Papers by Filiz Giorgetti
Ankara Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık eBooks, 2017
Routledge eBooks, Jun 26, 2020
This article focuses on the role the Dutch school for children with "learning and behavioural pro... more This article focuses on the role the Dutch school for children with "learning and behavioural problems" (LOM) has played in knowledge production about learning disabilities and in the development of academic study of special education between 1949 and 1985. LOMschooling grew rapidly during these years and attracted relatively many experts. In the selection and admission of LOM-children they had to be distinguished from normal, mentally def cient, and "very difcult" children. Around 1970 experts shifted their focus from the distinction between LOM-children and the latter to the dif erence between LOM-and mildly mentally retarded children, which turned out to be too small in the end to justify a separate school. The LOMschool's culture of knowledge production has stimulated both testing and the study of learning problems and their treatment. It functioned as a laboratory for the development of therapeutic treatment for learning disabilities. In particular, the systematic refection on the practice of remedial teaching was relevant in the development of child science.
History of Education, Oct 24, 2019
In the modern world, festivals and commemorative ceremonies, national pledges, songs are all used... more In the modern world, festivals and commemorative ceremonies, national pledges, songs are all used to help students connect to each other and their wider society, particularly to the nation state and its ideals. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how such rituals were used to different ends in terms of nationbuilding in the Republic of Turkey. The Western-oriented identity of the Turkish Republic began to take shape during the Ottoman era, and education played a very significant role in this. This paper first introduces the educational rituals of the Otoman state to set the scene for the main discussion, which centres on the development of new rituals in the Turkish Republic. Religious and sultanic rituals were replaced by new rituals which fostered Turkish identity and promoted secular nationhood. To this end, the most effective educational ritualsnational festivals, flagraising ceremonies and Turkey's student pledgeare examined in detail.
Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikalarını belgeler yoluyla inceleyerek analitik sonuçlar elde etmeyi ama... more Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikalarını belgeler yoluyla inceleyerek analitik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma yapılırken öncelikle bu dönemin Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi programları ve Hükümet programları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra döneme ait ve eğitim politikaları ile ilgili olabilecek mevzuat taranmış ve ilgili kanun, yönetmelik genelgeler belirlenmiştir. Bunların yanında, günlük gazeteler, meclis konuşmaları, bu konuda yazılmış kitap, araştırma-inceleme türü yayınlar da belge olarak kabul edilmiştir. Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikaları, Tek Partili Dönem ve Çok Partili Dönem olmak üzere iki temel süreçte ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra bu dönemde eğitimi etkileyen önemli akım ve olaylara değinilmiş, eğitim kurumları ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2011
The main purpose of this study is to determine whether school/student, classroom/student, teacher... more The main purpose of this study is to determine whether school/student, classroom/student, teacher/student ratio, and the Human Development Index (I.G.E.) rates by province predict a province's total 6th and 7th grade Elementary School Proficiency Exam (SBS) scores. To determine the relationships between the province's total 6th and 7th grade SBS scores and the predictor variables (school/student ratio by province; classroom/student ratio by province; teacher/student ratio by province; I.G.E. rates by province), multiple regression analysis was performed. The results show that in the order of importance; I.G.E. rates by province, teacher/student ratio by province, school/student ratio by province, and classroom/student ratio by province are able to predict province's total 6th and 7th grade SBS scores.
History of education review, Oct 14, 2009
Village Institutes were founded in Turkey in 1940 in order to educate village teachers. Graduates... more Village Institutes were founded in Turkey in 1940 in order to educate village teachers. Graduates of these Institutes were educated to guide peasants in agricultural and technological matters. Legitimising Kemalist ideology and supporting the single‐party system of the day were two of the roles undertaken by these Institutes. This article evaluates the nationalisation and modernisation process of Turkey in terms of Village Institutes by emphasising their dual educational and political roles. A second aim of the article is to analyse Village Institutes and similar educational movements in other countries in comparative perspective within the context of work‐based education. Consequently, the contribution of Village Institutes to pedagogy and its place in the history of education are examined. As a result of the research, it is contended that work school and production school movements in Village Institutes were part of one endeavour and that these Institutes were important examples of the new school movement that was based on contemporary principles of education in Turkey at the time.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2006
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Dec 22, 2021
In the 1930s, the primary schooling rate in Turkey was significantly low compared to the European... more In the 1930s, the primary schooling rate in Turkey was significantly low compared to the European states. Ninety percent of the population lived in villages without any schools and teachers. Therefore, promoting primary education was addressed as an issue concerning villages in Turkey. The seeds of the intellectual infrastructure in the emergence of institutes were sown at the beginning of the 20th century, during the Ottoman rule. To train teachers for villages, Village Teacher Training School [Köy Muallim Mektebi] was founded in 1927 and Village Instructor Training Course [Köy Eğitmen Kursu] in 1936. However, these initiatives were not sufficient in terms of quality and quantity. Village teacher training experiences, new education, and work school trends of Europe were analyzed by Turkish educators, opinions of foreign and Turkish experts were received, and the Village Institutes [Köy Enstitüleri] project was carried into effect based on the realities of Turkey. The first Village Institutes opened in 1937. They were established in a restricted area, with a limited budget, and a non-common curriculum until the Village Institute Law was promulgated in 1940. On April 17, 1940, the law prescribing their establishment was approved by the parliament. The number of the Village Institutes, which spread over the Turkish geography evenly, reached 21 by 1949. The period between 1940 and 1947 was when the Village Institutes were most productive. Learning by doing and principles of productive work were embraced at the Village Institutes. The curriculum consisted of three components: general culture, agriculture, and technical courses. In addition to their teaching duties, the primary school teachers that graduated from the Village Institutes undertook the mission of guiding villagers in agricultural and technical issues and having them adopt the nation-state ideology in villages. World balances changing after the Second World War also affected the Village Institutes. In 1946, the founding committee of the Village Institutes were accused of leftism and had to leave their offices for political reasons. After the founding committee stepped aside, the Village Institutes started to be criticized by being subjected to the conflict between left-wing and right-wing. Following the government changeover in 1950, radical changes regarding the curricula, students, and teachers of the institutes were made. Making the Village Institutes unique, the production- and work-oriented aspects were eliminated, and the institutes were closed down in 1954 and converted into Primary School Teacher Training Schools. Although the Village Institutes existed only between 1937 and 1954, their social, economic, and political effects were felt for a long time through the teachers, health officers, and inspectors they trained.
Hayef:journal of education, May 27, 2019
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, Prof. Dr. İrfan Erdoğan tarafından yazılan Cumhuriyetçi Muhafazakâr İsmai... more Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı, Prof. Dr. İrfan Erdoğan tarafından yazılan Cumhuriyetçi Muhafazakâr İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu: Bir Eğitim İnkılâpçısının Hayatı adlı biyografik romanı incelemektir. İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu günümüzde halen oldukça ilgi gösterilen, fikirleri üzerine tartışılan bir eğitimcidir. Ancak İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu ilk defa bir romanın konusu olmuştur. Prof. Dr. İrfan Erdoğan'ın eserinde İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu'nun doksan iki yıllık hayatı beş devre ayrılarak ele alınmıştır. Bu eserin incelenmesinde öncelikle eserin Türkiye'deki biyografik roman geleneğinde durduğu yer tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ardından eserin olay örgüsü ele alınarak içerik ve teması belirlenmiştir. Eser zaman mekân, gerçek kurgu ve roman karakterleriyle ilişkiler bağlamında analiz edilmiştir. Eserin içeriğini İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu'nun hayatı, genel temasını ise eğitime adanmışlığı oluşturmaktadır. Yazar, kişi ve kurumlardan bahsederken sıklıkla öğretici anlatım tekniğine başvurmuştur. Yazarın ilk edebi çalışması olan bu eser gerçekçi geleneğe uygun bir şekilde yazılmıştır. Eserde gerçek karakterler daha ön plandadır. Eser okuyucusunu Osmanlı ve Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi eğitim kurumları, eğitimcileri ile akıcı ve duru bir dil aracılığı ile tanıştırmıştır.
Paedagogica Historica, Mar 4, 2014
This study has two purposes: the first is to present the general condition of public education in... more This study has two purposes: the first is to present the general condition of public education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by showing the reformation process in educational institutes and teacher training, and the relationship between this process and the New Education movement in the Ottoman Empire; the second is to determine to what extent Mustafa Sati Bey, often referred to as the Pestalozzi of the Ottoman Empire, contributed to the New Education movement through the analysis of his opinions on education, and his attempts to open a New School. As a result of Mustafa Sati Bey’s analysis, New Education practices in the Ottoman Empire were stated to be practising a unilateral receiving-and-adapting procedure and the Ottoman Empire was positioned at the periphery in terms of the circulation of the movement. In his New School and in the Teacher Training School, Sati Bey was concerned with the New Education movement both on an administrative and operative level. However, his practice...
Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, Sep 1, 2008
Yaflad›¤› dönem ve fikirlerinin olgunlaflmas› itibar› ile ‹smay›l Hakk› Baltac›o¤lu Türk e¤itimin... more Yaflad›¤› dönem ve fikirlerinin olgunlaflmas› itibar› ile ‹smay›l Hakk› Baltac›o¤lu Türk e¤itiminin geliflimine ›fl›k tutan bir e¤itim bilimcidir. Bu anlamda konusu Türk e¤itim tarihi olan her çal›flman›n da tart›flmas›z temel konular›ndan biridir. Bu çal›fl-man›n amac›, ‹smay›l Hakk› Baltac›o¤lu'nun Türk e¤itim tarihindeki önemini vurgulamak ve e¤itim ile ilgili fikirlerini ortaya koymakt›r. Bu amaçla öncelikle çok yönlü bir kiflili¤e sahip olan Baltac›o¤lu'nun ö¤renim ve çal›flma hayat› ile ilgili bilgi verilecektir. Daha sonra e¤itim ile ilgili görüfllerini ortaya koymak için temel e¤itim eserleri olan Talim ve Terbiyede ‹nk›lâp, ‹çtimaî Mektep ve Pedagojide ‹htilâl adl› kitaplar› üzerinde durulacakt›r.
Journal of Social Science Education, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the socio-political rituals such as national fest... more The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the socio-political rituals such as national festivals and student pledges have changed in the Turkish Republic primary schools over the last twenty years. Method: The data used to achieve this purpose was collected from four different sources; the applicable legislation, statements of policymakers, teacher organizations and an interview with primary school class teachers. Findings: Developments in politics have affected both the daily life and the celebration of special occasions in primary schools considerably. Abolishing the Student Pledge which took place in 2013 can be regarded as the most important alteration in the everyday life of the school since the foundation of the Turkish Republic. The most significant change in the celebration of special occasions in primary schools was made in 2012, and was ostensibly to free the marking of these festivals from their militaristic framework. However, a knock-on effect of this change appeared to be a waning of enthusiasm for such festivals in general. After the failed coup attempt on 15th July 2016, Turkey announced the 15th July Democracy and National Unity Day. During the first week of the school year, activities are carried out for this day.
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt eBooks, Mar 1, 2021
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 8, 2012
Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikalarını belgeler yoluyla inceleyerek analitik sonuçlar elde etmeyi ama... more Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikalarını belgeler yoluyla inceleyerek analitik sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma yapılırken öncelikle bu dönemin Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi programları ve Hükümet programları incelenmiştir. Daha sonra döneme ait ve eğitim politikaları ile ilgili olabilecek mevzuat taranmış ve ilgili kanun, yönetmelik genelgeler belirlenmiştir. Bunların yanında, günlük gazeteler, meclis konuşmaları, bu konuda yazılmış kitap, araştırma-inceleme türü yayınlar da belge olarak kabul edilmiştir. Đnönü Dönemi eğitim politikaları, Tek Partili Dönem ve Çok Partili Dönem olmak üzere iki temel süreçte ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra bu dönemde eğitimi etkileyen önemli akım ve olaylara değinilmiş, eğitim kurumları ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir.
Bu arastirma; ilkogretim 8. sinif ogrencilerinin akademik basarilari ile algiladiklari okul ikli... more Bu arastirma; ilkogretim 8. sinif ogrencilerinin akademik basarilari ile algiladiklari okul iklimi arasinda anlamli bir iliskinin olup olmadigini incelemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini basit seckisiz ornekleme yontemiyle secilen 534 (%50,7) kiz ve 520 (%49,3) erkek olmak uzere toplam 1054 sekizinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmustur. Ogrencilerin akademik basarilari ile okul iklimi algilari arasinda anlamli bir iliski olup olmadigini anlamak icin pearson korelasyon analizi yapilmistir. Yapilan istatistiki analizlere gore okul ikliminin Destekleyici Ogretmen Davranislari ve Basari Odaklilik boyutlari ile akademik basari arasinda olumlu yonde guclu bir iliski oldugu bulunmustur. Okul ikliminin Guvenli Ogrenme Ortami ve Olumlu Akran Iletisimi boyutu ile akademik basari arasinda anlamli bir iliski bulunamamistir.
Hasan Âli Yucel Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 2004
Papers by Filiz Giorgetti