Papers by François-Xavier Mbopi-Kéou

Research Square (Research Square), Dec 5, 2023
Objective : In a context of increasing cases despite vaccination campaigns, a survey was conducte... more Objective : In a context of increasing cases despite vaccination campaigns, a survey was conducted in the Bangui population in January 17 to 26, 2022 to evaluate the strains of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) circulating in a healthy population by taking nasopharyngeal samples in 2,554 randomly selected volunteers. Antigen detection was performed systematically and RT-PCR was done on the positive samples. Thirty samples were found RT-PCR positive (1.2%) and sent for viral genome sequencing. Twenty eight SARS-Cov-2 strains belong to Omicron type and solely 2 to Delta type. Thus, infection were uncommon in the tested population but the presence of Omicron and Delta types make fear than vaccination will not be e cient to ght against the virus and newly designed vaccine should be implemented to better protect the population who is at risk of infection and re-infection by these variants.

Journal of tuberculosis research, 2024
Objective: COVID-19 surveillance was established as early as March 2020 in the Central African Re... more Objective: COVID-19 surveillance was established as early as March 2020 in the Central African Republic (CAR), after the WHO statement relating to the identification of several cases outside China. However, given the non-performing molecular biology technical platform in many developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the second wave promised to be surprising and formidable. In this context, a mass survey was launched in Bangui to determine the prevalence of COVID-19. Patients and Methods: From March 18 to April 2, 2021, a mass screening campaign took place in tourist places, companies and the main hospital infrastructures. Nasopharyngeal swab samples were collected from participants with and without symptoms of Influenza-like illness (ILI) and stored in VTM tubes. The Ag (COVID-19) and RT-PCR tests were carried out in Bangui at the LNBCSP. The sequencing of RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positives was carried out at the INRB. Results: We included 1480 participants of whom 33 (2.23%) were SARS-COV-2 positive, of whom 24 were male and 9 female. This sex difference was statistically significant (p = 0.012) as the sex ratio M/F was 1.09. Sampling sites located in the 1st arrondissement were the most prolific (p = 0.006) and were sequenced. In addition to the analysis of the 33 samples from the predefined sites under study, 17 control sequences from the provinces generated during the same
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Apr 1, 2014
Background: Incidence of Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) has increased in many countries. T... more Background: Incidence of Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) has increased in many countries. The previous use of antibiotics was pointed out as a possibility for increasing incidences of CDI. Some previous studies show that some types of antibiotics previously used, like clindamycin, broad spectrum cephalosporin, and fluoroquinolone, could significantly associated with the incidence of CDI. The amounts of each antibiotics used vary regionally. However, those studies were conducted in Western countries. In this study, we investigated which types of antibiotics previously used significantly associated with CDI at a single institution in Japan. Methods & Materials: This study was carried out with all patients who were admitted to the
Lancet Infectious Diseases, May 1, 2012
Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2014

Epidemiology and Infection, Jan 10, 2013
Cameroon has experienced recurrent cholera epidemics with high mortality rates. In September 2009... more Cameroon has experienced recurrent cholera epidemics with high mortality rates. In September 2009, epidemic cholera was detected in the Far North region of Cameroon and the reported case-fatality rate was 12%. We conducted village-, healthcare facility-and community-level surveys to investigate reasons for excess cholera mortality. Results of this investigation suggest that cholera patients who died were less likely to seek care, receive rehydration therapy and antibiotics at a healthcare facility, and tended to live further from healthcare facilities. Furthermore, use of oral rehydration salts at home was very low in both decedents and survivors. Despite the many challenges inherent to delivering care in Cameroon, practical measures could be taken to reduce cholera mortality in this region, including the timely provision of treatment supplies, training of healthcare workers, establishment of rehydration centres, and promotion of household water treatment and enhanced handwashing with soap.

Contraception, 2010
Invisible Condom gel formulations being developed as microbicides to prevent the sexual transmiss... more Invisible Condom gel formulations being developed as microbicides to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV are advancing through the phases of clinical trials. The objectives of this study were to evaluate, after 8 weeks of vaginal application, the extended safety and acceptability of two Invisible Condom vaginal gel formulations: (i) the polymer alone and (ii) the polymer containing sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) compared to placebo. This study is a randomized, doubled-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II extended safety study in healthy sexually active women from Yaoundé, Cameroon. Women were randomized into three gel arms: (i) placebo, (ii) polymer alone and (iii) polymer/SLS. Women applied gel intravaginally twice daily for 8 weeks. A total of 194 sexually active women applied placebo (n=41), polymer alone (n=76) and polymer/SLS (n=77). Invisible Condom gel formulations were well tolerated with no reported serious adverse events. The majority of reported adverse events were mild or moderate and mostly similar in all three arms, except for pelvic pain that was 10% higher in the polymer and polymer/SLS arms compared to placebo. Colposcopy showed neither genital ulceration nor mucosal lesions. Nugent score, H(2)O(2)-producing lactobacilli and vaginal pH were not affected by the study products. The gel formulations and applicator were generally acceptable and comfortable. This extended safety study showed that the Invisible Condom gel formulations and applicator were well tolerated and acceptable when applied intravaginally twice daily for 8 weeks. Thus, further phases of clinical development of Invisible Condom as a potential microbicide to prevent sexual transmission of HIV are warranted.

Introduction: Interest in infection prevention in healthcare facilities has been renewed with the... more Introduction: Interest in infection prevention in healthcare facilities has been renewed with the advent of the COVID – 19 pandemic. Accidental exposures to body fluids occurs under work environments that do not meet occupational safety standards. The aim of the present study was to assess the level of observance of standard precautions including adherence to required vaccinations to prevent healthcare related infections. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out from January to April 2022 in six District Hospitals in Yaounde. An auto-administered questionnaire was addressed to consenting healthcare workers. Data were analysed using R statistic version 4.2.3. A p-value < 5% was considered significant. Results: Out of a total of 217 HCW who were enrolled, nearly a quarter (17%) claimed to wash the scalpel blades for reuse. More than half of the participants (53.5%) did not wash their hands after each care. Reasons for not washing hands after each procedure were ...

Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Once a drug is approved in phase III of clinical trials, pharmacovigilance (PV) becomes very impo... more Once a drug is approved in phase III of clinical trials, pharmacovigilance (PV) becomes very important for the surveillance of drug, vaccine or medical devices. PV constitutes part of the phase IV approval, which involves a study for collecting, detecting, and monitoring adverse events in any population that the drug is used. The adverse events that are reported must be assessed to ascertain the causal effects and prevent or avoid unanticipated side effects on the population. With the advent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, vaccination has been the motor for the management of the pandemic, and through intensive health sensitization, more people are vaccinated in a short period leading to greater challenges to the PV taskforce and the PV operating centrers. Global partnerships including the international society of pharmacovigilance (ISOP), the French national agency for medicines and health products safety (ANSM), and a multitude of others are working in synergy ...
East African Medical Journal, Jul 28, 2016
Pan African Medical Journal, 2016

Schizophrenia Research, 2012
In the present study, we examined morphology and function of hippocampus in the APC 1638T/1638T m... more In the present study, we examined morphology and function of hippocampus in the APC 1638T/1638T mouse. Expression levels of the APC mRNA and protein were both identical in the hippocampus of the APC +/+ and APC 1638T/1638T mice. The dentate gyrus of the APC 1638T/1638T hippocampus was thicker, and has more densely-populated granule cells in the APC 1638T/1638T mouse hippocampus. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed co-localization of APC with alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate receptor (AMPA-R) and with PSD-95 at post-synapse in the APC +/+ hippocampus, while APC1638T was co-localized with neither AMPA-R nor PSD-95 in the APC 1638T/1638T hippocampus. By immunoprecipitation assay, full-length APC expressed in the APC +/+ mouse was co-immunoprecipitated with AMPA-R and PSD-95. In contrast, APC1638T expressed in the APC 1638T/1638T mouse was not co-immunoprecipitated with AMPA-R and PSD-95. In the hippocampal CA1 region of the APC 1638T/1638T mouse, c-Fos expression after electric foot shock was decreased compared with the APC +/+ mouse. The present study showed some abnormalities on morphology of the hippocampus caused by a truncated APC (APC1638T). Also, our findings suggest that failure in APC binding to AMPA-R and PSD-95 may bring about less activities of hippocampal neurons in the APC 1638T/1638T mouse.

PubMed, 2022
The 21st International Conference on HIV/AIDS and STI's in Africa (ICASA) was successfully held f... more The 21st International Conference on HIV/AIDS and STI's in Africa (ICASA) was successfully held from the 6th to 11t h December 2021 in Durban, South Africa. Little did we know at the time of planning that COVID-19 could become such a formidable force in eroding the progress made to bring lifesaving therapies among vulnerable communities in Africa. The conference also highlighted Africa's openness to the world, also shown in the way South Africa shared data on its discovery of the Omicron variant. Arguably the most important of lessons is that integrated HIV/TB services have become a platform on which to provide other services. We also saw how HIV and TB services were used as leverage for COVID-19 services. Much was also discussed about the need to adopt more self-care approaches, as was demonstrated with the increased use of self-testing technologies for HIV, and potentially other health needs. It's clear that Africa needs to increase its capacity to support and enable innovation, particularly in the design and manufacturing of new technologies including diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Feb 1, 2019
![Research paper thumbnail of [Association between depression and viral load in people on antiretroviral treatment followed at the Yaoundé Central Hospital in Cameroon]](
PubMed, 2022
Introduction: depression may be associated with poor immune and virological response, poor qualit... more Introduction: depression may be associated with poor immune and virological response, poor quality of life and high medical costs in people living with HIV. The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between depression and viral load in people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment followed at the Yaounde Central Hospital. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study of people living with HIV who had their viral load results at the Central Hospital of Yaounde over 8 months (November 2019 to July 2020). Before starting the study, informed consent was obtained from each participant. Sociodemographic, clinical, paraclinical and lifestyle data were collected. Depression was assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale (HAD). Consecutive and non-probability sampling was used. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software version 23.0. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: of the 205 participants enrolled, female sex was the most represented (n=153, 74.6%) and the mean age was 46.5 ± 1.8 years. All participants had clinical stage I HIV and most of them had undetectable viral load (n=164, 80.0%). Definite depression was found in 4.8% of cases and people living with HIV with symptoms of definite depression were more likely to have a high viral load (OR = 14.24 [3.61-56.14]; p = <0.001). Conclusion: depression could be a leading cause of high viral load.

Nigerian medical journal : journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 2019
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has become the leading cause of death among adolescent... more Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has become the leading cause of death among adolescents (aged 10–19) in sub-Saharan Africa. Less than 20% of African adolescents know their human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, whereas HIV testing remains the gateway to care. To end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS target, it is necessary to introduce scalable HIV testing strategies specific to different settings such as age groups, populations, and geographical areas. Demonstrated evidence on HIV self-testing (HIVST) in sub-Saharan Africa settings is reported, including data among adolescents. The All In initiative, which is the current international platform for the fight against HIV in adolescents is a good opportunity to address the challenge of HIV testing, including HIVST. Adapted strategies of HIVST such as (i) implementation of several listening and recreation centers for adolescents, (ii) door-to-door HIVST approach, and (iii) reducing the age of consent is urgently needed to promote HIV testing among adolescents living in Africa.
AIDS, 2004
Brief acts of unprotected anal sex (i.e. 'dipping') have not been systematically measured in AIDS... more Brief acts of unprotected anal sex (i.e. 'dipping') have not been systematically measured in AIDS research. Eleven per cent of HIV-positive men who reported that they had not engaged in any unprotected insertive anal intercourse with an

BMC Health Services Research, Oct 1, 2013
Background: Field and community evaluation of the routine usage of CD4 T counting platforms is es... more Background: Field and community evaluation of the routine usage of CD4 T counting platforms is essential in resource-poor countries for efficient and cost-effective monitoring of HIV-infected adults and children attending health care centers. Methods: We herein addressed the principal issues raised by the implementation of the single-platform, volumetric Auto40 flow cytometer (Apogee Flow Systems Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, UK) in 8 community HIV monitoring laboratories of different levels throughout Chad. This is a country with particularly difficult conditions, both in terms of climate and vast geographical territory, making the decentralization of the therapeutic management of HIVinfected patients challenging. Results: The routine usage of the Auto40 flow cytometers for a period of 5 years (2008-2013) confirms the reliability and robustness of the analyzer for community-based CD4 T cell enumeration in terms of both absolute numbers and percentages to enable accurate monitoring of HIV-infected adults and children. However, our observations suggest that the Auto40 mini flow cytometer is not suitable for all laboratories as it is oversized and ultimately very expensive. Conclusion: The Chad experience with the Auto40 flow cytometer suggests that its usage in resource-limited settings should be mainly reserved to reference (level 1) or district (level 2) laboratories, rather than to laboratories of health care centres (level 3).

International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Apr 1, 2014
Background: On annual report of District surveillance data having high measles burden by the year... more Background: On annual report of District surveillance data having high measles burden by the year 2012. Epidemic Investigation Cell of Directorate General Health Hyderabad shared the report to EPI Sindh and make recommendations for future strategies. Methods & Materials: 1 st January 2012 to 31 st December 2012 available surveillance data sets and clinical notes were analyzed. WHO case definitions for measles followed any person in whom a clinician suspects measles infection or any person with fever and maculopapular rash and cough, coryza or conjunctivitis while Presence of measles-specific IgM antibodies are laboratory confirmed. Results: Out of a total 738 cases out of them 274 cases were laboratory confirmed. Male were 51% while Female were 49% and the ages were varies between 05 months to 264 months and the mean age of cases was 3.2 years. 70% cases were either unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated. Twenty four deaths (Case Fatality Rate = 3%) reported due to post measles complications including 317 pneumonia and 64 encephalitis. 187 (25%) cases were hospitalized. The trend shows that the peak number of reported cases was reached in December (n = 144). The highest number of cases were reported from Larkana taluka which accounted for 59% of cases (n = 437). Conclusion: District has poor routine measles immunization coverage, we recommended to conduct supplementary immunization activities throughout the district and permanent involvement of lady health workers program in routine immunization.
Papers by François-Xavier Mbopi-Kéou