Papers by Faturrahman Faturrahman
Jurnal Abdi Insani, 2022
Tanaman porang (A. muelleri) dapat memproduksi umbi yang mengandung glukomanan hingga 54% (yang b... more Tanaman porang (A. muelleri) dapat memproduksi umbi yang mengandung glukomanan hingga 54% (yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan dan bahan industri. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh dengan baik di bawah tegakan, sehingga dapat ditumpangsarikan dengan pohon apa saja termasuk pohon gaharu yang dikonservasi secara ex situ di HKM Pusuk Lestari Lombok Barat. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberi pengetahuan tentang budidaya tumpangsari tanaman porang dengan pohon G. versteegii yang ditanam satu tahun yang lalu untuk konservasi ex-situ di kawasan HKm Desa Pusuk Lastari, Batu Layar Lombok Barat, dan memberikan pelatihan serta praktek penanaman bibit porang dikawasan HKm dengan sistem agroforestry, untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejateraan bagi para pemangku HKm di Desa Pusuk Lestari. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah telah terlaksana kegiatan pelatihan tentang budidaya porang dengan metode tumpang sari dengan pohon G. versteegii, mulai dari pemilihan bibit berkualitas, pencarian distrib...
Jurnal Warta Desa (JWD), 2021
Sampah organik adalah sampah yang paling banyak dihasilkan oleh aktivitas manusia, karenanya haru... more Sampah organik adalah sampah yang paling banyak dihasilkan oleh aktivitas manusia, karenanya harus diolah sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak menyebabkan masalah kesehatan dan lingkungan, serta dapat dimanfaatkan kembali. Salah satu bentuk pengolahan dan pemanfataannya adalah dengan mengubahnya mejadi pupuk organik yang prosesnya dibantu oleh mikroba bakteri EM4®. Kegiatan pembuatan dan aplikasi pupuk organik berbasis mikroba rencananya akan dilaksanakan di Desa Penimbung, Lingsar - Lombok Barat. Kegiatan dan monitoring akan dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan (Mei s/d Oktober 2020). Kegiatan ini akan melibatkan beberapa dosen dan mahasiswa dari PS Biologi, FMIPA - UNRAM, serta pemuda karang taruna bersama warga Desa Penimbung, Lingsar - Lombok Barat. Kegiatan akan diisi dengan pelatihan pembuatan dan aplikasi pupuk kompos dan pupuk cair dari sisa makanan berbasis mikroba bakteri (EM4®). Pupuk yang sudah dibuat nantinya akan diaplikasikan pada tanaman kebun/pekarangan, menggantikan pupuk komersial.
The use of antibiotics is one of the most important ways to deal with the spread and treatment of... more The use of antibiotics is one of the most important ways to deal with the spread and treatment of pathogenic microbial infections. The search for new antibiotic sources continues to be carried out to anticipate the emergence of microbial resistance. One of the natural resources that has the potential as an antimicrobial source is a member of the macrofungi of the Genus Ganoderma. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial performance of the ethanol extracts of Ganoderma lucidum, G. applanatum dan Ganorderma sp. against fungi (Candida albicans dan Cryptococcus neoformans), gram positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus dan Staphylococcus aureus) and gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli dan Shigella sp.). Macrofungi samples were taken from the forest area of Nature Tourism Park (TWA) Gunung Tunak, TWA Kerandangan, TWA Suranadi, TWA Nuraksa Sesaot, TWA Lemor and Pusuk forest. The stages of the method performed are sample collection, sample preparation, extraction, and t...
Indonesia is considered as a mega-biodiversity country that has a massive amount of vascular and ... more Indonesia is considered as a mega-biodiversity country that has a massive amount of vascular and non-vascular plants. The tropical environment condition of Indonesia could support the growth of macrofungi. Information about edible macrofungi from the Forest of Lombok Island is based on limited data. This research aims to characterize the edible macrofungi at Kerandangan Protected Forest & Natural Park, West Lombok Regency, Indonesia. This research was a descriptive and explorative study. The edible mushrooms were observed through the Cruise method by following the particular track inside the forest. The sample found in the forest then documented and evaluated. A morphological analysis procedure was performed to assess the profile and similarity between the microscopic evaluations with the mushrooms identification book. In this study, we also offered a phylogeny analysis based on morphological characters similarity. The Dendogram tree was reconstructed using PAST 3.0. software. The ...
Sarkono, Faturrahman, Sofyan Y. 2010. Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from a... more Sarkono, Faturrahman, Sofyan Y. 2010. Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from abalone (Haliotis asinina) as a potential candidate of probiotic. Bioteknologi 7: 99-106. The purpose of this study was to isolate, select and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from abalone as a potential candidate probiotic in abalone cultivation system. Selective isolation of LAB performed using de Man Rogosa Sharpe medium. LAB isolate that potential as probiotics was screened. Selection was based on its ability to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, bacterial resistance to acidic conditions and bacterial resistance to bile salts (bile). Further characterization and identification conducted to determine the species. The results showed that two of the ten isolates potential to be developed as probiotic bacteria that have the ability to inhibit several pathogenic bacteria such as Eschericia coli, Bacillus cereus dan Staphylococus aureus, able to grow at acidic condition and ...
The use of antibiotics that are not according to the rules and antibiotics in the long term can c... more The use of antibiotics that are not according to the rules and antibiotics in the long term can cause resistance to bacteria. This study aims to determine the presence of antibacterial activity and the effect of increasing the concentration of ethanol extract of Ganoderma sp. against several test bacteria. Extract from Ganoderma sp. obtained by maceration method using ethanol 95% solvent. The extract concentrations used were 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. This research was conducted using the wells method with ciprofloxacin as a positive control and 50% DMSO as a negative control. The parameter measured is the large diameter of the inhibition formed around the well. The results of the antibacterial activity test of ethanol extract Ganoderma sp. has greater inhibitory activity against gram-negative bacteria. The inhibitory activity of ethanolic extract of Ganoderma sp. on the growth of test bacteria increased with increasing concentration of the extract
Papers by Faturrahman Faturrahman