is found the most significant in characterising verticle violent slosh induced energy dissipation (in the absence of significant phase change). The validated CFD is consequently empl...
Journal of Aircraft
Characterization of nonlinear slosh loads in aircraft remains a challenging problem. This work be... more Characterization of nonlinear slosh loads in aircraft remains a challenging problem. This work benchmarks a frozen fuel mass model against computational fluid dynamics data across a complete flight...
Aerospace Science and Technology
Papers by Francesco Gambioli