Papers by Fayssal Tayalati
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 2012
Because of the ever-increasing amount of information in patients' EHRs, healthcare profession... more Because of the ever-increasing amount of information in patients' EHRs, healthcare professionals may face difficulties for making diagnoses and/or therapeutic decisions. Moreover, patients may misunderstand their health status. These medical practitioners need effective tools to locate in real time relevant elements within the patients' EHR and visualize them according to synthetic and intuitive presentation models. The RAVEL project aims at achieving this goal by performing a high profile industrial research and development program on the EHR considering the following areas: (i) semantic indexing, (ii) information retrieval, and (iii) data visualization. The RAVEL project is expected to implement a generic, loosely coupled to data sources prototype so that it can be transposed into different university hospitals information systems.
The aim of this paper is to propose a unified account of dative assignment for both verbs and adj... more The aim of this paper is to propose a unified account of dative assignment for both verbs and adjectives in French. We will show that both types of predicates assign dative case to their second internal argument, provided that this argument is situated in a higher position in the thematic hierarchy than the first internal argument. This hypothesis, which considers the dative in French as a structural rather than a semantic case, can easily account for all three-argument verbs, for most two-argument verbs and even for adjunct datives. As for the adjectival predicates, we show that only ergative adjectives, whose first argument is an internal argument, can assign dative to their second internal argument. The few exceptions to this hypothesis can be explained by the fact that, although the dative is not a semantic case, it is associated with certain semantic roles, given that its semantic role is situated in the thematic hierarchy between the role of the external argument and the role ...
Dutch and French share a construction in which an element X occurs in a reduplicative coordinatio... more Dutch and French share a construction in which an element X occurs in a reduplicative coordination pattern: [X maar dan ook X] (lit. 'X but then also X') in Dutch and [X mais alors X] (lit. 'X but then X') in French (for Dutch, see Hoeksema (2001) and Cappelle (2012)). In both languages, this pattern can be used to put emphasis on X: (1) wij hebben alles maar dan ook alles gedaan om die mensen goed te begeleiden (... ) (CGN, shortened) 'lit. We have done everything but then also everything to guide these people appropriately' (2) je ne comprends pas les Wallons mais alors pas-du-tout (Valibel, shortened) 'lit. I do not understand the Walloons but then really not' Since these patterns combine a fixed sequence (maar dan ook / mais alors) with a variable element X (a (universal) quantifier, a degree adverb, an adjective, etc.) and since their emphatic meaning is not (entirely) predictable from their components, they seem to act like constructional idioms...
Super mais alors super interessant! Reduplicative coordination constructions with an emphatic mea... more Super mais alors super interessant! Reduplicative coordination constructions with an emphatic meaning in (spoken) French and Dutch French and Dutch share a construction in which an element X occurs in a reduplicative coordination pattern: [X mais alors X] (lit. 'X but then X') in French and [X maar dan ook X] (lit. 'X but then also X') in Dutch (for Dutch, see Hoeksema (2001) and Cappelle (2012)). In both languages, this pattern can be used to put emphasis on X: (1) je ne comprends pas les la W/ les Wallons mais alors pas-du-tout (Valibel) 'I do not understand the Walloons but then really not ' (2) wij hebben alles maar dan ook alles gedaan om die mensen goed te begeleiden (... ) (CGN, shortened) 'We have done everything but then also everything to guide these people appropriately' Since these patterns combine a fixed sequence (mais alors / maar dan ook) with a variable element X (a (universal) quantifier, a degree adverb, an adjective, etc.) and sinc...
Building a bridge between linguistic communities of the Old and the New World, 2012
This paper examines the question of aspect with relation to adjectives. We argue that there exist... more This paper examines the question of aspect with relation to adjectives. We argue that there exists a set of adjectives in French that exhibit linguistic properties similar to those of dynamic verbs, like imprudent ‘careless’ or mechant ‘mean’. All dynamic adjectives take a syntactic subject interpreted as “agent” and are unergative. We support our claim by showing that behavior adjectives pass the same tests as their verbal counterparts. Subsequently, we propose that French behavior adjectives and non behavior adjectives are syntactically different in that the former type projects into syntax as an aP whose head, a, takes an AP as its complement, whereas the latter simply projects as an AP.
Folia Linguistica, 2020
This paper is concerned with a hitherto undiscussed type of tough-construction in Modern Standard... more This paper is concerned with a hitherto undiscussed type of tough-construction in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Our starting point is the observation that the tough-adjective in this construction invariably displays nominative masculine singular morphology, a pattern of ‘default’ agreement which does not seem to occur elsewhere in the grammar of MSA. At a semantic level, the relevant adjective is argued to form a complex predicate with a deverbal nominalization that acts as its complement: together, these two elements indirectly modify the subject noun phrase. To explain the default agreement pattern, we propose that MSA tough-constructions involve two distinct subjects, viz. a phonologically null expletive subject which controls agreement on the tough-adjective, and a Broad Subject which acts as the semantic subject of the whole construction. We show that there is independent evidence for the existence of both null expletives and Broad Subjects in MSA.
Langages, 2020
Dans cet article sont comparees les constructions Tough de deux langues typologiquement tres eloi... more Dans cet article sont comparees les constructions Tough de deux langues typologiquement tres eloignees, l’arabe standard et le bulgare. Il sera montre que, malgre les differences morphosyntaxiques, ces constructions reposent sur le meme mecanisme semantique de double predication que les grammairiens arabes appellent le ‹mode d’attribution indirect›. Les paraphrases par des structures possessives dans les deux langues permettent, en outre, de reconnaitre a l’element deverbal le statut de dimension – une sorte de partie abstraite tres particuliere (Van de Velde 2020 ce volume). Enfin, les auteurs posent la question de la ‹source› de la qualite denotee par l’adjectif tough, en signalant quelques differences entre les deux langues au niveau des adjectifs modaux.
Languages in Contrast, 2020
This study focuses on French and English abstract nouns denoting properties that can be ascribed ... more This study focuses on French and English abstract nouns denoting properties that can be ascribed to humans, such as beauty, carefulness and anger. Previous research showed that some but not all of these nouns are licensed in both locative existentials (e.g., There’s an intense anger in Isabella) and possessive existentials (e.g., Isabella has an intense anger). What remains unclear is how these and other patterns correlate among themselves depending on how easily they host such nouns. We here use speaker ratings of these nouns in different constructional environments. A principal component analysis suggests that the main dimension underlying native speakers’ ratings of these abstract nouns in six different patterns is temporal limitability. This gradable distinction, strongly correlated with the locative existential, holds for both the French and English data and outweighs any French-English contrastive differences in how acceptable human property nouns are considered to be in the p...
Travaux De Linguistique, 2008
Le Francais Moderne, 2008
L'article a pour objet de rendre compte du mode de fonctionnement semantique d'un ensembl... more L'article a pour objet de rendre compte du mode de fonctionnement semantique d'un ensemble de predicats, peu etudies, tels que coutumier, familier, (in)habituel, inhabituel, inherent, propre, etc. Tous s'emploient dans des constructions attributives avec etre, souvent mises en parallele avec d'autres avec avoir qui, a premiere vue, peuvent etre rangees dans les constructions doublement predicatives. L'examen des contraintes de selection imposees au groupe nominal porteur du role semantique de theme, qui est sujet dans les constructions avec etre, et objet de avoir dans celles avec avoir, ajoute au mode de fonctionnement semantique des adjectifs dans les constructions avec etre, permettent d'isoler parmi les membres du groupe d'adjectifs mentionnes ci-dessus trois groupes de predicats dont le point commun est de figurer dans des constructions locatives uni-predicatives, dans lesquelles ils fonctionnent comme des modifieurs de relations predicatives, d'ou la denomination « adjectifs de relations predicatives ».
Travaux De Linguistique, 2004
Travaux de linguistique, 2015
Http Www Theses Fr, 2005
Le present travail se propose d'etudier les adjectifs francais a complement au datif. Souvent... more Le present travail se propose d'etudier les adjectifs francais a complement au datif. Souvent consideres comme des adjectifs ordinaires qui prediquent une propriete du syntagme qu'ils prennent en fonction de sujet dans la construction SN etreadjectif complementdatif et dont la seule particularite syntaxique est de regir un complement marque par le cas datif, ces adjectifs offrent un observatoire interessant a tous les niveaux et se distinguent des autres adjectifs francais. Sur le plan semantique, la plupart des adjectifs a complement au datif n'expriment pas une propriete de leurs "sujets" meme si la construction avec etre les presente comme des predicables de ceux-ci. Les relations predicatives sont inversees et les adjectifs en question semblent signifier des proprietes qui sont celles des referents des complements au datif avant d'etre aux sujets. Au niveau syntaxique, et sauf de rares exceptions, les adjectifs a complement au datif n'ont que des arguments internes. Ces deux proprietes les opposent aux autres adjectifs francais transitifs et intransitifs et font partie d'un ensemble de caracteristiques qui permettent, d'un cote, d'isoler les adjectifs a complement au datif parmi l'ensemble des adjectifs, de l'autre, de faire ressortir l'homogeneite du marquage de leurs complements par le cas datif, lequel parait au terme de ce travail comme etant a l'interface de la semantique et de la syntaxe
Francais Moderne
L'article propose une hypothèse générale expliquant le marquage par le cas datif des compléme... more L'article propose une hypothèse générale expliquant le marquage par le cas datif des complément à SN des adjectifs français. Ce type de marquage casuel est assigné (i) au second complément interne de l'adjectif, (ii) porteur d'un rôle thématique hiérarchiquement plus élevé que le premier argument interne, et (iii) ne possédant pas de structure syntaxique à ordre argumental inversé. Cette hypothèse – articulant sens et syntaxe des adjectifs– rend compte d'un nombre important de phénomènes, notamment la fonction particulière du cas datif qui semble marquer le 'sujet de prédication'.
The paper proposes a semantic basis that can allow to systematize the formation of both masdars a... more The paper proposes a semantic basis that can allow to systematize the formation of both masdars and non-causative intransitive verbs from transitive active ones in Modern Standard Arabic. The analysis takes into account the lexico-conceptual structure of verbs as well as the involvement of the agent in the expressed process. Action denoting transitive verbs are divided into two classes depending on whether the action produces or not a result. Verbs lexicalizing a simple structure (without resultative layer) give rise to the formation of masdars expressing (among others) unrelated events and don’t enter into the causative/non-causative alternation. Verbs lexicalizing the resultative layer give rise to the formation of masdars expressing (among others) related events and do enter into the causative/non-causative alternation. Their aspectual properties, particularly the involvement of the agent in different phases of the overall expressed process, explain the verb’s form in the non-cau...
The article describes the properties of deverbal nouns (maṣdars) in Standard Arabic. Prior accoun... more The article describes the properties of deverbal nouns (maṣdars) in Standard Arabic. Prior accounts identify the following type (qaṣfu l-ʿaduwwi li-l-madīnati), among others, but neglect the maṣdar that introduces its internal argument as a direct complement in the genitive case and its external argument as a prepositional adjunct (taḥrīru l-madīnati ʿalā yadi l-ǧayši). We argue that these two types reflect two different conceptu-alizations of 'events': bound-events, which describe a change that has taken place in the nature of a substance represented by the internal argument; and unbound-events, which describe a change in the relationship between the internal and external arguments. Within the lexical decomposition model, we propose a semantic basis for explaining constraints on direct transitive verbs according to (i) the type of maṣdars they form; (ii) the possibility of deriving a resul-tative passive participle (ism al-mafʿūl); and (iii) the alternation, for some verbs,...
Innsbruck, 3 – 8 septembre 2007, 2010
... dynamique est corrélée à celle de la (non) agentivité du sujet des adjectifs: le sujet des ad... more ... dynamique est corrélée à celle de la (non) agentivité du sujet des adjectifs: le sujet des adjectifs statifs est non agentif contrairement à celui des adjectifs dynamiques. ... 2. Tests d'agentivité: l'agentivité comme preuve de la dynamicité ...
Morphology, 2014
ABSTRACT In September 2013 the conference “Morphology and its Interfaces” was held at the Univers... more ABSTRACT In September 2013 the conference “Morphology and its Interfaces” was held at the University of Lille 3. The conference addressed questions concerning morphology and its internal or external interfaces, from a diachronic or synchronic perspective. Its aim was to foster the study of interactions between morphology and other domains of linguistics. This special issue is devoted to the phonology-morphology interface, and presents five selected papers on this topic.There is little doubt that the relation between phonology and morphology is of great importance for the analysis of various phenomena. Several flectional and derivational phenomena directly involve both domains, for example reduplication and stem alternation. Other morphological phenomena need to have recourse to phonological constraints to be explained. Booij (2000) lists different sorts of interactions between word formation and phonology, such as the influence of morphological structure on the phonetic shape of complex words, ...
Papers by Fayssal Tayalati