Papers by Aristides Ferreira
Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Oct 31, 2023
This study draws from the instrumental-symbolic framework to analyze the employer image of public... more This study draws from the instrumental-symbolic framework to analyze the employer image of public hospitals among final-year students and employed doctors. We examine the relative importance of perceived instrumental and symbolic employer image attributes in public hospitals in China among two groups of individuals (211 final-year students and 200 currently employed doctors). Both instrumental and symbolic attributes are significantly related to hospitals' attractiveness as an employer. Symbolic trait inferences explain incremental variance in employer attraction beyond instrumental attributes. Although both attributes explain similar portions of the variance in the two groups, the attributes that emerge as significantly related to hospitals' attractiveness are different. Finally, potential applicants have more favorable perceptions of both instrumental and symbolic attributes than employed doctors. Practical and theoretical implications deal with how hospitals should audit their employer image and manage their employer branding practices.
European Journal of Education and Psychology, Jun 1, 2009
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
International Journal of Training and Development, May 11, 2019
As wisely stated by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, "knowledge is in the end based ... more As wisely stated by the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, "knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement". Therefore, I would like to begin by dedicating some words to those who, in one way or another, helped me completing my dissertation. First, I want to thank my supervisor for always challenging me to give my best, for the valuable theoretical and methodological insights and for providing me a fruitful balance between supportive guidance and creativity-enhancing free space. To my family, for all the motivation and understanding throughout the process, for the interest shown and for challenging me to describe my research topic in simple words. To my colleagues at work, for helping me understanding the implications of the findings of this study to the human resource practice and for the interesting discussions on the topics of workplace learning and training transfer. To everyone that participated in the surveys, for the massive support. Only with the participation of many anonymous generous people it was possible to support the findings of this study. Finally, a very special acknowledgement to my fiancé. We both decided to write our dissertation this year, and working in parallel fostered productive debates about this research, as well as precious and constant encouragement that decisively contributed to the end result.
International Journal of Social Robotics, Apr 24, 2023
Workplace wellness programs constitute a preventive measure to help avoid healthcare costs for co... more Workplace wellness programs constitute a preventive measure to help avoid healthcare costs for companies, with additional benefits for employee productivity and other organizational outcomes. Interventions using social robots may have some advantages over other conventional telemedicine applications, since they can deliver personalized feedback and counseling. This investigation focused on a health-promoting intervention within work environments, and compared the efficacy of the intervention on two distinct groups, one guided by a human agent and the other by a robot agent. Participants (n = 56) were recruited from two Portuguese organizations and led through eight sessions by the social agent, the goal being to encourage health behavior change and adoption of a healthier lifestyle. The results indicate that the group led by the robot agent revealed better post-intervention scores than the group led by the human agent, specifically with regard to productivity despite presenteeism and regard of their level of mental well-being. No effects were found concerning the work engagement level of participants in either group. By demonstrating the potential of using social robots to establish therapeutic and worth relationships with employees in their workplaces, this study provides interesting new findings that contribute to the literature on health behavior change and human-robot interaction.
IX Congreso internacional galego-portugués de psicopedagoxía, 2007, 2007
Os autores do estudo pretendem apresentar a traducao, bem como as qualidades metricas de uma esca... more Os autores do estudo pretendem apresentar a traducao, bem como as qualidades metricas de uma escala que avalia dimensoes importantes da auto-regulacao em contexto academico. Esta escala foi desenvolvida na versao original por Carey, Neal e Collins (2004) e e constituida por 31 itens que medem varias dimensoes relacionadas com a auto-regulacao. As qualidades metricas do instrumento foram aferidas numa amostra de 353 alunos de varias instituicoes de ensino superior publico e privado da regiao de Lisboa. No tratamento desses dados, foi possivel identificar as qualidades metricas do instrumento. Por intermedio de uma Analise Factorial Exploratoria forcou-se a extraccao a 2 factores que no seu conjunto explicam 42.5% da variancia da escala. Essas dimensoes avaliam parametros como Planeamento / Organizacao de Objectivos (F2) e Controlo de Impulsos (F1) e apresentam bons indices de consistencia interna (.944 e .835, respectivamente). A Analise Factorial Confirmatoria mostra-nos indicadores de ajustamento razoaveis (�O2=970,09, df =434, p<.001; IFI = .885; RMSEA = .059), sugerindo-se uma aproximacao a versao desenvolvida por Carey e colaboradores (2004). Sugere-se ainda uma capacidade diferenciadora da sub-escala Controlo de Impulsos em funcao de algumas variaveis estudadas.
Journal of Business Research, Sep 1, 2016
Integrating the social informational processing perspective and conservation of resources theory,... more Integrating the social informational processing perspective and conservation of resources theory, we proposed and examined the impact of supervisor support and role ambiguity on productivity associated with presenteeism and the mediating effect of role ambiguity on the link between supervisor support and productivity associated with presenteeism. The results based on the longitudinal data from 99 employees from an IT consulting company showed that role ambiguity was negatively related to productivity associated with presenteeism (SPS-6). In contrast, supervisor support indirectly influenced productivity associated with presenteeism via reducing role ambiguity
Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2023
Proceedings - Academy of Management, Aug 1, 2023
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2011
The aim of this study was to construct and psychometrically validate a measure of childhood caree... more The aim of this study was to construct and psychometrically validate a measure of childhood career development for Grade 4 to Grade 7 children. Super's (1990) nine dimensions of career development (i.e. curiosity, exploration, information, key figures, locus of control, interests, time perspective, self-concept, and planfulness) formed the conceptual basis of the instrument. Eight of Super's constructs were supported by means of principal components analysis, with seven being replicated with a second sample. The relationships between grade, gender and the Childhood Career Development Scale's sub-scale scores are reported, and implications for theory and research are provided.
Papers by Aristides Ferreira