Preface: Outline of the thesis 11 Chapter 1: D-amino acids in the central nervous system in healt... more Preface: Outline of the thesis 11 Chapter 1: D-amino acids in the central nervous system in health and disease 17 D-SerIne anD L-SerIne anaLySIS Chapter 2a: Editorial clinical chemistry: CSF serine enantiomers and glycine in the study of neurologic and psychiatric disorders 45 Chapter 2b: Two mass-spectrometric techniques for quantifying serine enantiomers and glycine in cerebrospinal fluid: potential confounders and age-dependent ranges 51 D-SerIne In Human pHySIoLogy Chapter 3: D-serine in the developing human central nervous system 71 Chapter 4: D-serine in the developing human central nervous system: clinical implications 83 Chapter 5: D-serine influences synaptogenesis in a P19 cell model 105 D-SerIne In Human paTHoLogy Chapter 6: Increased concentrations of both NMDA receptor co-agonists D-serine and glycine in global ischemia: a potential novel treatment target for perinatal asphyxia 119 Chapter 7: Cerebrospinal fluid D-serine and glycine concentrations are unaltered and unaffected by olanzapine therapy in male schizophrenic patients 135 DISCuSSIon Contributors 185 Acknowledgements -Dankwoord 187 Curriculum vitae 191 Publications 193 List of abbreviations 195 Preface 13 Preface ouTLIne oF THe THeSIS As building units of peptides and proteins, amino acids are among the most important molecules for living beings. Most amino acids occur as different enantiomers (an Land a D-form). Although the chemical and physical properties of L-and D-amino acids are almost identical, they differ in their spatial positioning, which plays a major role in structural interactions.
Preface: Outline of the thesis 11 Chapter 1: D-amino acids in the central nervous system in healt... more Preface: Outline of the thesis 11 Chapter 1: D-amino acids in the central nervous system in health and disease 17 D-SerIne anD L-SerIne anaLySIS Chapter 2a: Editorial clinical chemistry: CSF serine enantiomers and glycine in the study of neurologic and psychiatric disorders 45 Chapter 2b: Two mass-spectrometric techniques for quantifying serine enantiomers and glycine in cerebrospinal fluid: potential confounders and age-dependent ranges 51 D-SerIne In Human pHySIoLogy Chapter 3: D-serine in the developing human central nervous system 71 Chapter 4: D-serine in the developing human central nervous system: clinical implications 83 Chapter 5: D-serine influences synaptogenesis in a P19 cell model 105 D-SerIne In Human paTHoLogy Chapter 6: Increased concentrations of both NMDA receptor co-agonists D-serine and glycine in global ischemia: a potential novel treatment target for perinatal asphyxia 119 Chapter 7: Cerebrospinal fluid D-serine and glycine concentrations are unaltered and unaffected by olanzapine therapy in male schizophrenic patients 135 DISCuSSIon Contributors 185 Acknowledgements -Dankwoord 187 Curriculum vitae 191 Publications 193 List of abbreviations 195 Preface 13 Preface ouTLIne oF THe THeSIS As building units of peptides and proteins, amino acids are among the most important molecules for living beings. Most amino acids occur as different enantiomers (an Land a D-form). Although the chemical and physical properties of L-and D-amino acids are almost identical, they differ in their spatial positioning, which plays a major role in structural interactions.
Papers by Sabine Fuchs