In the review of Islamic legal, Prophet Muhammad's legal politics is an exciting theme to be ... more In the review of Islamic legal, Prophet Muhammad's legal politics is an exciting theme to be studied more deeply. The Prophet Muhammad SAW., known as the Ummī (illiterate) Prophet, thus raising the paradigm that the Prophet was not intelligent and capable. The research method was qualitative. This research aimed to prove how the Ummī Prophet was smart, trustworthy, full of wisdom, respected, and legally competent. In some of his legal provisions, even the Prophet PBUH presented a solution to the ilā ākhīr al-zamān. The concept of social justice in upholding human rights, especially women's rights, is aggressively debated. It turned out that 14 centuries ago had been initiated by the Prophet Muhammad through some of the provisions of his sunnah, which required men to protect women and their rights. Likewise, the concept of tolerance and interfaith relations of them have been initiated by the Prophet. Aside from being a leader of the Muslims in history, the Prophet Muhammad wa...
Kata sandang dalam sistem tulisan Arab dilambangkan dengan huruf (الalif lam ma'arifah). Dalam ... more Kata sandang dalam sistem tulisan Arab dilambangkan dengan huruf (الalif lam ma'arifah). Dalam pedoman transliterasi ini, kata sandang ditransliterasi seperti biasa, al-, baik ketika ia diikuti oleh huruf syamsiah maupun huruf qamariah. Kata sandang tidak mengikuti bunyi huruf langsung yang mengikutinya. Kata sandang ditulis terpisah dari kata yang mengikutinya dan dihubungkan dengan garis mendatar (-).
This study aims to describe: (1) Implementation of Pesantren Based Student Management in Characte... more This study aims to describe: (1) Implementation of Pesantren Based Student Management in Character Formation, (2) Success of Character Building Through Pesantren Based Student Management, And (3) Supporting Factors And Impediments of Pesantren Based Student Management in Character Building in MA Nurul Huda Pringsewu. The result of research shows that pesantren boarding school management in character formation in MA Nurul Huda Pringsewu use three strategy step, that is moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action. And in its application using four management functions, namely; (2) Organizing: establishing an organizational structure with the Asatidz Council Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Pringsewu (3) Implementation: launches four programs, namely: (a) formal system, (b) non-formal system, (c) organizational system, (d) vocational system. (4) Supervision: direct supervision and through evaluation of Headmaster along with Nurse and Board of Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Pringsewu...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher i... more Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher in increasing the learning motivation of grade V students at the MI Mathlaul Anwar Talang Padang during the covid-19 pandemic. The data were analyzed by means of a qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection using interview teachniques, observation and documentasi. This research is to see the problems that occur in these madrasas. This is beause there is still a lack of cooperation between parents and homeroom teachers in increasing student motivation. Students are still less active in learning in lack of student motivation in the learning process so that student learning is still low. Keywords: Collbaration, Motivation
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Glagah, Desa Glagah, Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulo... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Glagah, Desa Glagah, Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Mulai bulan Januari – Maret 2015, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara varietas jagung dan dosis pupuk kandang sapi dilahan pasir pantai terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jagung, untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk kandang sapi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil varietas tanaman jagung di lahan pasir, dan untuk menentukan dosis pupuk kandang sapi yang paling tepat bagi varietas jagung dilahan pasir pantai. Penelitian menggunakan metode percobaan lapangan dengan pola 2 faktorial 3 x 4 yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL). Dari kedua faktor perlakuan tersebut terdapat 12 kombinasi. Setiap kombinasi terdapat 25 tanaman dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, bobot tongkol bersih/tanaman, diameter tongkol, bobot biji pipilan kering/...
The sustainable of an architectural work for the community and the surrounding environment provid... more The sustainable of an architectural work for the community and the surrounding environment provides a discussion on the design and application of contextual with the built environment. In this case study case in point is the Library of the University of Indonesia. The building was chosen because it is considered to represent the concept of tropical architecture. The problems discussed in this study include; how the concept of tropical architecture is applied in the library and want to know how they affect the concept of the thermal comfort in buildings. In this study the method used to describe and review all the data and other information, from direct observation or indirectly. This analysis uses quantitative analysis by comparing the existing situation in the field with the study and the information obtained from the literature as well as qualitative analysis as it relates to the amount of space that is used in analyzing the use of software Ecotech. This study is expected to refer...
Feri Wahyudi 22310738 PENGARUH ARSITEKTUR TROPIS PADA TAMPAK PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (... more Feri Wahyudi 22310738 PENGARUH ARSITEKTUR TROPIS PADA TAMPAK PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (ANALISA MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ECOTECT) Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Gunadarma. Hal XIV - 87 Keberadaan nilai arsitektur sebagai sebuah produk desain untuk masyarakat dan lingkungan memberikan sebuah wacana mengenai desain yang tanggap akan lingkungan sekitar. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang beriklim tropis memberikan sebuah ciri dalam setiap desain bangunannya, yang terepresentasikan ke dalam sebuah nilai arsitektur tropis. Seiring perkembangan zaman, perpustakaan kini bukan hanya terdiri dari kumpulan koleksi buku tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas digital, film, laboratorium, cafe, gym dan ruang penunjang lainnya. Sebagai upaya untuk menyesuaikan manusia beraktifitas didalamnya. Tampak sebagai bagian terluar sebuah sistem bangunan, memiliki potensi besar untuk menangkap fenomena alam untuk pertama kali sebelum selubung bangu...
Air Conditioner (AC) adalah proses pengkondisian udara suatu ruangan melalui pengaturan temperatu... more Air Conditioner (AC) adalah proses pengkondisian udara suatu ruangan melalui pengaturan temperatur, kelembaban, aliran, dan kebersihannya sehingga diperoleh kondisiudara yang diinginkan. Di LaboratoriumTeknik Mesin Universitas Bangka Belitung baru-baru ini penelitian tentang AC hanya dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh massa refrigrant terhadap waktu pendinginan ruangan dengan variasi temperatur pada sistem permodelannya saja untuk praktikum mahasiswa teknik mesin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh panjang pipa penghubung outdoor pada AC terhadap waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendinginkan ruangan. Proses pengujian ini dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dengan variasi panjang pipa penghubung outdoor yang berbeda-beda yaitu 1 meter, 3 meter dan 5 meter,AC yang digunakan mempunyai kapasitas ½ PK dimana temperatur awal AC 28° C, masa refrigerant 0,33 kg dan temperatur akhir 18° C. Hasil penelitian menunjukan panjang pipa penghubung outdoor 5 meter menghasilkan waktu untuk pros...
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan - Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2016
This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with ca... more This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with cattle blood serum and egg white in the diluent of Cauda epididymal Plasma 2 (CEP-2) on sperm quality of Limousin cattle during cooling at 3-5 C. The research material used was rejected Limousin bull sperm (motility of 50-60%) from Artificial Insemination Centre Singosari, Malang. This research was a laboratory experiment using a randomized block design which was composed of six treatments with 10 replications, those were T0 as controls ((90% CEP-2 with BSA + 10% egg yolk); T1 (83.84% CEP-2 + 6.16% cattle blood serum + 10% egg yolk); T2 (81.84% CEP-2 + 8.16% cattle blood serum + 10% egg yolk); dan T3 (90% CEP-2 + 0,4% egg white + 10% egg yolk); T4 (90% CEP-2 + 0.8% egg white + 10% egg yolk); and T5 (90% CEP-2 without BSA + 10% egg yolk). Parameters measured were the percentage of motility, viability, and abnormality of sperms. Results of research after 48 hours of storage showed that the ...
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production, 2016
Purpose of this research was to investigated the influence of BSA replacement with a different co... more Purpose of this research was to investigated the influence of BSA replacement with a different concentration level of blood serum in basic diluent of CEP-2 to semen quality during Pendinginan (%).
ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENENTUAN TARIF JASA RAWAT INAP DENGAN ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM (Studi Kasu... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENENTUAN TARIF JASA RAWAT INAP DENGAN ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM (Studi Kasus Pada RSIA Mutiara Putri) Oleh FERI WAHYUDI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang penentuan tarif jasa rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing system, dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam menetapkan tarif jasa rawat inap pada RSIA Mutiara Putri Bandar Lampung dan sebagai alat pembanding dengan tarif rawat inap yang ditetapkan selama ini, serta menjadi salah satu masukan yang memberikan informasi mengenai activity based costing system terutama dalam penerapannya pada sebuah rumah sakit yang orientasi utamanya adalah pelayanan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada RSIA Mutiara Putri yang terletak di Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto No. 96 Tanjung Karang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif yang menunjukkan dan membandingkan hasil perhitungan tarif jasa rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing dengan tarif rawat inap rumah sakit saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari perhitungan tarif rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing, apabila dibandingkan dengan tarif yang digunakan oleh rumah sakit maka activity based costing memberikan hasil yang lebih besar untuk kelas Deluxe Mom, Deluxe Child, Standard Mom, Standard Child dan memberikan hasil yang lebih kecil untuk Kelas Suite Family Mom, Suite Family Child, Junior Suite mom, Junior Suite Child, Deluxe Plus Mom, Deluxe Plus Child. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembebanan biaya overhead pada masing-masing produk. Pada activity based costing, biaya overhead pada masing-masing produk dibebankan pada banyak cost driver. Sehingga dalam activity based costing, telah mampu mengalokasikan biaya aktivitas kesetiap kamar secara tepat berdasarkan konsumsi masing-masing aktivitas. Kata Kunci: activity based costing, cost driver. ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF DETERMINATION INPATIENT SERVICES PRICE WITH ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM METHOD (Case Study at RSIA Mutiara Putri) By FERI WAHYUDI This research aim to gain knowledge about the determination of rates of hospitalization services using activity based costing, can be used as reference in setting tariffs inpatient services at RSIA Mutiara Putri and as a means of comparison with the rates of hospitalization for this set, as well as being one of the inputs that provide information about activity based costing, especially in its application to a hospital that is the main orientation of community service. The research was conducted at hospitals located in the RSIA Mutiara Putri at Hos Cokroaminoto No. 96 Road Tanjung Karang. The method of analysis used descriptive method is to use the comparative analysis of the current hospital rates, set the cost method is based on activity based costing, and then compare the hospitalization rates based on activity based costing with its realization. The results showed that the calculation of hospitalization rates by usingactivity based costing, when compared with the rates used by the hospital activity based costing provides greater results for the Deluxe Mom, Deluxe Child, Standard Mom, Standard Child class and yields smaller for Class Suite Family Mom, Suite Family Child, Junior Suite mom, Junior Suite Child, Deluxe Plus Mom, Deluxe Plus Child. This is because the overhead of loading on each product. On activity based costing, overhead costs for each product are charged to cost a lot of drivers. So that the activity based costing, has been able to allocate the cost of the activity room appropriately based on the consumption of each activity. Keywords: activity based costing, cost driver.
espanolObjetivo: Analizar la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano en las eleccion... more espanolObjetivo: Analizar la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano en las elecciones por la alcaldia de Manizales en 2005, para lo cual se indago acerca del comportamiento electoral en Manizales entre 1988 y 2005 y se midio la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano. Metodologia: se aplico una encuesta a traves de ocho sondeos telefonicos, que permitio obtener la informacion requerida para cumplir los objetivos de la investigacion. nlkj. Resultados: el comportamiento electoral en la ciudad presenta altos indices de abstencion. El el manejo politico del elector incide en su desempeno electoral. La intencion y decision de voto esta determinada por la calidad de la informacion dada en las campanas electorales, variables sociologicas y economicas del elector; y en la evaluacion del desempeno del gobierno. El mejoramiento del comportamiento electoral es una responsabilidad del gobierno a traves del sistema educativo de la sociedad y de los partidos politicos. ...
In the review of Islamic legal, Prophet Muhammad's legal politics is an exciting theme to be ... more In the review of Islamic legal, Prophet Muhammad's legal politics is an exciting theme to be studied more deeply. The Prophet Muhammad SAW., known as the Ummī (illiterate) Prophet, thus raising the paradigm that the Prophet was not intelligent and capable. The research method was qualitative. This research aimed to prove how the Ummī Prophet was smart, trustworthy, full of wisdom, respected, and legally competent. In some of his legal provisions, even the Prophet PBUH presented a solution to the ilā ākhīr al-zamān. The concept of social justice in upholding human rights, especially women's rights, is aggressively debated. It turned out that 14 centuries ago had been initiated by the Prophet Muhammad through some of the provisions of his sunnah, which required men to protect women and their rights. Likewise, the concept of tolerance and interfaith relations of them have been initiated by the Prophet. Aside from being a leader of the Muslims in history, the Prophet Muhammad wa...
Kata sandang dalam sistem tulisan Arab dilambangkan dengan huruf (الalif lam ma'arifah). Dalam ... more Kata sandang dalam sistem tulisan Arab dilambangkan dengan huruf (الalif lam ma'arifah). Dalam pedoman transliterasi ini, kata sandang ditransliterasi seperti biasa, al-, baik ketika ia diikuti oleh huruf syamsiah maupun huruf qamariah. Kata sandang tidak mengikuti bunyi huruf langsung yang mengikutinya. Kata sandang ditulis terpisah dari kata yang mengikutinya dan dihubungkan dengan garis mendatar (-).
This study aims to describe: (1) Implementation of Pesantren Based Student Management in Characte... more This study aims to describe: (1) Implementation of Pesantren Based Student Management in Character Formation, (2) Success of Character Building Through Pesantren Based Student Management, And (3) Supporting Factors And Impediments of Pesantren Based Student Management in Character Building in MA Nurul Huda Pringsewu. The result of research shows that pesantren boarding school management in character formation in MA Nurul Huda Pringsewu use three strategy step, that is moral knowing, moral feeling, and moral action. And in its application using four management functions, namely; (2) Organizing: establishing an organizational structure with the Asatidz Council Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Pringsewu (3) Implementation: launches four programs, namely: (a) formal system, (b) non-formal system, (c) organizational system, (d) vocational system. (4) Supervision: direct supervision and through evaluation of Headmaster along with Nurse and Board of Asatidz Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Pringsewu...
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AL-IBDA', 2021
Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher i... more Abstrack In general this study aim to determine the cooperation of parents and homeroom teacher in increasing the learning motivation of grade V students at the MI Mathlaul Anwar Talang Padang during the covid-19 pandemic. The data were analyzed by means of a qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection using interview teachniques, observation and documentasi. This research is to see the problems that occur in these madrasas. This is beause there is still a lack of cooperation between parents and homeroom teachers in increasing student motivation. Students are still less active in learning in lack of student motivation in the learning process so that student learning is still low. Keywords: Collbaration, Motivation
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Glagah, Desa Glagah, Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulo... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Dusun Glagah, Desa Glagah, Kecamatan Temon, Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Mulai bulan Januari – Maret 2015, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara varietas jagung dan dosis pupuk kandang sapi dilahan pasir pantai terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil jagung, untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk kandang sapi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil varietas tanaman jagung di lahan pasir, dan untuk menentukan dosis pupuk kandang sapi yang paling tepat bagi varietas jagung dilahan pasir pantai. Penelitian menggunakan metode percobaan lapangan dengan pola 2 faktorial 3 x 4 yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL). Dari kedua faktor perlakuan tersebut terdapat 12 kombinasi. Setiap kombinasi terdapat 25 tanaman dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, bobot tongkol bersih/tanaman, diameter tongkol, bobot biji pipilan kering/...
The sustainable of an architectural work for the community and the surrounding environment provid... more The sustainable of an architectural work for the community and the surrounding environment provides a discussion on the design and application of contextual with the built environment. In this case study case in point is the Library of the University of Indonesia. The building was chosen because it is considered to represent the concept of tropical architecture. The problems discussed in this study include; how the concept of tropical architecture is applied in the library and want to know how they affect the concept of the thermal comfort in buildings. In this study the method used to describe and review all the data and other information, from direct observation or indirectly. This analysis uses quantitative analysis by comparing the existing situation in the field with the study and the information obtained from the literature as well as qualitative analysis as it relates to the amount of space that is used in analyzing the use of software Ecotech. This study is expected to refer...
Feri Wahyudi 22310738 PENGARUH ARSITEKTUR TROPIS PADA TAMPAK PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (... more Feri Wahyudi 22310738 PENGARUH ARSITEKTUR TROPIS PADA TAMPAK PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA (ANALISA MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ECOTECT) Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Gunadarma. Hal XIV - 87 Keberadaan nilai arsitektur sebagai sebuah produk desain untuk masyarakat dan lingkungan memberikan sebuah wacana mengenai desain yang tanggap akan lingkungan sekitar. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang beriklim tropis memberikan sebuah ciri dalam setiap desain bangunannya, yang terepresentasikan ke dalam sebuah nilai arsitektur tropis. Seiring perkembangan zaman, perpustakaan kini bukan hanya terdiri dari kumpulan koleksi buku tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas digital, film, laboratorium, cafe, gym dan ruang penunjang lainnya. Sebagai upaya untuk menyesuaikan manusia beraktifitas didalamnya. Tampak sebagai bagian terluar sebuah sistem bangunan, memiliki potensi besar untuk menangkap fenomena alam untuk pertama kali sebelum selubung bangu...
Air Conditioner (AC) adalah proses pengkondisian udara suatu ruangan melalui pengaturan temperatu... more Air Conditioner (AC) adalah proses pengkondisian udara suatu ruangan melalui pengaturan temperatur, kelembaban, aliran, dan kebersihannya sehingga diperoleh kondisiudara yang diinginkan. Di LaboratoriumTeknik Mesin Universitas Bangka Belitung baru-baru ini penelitian tentang AC hanya dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh massa refrigrant terhadap waktu pendinginan ruangan dengan variasi temperatur pada sistem permodelannya saja untuk praktikum mahasiswa teknik mesin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh panjang pipa penghubung outdoor pada AC terhadap waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendinginkan ruangan. Proses pengujian ini dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dengan variasi panjang pipa penghubung outdoor yang berbeda-beda yaitu 1 meter, 3 meter dan 5 meter,AC yang digunakan mempunyai kapasitas ½ PK dimana temperatur awal AC 28° C, masa refrigerant 0,33 kg dan temperatur akhir 18° C. Hasil penelitian menunjukan panjang pipa penghubung outdoor 5 meter menghasilkan waktu untuk pros...
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan - Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2016
This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with ca... more This study aims to determine the effect of the substitution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) with cattle blood serum and egg white in the diluent of Cauda epididymal Plasma 2 (CEP-2) on sperm quality of Limousin cattle during cooling at 3-5 C. The research material used was rejected Limousin bull sperm (motility of 50-60%) from Artificial Insemination Centre Singosari, Malang. This research was a laboratory experiment using a randomized block design which was composed of six treatments with 10 replications, those were T0 as controls ((90% CEP-2 with BSA + 10% egg yolk); T1 (83.84% CEP-2 + 6.16% cattle blood serum + 10% egg yolk); T2 (81.84% CEP-2 + 8.16% cattle blood serum + 10% egg yolk); dan T3 (90% CEP-2 + 0,4% egg white + 10% egg yolk); T4 (90% CEP-2 + 0.8% egg white + 10% egg yolk); and T5 (90% CEP-2 without BSA + 10% egg yolk). Parameters measured were the percentage of motility, viability, and abnormality of sperms. Results of research after 48 hours of storage showed that the ...
TERNAK TROPIKA Journal of Tropical Animal Production, 2016
Purpose of this research was to investigated the influence of BSA replacement with a different co... more Purpose of this research was to investigated the influence of BSA replacement with a different concentration level of blood serum in basic diluent of CEP-2 to semen quality during Pendinginan (%).
ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENENTUAN TARIF JASA RAWAT INAP DENGAN ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM (Studi Kasu... more ABSTRAK ANALISIS PENENTUAN TARIF JASA RAWAT INAP DENGAN ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM (Studi Kasus Pada RSIA Mutiara Putri) Oleh FERI WAHYUDI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang penentuan tarif jasa rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing system, dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam menetapkan tarif jasa rawat inap pada RSIA Mutiara Putri Bandar Lampung dan sebagai alat pembanding dengan tarif rawat inap yang ditetapkan selama ini, serta menjadi salah satu masukan yang memberikan informasi mengenai activity based costing system terutama dalam penerapannya pada sebuah rumah sakit yang orientasi utamanya adalah pelayanan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada RSIA Mutiara Putri yang terletak di Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto No. 96 Tanjung Karang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif yang menunjukkan dan membandingkan hasil perhitungan tarif jasa rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing dengan tarif rawat inap rumah sakit saat ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari perhitungan tarif rawat inap dengan menggunakan activity based costing, apabila dibandingkan dengan tarif yang digunakan oleh rumah sakit maka activity based costing memberikan hasil yang lebih besar untuk kelas Deluxe Mom, Deluxe Child, Standard Mom, Standard Child dan memberikan hasil yang lebih kecil untuk Kelas Suite Family Mom, Suite Family Child, Junior Suite mom, Junior Suite Child, Deluxe Plus Mom, Deluxe Plus Child. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembebanan biaya overhead pada masing-masing produk. Pada activity based costing, biaya overhead pada masing-masing produk dibebankan pada banyak cost driver. Sehingga dalam activity based costing, telah mampu mengalokasikan biaya aktivitas kesetiap kamar secara tepat berdasarkan konsumsi masing-masing aktivitas. Kata Kunci: activity based costing, cost driver. ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF DETERMINATION INPATIENT SERVICES PRICE WITH ACTIVITY BASED COSTING SYSTEM METHOD (Case Study at RSIA Mutiara Putri) By FERI WAHYUDI This research aim to gain knowledge about the determination of rates of hospitalization services using activity based costing, can be used as reference in setting tariffs inpatient services at RSIA Mutiara Putri and as a means of comparison with the rates of hospitalization for this set, as well as being one of the inputs that provide information about activity based costing, especially in its application to a hospital that is the main orientation of community service. The research was conducted at hospitals located in the RSIA Mutiara Putri at Hos Cokroaminoto No. 96 Road Tanjung Karang. The method of analysis used descriptive method is to use the comparative analysis of the current hospital rates, set the cost method is based on activity based costing, and then compare the hospitalization rates based on activity based costing with its realization. The results showed that the calculation of hospitalization rates by usingactivity based costing, when compared with the rates used by the hospital activity based costing provides greater results for the Deluxe Mom, Deluxe Child, Standard Mom, Standard Child class and yields smaller for Class Suite Family Mom, Suite Family Child, Junior Suite mom, Junior Suite Child, Deluxe Plus Mom, Deluxe Plus Child. This is because the overhead of loading on each product. On activity based costing, overhead costs for each product are charged to cost a lot of drivers. So that the activity based costing, has been able to allocate the cost of the activity room appropriately based on the consumption of each activity. Keywords: activity based costing, cost driver.
espanolObjetivo: Analizar la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano en las eleccion... more espanolObjetivo: Analizar la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano en las elecciones por la alcaldia de Manizales en 2005, para lo cual se indago acerca del comportamiento electoral en Manizales entre 1988 y 2005 y se midio la intencion de voto frente a la decision del ciudadano. Metodologia: se aplico una encuesta a traves de ocho sondeos telefonicos, que permitio obtener la informacion requerida para cumplir los objetivos de la investigacion. nlkj. Resultados: el comportamiento electoral en la ciudad presenta altos indices de abstencion. El el manejo politico del elector incide en su desempeno electoral. La intencion y decision de voto esta determinada por la calidad de la informacion dada en las campanas electorales, variables sociologicas y economicas del elector; y en la evaluacion del desempeno del gobierno. El mejoramiento del comportamiento electoral es una responsabilidad del gobierno a traves del sistema educativo de la sociedad y de los partidos politicos. ...
Papers by Feri Wahyudi