The name and the actual extension of the geographical regions of Hungary often depended on the in... more The name and the actual extension of the geographical regions of Hungary often depended on the interpretation of scientists and the political environment. The names of the units of the Hungarian landscape system and the map delimitation of their extent have been changed several times over the decades. This caused confusion in the official and everyday use of names, as well as in school geography education. The changes in the naming and lettering of physical geographical names in the maps also reflected the changes according to the political environment. The historical changes, including new national borders, also influenced the naming of geographical regions. Hungarian geographers consider it important to name the various levels of geographical regions so that the name should reflect the geographic character (mainly the morphology) of the specific area. The geographers' approach to giving and changing the names of the so-called landscape units is a major aspect, because schoolbooks and atlases introduce these names to generations. The article illustrates the main stages of landscape naming in the past 100 years with overview maps and geographic name variations.
Advances in cartography and GIScience of the ICA, Nov 29, 2021
The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguis... more The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguish geographical entities. The Moroccan linguistic situation allows for a bilingual presentation of place names, with an Arabized version and a French counterpart that differs phonetically. On the other hand, Casablanca has dual naming, a colonial name, and an Arabic variant, which is not simply a translation that happened as a result of Arabization policies introduced after the country's independence. This study relies mainly on questionnaires, in addition to interviews, in an attempt to address the following aspects: The attitude towards the standardization of only one variant, variants and the city's cultural heritage and significance, standardization of only one variant and the accurate representation of the place, dual naming as a reminder of the multiple place histories vs. dual naming as a mere case of the language difference, and Moroccans and the etymology of the variants. The findings indicate that Casablanca shifts from a mere marker of the colonial period to an active maker of the city's heritage. Its meaning is disconnected from its historical anchorage and converted into an instrument of identity and means of historical memory. Moreover, the choice of one variant is perceived as a loss of toponymic identity, which will serve as a hindrance against the population and their relation to their past.
A földkéreg képződményeinek rétegtani tagolása és a földtörténeti idő szakaszolása a földtudomány... more A földkéreg képződményeinek rétegtani tagolása és a földtörténeti idő szakaszolása a földtudományok művelésében kiemelkedő jelentőségű. A globális tudomány számára ezért nélkülözhetetlen standardot jelent az International Chronostratigraphic Chart (COHEN et al. 2013), azaz a nemzet közi időrétegtani (kronosztratigráfiai) táblázat, melyet szo kás földtörténeti időskálának is nevezni. A kétféle név oka az a kettősség, hogy a skála egységei egyazon néven, egyszerre jelentik a földtörténeti idő egy szeletét (azaz geo-kronológiai egységeket) és az ez idő alatt képződött kőzetek összességét (kronosztratigráfiai egységeket). Ez a gyakorlat az egységesítő törekvések (ZALASIEWICZ et al. 2004) elle nére mindmáig elfogadott. Az egységek alsó határát a modern kronosztratigráfiai gyakorlat GSSP-k, globális standard sztra to típusszelvények és pontok kijelölése alapján rögzíti (COWIE et al. 1986, REMANE et al. 1996, SMITH et al. 2014). Ezek kijelölése az IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences, Geológiai Tudományok Nemzetközi Uniója) alá tar to zó ICS (International Commission on Stratigraphy, Nem zetközi Rétegtani Bizottság) feladata, amelyet annak
This paper examines the reliability of geographical names published on various internet platforms... more This paper examines the reliability of geographical names published on various internet platforms and seeks to improve the place-name content of internet maps. Hungarian examples of incorrect place names from various online maps draw attention to the need for cooperation between those that provide internet maps or map-based applications and relevant national or professional institutions.
Acta geodaetica et geophysica Hungarica, Mar 1, 2009
Detailed sea depth data and hydrological observations for the first printed isobath map were coll... more Detailed sea depth data and hydrological observations for the first printed isobath map were collected by Marsigli in the Gulf of Lion three hundred years ago. This map, an annex to his large and comprehensive volume on the seas, has been considered one of the forerunners of thematic maps. Although the cartographic and oceanographic literature often refers to Marsigli's map, several authors have misinterpreted the data and information contained in the map. This paper reexamines the map legend and the drawing of the map, compares the first isobath map with a modern map of the area, and finally evaluates Marsigli's contribution to earth sciences.
Hol van Abbázia? Egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai 1. Bevezetés. A tanulmány az exonimák haszná... more Hol van Abbázia? Egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai 1. Bevezetés. A tanulmány az exonimák használatának jelenlegi tendenciáit vizsgálja a magyar nyelvben, kérdőíves felmérés alapján. A szöveg értelmezéséhez fontos az exonima és endonima terminusok jelentésének tisztázása. Ez a két szakkifejezés az 1970-es években terjedt el a térképi és nyelvpolitikai használatban az ENSZ-ben folyó földrajzinévegységesítés kapcsán. Pontos értelmezésükre számos kísérlet történt. Az exonima "[e]gy adott nyelvben használt név, mellyel olyan földrajzi alakulatot jelölnek, amely kívül található azon a területen, ahol a kérdéses nyelvet széles körben beszélik, s amely név formájában különbözik a megfelelő endonimá(k)tól, amely(ek)et azon a területen használnak, ahol a földrajzi alakulat található" (BÖLCSKEI-FARKAS-SLÍZ szerk. 2017: 137). Az endonima (tkp. 'belső név') egy földrajzi részlet neve a fekvése szerinti területen használt nyelvek valamelyikén. A magyar földrajzinév-kultúra és hagyományőrzésünk szempontjából nagyon fontos, hogy ez utóbbi meghatározásban nem szerepel az a korábban alkalmazott kitétel, hogy csakis az adott területen használatos hivatalos nyelven kifejezett földrajzi név minősül endonimának. A jelenlegi álláspont szerint nem tartozik az exonimák közé egy név, ha az általa jelölt objektum környezetében helyi lakosként olyan jelentős számú kisebbség van jelen, amelynek nyelve-egyben a kérdéses név használatának nyelvi közege-az adott területen nem hivatalos. (A terminus értelmezésének történetére vö. POKOLY 2013.) Ebből a bonyolultnak tűnő megfogalmazásból is kitűnik, hogy a magyar anyanyelvűek számára az endonima fogalmának különleges jelentősége van, és nemcsak a térképészeti vagy a földrajzi gyakorlatban, hanem az oktatásban, sajtóban, közéletben, nyelvpolitikában, külkapcsolatokban is. Minél nagyobb jelentőséggel bír földrajzi környezetében valamely képződmény, annál ismertebb, és annál nagyobb esély van arra, hogy megjelölése számos nyelvben exonimaként felbukkan. A jelentősebb városok, a nagyobb vízfolyások, tavak, hegységek és nagytájak nevei között igen sok exonimát találunk. Az alábbi példák megvilágítják ennek az érzékeny kérdésnek az összetettségét. A gyakorlatban leginkább az ún. helységnévi exonimák használata kívánja meg a legnagyobb körültekintést és következetességet. A német nyelvű Wien magyar exonimája Bécs, angol exonimája Vienna, francia exonimája Vienne; a magyar nyelvű Balaton német exonimája Plattensee. Endonima ugyanakkor az osztrákoknak a Wien és a magyaroknak a Balaton alak, mert a jelölt denotátumok olyan területen vannak, ahol a német, Jelen írás a szerzők által készített, Use of exonyms in present-day Hungary című angol nyelvű tanulmány (BÖLCSKEI-GERCSÁK-MIKESY 2018) átdolgozott változata. Köszönettel tartozunk Tóth Máriának, aki az eredeti, angol nyelvű tanulmányt magyarra fordította, s így biztosította számunkra a magyar változat alapszövegét, amelyet aztán a magyar közönség információs igényeinek megfelelően alakítottunk tovább.
A 132 cm diameter manuscript globe made by the Hungarian László Perczel in 1862 globe received th... more A 132 cm diameter manuscript globe made by the Hungarian László Perczel in 1862 globe received the Gold Award of the 3rd International Geographical Congress held in Venice in 1881. This large earth globe is a part of the Hungarian cultural heritage and it is also an internationally recognized product. The globe, which was badly damaged during the world wars, is kept in the National Széchényi Library in Budapest. The authors of the present paper had already published reports on the project that initiated its reconstruction. This paper describes the state of its digital reconstruction, which pays special attention to a study written about the globe fifty years ago. The aim of the project is executing the digital virtual restoration of the 150 year old globe. For this purpose, two different digital virtual globes will be made. 1) A digital virtual globe that registers the present state of the piece. This virtual facsimile globe has already been completed and it can be seen in the Virtual Globes Museum of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics ( 2) A virtual globe that presents the state of the globe at the time of its making (original or contemporary facsimile globe). This will be a kind of digital reconstruction as the result of the digital restoration and digital recreation of the globe. The authors have been working on this phase of the project to show the original beauty and high cartographic quality of this unique product. A detailed description of the large ball published five decades ago is of great help to understand the original state and content of the globe. Both digital versions of the globe will be placed in the Virtual Globes Museum to serve safeguarding and communicating cultural heritage in Hungary and abroad. There are several museums and libraries that store valuable terrestrial and celestial globes from the old past. Many of them are carefully closed from visitors and are kept in boxes to keep away the dust and light. The mission of the Virtual Globes Museum of the University (established in 2007) is to collect a great variety of globes and to keep the Museum open for anyone. The images of the globes can be easily viewed, rotated and enlarged by a mouse. The language of the descriptions of items is Hungarian, English and German. The methods developed during the project will be useful not only for making virtual facsimiles and virtual contemporary facsimiles, but also for the virtual restoration of the damaged surfaces or illegible parts of the globes without any risk. Even the complete creation of the globe (the digital virtual reconstruction) may be necessary in the case the state of the original is so poor that its physical restoration is dangerous or practically impossible.
The introduction of new terms is often needed to describe the methods or products brought about b... more The introduction of new terms is often needed to describe the methods or products brought about by the technical and theoretical development in cartography. The standardization of terms that describe the transformation of old cartographic products into digital form is a current issue. This paper explains some new terms by concrete examples taken from a running project that aims at making the digital facsimile of the largest Hungarian globe made in 1862. The paper discusses the differences between the terms facsimile (printed after colour separation), technological facsimile and digital (virtual) facsimile. The virtual facsimiles are classified into two types: one that registers the present state of the cartographic product, and the other that displays the original state, when the product was made. The virtual facsimile of the original state can be used for the digital virtual as well as physical restoration of the damaged parts of the old product. It is even possible to make a virtual reconstruction if large areas are damaged. At the final stage, the product may be physically recreated or reconstructed so that it shows how it looked like originally. The facsimiles of several globes are already placed in the Virtual Globes Museum developed by Prof. Márton at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics.
Reguly Antal észak-uráli expedíciója nem tartozik az ún. nagy felfedezőutak csoportjába. Munkájáv... more Reguly Antal észak-uráli expedíciója nem tartozik az ún. nagy felfedezőutak csoportjába. Munkájával azonban hozzájárult Oroszország számunkra is fontos részének megismeréséhez. Prioritását az orosz források is elismerték. Az újabb irodalomban megfeledkeznek térképezésének úttörő jellegéről, és inkább mint nyelvészt és néprajzi gyűjtőt méltányolják. Levéltári adatok és a kortársak írásai alapján azonban megállapíthatjuk, hogy térképe megjelenésének idejében igen hasznos szolgálatot tett, adatait a tudományos körök a gyakorlatban felhasználták. Szorgalmas megfigyeléseinek eredménye azoknak a munkáiban él tovább, akik kutatóútjának bőséges adathalmazából merítenek.
The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has started a projec... more The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has started a project to save the cartographic heritage of globe making. In the first stage, those globes are processed digitally that have some relationship to Hungary. These digital products are continuously placed in the Virtual Globes Museum run by the Department. The collection of this museum is accessible through the Internet. The methods developed for the virtual museum offer new ways of the virtual restoration of damaged globes, the reconstruction of virtual facsimile globes, and the recreation of virtual contemporary facsimile globes. Working out the methods for the digital virtual facsimile and the digital virtual reconstruction of old or historical globes is of major importance in the restoration of globes. In many cases, the colours and letters faded on these globes. The method described in the paper will ensure the restoration without the risk of causing further damage on the existing, sometimes only copies. An intermediate stage of the digital processing of a large Hungarian globe is described to show the challenges that cartographers may meet when working with old globes to prepare their virtual copies. The processing of globes by digital methods requires the introduction and discussion of new terms to
The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has recently started... more The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has recently started a project to save the cartographic heritage of globe making first of all for the interest of professionals, students of cartography and geography in Hungary and abroad. In the first stage, those earth and celestial globes are processed digitally by the staff and students of cartography that have some relationship to Hungary. These digital products are continuously placed in the Virtual Globes Museum run by the Department. The collection of this museum is accessible through the Internet. The methods developed for the virtual museum offer new ways of the virtual restoration of damaged globes without any risk, the reconstruction of virtual facsimile globes, and the recreation of virtual contemporary facsimile globes. Working out the methods for the digital virtual facsimile and the digital virtual reconstruction of old or historical globes is of major importance in the restoration of globes. In many cases, the colours and letters faded on these globes. The method described in the paper will ensure the restoration without the risk of causing further damage on the existing, sometimes only copies.
The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguis... more The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguish geographical entities. The Moroccan linguistic situation allows for a bilingual presentation of place names, with an Arabized version and a French counterpart that differs phonetically. On the other hand, Casablanca has dual naming, a colonial name, and an Arabic variant, which is not simply a translation that happened as a result of Arabization policies introduced after the country's independence. This study relies mainly on questionnaires, in addition to interviews, in an attempt to address the following aspects: The attitude towards the standardization of only one variant, variants and the city's cultural heritage and significance, standardization of only one variant and the accurate representation of the place, dual naming as a reminder of the multiple place histories vs. dual naming as a mere case of the language difference, and Moroccans and the etymology of the variants. The findings indicate that Casablanca shifts from a mere marker of the colonial period to an active maker of the city's heritage. Its meaning is disconnected from its historical anchorage and converted into an instrument of identity and means of historical memory. Moreover, the choice of one variant is perceived as a loss of toponymic identity, which will serve as a hindrance against the population and their relation to their past.
It has been just for more than thirty years that the English-language version of the detachable s... more It has been just for more than thirty years that the English-language version of the detachable structural-morphological globe of the Earth with 40 cm diameter produced by the Cartographia Enterprise won the prize of the best demonstration aid (Anson and Gutsell 1989) at the Budapest conference of the International Cartographic Association in August 1989. This success was the result of the cooperation between two education institutions (Kossuth Lajos University and Eötvös Loránd University /ELTE/) and two Hungarian firms (Cartographia Enterprise and School Equipment Producing and Marketing Company). This unique product has been the only thematic earth globe designed and published in Hungary and which was duplicated in a relatively large number. It is a rarity today. This is one of the reasons why this globe has been placed in the Virtual Globes Museum (VGM) ( This paper gives an overview of the history of these thematic globes: the Hungarian versions made in 1986 (VGM ID 8, 9, 10) and the English versions published in 1988 (VGM ID 66, 67, 68). It introduces the immediate scientific antecedents of their birth and-being a demonstration aid-the process of publishing. The paper also presents the work with the Russian version of the globe carried out at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, ELTE (VGM ID 154, 155, 156). This will lead to the expansion of the number of globes in the VGM. The close relationship between the new product and the former two editions is also pointed out.
The only copy of Perczel's manuscript globe (diameter 132 cm, scale 1 : 10 000 000) is from 1862.... more The only copy of Perczel's manuscript globe (diameter 132 cm, scale 1 : 10 000 000) is from 1862. The globe received international recognition due to its geographical accuracy, large number of geographical names and beautiful execution. The globe is in poor condition now. Large areas faded, smaller islands, many placenames are hardly legible or only identifiable by using contemporary maps. The drawing of Western Africa and Equatorial areas disappeared during the wars. The globe was "restored" and covered by lacquer layer in 1970s. The lacquer reacted with the inks (particularly the red placenames and symbols diffused into the lacquer), and turned into yellow and darkened. The Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography started to record the state of the globe in 2008, which led to the preparation of a virtual facsimile. More than 800 highresolution pictures were taken, of which a 3D-model was created (available in the Virtual Globes Museum, Next, Márton processed a sample area, and with students started to process the cartographic content of the globe (lines, surface colours, names) to make it similar to the original. Hill-shading is done by Sziládi, first of the cartographers who got a degree in 1957. The state of the 100-year-old globe is known from a study made by Ambrus-Fallenbüchl in 1963. This is an important source for preparing a facsimile that shows the original state. Contemporary maps must be studied to complete the missing parts and placenames. The digital virtual restoration and virtual reconstruction will be completed this year.
Hungarian presenters gave several papers on this project at cartographic conferences and publishe... more Hungarian presenters gave several papers on this project at cartographic conferences and published articles on the state of the work in the past decade. The project undertaken by the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) serves the saving of cultural heritage, namely a globe, a significant work of art. The project is named after its maker, Perczel. The work, which lasted for more than ten years with interruptions, was crowned by the birth of three imposing artistic copies of the globe. This part of the project completed in half a year was organized by the Archiflex Studio and led by Zsuzsanna Lente, restorer artist. The first copy decorates the office of the Hungarian prime minister in the former Carmelite cloister in the Buda Castle. The second copy is placed in the National Széchényi Library, where the original globe is kept. The third copy went to the University Library of ELTE. The physical embodiment of the globe makes it a real public property: Perczel's globe is a work of art that represents great scientific and cultural values. The present paper reviews shortly the manuscript globe made by Perczel in 1862, and presents the stages of the digital recreation and restoration of the globe map carried out at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at ELTE, which led to its physical reconstruction, the birth of its artistic copies. Finally, some cartographic "juicy bits" follow: the representation of non-existent "ghost" islands on the globe and some interesting graphical solutions that are unusual today.
(ELTE), the complete digital restoration and then reconstruction of the 127.5 cm diameter manuscr... more (ELTE), the complete digital restoration and then reconstruction of the 127.5 cm diameter manuscript globe was completed in 2019. The final cartographic completion of the ongoing task at the department by 2013-led by Mátyás Márton, the project manager, who carried out this work with the help of Judit Paksi-, which included the work of many lecturers and students, aimed at saving the globe. Using this augmented digital processing, it was also possible to create three artistic copies of Perczel's globe, which was originally made in 1862. This unique work of art, which has suffered irreparable damage due to the ordeals of the 20 th century, is of great cultural value and also very important for our cartographic heritage, has been reborn. Following the digital reconstruction, there was a good opportunity to revive another related project. The website, "The interactive gazetteer of Perczel's globe", which was born as a result of the work of Zsuzsanna Ungvári and Tibor Tokai earlier, was also created with a new, expanded content. The present study presents the antecedents of gazetteer creation and describes the most important steps of current processing.
The current volume, National Atlas of Hungary-Society, is Part 3 of the series. It presents the s... more The current volume, National Atlas of Hungary-Society, is Part 3 of the series. It presents the special world of Hungarian society and, according to the availability of data, also that of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area. By combining the tools of statistics, geography and cartography, the maps present the spatial structure accompanied by numerous graphs, photos, texts and infographics. The present volume of the National Atlas, Society, contributes to a much deeper understanding of processes and a better understanding of the relationships between phenomena through the presentation of the spatial diversity of demographic and social processes in historical perspective. This is a significant record of the period also showing the challenges that Hungarian society faces at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. This addition to the National Atlas of Hungary-with its extensive body of knowledge presented in this work-is an important document of great benefit not only to geographers but also to historians, economists, politicians, and all other interested parties.
The name and the actual extension of the geographical regions of Hungary often depended on the in... more The name and the actual extension of the geographical regions of Hungary often depended on the interpretation of scientists and the political environment. The names of the units of the Hungarian landscape system and the map delimitation of their extent have been changed several times over the decades. This caused confusion in the official and everyday use of names, as well as in school geography education. The changes in the naming and lettering of physical geographical names in the maps also reflected the changes according to the political environment. The historical changes, including new national borders, also influenced the naming of geographical regions. Hungarian geographers consider it important to name the various levels of geographical regions so that the name should reflect the geographic character (mainly the morphology) of the specific area. The geographers' approach to giving and changing the names of the so-called landscape units is a major aspect, because schoolbooks and atlases introduce these names to generations. The article illustrates the main stages of landscape naming in the past 100 years with overview maps and geographic name variations.
Advances in cartography and GIScience of the ICA, Nov 29, 2021
The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguis... more The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguish geographical entities. The Moroccan linguistic situation allows for a bilingual presentation of place names, with an Arabized version and a French counterpart that differs phonetically. On the other hand, Casablanca has dual naming, a colonial name, and an Arabic variant, which is not simply a translation that happened as a result of Arabization policies introduced after the country's independence. This study relies mainly on questionnaires, in addition to interviews, in an attempt to address the following aspects: The attitude towards the standardization of only one variant, variants and the city's cultural heritage and significance, standardization of only one variant and the accurate representation of the place, dual naming as a reminder of the multiple place histories vs. dual naming as a mere case of the language difference, and Moroccans and the etymology of the variants. The findings indicate that Casablanca shifts from a mere marker of the colonial period to an active maker of the city's heritage. Its meaning is disconnected from its historical anchorage and converted into an instrument of identity and means of historical memory. Moreover, the choice of one variant is perceived as a loss of toponymic identity, which will serve as a hindrance against the population and their relation to their past.
A földkéreg képződményeinek rétegtani tagolása és a földtörténeti idő szakaszolása a földtudomány... more A földkéreg képződményeinek rétegtani tagolása és a földtörténeti idő szakaszolása a földtudományok művelésében kiemelkedő jelentőségű. A globális tudomány számára ezért nélkülözhetetlen standardot jelent az International Chronostratigraphic Chart (COHEN et al. 2013), azaz a nemzet közi időrétegtani (kronosztratigráfiai) táblázat, melyet szo kás földtörténeti időskálának is nevezni. A kétféle név oka az a kettősség, hogy a skála egységei egyazon néven, egyszerre jelentik a földtörténeti idő egy szeletét (azaz geo-kronológiai egységeket) és az ez idő alatt képződött kőzetek összességét (kronosztratigráfiai egységeket). Ez a gyakorlat az egységesítő törekvések (ZALASIEWICZ et al. 2004) elle nére mindmáig elfogadott. Az egységek alsó határát a modern kronosztratigráfiai gyakorlat GSSP-k, globális standard sztra to típusszelvények és pontok kijelölése alapján rögzíti (COWIE et al. 1986, REMANE et al. 1996, SMITH et al. 2014). Ezek kijelölése az IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences, Geológiai Tudományok Nemzetközi Uniója) alá tar to zó ICS (International Commission on Stratigraphy, Nem zetközi Rétegtani Bizottság) feladata, amelyet annak
This paper examines the reliability of geographical names published on various internet platforms... more This paper examines the reliability of geographical names published on various internet platforms and seeks to improve the place-name content of internet maps. Hungarian examples of incorrect place names from various online maps draw attention to the need for cooperation between those that provide internet maps or map-based applications and relevant national or professional institutions.
Acta geodaetica et geophysica Hungarica, Mar 1, 2009
Detailed sea depth data and hydrological observations for the first printed isobath map were coll... more Detailed sea depth data and hydrological observations for the first printed isobath map were collected by Marsigli in the Gulf of Lion three hundred years ago. This map, an annex to his large and comprehensive volume on the seas, has been considered one of the forerunners of thematic maps. Although the cartographic and oceanographic literature often refers to Marsigli's map, several authors have misinterpreted the data and information contained in the map. This paper reexamines the map legend and the drawing of the map, compares the first isobath map with a modern map of the area, and finally evaluates Marsigli's contribution to earth sciences.
Hol van Abbázia? Egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai 1. Bevezetés. A tanulmány az exonimák haszná... more Hol van Abbázia? Egy kérdőíves felmérés tanulságai 1. Bevezetés. A tanulmány az exonimák használatának jelenlegi tendenciáit vizsgálja a magyar nyelvben, kérdőíves felmérés alapján. A szöveg értelmezéséhez fontos az exonima és endonima terminusok jelentésének tisztázása. Ez a két szakkifejezés az 1970-es években terjedt el a térképi és nyelvpolitikai használatban az ENSZ-ben folyó földrajzinévegységesítés kapcsán. Pontos értelmezésükre számos kísérlet történt. Az exonima "[e]gy adott nyelvben használt név, mellyel olyan földrajzi alakulatot jelölnek, amely kívül található azon a területen, ahol a kérdéses nyelvet széles körben beszélik, s amely név formájában különbözik a megfelelő endonimá(k)tól, amely(ek)et azon a területen használnak, ahol a földrajzi alakulat található" (BÖLCSKEI-FARKAS-SLÍZ szerk. 2017: 137). Az endonima (tkp. 'belső név') egy földrajzi részlet neve a fekvése szerinti területen használt nyelvek valamelyikén. A magyar földrajzinév-kultúra és hagyományőrzésünk szempontjából nagyon fontos, hogy ez utóbbi meghatározásban nem szerepel az a korábban alkalmazott kitétel, hogy csakis az adott területen használatos hivatalos nyelven kifejezett földrajzi név minősül endonimának. A jelenlegi álláspont szerint nem tartozik az exonimák közé egy név, ha az általa jelölt objektum környezetében helyi lakosként olyan jelentős számú kisebbség van jelen, amelynek nyelve-egyben a kérdéses név használatának nyelvi közege-az adott területen nem hivatalos. (A terminus értelmezésének történetére vö. POKOLY 2013.) Ebből a bonyolultnak tűnő megfogalmazásból is kitűnik, hogy a magyar anyanyelvűek számára az endonima fogalmának különleges jelentősége van, és nemcsak a térképészeti vagy a földrajzi gyakorlatban, hanem az oktatásban, sajtóban, közéletben, nyelvpolitikában, külkapcsolatokban is. Minél nagyobb jelentőséggel bír földrajzi környezetében valamely képződmény, annál ismertebb, és annál nagyobb esély van arra, hogy megjelölése számos nyelvben exonimaként felbukkan. A jelentősebb városok, a nagyobb vízfolyások, tavak, hegységek és nagytájak nevei között igen sok exonimát találunk. Az alábbi példák megvilágítják ennek az érzékeny kérdésnek az összetettségét. A gyakorlatban leginkább az ún. helységnévi exonimák használata kívánja meg a legnagyobb körültekintést és következetességet. A német nyelvű Wien magyar exonimája Bécs, angol exonimája Vienna, francia exonimája Vienne; a magyar nyelvű Balaton német exonimája Plattensee. Endonima ugyanakkor az osztrákoknak a Wien és a magyaroknak a Balaton alak, mert a jelölt denotátumok olyan területen vannak, ahol a német, Jelen írás a szerzők által készített, Use of exonyms in present-day Hungary című angol nyelvű tanulmány (BÖLCSKEI-GERCSÁK-MIKESY 2018) átdolgozott változata. Köszönettel tartozunk Tóth Máriának, aki az eredeti, angol nyelvű tanulmányt magyarra fordította, s így biztosította számunkra a magyar változat alapszövegét, amelyet aztán a magyar közönség információs igényeinek megfelelően alakítottunk tovább.
A 132 cm diameter manuscript globe made by the Hungarian László Perczel in 1862 globe received th... more A 132 cm diameter manuscript globe made by the Hungarian László Perczel in 1862 globe received the Gold Award of the 3rd International Geographical Congress held in Venice in 1881. This large earth globe is a part of the Hungarian cultural heritage and it is also an internationally recognized product. The globe, which was badly damaged during the world wars, is kept in the National Széchényi Library in Budapest. The authors of the present paper had already published reports on the project that initiated its reconstruction. This paper describes the state of its digital reconstruction, which pays special attention to a study written about the globe fifty years ago. The aim of the project is executing the digital virtual restoration of the 150 year old globe. For this purpose, two different digital virtual globes will be made. 1) A digital virtual globe that registers the present state of the piece. This virtual facsimile globe has already been completed and it can be seen in the Virtual Globes Museum of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics ( 2) A virtual globe that presents the state of the globe at the time of its making (original or contemporary facsimile globe). This will be a kind of digital reconstruction as the result of the digital restoration and digital recreation of the globe. The authors have been working on this phase of the project to show the original beauty and high cartographic quality of this unique product. A detailed description of the large ball published five decades ago is of great help to understand the original state and content of the globe. Both digital versions of the globe will be placed in the Virtual Globes Museum to serve safeguarding and communicating cultural heritage in Hungary and abroad. There are several museums and libraries that store valuable terrestrial and celestial globes from the old past. Many of them are carefully closed from visitors and are kept in boxes to keep away the dust and light. The mission of the Virtual Globes Museum of the University (established in 2007) is to collect a great variety of globes and to keep the Museum open for anyone. The images of the globes can be easily viewed, rotated and enlarged by a mouse. The language of the descriptions of items is Hungarian, English and German. The methods developed during the project will be useful not only for making virtual facsimiles and virtual contemporary facsimiles, but also for the virtual restoration of the damaged surfaces or illegible parts of the globes without any risk. Even the complete creation of the globe (the digital virtual reconstruction) may be necessary in the case the state of the original is so poor that its physical restoration is dangerous or practically impossible.
The introduction of new terms is often needed to describe the methods or products brought about b... more The introduction of new terms is often needed to describe the methods or products brought about by the technical and theoretical development in cartography. The standardization of terms that describe the transformation of old cartographic products into digital form is a current issue. This paper explains some new terms by concrete examples taken from a running project that aims at making the digital facsimile of the largest Hungarian globe made in 1862. The paper discusses the differences between the terms facsimile (printed after colour separation), technological facsimile and digital (virtual) facsimile. The virtual facsimiles are classified into two types: one that registers the present state of the cartographic product, and the other that displays the original state, when the product was made. The virtual facsimile of the original state can be used for the digital virtual as well as physical restoration of the damaged parts of the old product. It is even possible to make a virtual reconstruction if large areas are damaged. At the final stage, the product may be physically recreated or reconstructed so that it shows how it looked like originally. The facsimiles of several globes are already placed in the Virtual Globes Museum developed by Prof. Márton at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics.
Reguly Antal észak-uráli expedíciója nem tartozik az ún. nagy felfedezőutak csoportjába. Munkájáv... more Reguly Antal észak-uráli expedíciója nem tartozik az ún. nagy felfedezőutak csoportjába. Munkájával azonban hozzájárult Oroszország számunkra is fontos részének megismeréséhez. Prioritását az orosz források is elismerték. Az újabb irodalomban megfeledkeznek térképezésének úttörő jellegéről, és inkább mint nyelvészt és néprajzi gyűjtőt méltányolják. Levéltári adatok és a kortársak írásai alapján azonban megállapíthatjuk, hogy térképe megjelenésének idejében igen hasznos szolgálatot tett, adatait a tudományos körök a gyakorlatban felhasználták. Szorgalmas megfigyeléseinek eredménye azoknak a munkáiban él tovább, akik kutatóútjának bőséges adathalmazából merítenek.
The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has started a projec... more The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has started a project to save the cartographic heritage of globe making. In the first stage, those globes are processed digitally that have some relationship to Hungary. These digital products are continuously placed in the Virtual Globes Museum run by the Department. The collection of this museum is accessible through the Internet. The methods developed for the virtual museum offer new ways of the virtual restoration of damaged globes, the reconstruction of virtual facsimile globes, and the recreation of virtual contemporary facsimile globes. Working out the methods for the digital virtual facsimile and the digital virtual reconstruction of old or historical globes is of major importance in the restoration of globes. In many cases, the colours and letters faded on these globes. The method described in the paper will ensure the restoration without the risk of causing further damage on the existing, sometimes only copies. An intermediate stage of the digital processing of a large Hungarian globe is described to show the challenges that cartographers may meet when working with old globes to prepare their virtual copies. The processing of globes by digital methods requires the introduction and discussion of new terms to
The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has recently started... more The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University has recently started a project to save the cartographic heritage of globe making first of all for the interest of professionals, students of cartography and geography in Hungary and abroad. In the first stage, those earth and celestial globes are processed digitally by the staff and students of cartography that have some relationship to Hungary. These digital products are continuously placed in the Virtual Globes Museum run by the Department. The collection of this museum is accessible through the Internet. The methods developed for the virtual museum offer new ways of the virtual restoration of damaged globes without any risk, the reconstruction of virtual facsimile globes, and the recreation of virtual contemporary facsimile globes. Working out the methods for the digital virtual facsimile and the digital virtual reconstruction of old or historical globes is of major importance in the restoration of globes. In many cases, the colours and letters faded on these globes. The method described in the paper will ensure the restoration without the risk of causing further damage on the existing, sometimes only copies.
The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguis... more The primary aim of place names is to provide clear direction and reference in order to distinguish geographical entities. The Moroccan linguistic situation allows for a bilingual presentation of place names, with an Arabized version and a French counterpart that differs phonetically. On the other hand, Casablanca has dual naming, a colonial name, and an Arabic variant, which is not simply a translation that happened as a result of Arabization policies introduced after the country's independence. This study relies mainly on questionnaires, in addition to interviews, in an attempt to address the following aspects: The attitude towards the standardization of only one variant, variants and the city's cultural heritage and significance, standardization of only one variant and the accurate representation of the place, dual naming as a reminder of the multiple place histories vs. dual naming as a mere case of the language difference, and Moroccans and the etymology of the variants. The findings indicate that Casablanca shifts from a mere marker of the colonial period to an active maker of the city's heritage. Its meaning is disconnected from its historical anchorage and converted into an instrument of identity and means of historical memory. Moreover, the choice of one variant is perceived as a loss of toponymic identity, which will serve as a hindrance against the population and their relation to their past.
It has been just for more than thirty years that the English-language version of the detachable s... more It has been just for more than thirty years that the English-language version of the detachable structural-morphological globe of the Earth with 40 cm diameter produced by the Cartographia Enterprise won the prize of the best demonstration aid (Anson and Gutsell 1989) at the Budapest conference of the International Cartographic Association in August 1989. This success was the result of the cooperation between two education institutions (Kossuth Lajos University and Eötvös Loránd University /ELTE/) and two Hungarian firms (Cartographia Enterprise and School Equipment Producing and Marketing Company). This unique product has been the only thematic earth globe designed and published in Hungary and which was duplicated in a relatively large number. It is a rarity today. This is one of the reasons why this globe has been placed in the Virtual Globes Museum (VGM) ( This paper gives an overview of the history of these thematic globes: the Hungarian versions made in 1986 (VGM ID 8, 9, 10) and the English versions published in 1988 (VGM ID 66, 67, 68). It introduces the immediate scientific antecedents of their birth and-being a demonstration aid-the process of publishing. The paper also presents the work with the Russian version of the globe carried out at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics, ELTE (VGM ID 154, 155, 156). This will lead to the expansion of the number of globes in the VGM. The close relationship between the new product and the former two editions is also pointed out.
The only copy of Perczel's manuscript globe (diameter 132 cm, scale 1 : 10 000 000) is from 1862.... more The only copy of Perczel's manuscript globe (diameter 132 cm, scale 1 : 10 000 000) is from 1862. The globe received international recognition due to its geographical accuracy, large number of geographical names and beautiful execution. The globe is in poor condition now. Large areas faded, smaller islands, many placenames are hardly legible or only identifiable by using contemporary maps. The drawing of Western Africa and Equatorial areas disappeared during the wars. The globe was "restored" and covered by lacquer layer in 1970s. The lacquer reacted with the inks (particularly the red placenames and symbols diffused into the lacquer), and turned into yellow and darkened. The Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography started to record the state of the globe in 2008, which led to the preparation of a virtual facsimile. More than 800 highresolution pictures were taken, of which a 3D-model was created (available in the Virtual Globes Museum, Next, Márton processed a sample area, and with students started to process the cartographic content of the globe (lines, surface colours, names) to make it similar to the original. Hill-shading is done by Sziládi, first of the cartographers who got a degree in 1957. The state of the 100-year-old globe is known from a study made by Ambrus-Fallenbüchl in 1963. This is an important source for preparing a facsimile that shows the original state. Contemporary maps must be studied to complete the missing parts and placenames. The digital virtual restoration and virtual reconstruction will be completed this year.
Hungarian presenters gave several papers on this project at cartographic conferences and publishe... more Hungarian presenters gave several papers on this project at cartographic conferences and published articles on the state of the work in the past decade. The project undertaken by the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) serves the saving of cultural heritage, namely a globe, a significant work of art. The project is named after its maker, Perczel. The work, which lasted for more than ten years with interruptions, was crowned by the birth of three imposing artistic copies of the globe. This part of the project completed in half a year was organized by the Archiflex Studio and led by Zsuzsanna Lente, restorer artist. The first copy decorates the office of the Hungarian prime minister in the former Carmelite cloister in the Buda Castle. The second copy is placed in the National Széchényi Library, where the original globe is kept. The third copy went to the University Library of ELTE. The physical embodiment of the globe makes it a real public property: Perczel's globe is a work of art that represents great scientific and cultural values. The present paper reviews shortly the manuscript globe made by Perczel in 1862, and presents the stages of the digital recreation and restoration of the globe map carried out at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics at ELTE, which led to its physical reconstruction, the birth of its artistic copies. Finally, some cartographic "juicy bits" follow: the representation of non-existent "ghost" islands on the globe and some interesting graphical solutions that are unusual today.
(ELTE), the complete digital restoration and then reconstruction of the 127.5 cm diameter manuscr... more (ELTE), the complete digital restoration and then reconstruction of the 127.5 cm diameter manuscript globe was completed in 2019. The final cartographic completion of the ongoing task at the department by 2013-led by Mátyás Márton, the project manager, who carried out this work with the help of Judit Paksi-, which included the work of many lecturers and students, aimed at saving the globe. Using this augmented digital processing, it was also possible to create three artistic copies of Perczel's globe, which was originally made in 1862. This unique work of art, which has suffered irreparable damage due to the ordeals of the 20 th century, is of great cultural value and also very important for our cartographic heritage, has been reborn. Following the digital reconstruction, there was a good opportunity to revive another related project. The website, "The interactive gazetteer of Perczel's globe", which was born as a result of the work of Zsuzsanna Ungvári and Tibor Tokai earlier, was also created with a new, expanded content. The present study presents the antecedents of gazetteer creation and describes the most important steps of current processing.
The current volume, National Atlas of Hungary-Society, is Part 3 of the series. It presents the s... more The current volume, National Atlas of Hungary-Society, is Part 3 of the series. It presents the special world of Hungarian society and, according to the availability of data, also that of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area. By combining the tools of statistics, geography and cartography, the maps present the spatial structure accompanied by numerous graphs, photos, texts and infographics. The present volume of the National Atlas, Society, contributes to a much deeper understanding of processes and a better understanding of the relationships between phenomena through the presentation of the spatial diversity of demographic and social processes in historical perspective. This is a significant record of the period also showing the challenges that Hungarian society faces at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. This addition to the National Atlas of Hungary-with its extensive body of knowledge presented in this work-is an important document of great benefit not only to geographers but also to historians, economists, politicians, and all other interested parties.
Papers by Gabor Gercsak