Papers by Fernanda Zavala
School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, 2010
this deliverable forms part of the output of sub-task (School Materials). the ultimate go... more this deliverable forms part of the output of sub-task (School Materials). the ultimate goal of this sub-task is to use the knowledge generated in sub-projects 1 to 4 of the Welfare Quality® project to design teaching materials on farm animal welfare issues for schools and universities. Many of these materials will be delivered in the form of a dedicated website. the current report helps to prepare the ground for this website by analysing the current provision of educational resources in the UK, Italy and Norway. Indeed, it enables us to identify any gaps in the current provision of educational information about farm animal welfare and it enables us to avoid simply replicating the types of information and resources that are already available. In short, it enables us to understand how the Welfare Quality® project might best contribute to present farm animal welfare education. the research also enables us to gain some understanding of the broader involvement of NGOs within farm animal welfare issues and thus usefully supplements work conducted within subproject 1, which focuses primarily on the roles and concerns of consumers, farmers and retailers. the report is divided into three separate parts. Part 1 reviews the availability of educational resources in the UK, Part 2 focuses on Italy and Part 3 focuses on Norway.
Revista de ciencias forenses de Honduras, Jun 24, 2021
actitudes y prácticas sobre donación y trasplante de córneas en comunidades rurales y urbanas de ... more actitudes y prácticas sobre donación y trasplante de córneas en comunidades rurales y urbanas de Honduras Rev. cienc. forenses
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2021
OBJECTIVES Duration, frequency, and intensity of nature exposure link to different physical and p... more OBJECTIVES Duration, frequency, and intensity of nature exposure link to different physical and psychological benefits. The present study aimed to determine how time outdoors affected military veterans' posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomology during PTSD treatment. METHOD Hypotheses regarding time outdoors and the effect of program duration on PTSD symptoms were examined using multilevel models. The authors hypothesized that hours outdoors, both within- and between-persons, would predict reduced PTSD symptomology, program duration would predict reduced PTSD symptomology, and that hours outdoors and program duration would be significant when accounting for the other. RESULTS The present study found that time outdoors correlated with participants' decreased PTSD symptomology: the more time participants spent outdoors, the greater the reduction in their PTSD symptoms. CONCLUSION The effect of time outdoors was significant within-person, not between persons, suggesting that nature exposure may be used as an adjunct to traditional mental health treatment where exposure or dosage should be person-specific.
La presente investigacion es producto del interes por explorar la experiencia de envejecimiento e... more La presente investigacion es producto del interes por explorar la experiencia de envejecimiento en un grupo de academicas de 60 anos y mas que han laborado por mas de 30 anos en una unidad academica de nivel superior del Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN). La pregunta guia de este trabajo es ?por que las academicas de 60 anos de edad y mas no se han jubilado?, para dar respuesta a esta se utilizo una metodologia cuali-cuantitativa; la parte cuantitativa revelo las condiciones academico-administrativas y socio-demograficas y la cualitativa la forma en que viven y perciben esta etapa de la vida en el campo laboral. Encontramos que son mujeres que nacieron en la decada de los 50, la mayoria tienen posgrado y de profesion medica y quimica, se iniciaron como docentes en la decada de los 70, son becarias con tiempo completo y la categoria mas alta que otorga el IPN. Refieren sentirse integras en sus capacidades fisicas y mentales para seguir siendo productivas e independientes, haciendo...
INTRODUCCION: El sindrome de Poland es una enfermedad congenita polimalformativa extremadamente r... more INTRODUCCION: El sindrome de Poland es una enfermedad congenita polimalformativa extremadamente rara, su etiologia es aun desconocida, afectando principalmente el desarrollo del musculo pectoral mayor; se acompanan frecuentemente de malformaciones de la mano, mama, complejo areola-pezon, pectoral menor ipsilateral y otras malformaciones asociadas. Su diagnostico se basa en un correcto examen clinico junto con una tomografia axial computarizada con reconstruccion en 3D. El tratamiento quirurgico final es individualizado y dependera de la existencia de una o mas malformaciones. CASOS CLINICOS: Se trato de cuatro pacientes con cuadro clinico compatible con sindrome de Poland, siendo comun el subdesarrollo o ausencia del musculo pectoral mayor. EVOLUCION: Se realizo a cada paciente una tomografia axial computarizada con reconstruccion en 3D para confirmar su diagnostico y realizar un tratamiento quirurgico segun la necesidad de cada paciente, despues del procedimiento se dio seguimiento...
We present Meena, a multi-turn open-domain chatbot trained end-to-end on data mined and filtered ... more We present Meena, a multi-turn open-domain chatbot trained end-to-end on data mined and filtered from public domain social media conversations. This 2.6B parameter neural network is simply trained to minimize perplexity of the next token. We also propose a human evaluation metric called Sensibleness and Specificity Average (SSA), which captures key elements of a human-like multi-turn conversation. Our experiments show strong correlation between perplexity and SSA. The fact that the best perplexity end-to-end trained Meena scores high on SSA (72% on multi-turn evaluation) suggests that a human-level SSA of 86% is potentially within reach if we can better optimize perplexity. Additionally, the full version of Meena (with a filtering mechanism and tuned decoding) scores 79% SSA, 23% higher in absolute SSA than the existing chatbots we evaluated.
Received 28 September 2017 Revised 7 November 2017 Accepted 19 November 2017
Revista Médica del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, 2019
REVISTA MÉDICA HJCA RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Parry Romberg o atrofia hemifacial progr... more REVISTA MÉDICA HJCA RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Parry Romberg o atrofia hemifacial progresiva es una patología caracterizada por causar atrofia facial unilateral con afectación de piel, tejido celular subcutáneo y músculo. Su prevalencia mundial es de 1/700 000, tiene predominio por el sexo femenino con una proporción mujer-hombre de 3:2. Clínicamente se manifiesta como una esclerodermia lineal en golpe de sable, y afecta con mayor frecuencia a hemicara izquierda. El tratamiento es de tipo quirúrgico e incluye técnicas como injertos, colgajos o prótesis. CASO CLÍNICO: A continuación se presenta una serie de casos que incluye a tres pacientes que consultaron por alteraciones de la anatomía y el desarrollo facial; quienes posterior a un examen físico minucioso y a la realización de exámenes de imagen, fueron diagnosticados de síndrome de Parry Romberg. EVOLUCIÓN: En todos los casos el tratamiento fue quirúrgico; optándose por la colocación de un injerto dermograso en la zona afectada, el mismo que fue obtenido de la cavidad abdominal. La evolución clínica y la adherencia del injerto fue satisfactoria y sin complicaciones. CONCLUSIÓN: Los resultados obtenidos de la colocación de injertos dermograsos para el tratamiento de la atrofia hemifacial progresiva fueron excelentes a corto, mediano y largo plazo.
Current Biology, 2021
A large body of work has aimed to define the precise information encoded by dopaminergic projecti... more A large body of work has aimed to define the precise information encoded by dopaminergic projections innervating the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Prevailing models are based on reward prediction error (RPE) theory, in which dopamine updates associations between rewards and predictive cues by encoding perceived errors between predictions and outcomes. However, RPE cannot describe multiple phenomena to which dopamine is inextricably linked, such as behavior driven by aversive and neutral stimuli. We combined a series of behavioral tasks with direct, subsecond dopamine monitoring in the NAc of mice, machine learning, computational modeling, and optogenetic manipulations to describe behavior and related dopamine release patterns across multiple contingencies reinforced by differentially valenced outcomes. We show that dopamine release only conforms to RPE predictions in a subset of learning scenarios but fits valence-independent perceived saliency encoding across conditions. Here, we provide an extended, comprehensive framework for accumbal dopamine release in behavioral control.
Molecules, 2020
This study selected three representative protein-rich biomass—brewer’s spent grain (BSG), pasture... more This study selected three representative protein-rich biomass—brewer’s spent grain (BSG), pasture grass (PG), and cyanobacteria (Arthrospira platensis; AP) for protein extraction with different extraction methods (alkaline treatment, aqueous extraction, and subcritical water extraction). The yield, purity, molecular weight, oil–water interfacial tension, and thermal stability of the obtained proteins derived from different biomass and extraction methods were comprehensively characterized and compared. In the view of protein yield and purity, alkaline treatment was found optimal for BSG (21.4 and 60.2 wt.%, respectively) and AP (55.5 and 68.8 wt.%, respectively). With the decreased oil–water interfacial tension, the proteins from all biomass showed the potential to be emulsifier. BSG and AP protein obtained with chemical treatment presented excellent thermal stability. As a novel method, subcritical water extraction is promising in recovering protein from all three biomass with the c...
Cell Reports, 2019
Highlights d Distinct circuits in upper and lower layer 6a distinguish two functional sublayers d... more Highlights d Distinct circuits in upper and lower layer 6a distinguish two functional sublayers d Interlaminar inhibitory neurons reside in a specialized sublayer in upper layer 6a d Interlaminar interneurons integrate both local and thalamic inputs d Interlaminar inhibitory projections contribute to the canonical cortical microcircuit
Cell Reports, 2018
Highlights d Transcriptional heterogeneity reflects axonal target, position, and activity state d... more Highlights d Transcriptional heterogeneity reflects axonal target, position, and activity state d Altering sensory input increases transcriptional heterogeneity within neural types d Ordering of neuron responses reveals cell-type biased, not specific, trajectories d Biased activity-induced responses enhance differences among neural subtypes
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2018
Precise synaptic connections among neurons in the neocortex generate the circuits that underlie a... more Precise synaptic connections among neurons in the neocortex generate the circuits that underlie a broad repertoire of cortical functions including perception, learning and memory, and complex problem solving. The specific patterns and properties of these synaptic connections are fundamental to the computations cortical neurons perform. How such specificity arises in cortical circuits has remained elusive. Here, we first consider the cell-type, subcellular and synaptic specificity required for generating mature patterns of cortical connectivity and responses. Next, we focus on recent progress in understanding how the synaptic connections among excitatory cortical projection neurons are established during development using the primary visual cortex of the mouse as a model.
Cell reports, Jan 29, 2018
Sensory perception depends on interactions among cortical areas. These interactions are mediated ... more Sensory perception depends on interactions among cortical areas. These interactions are mediated by canonical patterns of connectivity in which higher areas send feedback projections to lower areas via neurons in superficial and deep layers. Here, we probed the circuit basis of interactions among two areas critical for touch perception in mice, whisker primary (wS1) and secondary (wS2) somatosensory cortices. Neurons in layer 4 of wS2 (S2) formed a major feedback pathway to wS1. Feedback from wS2 to wS1 was organized somatotopically. Spikes evoked by whisker deflections occurred nearly as rapidly in wS2 as in wS1, including among putative S2 → S1 feedback neurons. Axons from S2 → S1 neurons sent stimulus orientation-specific activity to wS1. Optogenetic excitation of S2 neurons modulated activity across both wS2 and wS1, while inhibition of S2 reduced orientation tuning among wS1 neurons. Thus, a non-canonical feedback circuit, originating in layer 4 of S2, rapidly modulates early t...
Single-cell RNA sequencing technologies have generated the first catalogs of transcriptionally de... more Single-cell RNA sequencing technologies have generated the first catalogs of transcriptionally defined neuronal subtypes of the brain. However, the biologically informative cellular processes that contribute to neuronal subtype specification and transcriptional heterogeneity remain unclear. By comparing the gene expression profiles of single layer 6 corticothalamic neurons in somatosensory cortex, we show that transcriptional subtypes primarily reflect axonal projection pattern, laminar position within the cortex, and neuronal activity state. Pseudotemporal ordering of 1023 cellular responses to manipulation of sensory input demonstrates that changes in expression of activity-induced genes both reinforced cell-type identity and contributed to increased transcriptional heterogeneity within each cell type. This is due to cell-type specific biases in the choice of transcriptional states following manipulation of neuronal activity. These results reveal that axonal projection pattern, la...
Revista Médica del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, 2016
RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: Las infecciones son frecuentes en las unidades de cuidados intensivos y est... more RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: Las infecciones son frecuentes en las unidades de cuidados intensivos y están fuertemente asociadas con morbilidad, estancia hospitalaria, mortalidad y costos elevados; su comportamiento a nivel nacional y local es desconocido. El objetivo principal del estudio fue conocer la prevalencia de infecciones en los pacientes admitidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga y describir su asociación con la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional de los pacientes admitidos a la UCI adultos, del 1 de abril al 30 de junio del 2015. La información recolectada incluyó campos para la identificación de los pacientes, sus características biológicas y demográficas, información sobre la patología de ingreso, categorización del paciente, presencia o no de infección, tratamiento y condiciones tanto al alta de la UCI como de hospitalización. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo; se clasificaron los pacientes en dos grupos de acuerdo a la presencia o ausencia de infección; los grupos fueron comparados con análisis bivariado, la significancia estadística fue definida por un valor de p?0.05. RESULTADOS: Se registraron 94 pacientes, con una edad promedio de 57.4 años (DE: ±20.97), APACHE II de 18.5 (DE: ±6.9) y SAPS II de 41.5 (DE: ±19.7); 61 pacientes (64.9%) fueron varones; la estancia en la UCI fue de 6.6 días (DE: ±7.5) y la hospitalaria de 17 días (DE: ±15.8); la tasa global de mortalidad en la UCI fue de 22.3% y la hospitalaria 27.7%. Cincuenta y cuatro pacientes (57.4%) presentaron algún tipo de infección, con una edad promedio de 60.6 años en infectados vs 53.2 de aquellos sin infección (p: 0.089); la estancia en la UCI fue de 9.6 días (infectados) vs. 2.7 días (no infectados) (p: 0.0001). La tasa de mortalidad en la UCI de los pacientes infectados fue de 27.8% vs 15 % en no infectados (p: 0.222) y la tasa de mortalidad hospitalaria fue de 35.2% (infectados) vs 17.5% (sin infección) (p: 0.095). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de infecciones en los pacientes críticos en la UCI adultos del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga es elevada, comparable con la de países latinoamericanos y más alta que en países desarrollados. La estancia en la UCI y en el hospital es más alta en pacientes infectados comparada con los pacientes sin infección. La diferencia entre la mortalidad intra-UCI y hospitalaria no fue estadísticamente significativa.
Background: This study describes the development and validation of an individual-level well-being... more Background: This study describes the development and validation of an individual-level well-being assessment and scoring method (IWBS) adapted from the population-based Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index across six domains (physical health, emotional health, healthy behaviors, work environment, basic access and overall life-evaluation). Methods: Exploratory analyses were conducted on half the sample (n = 2036) using principal component analyses (PCA) with varimax rotation and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the second half of the sample (n = 2100) using structural equation modeling to validate the measurement model found by the PCA. Results: Optimal results in the exploratory sample were achieved for a seven-factor solution, accounting for 52.0% of the variance. All domains displayed adequate reliability, ranging from .42 to .79. Conclusions: The IWBS met each of the criteria that were established for measurement development. Findings indicated that there was initial support for using the IWBS to assess well-being at the individual level. The IWBS has acceptable psychometrics of reliability, internal and external validity.
Feminismo/s, 2012
El presente documento es parte de una investigación antropológica, centrada en la experiencia y l... more El presente documento es parte de una investigación antropológica, centrada en la experiencia y la corporeidad frente a la construcción del sujeto, específicamente de un grupo de cinco personas dedicadas al trabajo sexual en la ciudad de México. Dichas personas llevan a cabo una acción corporal y vivencial caracterizada por mostrar el cuerpo semidesnudo en las calles, cuerpos que a primera vista parecieran hiperfeminizados pero que al mismo tiempo poseen características somáticas atribuidas a 'lo' masculino: el pene y los testículos. Desde dicho ángulo, la escena experiencial que analizo se centra en dar cuenta de los alcances teórico antropológicos, frente a sujetos que no se identifican, nombran o interpelan como mujeres u hombres, frecuentemente mencionan: 'no soy ni lo uno ni lo otro, sólo lo que ves'. Dicha aseveración es central, ya que desde aquí es posible criticar los modelos de análisis antropológicos tradicionales donde el sujeto se presenta como un monolito natural y abstracto. En este sentido, las interpretaciones de las experiencias relacionadas con la construcción del sujeto fuera de la estructura dicotómica, pone en el centro a las prácticas y representaciones del cuerpo y por tanto la acción del sujeto desde y en las fronteras, ya que, en la mayoría de los casos los trabajos teóricos refieren dicho esquema encontrando sólo dos posibilidades, dentro del sistema sexo/género: cuerpos de mujeres y de hombres bajo el correlato masculino/femenino como construcción sociocultural. En esta investigación, los sujetos se autonombran como 'Hombreras' un termino que reconoce las fronteras de los cuerpos, las experiencias y por tanto la construcción María Fernanda Guerrero Zavala Feminismo/s 19, junio 2012, pp. 165-183 de la subjetividad frente a 'otros'. El escrito se centra en las concepciones antropológicas del cuerpo y el sujeto específicamente da cuenta de una reorganización teórica, la cual propone una lectura distinta basada en la experiencia vivida del lado de 'lo trans', materialmente identificada, compartida y por tanto digna de interpretar.
A cuasiexperimental study of one cohort was used to know the knowledge, attitudes and practices a... more A cuasiexperimental study of one cohort was used to know the knowledge, attitudes and practices about Epilepsy within population of Santa Ana, Azuay, Ecuador, before and after the intervention of an educational program. METHODS: 988 surveys (between before and after) performed on college students and teacher of institutions of Santa Ana were recollected between June and December 2011. A standardized questionnaire was realized by neurologists and was used for surveys. Investigation exonerated those who were not in the institutions for different reasons. RESULTS: the study population includes 504 people, 437 students and 67 teachers. The average age in students was 14.55 and 39.93 in teachers. CAPs, variables that were statistically significant, with p =< 0.05 were: knowledge about Epilepsy, causes of Epilepsy, personnel caring for patients with Epilepsy, variables that studied practices of population in cases of seizure were statistically significant too. The variable that determined appropriate and inappropriate practices had a statistical significance at p=0.000. The set objectives were met, noting that the educational program had a major impact on the population, changing the way we see and act on a patient with Epilepsy.
Papers by Fernanda Zavala