Papers by Ferry Rusgiyarto
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik
Kecelakaan lalu lintas tidak hanya menimbulkan kerugian materi akan tetapi mengakibatkan kehilang... more Kecelakaan lalu lintas tidak hanya menimbulkan kerugian materi akan tetapi mengakibatkan kehilangan sumber daya manusia yang sangat tinggi. Ruas jalan tol Cipularang memiliki lokasi rawan kecelakaan (blackspot) yang banyak sehingga mengakibatkan menurunnya kinerja ruas jalan tol tersebut. Pendekatan analisis data kecelakaan dengan analisis pembobotan Korlantas yaitu memprediksi lokasi blackspot berdasarkan tingkat fatalitas korban kecelakaan di ruas jalan. Berdasarkan analisis pembobotan Korlantas tingginya angka kecelakaan berada di lokasi KM 91-93. Aspek yang ditinjau dalam mengevaluasi daerah blackspot meliputi volume lalu lintas, kecepatan operasional, geometrik, dan perlengkapan jalan. Waktu kejadian kecelakaan pada pukul 00.00-06.00 dengan persentase rata-rata 43%, tipe tabrakan didominasi oleh kecelakaan sendiri dengan persentase rata-rata 37%, berdasarkan faktor penyebab kecelakaan adalah kurang antisipasinya pengemudi dengan persentase rata-rata 48%. Kecelakaan yang sering ...
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik
Angkutan kota merupakan sarana transportasi yang paling penting dalam penunjang mobilitas pendudu... more Angkutan kota merupakan sarana transportasi yang paling penting dalam penunjang mobilitas penduduk terutama untuk penggunaan jasa angkutan. Angkutan kota ini pada setiap harinya selalu mengangkut penumpang terutama pada jam-jam sibuk yaitu pada pagi dan sore hari. Untuk dapat menyediakan pelayanan angkutan kota yang efektif dan efisien maka diperlukan perencanaan operasional pelayanan angkutan kota dengan sebaik mungkin, oleh karena itu maka diperlukan adanya evaluasi mengenai jaringan angkutan kota untuk mengetahui apakah karakterisrtik pelayanan angkutan kota serta daerah pelayanan yang terlayani sudah memenuhi syarat yang diijinkan. Angkutan kota merupakan sarana transportasi yang paling penting dalam penunjang mobilitas penduduk terutama untuk penggunaan jasa angkutan. Angkutan kota ini pada setiap harinya selalu mengangkut penumpang terutama pada jam-jam sibuk yaitu pada pagi dan sore hari. Untuk dapat menyediakan pelayanan angkutan kota yang efektif dan efisien maka diperlukan...
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik, 2012
Zona Selamat Sekolah merupakan salah satu langkah untuk memperlambat lalu lintas, khususnya di se... more Zona Selamat Sekolah merupakan salah satu langkah untuk memperlambat lalu lintas, khususnya di sekolah yang berada pada jalan yang mempunyai arus lalu lintas yang sangat padat. Penggunaan rekayasa lalu lintas seperti rambu lalu lintas dan marka jalan serta pembatasan kecepatan bertujuan meningkatkan perhatian pengemudi terhadap penurunan batas kecepatan di zona selamat sekolah serta memberikan rasa aman kepada para murid yang akan menyeberang di jalan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik arus lalu lintas, perilaku pengguna jalan dan kondisi rambu serta marka di lokasi Zona Selamat Sekolah pada ruas jalan AH. Nasution tepatnya di depan SDN Cikadut.Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang meliputi volume lalu lintas, waktu tempuh, hambatan samping, perilaku pengguna jalan, geometrik jalan dan lingkungan. Data tersebut dianalisis untuk mencari volume, kecepatan sesaat sebelum dan saat di ZoSS, kapasitas dan derajat kejenuhan yang mengacu pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997.Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditinjau dari kondisi kelengkapan dan ukuran ZoSS belum sesuai dengan ketentuan. Sebagian rambu ada yang terhalang pohon dan dipasang hanya pada satu sisi saja. Perilaku penyeberang belum memenuhi prosedur penggunaan ZoSS karena salah satu prosedur menyeberang yaitu prosedur 4T tidak dilakukan dengan benar.Kecepatan sesaat dan perilaku pengemudi belum sesuai karena sebagian besar pengemudi tidak mengurangi kecepatan kendaraan saat melewati ZoSS dan tidak memberikan hak jalan pada para penyeberang. Pengemudi sepeda motor sebanyak 96% dan kendaraan ringan 91% cenderung mengabaikan hak penyeberang jalan, hanya sekitar 46% yang menurunkan kecepatan dan 38% yang mematuhi batas kecepatan maksimum < 25km/jam.Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Zona Selamat Sekolah pada ruas jalan AH.Nasution kurang efektif. Hal ini terindikasikan dari perilaku para pengemudi yang mengabaikan hak penyeberang jalan, kemungkinan besar hal ini terjadi karena para pengemudi tidak memahami Zona Selamat Sekolah
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik, Nov 30, 2011
Keselamatan lalulintas di jalan raya merupakan masalah yang kompleks yang melibatkan perilaku pen... more Keselamatan lalulintas di jalan raya merupakan masalah yang kompleks yang melibatkan perilaku pengemudi, kondisi mengemudi, karakteristik kendaraan, dan fitur jalan raya. Kecelakaan lalulintas dapat dikurangi dengan program keselamatan, sebagai upaya untuk menangani kecelakaan lalu lintas tersebut. Penyusunan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi keparahan dan frekuensi kecelakaan di jalan. Suatu pengamatan dilakukan di area black spot Cibeet sta 0+150, yang terletak di Kecamatan Cikalong Kulon Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Lokasi ini merupakan suatu lokasi rawan kecelakaan, yang perlu mendapat prioritas untuk diperbaiki berdasarkan analisis terhadap data kecelakaan lalulintas yang ada. Perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan meliputi pemasangan rambu —rambu lalulintas yang lebih baik, pemasangan marka jalan, pemasangan pagar, memperbaiki kondisi geometrik jalan, dan penerangan jalan
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi, 2018
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi, 2018
Increasing container flows and lack of land development for the container terminal, cause yard su... more Increasing container flows and lack of land development for the container terminal, cause yard sub-functions are located in the port buffer area. This condition emerges additional transportation cost and causes traffic problems on the access road. This paper deals with simulation model construction which will be used to find optimum external yard configuration location in the port buffer area. Discrete Event Simulation Model will be used to simulate import container flow processes in the port container terminal. The Objective function of the external yard location model is to minimize user transport cost and to maximize operator benefit. Jakarta International Container Terminal data is used to construct the model. Model concept is run based on the scenario assumption of 3 TPS’s and 30 day simulation period. Based on three replicants and five times running, the optimum result is 3 TPS's simultaneously operation. The model needs detail elaboration in associated to model objective ...
School Safety Zone, as an instrument to reduce traffic speed in a school area, has been implement... more School Safety Zone, as an instrument to reduce traffic speed in a school area, has been implemented in Indonesia. This study tried to evaluate the effectiveness of the School Safety Zone based on the perception of its users, including students, teachers, parents, and travelers around the school. The results show that most ofthe respondents understand very well the meaning and the purpose of the School Safety Zone. However, it is also found that “Four Ts” method has not been recognized well by the respondents.
Accessibility is the main factor to increase the attraction of travel to a tourism area. The loca... more Accessibility is the main factor to increase the attraction of travel to a tourism area. The location of tourism areas located in areas of forestry, mountains, or beaches often causes conditions in these areas that are not good. Improved accessibility, in the form of road handling, is an option that can be chosen. The feasibility of handling the road can be viewed from an assessment of the economic benefits and construction costs. This study discussed a possibility of increasing accessibility between areas in the south of Banten Province and areas the middle of West Java Province. The results of this study indicate that the plan to increase the accessibility of these areas is not economically feasible. Keywords : accessibility, tourism area, economic benefits, construction costs, economic feasibility Abstrak Aksesibilitas merupakan faktor utama untuk meningkatkan tarikan perjalanan menuju ke suatu kawasan pariwisata. Lokasi kawasan pariwisata yang berada pada daerah-daerah perhutana...
As archipelagic countries, seaport plays important roles in Indonesian economy. The performances ... more As archipelagic countries, seaport plays important roles in Indonesian economy. The performances of seaport significantly influence the economic growth as well as product competitiveness. Therefore, the efficiencies in seaport have received more and more attention. The traffic circulation of freight transport in the internal seaport are potentially affects the key performance of seaport. This study shows the relationship between traffic performance with the performance of seaport, which is reflected as the loading and unloading parameter. In which the improvement of traffic performance potentially increase in the loading and unloading performance. The microsimulation based approach is the applied, by taking into account the Seaport of Cigading as case study.
Jurnal Transportasi, 2020
The intersection is a meeting place for vehicle flows from several roads and as a place for vehi... more The intersection is a meeting place for vehicle flows from several roads and as a place for vehicles to change the direction of traffic movement. In this study an observation was made on the ARMED Intersection and the Taman Sudirman Intersection, located in Cimahi City, which have experienced traffic problems. A simulation was carried out at these intersections, using the VISSIM PTV software, and taking into account the behavior of the driver. The results of this study indicate that for micro analysis, the delay and speed criteria are more suitable for use than the degree of saturation criteria. Keywords: intersection, traffic, delay, speed, degree of saturation Abstrak Simpang merupakan tempat bertemunya arus kendaraan dari beberapa ruas jalan dan sebagai tempat kendaraan melakukan perubahan arah pergerakan lalu lintas.Pada studi ini dilakukan pengamatan terhadap Simpang ARMED dan Simpang Taman Sudirman Kota Cimahi, yang telah mengalami masalah lalu lintas. Suatu simulasi dilakuk...
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018
Increasing the container volume and the lack of land acquisition for terminal development is a pr... more Increasing the container volume and the lack of land acquisition for terminal development is a problem encountered by container terminal operators in Indonesia in the last years. To maintain the high demand on terminal service, the operator uses Inland Container Depots (ICD) as one of the fastest and cheapest solutions with some limitations compared to port expansion. Capacity and location are issues that should be addressed when ICD is used as one of the capacity-solving problems. ICD operation will increase the ability of the terminal services, yet the connecting roads that are also used by non-container traffic will affect the transfer operation of containers from the terminal to ICD. The container movement from the terminal to ICD is determined by the value of Yard Occupancy Ratio (YOR). The method that integrates the decision of transferring containers from the terminal and selecting ICD locations is required to cope with this issue. Differences in cycle time equilibrium of terminal operations and connecting roads complicate the construction of analytical equations. Discrete Event Simulation is used to accommodate the difference of operating time cycle, a stochastic condition of arrival, service time, an integration of terminal operation process and ICD location selection. The case study of Koja Container Terminal was used to perform experimental test of the proposed method. The simulation model was constructed for one month of simulation. Level of demand and ICD capacity were factors to be tested in the model to calculate the effects of ICDs operation on the container terminal. Optimum Terminal-ICD configuration was chosen by maximizing the container cost difference of without and with ICDs. Total container cost consists of the container handling cost (discharge, transfer, lift on, lift off, custom check and storage costs) and the container time cost (waiting time and potentially demand unserved). Since the addition amount of ICDs will increase the handling cost and decrease the time cost, so, there are appropriate ICDs numbers for a certain level of demand. Experimental result of Koja container terminal showed that the optimum amount of ICDs will decrease the total container cost charged to the users for the demand level above the terminal capacity. Terminal throughput will increase but the dwell time will not reduce significantly. The optimum configuration for the condition is Terminal-ICD (Yos Sudarso) and ICD (LLRE Martadinata). Optimization based on Discrete Event Simulation can be used to obtain the optimum configuration of ICD terminal system at certain demand level and to measure the ICD effect on terminal performance, ICD and Connecting Road. Operation of the ICD will decrease the container cost but will not provide significant dwell time for terminal improvements.
Increasing container traffic and land acquisition problem for terminal expansion leads to usage o... more Increasing container traffic and land acquisition problem for terminal expansion leads to usage of external yard in a port buffer area. This condition influenced the terminal performance because a road which connects the terminal and the external yard was also used by non-container traffic. Location choice problem considered to solve this condition, but the previous research has not taken account a stochastic condition of container arrival rate and service time yet. Bi-level programming framework was used to find optimum location configuration. In the lower-level, there was a problem to construct the equation, which correlated the terminal operation and the road due to different time cycle equilibrium. Container moves from the quay to a terminal gate in a daily unit of time, meanwhile, it moves from the terminal gate to the external yard through the road in a minute unit of time. If the equation formulated in hourly unit equilibrium, it cannot catch up the container movement characteristics in the terminal. Meanwhile, if the equation formulated in daily unit equilibrium, it cannot catch up the road traffic movement characteristics in the road. This problem can be addressed using simulation model. Discrete Event Simulation Model was used to simulate import container flow processes in the container terminal and external yard. Optimum location configuration in the upper-level was the combinatorial problem, which was solved by Full Enumeration approach. The objective function of the external yard location model was to minimize user transport cost (or time) and to maximize operator benefit. Numerical experiment was run for the scenario assumption of two container handling ways, three external yards, and thirty-day simulation periods. Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) container characteristics data was referred for the simulation. Based on five runs which were 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 repetitions, operation one of three available external yards (external yard-3) was the optimum result. Apparently, the model confirmed the hypothesis that there was an optimum configuration of the external yard. Nevertheless, the model needs detail elaboration related to the objective function and the optimization constraint. It requires detail validation, in term of service time value, distribution pattern, and arrival rate in each unit server modeled in the next step of the research. The model gave unique and relatively consistent value of each run. It was indicated that the method has a chance to solve the research problem.
Papers by Ferry Rusgiyarto