Papers by Firdastin Ruthnia Yudiningrum
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Digital activities dominate the acquisition, dissemination, and reproduction of information, caus... more Digital activities dominate the acquisition, dissemination, and reproduction of information, causing the rise of hoax information due to the lack of digital literacy and wise use of the internet. One of the steps is through Digital Literacy, one of which is on PKK cadres. They have an important role in the family and community as influential agents to spread digital literacy in the family and surrounding community. Through a service learning approach, with five stages of social planning, namely problem identification, goal setting, program planning, program implementation and program evaluation. The results of assistance through UNS cooperation in collaboration with SEAN International Deakin University Australia to PKK cadres in Pucangan Kartasura village, Sukoharjo, Central Java. The results of this community partnership program show a significant positive impact on the PKK mothers' knowledge and skills in managing information from digital sources. Improved digital literacy ski...
One of basic in children right is right to develop better their self in life. They have right to ... more One of basic in children right is right to develop better their self in life. They have right to access technology in their life. They also have optimal attention from their parent and society until certain stage when they connect the technology so that they get good access and effect from it. So studying communication technology is very important especially cybermedia in special to study cyberpsychology. Cyberpsychology is one of psychology which it has attention to study psychologis and attitude of human as effect from techonology using in the life. The paper try to analysis position of cyberpsychology in correlation with effect of electronic communication technology to children development in their life. Key word : electronic communication technology, effect, cyberpsychology
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mengkaji : pertama, sejauh mana kompetisi antara Pamira F... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan mengkaji : pertama, sejauh mana kompetisi antara Pamira FM, Yasika FM, dan Suara Kudus FM dalam penyiaran MPI, iklan, dan khalayak pendengar bulan November 2009. Kedua, ketergantungan (Niche Breadth) Pamira FM, Yasika FM, dan Suara Kudus FM terhadap sumber penunjang kehidupan mereka yaitu penyiaran MPI, iklan, dan khalayak pendengar bulan November 2009. Ketiga, ketumpangtindihan (Niche Overlap) antara Pamira FM, Yasika FM, dan Suara Kudus FM dalam menyiarkan MPI, iklan, dan khalayak pendengar bulan November 2009. Untuk mengetahui tentang gambaran ragam isi penyiaran MPI, iklan, dan khalayak pendengar maka digunakan metode analisis isi. Dengan metode ini akan dihitung frekuensi pemunculan penyiaran MPI, iklan, dan khalayak pendengar menurut kategori tema lagu, jenis musik, bentuk penyajian, dan waktu penyiaran, frekuensi pemunculan penyiaran iklan berdasarkan kategori jenis iklan, bentuk penyajian, dan waktu penyiaran, sedangkan frekuensi khala...
The existence of new media, especially the internet and social media, has a broad impact on the l... more The existence of new media, especially the internet and social media, has a broad impact on the life of the human civilization, including the world of the mass media industry. The internet and social media are seen as having significant urgency because their influences on contemporary journalism practices in terms of perception, agenda setting, agenda framing, reporting practices, production and news publication. This study examines the perception of journalists in Surakarta City regarding the urgency of the internet and social media for contemporary journalism practices. This research used a qualitative method in which data were collected through interviews and documentation. The results found that (1) new media as something inevitable for the world of the press; (2) new media as modern technology has a positive impact on the world of the press; (3) new media as modern technology has a negative impact on the world of the press.
Jurnal Penamas Adi Buana, Jan 28, 2023
Saat ini hoaks telah menjadi masalah bagi kebanyakan negara terutama para netizen yang akrab deng... more Saat ini hoaks telah menjadi masalah bagi kebanyakan negara terutama para netizen yang akrab dengan media sosial atau dunia internet. Hoaks adalah sejenis informasi bohong atau tidak benar mengenai sesuatu hal yang dibuat secara sengaja oleh pihak tertentu. Tujuannya bervariasi dari sekadar iseng hingga kebencian pada pihak lain. Belakangan ini hoaks menjadi fenomena tersendiri karena mewabah di seluruh dunia terutama sejak kehadiran media social. Di Indonesia, hoaks merupakan salah satu masalah serius terutama hoaks terkait isu suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan (SARA). Hoaks meningkat terutama menjelang pesta demokrasi. Artikel ini menganalisis mengenai rubrikasi anti hoaks yang dimiliki oleh sebagai salah satu pers online nasional. Dari hasil analisis dengan perspektif teori kekayaan media ditemukan bahwa dalam beberapa aspek telah memenuhi prasyarat kekayaan media namun di sisi lain masih terdapat aspek-aspek yang belum dipenuhi.
Ekobis Abdimas : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kewirausahaan masyarakat memerlukan banyak dukungan dari institusi perguruan tinggi. Salah satuny... more Kewirausahaan masyarakat memerlukan banyak dukungan dari institusi perguruan tinggi. Salah satunya adalah transfer pengetahuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Ponggok. Kegiatan pengabdian ini melatih mitra untuk dapat menerapkan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu dalam usaha olahan ikan. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah mitra menyadari pentingnya mengimplementasikan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu yang mana dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan meningkatkan kualitas usaha mereka.
In late 2020, the Indonesian government has decided to ban the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and ... more In late 2020, the Indonesian government has decided to ban the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and its activities. The ban was based on a joint decree (SKB) issued by six officials, i.e.: Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Legal Affairs and Human Rights. Minister of Communications and Informatics, Attorney General, Indonesian National Police Chief, and National Counterterrorism Agency Head. The ban has caught the attention of Indonesian people, including being the subject of news in various media, i.e.: print, electronic and online. This research aims to examine the news coverage of the FPI ban in the selected Indonesian print media. This research used the qualitative content analysis method. The results found that there were some differences between the selected Indonesian print media in their news coverage practices.
Through the study of the document as a qualitative approach, this study aims to determine how the... more Through the study of the document as a qualitative approach, this study aims to determine how the film plays the propaganda functions from time to time, particularly from the colonial era to the New Order and know the purpose of propaganda was made.The results of this study found that the film is not a neutral medium but rather depends on the maker who uses a particular viewpoint of recording reality through the medium of film. This perspective can be injected, taped and constructed into a film in which the context is propaganda. Another fundamental findings of this study are: First, the existence of a close relationship in which the rulers (government) response to be the medium of film as a tool of propaganda with the intent and purpose of the authorities want. So it can be said that propaganda is a conscious, systematic, planned and aimed at concrete. Second, the meaning of propaganda emerging trend is always related to the purpose of the establishment the good and great “image” o...
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), 2021
Upaya pemulihan perekonomian di sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif terlebih pada pelaku usaha ... more Upaya pemulihan perekonomian di sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif terlebih pada pelaku usaha Desa Wisata akibat dari pandemi covid-19, menjadi salah satu perhatian dari Menteri Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (PDTT) untuk meningkatkan revitalisasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes). Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan yaitu dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diharap dapat menghasilkan luaran yang akan bermanfaat bagi mitra berupa Teknologi Tepat Guna. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu pendampingan dan pelatihan untuk menganalisis dan memberikan solusi dalam komunikasi pemasaran digital sebagai strategi untuk membantu mengatasi dampak pandemi yang terjadi di Desa Wisata Tanjung sebagai rintisan destinasi wisata payung muto di kecamatan Juwiring, Kabupaten Klaten.
In cultural communication through traditional media such as ritual ceremony Mahesha Lawung there ... more In cultural communication through traditional media such as ritual ceremony Mahesha Lawung there some form of Javanese culture that is communicated as a form of cultural ideas, ideas and values , as a form of activity and a form of cultural behavior pattern of physical or material culture. The third manifestation of this culture are not separate communicated with one another, so that the symbol may contain more than one culture. Keywords: communication culture, traditional media and cultural manifestation Abstrak Dalam komunikasi budaya melalui media tradisional berupa upcara ritual Mahesa Lawung terdapat beberapa wujud budaya Jawa yang dikomunikasikan yaitu wujud budaya sebagai ide-ide, gagasan dan nilai-nilai, wujud sebagai aktivitas kelakuan berpola dan wujud budaya fisik atau budaya material. Ketiga wujud budaya ini dikomunikasikan secara bersama tidak terpisah satu dengan lainnya, sehingga satu simbol boleh jadi mengandung lebih dari satu budaya. Kata kunci: komunikasi budaya, ...
Di Indonesia, dari waktu ke waktu mengalami peningkatan jumlah persebaran hoaks (hoax). Faktor ut... more Di Indonesia, dari waktu ke waktu mengalami peningkatan jumlah persebaran hoaks (hoax). Faktor utama terjadinya fenomena itu adalah adanya kesenjangan antara teknis penggunaan teknologi media sosial dengan etika penggunaanya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa workshop penyuluhan mengenai pendidikan melek internet terutama dengan materi berupa edukasi tentang fenomena hoaks di kalangan mitra kegiatan yakni Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiyah (PRA) Klaseman, Gatak, Sukoharjo. Diharapkan mitra kegiatan bisa lebih memahami tentang pentingnya pendidikan melek internet sehingga dapat berhati-hati dan bijaksana dalam mengakses internet, khususnya media sosial. Kegiatan pengabdian tersebut dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2020, di Desa Klaseman, Gatak, Sukoharjo. Peserta yang hadir merupakan perwakilan dari para pengurus dan anggota dari PRA terkait. Jumlah tersebut terbatas mengingat kondisi COVID-19 sehingga protokol kesehatan harus diterapkan. Materi yang disampaikan sesuai denga...
KnE Social Sciences
Gafatar (Fajar Nusantara Movement), which was established in 2011, became controversial being acc... more Gafatar (Fajar Nusantara Movement), which was established in 2011, became controversial being accused of blasphemy, and treason agains the state in early 2016. The government then repatriated thousands of their followers from Mempawah, West Kalimantan. This paper examines how the media framed the controversy, and consequently shaped public opinion of the movement.
Social Values and Society
Located at the crossing road between West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia and Serawak Malaysia, ... more Located at the crossing road between West Kalimantan Province of Indonesia and Serawak Malaysia, Landak Regency has a strategic position in term of mobility of goods, services and people. This position is increasingly important when economic integration occurs through the ASEAN Economic Community. Information about ASEAN has become important regarding ASEAN Economic Community can open employment opportunities for ASEAN member countries. On the other hand, the using of social media tends to increase recently, especially for seeking information. This article is based on a research that addressed to analyze college students in using social media for seeking information about ASEAN and to identify their knowledge of ASEAN Economic Community. The subject of this research is students at the College of Education of Pamane Talino in Ngabang, Landak Regency. This research uses method descriptive quantitative with questioner as major instrument for collecting data. Data analysis is single tabulation with percentage to see the trends of social phenomena in using social media and seeking information of ASEAN. The research findings are firstly show that all students with various degrees of intensity are using social media for seeking information. Secondly, most students understand the meaning of ASEAN acronym and the name of its country members but they have a lack of knowledge of ASEAN Economic Community. It means that the students still have a limited awareness of ASEAN.
Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Iklim demokratisasi pascareformasi tahun 1998 kian menabalkan pers Indonesia pada posisi dan pera... more Iklim demokratisasi pascareformasi tahun 1998 kian menabalkan pers Indonesia pada posisi dan peran yang penting. Dalam posisi ini, kedudukan dan peran wartawan sebagai ujung tombak pers menjadi sangat menentukan. Wartawan dituntut mampu menghasilkan produk-produk jurnalistik yang menjadi katarsis informasi bagi masyarakat luas. Untuk itu optimalisasi penerapan standar kompetensi wartawan tak terelakkan. Hal ini sangat urgen untuk memandu para wartawan Indonesia dalam bekerja secara profesional baik menyangkut kompetensi kesadaran, kompetensi pengetahuan maupun kompetensi keterampilan. Optimalisasi penerapan standar kompetensi wartawan di Indonesia dapat ditempuh melalui: (1) optimalisasi pelatihan/kursus/workshop/ studi banding, (2) optimalisasi monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev), (3) optimalisasi pemberian penghargaan, (4) optimalisasi penerapan sanksi secara obyektif, selektif, bertahap, adil, prosedural dan edukatif, (5) optimalisasi kesejahteraan wartawan, (6) optimalisasi advokasi...
Papers by Firdastin Ruthnia Yudiningrum