Papers by Florbela Fernandes
Communications in computer and information science, 2022
A inversão dos fracos resultados que se verificam na aquisição de competências na educação cientí... more A inversão dos fracos resultados que se verificam na aquisição de competências na educação científica de base constitui uma das prioridades da política europeia para a educação, tendo sido identificadas duas dificuldades fundamentais: a atitude passiva dos estudantes face às questões que lhes são colocadas, bem como a desatualização dos métodos de ensino convencionais, ainda em vigor na maior parte das instituições e em todos os níveis de ensino. O projeto E-Learning From Nature, que conta com oito parceiros de sete países diferentes, destina-se a alunos do ensino secundário e professores de áreas científicas e tem como objetivo motivar os alunos para a aprendizagem das ciências, disponibilizando-lhes materiais didáticos multimédia relacionados com as atividades curriculares e recorrendo a uma abordagem prática dos conteúdos, baseada na resolução de problemas em contexto real, com recurso ao ambiente envolvente. No âmbito do projeto, foi criada uma rede transnacional de professores ...
A integração das pessoas com deficiência visual no mercado de trabalho e nos outros aspetos da vi... more A integração das pessoas com deficiência visual no mercado de trabalho e nos outros aspetos da vida em sociedade enfrenta obstáculos físicos e culturais que impedem a sua plena inclusão [1, 2]. O presente trabalho visa a inclusão de deficientes visuais em atividades lúdico-pedagógicas e o seu objetivo é adaptar um jogo de cartas concebido e desenvolvido no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), o Eurekit. O Eurekit é jogado por dois ou mais jogadores e está organizado em 4 níveis de dificuldade. O jogo destina-se a pessoas com idade superior a 5 anos, os números e as cores dispostos nas cartas têm o intuito de familiarizar e estimular o raciocínio das crianças ajudando no processo de aprendizagem. O jogo Eurekit adaptado tem o intuito de promover a aprendizagem da mesma maneira que o jogo tradicional o faz, utilizando técnicas recentes para o ensino de invisuais. Os números são inseridos nas cartas em alto relevo e as cores são representadas através de figuras geométricas conhecid...
A prestação de serviços de cuidados de saúde ao domicílio está a tornar-se uma importante área de... more A prestação de serviços de cuidados de saúde ao domicílio está a tornar-se uma importante área de investigação, principalmente porque, em Portugal, a população está envelhecida e é necessário providenciar serviços domiciliários apropriados e em tempo útil. As visitas domiciliárias são organizadas tendo em consideração os tratamentos médicos e o apoio geral que as pessoas idosas/doentes necessitam, as suas localizações, e claro, os recursos existentes nas Unidades de Saúde que praticam estes serviços (desde carros a enfermeiros envolvidos).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
SASYR, the first Symposium of Applied Science for Young Researchers, welcomes works from young re... more SASYR, the first Symposium of Applied Science for Young Researchers, welcomes works from young researchers (master students) covering any aspect of all the scientific areas of the three research centres ADiT-lab (IPVC, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo), 2Ai (IPCA, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave) and CeDRI (IPB, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança). The main objective of SASYR is to provide a friendly and relaxed environment for young researchers to present their work, to discuss recent results and to develop new ideas. In this way, it will provide an opportunity to the ADiT-lab, 2Ai and CeDRI research communities to gather synergies and indicate possible paths for future joint work. We invite you to join SASYR on 7 July and to share your research! The SASYR 2021 Organizing Committee,
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS), 2020
Industry 4.0 is promoting the digitisation of manufacturing sector towards smart and more efficie... more Industry 4.0 is promoting the digitisation of manufacturing sector towards smart and more efficient factories, seen worldwide as the fourth industrial revolution. However, its complete adoption strongly depends on the skills that existing workforce and future professionals can have in the different dimensions of this multidisciplinary vision, contributing to increase the digital maturity level of companies from the industrial sector. Additionally, new job profiles are emerging to face the implementation of these innovative approaches, which implies the need for the re-qualification and up-skilling of existing workforce, particularly focusing the digital skills. In this context, this paper analyses the gap and impact in the non-technical and technical skills required for the successful transition into digitisation, particularly across six manufacturing areas covering the collaborative robotics (cobots), additive manufacturing, mechatronics and machine automation, data analytics, cybersecurity and humanmachine interface.
2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2021
Industry 4.0 is promoting the digitisation of manufacturing sectors towards smart products, machi... more Industry 4.0 is promoting the digitisation of manufacturing sectors towards smart products, machines, processes and factories. The adoption of disruptive technologies associated to this industrial revolution is re-shaping the manufacturing environment, decreasing low-skilled activities and increasing high-skill activities. These technological trends are affecting the job profiles and the skills required by the workforce, which demand proper training programs to address upskilling and reskilling needs. Having this in mind, this work proposes a model that contributes to understand how technological trends may impact the new job profiles and relevant skills, as well as how these skills may be upskilled by the workforce through available training programs according to their gaps and impact. The applicability of the proposed model was illustrated by considering two trends, the connectivity and the value of the data, and a catalogue of compiled new job profiles and training programs.
A multistart technique coupled with a derivative-free lter local search algorithm for locating al... more A multistart technique coupled with a derivative-free lter local search algorithm for locating all the optimal solutions of a nonconvex constrained optimization is presented. To reach a fast convergence to the optimal solutions, the local search procedure is based on descent directions. The lter-set concept is introduced to handle the constraints of the problem. The generated direction vector is descent for the objective function if the sample point is feasible; otherwise, it is descent for the constraint violation. Numerical experiments with benchmark problems are reported and a comparison with other stochastic methods is included
The variety of useful technologies available for educational purposes is increasing and scientifi... more The variety of useful technologies available for educational purposes is increasing and scientific studies confirm the usefulness of these resources. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of formal qualification in digital skills within faculty training. Up to now, higher education institutions (HEI) over Europe are expected to take into account innovative technologies and scenarios such as Open Educational Resources (OER) or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). The main goal of MathE - Improve Math skills in Higher Education is to encourage training and exchange in order to enhance the quality of teaching and, in particular, to support the use of digital technologies and online transmission to improve pedagogies and assessment methods; MathE also aims to set up transnational teacher training courses and strengthen cooperation between teacher training institutions. The specific objectives of MathE are: to facilitate the identification of students’ gaps in the knowledge of maths in orde...
Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology, 2019
Higher education students of scientific subjects often lack the basic mathematical skills to foll... more Higher education students of scientific subjects often lack the basic mathematical skills to follow lectures and make the most of the lecturer's teachings. It is necessary to identify the gaps in each students' understanding of the concepts and offer teachers adequate resources to motivate and provide their students the skills and competences they miss. The main goal of MathE-Improve Maths Skills in Higher Education is to encourage training and exchange in order to enhance and strengthen the quality of teaching and to support the use of digital and online technologies to improve pedagogies and assessment methods. MathE also aims to set up transnational teacher training courses and strengthen cooperation between universities that already offer such courses.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2020
Nonlinear programming problems appear frequently in industrial/real problems. It is important to ... more Nonlinear programming problems appear frequently in industrial/real problems. It is important to obtain its solution in the lowest time possible, since the company could benefit from this. Taking this into account, a derivative free method (MCSFilter method) is addressed with a different strategy to generate the initial points to start each local search. The idea is to spread more the points so that the code execution will require a shortest amount of time when compared with the MCSFilter method execution. Some experiments were performed with simple bounds problems, equality and inequality constraint problems, chosen from a set of well known nonlinear problems. The results obtained were encouraging and with the new strategy the method needs less time to obtain the global solution.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017, 2017
The provision of home health care services is becoming an important research area, mainly because... more The provision of home health care services is becoming an important research area, mainly because in Portugal the population is ageing. Home care visits are organized taking into account the medical treatments and general support that elder/sick people need at home. This health service can be provided by nurse teams from Health Care Centers. Usually, the visits are manually planned and without computer support. The main goal of this work is to carry out the automatic schedule of home care visits, of one Portuguese Health Care Center, in order to minimize the time spent in all home care visits and, consequently, reduce the costs involved. The developed algorithms were coded in MatLab Software and the problem was efficiently solved, obtaining several schedule solutions of home care visits for the presented data. Solutions found by genetic and particle swarm algorithms lead to significant time reductions for both nurse teams and patients.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018, 2018
This paper aims to illustrate the application of a derivativefree multistart algorithm with coord... more This paper aims to illustrate the application of a derivativefree multistart algorithm with coordinate search filter, designated as the MCSFilter algorithm. The problem used in this study is the parameter estimation problem of the kinetic α-pinene isomerization model. This is a well known nonlinear optimization problem (NLP) that has been investigated as a case study for performance testing of most derivative based methods proposed in the literature. Since the MCSFilter algorithm features a stochastic component, it was run ten times to solve the NLP problem. The optimization problem was successfully solved in all the runs and the optimal solution demonstrates that in all runs the MCSFilter provides a good quality solution.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Papers by Florbela Fernandes