Papers by Galileo Santacruz
Este trabalho não poderia ser concluído sem a ajuda de diversas pessoas às quais presto minha sin... more Este trabalho não poderia ser concluído sem a ajuda de diversas pessoas às quais presto minha sincera homenagem: Ao meu orientador Prof.Dr. Carlos Pérez Bergmann, pela grandiosa oportunidade de fazer parte do Laboratório de Materiais Cerâmicos (LACER) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), pelo grande apoio durante todo o tempo aqui no Brasil, pela excelente amizade, orientação, disposição e pela confiança depositada nesses anos de mestrado, que enriqueceu enormemente meu crescimento pessoal e profissional. Ao meu Co-Orientador Prof. Dr. Antonio Takimi, pela excelente orientação, paciência e por compartilhar toda sua sabedoria e seus ensinamentos ao longo desse período de mestrado, por toda confiança e oportunidade depositadas. A todos os professores, amigos e colegas, do Laboratório de Materiais Cerâmicos da Escola de Engenharia da UFRGS (LACER), pela excelente amizade, pelo apoio, prático e teórico, e aprendizado. Por todo acolhimento nestes anos de mestrado. Ao Gabriel Cogo do Centro de Pesquisa e Tecnologia da industria Rijeza Metalurgia, pelo fornecimento dos revestimentos poliméricos e chapas metálicas da pesquisa. Ao Laboratório de Metalurgia Física (LAMEF) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) em especial ao Prof. Dr. Afonso Reguly, pela colaboração nos cortes das chapas dos materiais metálicos como também na preparação das amostras; e ao Prof. Dr. Francisco Jose Kiss, pelo auxilio, disposição e ensinamentos durante a caracterização dos revestimentos e interpretação dos resultados na análise microestrutural, através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) com microssonda Acoplada (EDS).
Springer eBooks, Oct 22, 2021
Universidad Cesmag eBooks, 2020
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Due to their enhanced tribological properties that contribute to an increased useful life of comp... more Due to their enhanced tribological properties that contribute to an increased useful life of components, martensitic stainless steels are an excellent option for industrial applications such as hydroelectric, petrochemical, civil construction and mineral processing plants. In the present investigation, the erosive wear of AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel is evaluated after thermal treatment by quenching and tempering by mass loss, under erosive attack at 30• and 90• incidence angles, using a self-made jet slurry erosion equipment controlling parameters such as speed, volume of fluid, temperature and concentration of erosive particles of erodent. The characterization of the eroded samples was carried out in terms of the microstructure (SEM) and microhardness as well as the particle size distribution (LG) and morphology of the erodent. It was possible to establish the relationship between the slurry erosive wear and the physical properties inherent of stainless steel for this particular experimental configuration, concluding that the steel presents better resistance to jet slurry erosion wear when compared to austenitic steel commonly used in the industry.
This work evaluates the behavior of a martensitic stainless steel (AISI 410) thermally treated by... more This work evaluates the behavior of a martensitic stainless steel (AISI 410) thermally treated by quenching and tempering with a tungsten carbide (86WC-10Co-4Cr) coating obtained by high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) thermal spray deposition, analyzing the volume loss under erosive attacks at 30 ∘ and 90 ∘ incidence angles by using jet slurry erosion equipment with electrofused alumina erodent particles. Firstly, the characterization of the samples was carried out in terms of the microstructure (SEM), thickness, roughness, porosity, and microhardness. Then, samples were structurally characterized in the identification of the phases (XRD and EDS) present in the coating, as well as the particle size distribution (LG) and morphology of the erodent. It was determined that the tungsten carbide coating presented better resistance to jet slurry erosion wear when compared to the martensitic stainless steel analyzed, which is approximately two times higher for the 30 ∘ angle. The more ductile ...
Revista Colombiana De Materiales, May 19, 2014
En la presente investigación fue posible preparar cementos óseos acrílicos modificados con la inc... more En la presente investigación fue posible preparar cementos óseos acrílicos modificados con la incorporación del co-monómero alcalino metacrilato del 2-dimetilamino etilo (DMAEM) e hidroxiapatita (HA); estos fueron caracterizados física, química, térmica y mecánicamente. El análisis de los resultados se realizó mediante la técnica de superficie de respuesta y se encontró que con la incorporación de DMAEM e HA se alcanza una disminución en la temperatura máxima de curado (TMáx), cumpliendo el requerimiento mínimo de resistencia a la compresión (σc) para cementos óseos acrílicos de 70 MPa, establecido en la norma ISO 5833.
FME Transaction
In this study, compositions containing green glass bottles and desiccated and crushed yerba mate ... more In this study, compositions containing green glass bottles and desiccated and crushed yerba mate (Ilex paraguarinensis) of different mass fractions (10-30%) were prepared to obtain glass foams for thermal insulation purposes. These compositions were uniaxially pressed (at 40 MPa), and the compact powders were fired at 850°C and 900°C for 60 min in order to investigate the effect of yerba mate and temperature on the formation of pores and the thermal and mechanical properties of the processed glass foams. The results indicated that the glass foams displayed porosities ranging from 65.3-88.3%, compressive strengths ranging from 15-1.5 MPa, and thermal conductivities ranging from 0.6-0.04 W•m-1 •K-1. Cumulatively, these glass foams are candidate thermal insulators that have advantageous properties for various industrial applications.
FME Transaction
In this study, compositions containing green glass bottles and desiccated and crushed yerba mate ... more In this study, compositions containing green glass bottles and desiccated and crushed yerba mate (Ilex paraguarinensis) of different mass fractions (10-30%) were prepared to obtain glass foams for thermal insulation purposes. These compositions were uniaxially pressed (at 40 MPa), and the compact powders were fired at 850°C and 900°C for 60 min in order to investigate the effect of yerba mate and temperature on the formation of pores and the thermal and mechanical properties of the processed glass foams. The results indicated that the glass foams displayed porosities ranging from 65.3-88.3%, compressive strengths ranging from 15-1.5 MPa, and thermal conductivities ranging from 0.6-0.04 W•m-1 •K-1. Cumulatively, these glass foams are candidate thermal insulators that have advantageous properties for various industrial applications.
Papers by Galileo Santacruz