AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology, 2014
analyses the use of the two sources in 45 rural institutions in Southern Province, using data col... more analyses the use of the two sources in 45 rural institutions in Southern Province, using data collected through desk study and survey. The research reveals that these sources of energy are known in Rwanda, but very few rural institutions are equipped with such systems. Solar energy and biogas are used for lighting and cooking respectively. Their adoption is still government and NGOs driven. Institutions equipped with such systems experience lack of skilled technicians resulting in poor maintenance and malfunctioning. Lack of funds, little insight on the advantages of using the two sources of energy, and existing financial facilities set up by the government to promote their dissemination are major obstacles to their adoption. Therefore, departments in charge of energy should organise awareness campaign for heads of institutions to inform them on the advantages of using these energy sources. They should also set up and run specific training programmes to avail technicians capable of installing, operating and maintaining solar or biogas power systems.
It is widely believed that access to modern energy fosters economic and social development. Yet, ... more It is widely believed that access to modern energy fosters economic and social development. Yet, in many developing countries, especially in rural Sub-Saharan Africa, electrification rate is still very low as around ten percent of the population use electricity. In rural Rwanda, the electrification rate is even considerably lower despite the government’s effort to improve access to modern sources of energy. The present paper seeks to find out the main barriers to adoption of new energy solutions by end-users thanks to analysis of data collected through a survey conducted in all eight districts of the Southern Province of Rwanda. Respondents were selected randomly provided their dwellings were located in the immediate vicinity of low voltage line in rural area. Households in possession of biogas plants, solar photovoltaic systems, and improved stoves were also targeted. Despite the governments and its stakeholders’ effort to promote new sources of energy which are environment friendl...
In this paper we use the convection-diffusion equation to model the transport of pollutant materi... more In this paper we use the convection-diffusion equation to model the transport of pollutant material through the atmosphere. Such models have a wide range of applications such as predicting the environmental impact from new polluting industrial plants. In our study we solve the convection-diffusion equation in a two dimensional setting using the Crank-Nicholson method. For our application it is important that the numerical scheme be positive. The developed numerical model is used to predict the distribution of pollutant material for a few example scenarios. We also discuss the influence of external model parameters such as diffusion coefficient, drift velocity and chemical activity, on the results.
A shielded thermocouple is a measurement device used for monitoring the temperature in chemically... more A shielded thermocouple is a measurement device used for monitoring the temperature in chemically, or mechanically, hostile environments. The sensitive parts of the thermocouple are protected by a shielding layer. In this work we use numerical methods to study the accuracy and dynamic properties of a shielded thermocouple design. Also, we show that by formulating and solving an appropriate inverse problem, we can significantly reduce the errors in the measurement process.
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University, 2020
Аннотация. Цель статьи-оценить возможность определения массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) по измерению... more Аннотация. Цель статьи-оценить возможность определения массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) по измерению относительных характеристик вместо традиционного измерения энергетического спектра электронов (позитронов) в его конце. Процедура и методы исследования. Идея метода состоит в минимизации влияния плохо изученных структур ядер и нуклонов на измеряемые в экспериментах относительные величины, такие как поляризации и асимметрии частиц. Результаты исследования. Теоретически показана возможность проведения новых лабораторных экспериментов по определению величины массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) с помощью измерения асимметрий и поляризаций частиц вместо традиционного измерения энергетического спектра электронов (позитронов) в его конце. Такие эксперименты до сих пор не проводились. Теоретическая и практическая значимость. Результаты исследования помогут лучше понять основы физики нейтрино и слабых взаимодействий. Ключевые слова: нейтрино, антинейтрино, бета-распад, асимметрия, угловая корреляция, поляризация, масса частицы, ядерный матричный элемент
Цель работы-показать важность учёта магнитного взаимодействия для объяснения спектра масс элемент... more Цель работы-показать важность учёта магнитного взаимодействия для объяснения спектра масс элементарных частиц. Процедура и методы исследования. Исследование основано на идеях Барута о критическом влиянии магнитных сил для объяснения свойств сильного взаимодействия. Результаты исследования. Показано, что в рамках модели Барута этот подход даёт возможность рассматривать огромное количество элементарных частиц (около 400) как возбужденные состояния малого числа связанных фундаментальных частиц (e, p, v) за счёт магнитного взаимодействия. Теоретическая и практическая значимость. Результаты исследования могут внести заметный вклад в классическую теорию электромагнетизма, и предоставить возможность лучше понять основы квантовой механики. Ключевые слова: спектр масс, квантование масс, формула Барута, формула Коидэ, формула Варламова, аномальный и нормальный магнитные моменты частиц
An influence of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass on the characteristics of nuclei and neutron β-d... more An influence of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass on the characteristics of nuclei and neutron β-deca y is demonstr ated. It has been shown that meas uring relative character istics allows one to get rid of the unknown nuclear structure, which makes it possible to determine the magnitude of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass in the β-decay processes with greater accuracy. An analysis was carried out based on general theoretical formulas for differential probabilities of the β-decays of the free neutron and tritium nucleus. As a result, it was possible to obtain simple formulas from which a theoretical estimation for the neutrino (antineutrino) rest mass can be obtained.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The influence of various choices of dynamic variables in quantum theory on the interpretation of ... more The influence of various choices of dynamic variables in quantum theory on the interpretation of measurement results and experiments are discussed. Dynamic variables in the generally accepted quantum mechanics have no visual sense, which in turn leads to the loss of the image of the studied phenomena and processes of the microworld. Thus, quantum mechanics forces us to abandon the possibility of even mentally imagining the conditions that determine the behavior of an individual system in a quantum region. Also, various representations of the wave function and their use in solving dynamic equations are shown. By now, quantum mechanics is not a complete theory. It resembles classical (Newtonian) mechanics, which explains how movement occurs as a result of the action of certain forces, but does not say what kind of forces it is. Thus, before the advent of basic theories, the application of quantum mechanics to specific physical problems always implied the need to build certain guesses ...
An explicit non-relativistic mathematical analysis of a model proposed by Vigier to interpret (wi... more An explicit non-relativistic mathematical analysis of a model proposed by Vigier to interpret (within the present frame of quantum theory, i.e. in terms of spin-orbit and magnetic interactions appearing in dense media) excess heat observed in the so-called “cold fusion” phenomena based only on hydrogen is presented. The existence of new “tight” Bohr orbits is demonstrated in this case.
It is shown that the main conclusion of DragiC and MariC [Phys. Lett. A 229 (1997) 1301 about the... more It is shown that the main conclusion of DragiC and MariC [Phys. Lett. A 229 (1997) 1301 about the ground state of the hydrogen atom in the Barut-Vigier potential is based on the wrong use of the radial wave function which cannot be normalized.
International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 2010
The paper aims to study the behavior of a quantum mechanical system consisting of a planar wave g... more The paper aims to study the behavior of a quantum mechanical system consisting of a planar wave guide made of bismuth and bismuth - antimony alloys and located in a magnetic field up to 25 T. The electronic energy spectrum in crystals is quantized, and the ultra quantum limit is reached for magnetic field of about 2 T. The passage through the planar wave of a monochromatic infrared radiation with quantum energy of 119 meV results in electrons jumping to Landau levels located in the conduction band. The energy levels configuration allows for the spontaneous transitions of electrons from an upper highly populated Landau level to lower less populated Landau levels located in the conduction band. The energy gap between these levels correspond to a 4 – 10 THz frequency range. The magnetooptical oscillations have been observed in a broad band of temperatures from 80 to 280 K using crystals with antimony concentrations up to 20 atomic %. This happens because the electrons scattering proces...
AFRREV STECH: An International Journal of Science and Technology, 2014
analyses the use of the two sources in 45 rural institutions in Southern Province, using data col... more analyses the use of the two sources in 45 rural institutions in Southern Province, using data collected through desk study and survey. The research reveals that these sources of energy are known in Rwanda, but very few rural institutions are equipped with such systems. Solar energy and biogas are used for lighting and cooking respectively. Their adoption is still government and NGOs driven. Institutions equipped with such systems experience lack of skilled technicians resulting in poor maintenance and malfunctioning. Lack of funds, little insight on the advantages of using the two sources of energy, and existing financial facilities set up by the government to promote their dissemination are major obstacles to their adoption. Therefore, departments in charge of energy should organise awareness campaign for heads of institutions to inform them on the advantages of using these energy sources. They should also set up and run specific training programmes to avail technicians capable of installing, operating and maintaining solar or biogas power systems.
It is widely believed that access to modern energy fosters economic and social development. Yet, ... more It is widely believed that access to modern energy fosters economic and social development. Yet, in many developing countries, especially in rural Sub-Saharan Africa, electrification rate is still very low as around ten percent of the population use electricity. In rural Rwanda, the electrification rate is even considerably lower despite the government’s effort to improve access to modern sources of energy. The present paper seeks to find out the main barriers to adoption of new energy solutions by end-users thanks to analysis of data collected through a survey conducted in all eight districts of the Southern Province of Rwanda. Respondents were selected randomly provided their dwellings were located in the immediate vicinity of low voltage line in rural area. Households in possession of biogas plants, solar photovoltaic systems, and improved stoves were also targeted. Despite the governments and its stakeholders’ effort to promote new sources of energy which are environment friendl...
In this paper we use the convection-diffusion equation to model the transport of pollutant materi... more In this paper we use the convection-diffusion equation to model the transport of pollutant material through the atmosphere. Such models have a wide range of applications such as predicting the environmental impact from new polluting industrial plants. In our study we solve the convection-diffusion equation in a two dimensional setting using the Crank-Nicholson method. For our application it is important that the numerical scheme be positive. The developed numerical model is used to predict the distribution of pollutant material for a few example scenarios. We also discuss the influence of external model parameters such as diffusion coefficient, drift velocity and chemical activity, on the results.
A shielded thermocouple is a measurement device used for monitoring the temperature in chemically... more A shielded thermocouple is a measurement device used for monitoring the temperature in chemically, or mechanically, hostile environments. The sensitive parts of the thermocouple are protected by a shielding layer. In this work we use numerical methods to study the accuracy and dynamic properties of a shielded thermocouple design. Also, we show that by formulating and solving an appropriate inverse problem, we can significantly reduce the errors in the measurement process.
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University, 2020
Аннотация. Цель статьи-оценить возможность определения массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) по измерению... more Аннотация. Цель статьи-оценить возможность определения массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) по измерению относительных характеристик вместо традиционного измерения энергетического спектра электронов (позитронов) в его конце. Процедура и методы исследования. Идея метода состоит в минимизации влияния плохо изученных структур ядер и нуклонов на измеряемые в экспериментах относительные величины, такие как поляризации и асимметрии частиц. Результаты исследования. Теоретически показана возможность проведения новых лабораторных экспериментов по определению величины массы нейтрино (антинейтрино) с помощью измерения асимметрий и поляризаций частиц вместо традиционного измерения энергетического спектра электронов (позитронов) в его конце. Такие эксперименты до сих пор не проводились. Теоретическая и практическая значимость. Результаты исследования помогут лучше понять основы физики нейтрино и слабых взаимодействий. Ключевые слова: нейтрино, антинейтрино, бета-распад, асимметрия, угловая корреляция, поляризация, масса частицы, ядерный матричный элемент
Цель работы-показать важность учёта магнитного взаимодействия для объяснения спектра масс элемент... more Цель работы-показать важность учёта магнитного взаимодействия для объяснения спектра масс элементарных частиц. Процедура и методы исследования. Исследование основано на идеях Барута о критическом влиянии магнитных сил для объяснения свойств сильного взаимодействия. Результаты исследования. Показано, что в рамках модели Барута этот подход даёт возможность рассматривать огромное количество элементарных частиц (около 400) как возбужденные состояния малого числа связанных фундаментальных частиц (e, p, v) за счёт магнитного взаимодействия. Теоретическая и практическая значимость. Результаты исследования могут внести заметный вклад в классическую теорию электромагнетизма, и предоставить возможность лучше понять основы квантовой механики. Ключевые слова: спектр масс, квантование масс, формула Барута, формула Коидэ, формула Варламова, аномальный и нормальный магнитные моменты частиц
An influence of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass on the characteristics of nuclei and neutron β-d... more An influence of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass on the characteristics of nuclei and neutron β-deca y is demonstr ated. It has been shown that meas uring relative character istics allows one to get rid of the unknown nuclear structure, which makes it possible to determine the magnitude of the neutrino (antineutrino) mass in the β-decay processes with greater accuracy. An analysis was carried out based on general theoretical formulas for differential probabilities of the β-decays of the free neutron and tritium nucleus. As a result, it was possible to obtain simple formulas from which a theoretical estimation for the neutrino (antineutrino) rest mass can be obtained.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The influence of various choices of dynamic variables in quantum theory on the interpretation of ... more The influence of various choices of dynamic variables in quantum theory on the interpretation of measurement results and experiments are discussed. Dynamic variables in the generally accepted quantum mechanics have no visual sense, which in turn leads to the loss of the image of the studied phenomena and processes of the microworld. Thus, quantum mechanics forces us to abandon the possibility of even mentally imagining the conditions that determine the behavior of an individual system in a quantum region. Also, various representations of the wave function and their use in solving dynamic equations are shown. By now, quantum mechanics is not a complete theory. It resembles classical (Newtonian) mechanics, which explains how movement occurs as a result of the action of certain forces, but does not say what kind of forces it is. Thus, before the advent of basic theories, the application of quantum mechanics to specific physical problems always implied the need to build certain guesses ...
An explicit non-relativistic mathematical analysis of a model proposed by Vigier to interpret (wi... more An explicit non-relativistic mathematical analysis of a model proposed by Vigier to interpret (within the present frame of quantum theory, i.e. in terms of spin-orbit and magnetic interactions appearing in dense media) excess heat observed in the so-called “cold fusion” phenomena based only on hydrogen is presented. The existence of new “tight” Bohr orbits is demonstrated in this case.
It is shown that the main conclusion of DragiC and MariC [Phys. Lett. A 229 (1997) 1301 about the... more It is shown that the main conclusion of DragiC and MariC [Phys. Lett. A 229 (1997) 1301 about the ground state of the hydrogen atom in the Barut-Vigier potential is based on the wrong use of the radial wave function which cannot be normalized.
International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 2010
The paper aims to study the behavior of a quantum mechanical system consisting of a planar wave g... more The paper aims to study the behavior of a quantum mechanical system consisting of a planar wave guide made of bismuth and bismuth - antimony alloys and located in a magnetic field up to 25 T. The electronic energy spectrum in crystals is quantized, and the ultra quantum limit is reached for magnetic field of about 2 T. The passage through the planar wave of a monochromatic infrared radiation with quantum energy of 119 meV results in electrons jumping to Landau levels located in the conduction band. The energy levels configuration allows for the spontaneous transitions of electrons from an upper highly populated Landau level to lower less populated Landau levels located in the conduction band. The energy gap between these levels correspond to a 4 – 10 THz frequency range. The magnetooptical oscillations have been observed in a broad band of temperatures from 80 to 280 K using crystals with antimony concentrations up to 20 atomic %. This happens because the electrons scattering proces...
Papers by Fidele Ndahayo