Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 1, 2004
Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, versky... more Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, verskyn drie-en-dertig jaar na sy debuut met Maat van die onbekende. Tussen die twee le 'n eiesoortige oeuvre versprei - een wat soos so baie ander in Afrikaans nooit werklik onder die loep geneem word nie.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Aug 1, 2003
In Lucas Malan se bundel Hongergrond (uit 1994) is die digter se oeuvre vir 'n oomblik van di... more In Lucas Malan se bundel Hongergrond (uit 1994) is die digter se oeuvre vir 'n oomblik van die intieme koers-aard daarvan weggelok, maar in Afstande het hy die dwaallig van politieke betrokkenheid herken en teruggekeer tot die persoonlike vers wat hy sy eie gemaak het.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 1, 2003
Teen hierdie tyd weet lesers van Afrikaanse poesie reeds wat om van Daniel Hugo te verwag: stewig... more Teen hierdie tyd weet lesers van Afrikaanse poesie reeds wat om van Daniel Hugo te verwag: stewige, knap gedigte, formeel maar met 'n speelse inslag, en guitig genoeg sodat jy dit dadelik kan eien.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Aug 1, 2003
Die buitebladontwerp van Pirow Bekker se jongste digbundel suggereer in die versmelting van die k... more Die buitebladontwerp van Pirow Bekker se jongste digbundel suggereer in die versmelting van die kleurvlakke die opheffing van grense wat die titel, Stillerlewe, wil omvat.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, 2005
Die titel van Mari Grobler se bundel Eggo's in bewolkte water roep dadelik iets van die fyn s... more Die titel van Mari Grobler se bundel Eggo's in bewolkte water roep dadelik iets van die fyn segging van die Oosterse poesie op - die wereld van die haikoe en die Zen-Boeddhisme. Die Afrikaanse leser wat egter die laaste paar jaar deur Antjie Krog se vertalings toegang tot die Boesmanvertelling uit die Bleekversameling gekry het, sal weet dat hierdie soort beeld eintlik baie nader aan ons is.
Proefskrif (DLitt)--PU vir CHO, 1985.The concept "mysticism" has been defined in many w... more Proefskrif (DLitt)--PU vir CHO, 1985.The concept "mysticism" has been defined in many ways, and in the present day it seems to be used to refer to any strange experience. In its essence, however, mysticism can be described as an awareness of the godhead which evolves into an experience of the godhead in a direct and intimately personal manner, and ultimately an unification with it. In this study of the revelation of such an experience in Afrikaans poetry, the research was based on the premise that such experiences, when expressed in language, become accessible to others through the fact of their existence in language. The aim of the research was to establish a common set of characteristics prevailing in a group of Afrikaans poems written between 1920 and 1980 by poets who shared little else but the language they wrote in. The selection of the 26 poems by 11 poets was determined by the degree of mystical awareness that became apparent while reading. This was facilitated by an initial study of the history and development of mysticism within the Western tradition, and an effort to identify the main characteristics of the mystical experience. Although some writers maintain that there can be very little probability of a "fixed system" in mystical writing, this research aimed to isolate exactly that. Accepting the contention of A. Nygren in his work Agape and Eros that there is something common in mystical texts, the research inquired into "the fundamental motif ( ... )which makes a work of art into a unified whole, determines its structure, and gives it its specific character." 1953: 42) (Nygren, This fundamental motif should, however, not be seen as merely the idea expressed in the poem, but precisely the way in which it is expressed. This approach utilizes the semiotical theory that in any form of communication it is possible to identify a semantical system (a set of notions that is traditionally associated with mysticism), and a syntactical system, as well as a "rule" "code" that governs the relationship between the two systems. D.W. Fokkema formulated this clearly in his significant essay "Method and Programme of Comparative Literature": "The assimilation and organization of the formal and semantic raw material (including that of preceding literary texts) is guided by a system of selective principles which belongs to the code of the receiving texts." (Fokkema , 1974: 56) This system of selective principles can be called the code, which is a "regulative idea, an ideal type which may not be completely fulfilled by any single work and will certainly in every individual work be combined with different traits, survivals from the past, antic ipations of the future and quite individual peculiarities". (Wellek, 1963: 252-253) The working hypothesis for the research was that there existed a group of poems in Afrikaans which gave expression to the mystical experience, and that these poems were structured in such a manner that it would be possible to reconstruct a code. This code could be called the code for mystical poetry, and would be useful for further comparative studies of poetry within this tradition, also outside Afrikaans. The second chapter of the thesis was devoted to a short survey of the earlier history of mysticism in the Western tradition, before looking at the nature of the phenomenon. As an introduction a cursory glance was given at the mystical tradition as expressed in the Bible, and the new dimension that was added with the figure of Christ, a figure transcending the chasm between man and God. The historical section continued with the Neo-Platonists, of whom Philo, Origines and Plotinus were the most important. The basis for Greek speculative mysticism was that the soul carried something of its Essence of Origin with it, and longed to be re-united. The development in their thought came when the abstract Essence was replaced by the "One'', but knowing the One still remained a negative experience as far as formulating the relationship between man and godhead was concerned. This frustrating aspect of the mystical experience also dominated the contribution of the Syrian monk Dionysius. He nevertheless played an important role in further development by stressing the importance of annihilating the Self. He called for a complete denial of the mystic's human needs and aspirations before there could be any possibility of a mystical experience. Bernard of Clairvaux expressed his mystical convictions in terms of love, and his extensive commentary on the Song of Songs led to the generally accepted interpretation of this song as a work expressing the mystical relationship between God and man. The Dutch mystics of the late Middle Ages was represented by Jan van Ruusbroec, whose beautiful prose works in the vernacular used nature as a simile to try and express the mystical experience. As was the case with earlier writers, he too recognised three phases in the mystic's journey to unification with the godhead.…
Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, versky... more Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, verskyn drie-en-dertig jaar na sy debuut met Maat van die onbekende. Tussen die twee le 'n eiesoortige oeuvre versprei - een wat soos so baie ander in Afrikaans nooit werklik onder die loep geneem word nie.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 1, 2004
Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, versky... more Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, verskyn drie-en-dertig jaar na sy debuut met Maat van die onbekende. Tussen die twee le 'n eiesoortige oeuvre versprei - een wat soos so baie ander in Afrikaans nooit werklik onder die loep geneem word nie.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Aug 1, 2003
In Lucas Malan se bundel Hongergrond (uit 1994) is die digter se oeuvre vir 'n oomblik van di... more In Lucas Malan se bundel Hongergrond (uit 1994) is die digter se oeuvre vir 'n oomblik van die intieme koers-aard daarvan weggelok, maar in Afstande het hy die dwaallig van politieke betrokkenheid herken en teruggekeer tot die persoonlike vers wat hy sy eie gemaak het.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Apr 1, 2003
Teen hierdie tyd weet lesers van Afrikaanse poesie reeds wat om van Daniel Hugo te verwag: stewig... more Teen hierdie tyd weet lesers van Afrikaanse poesie reeds wat om van Daniel Hugo te verwag: stewige, knap gedigte, formeel maar met 'n speelse inslag, en guitig genoeg sodat jy dit dadelik kan eien.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, Aug 1, 2003
Die buitebladontwerp van Pirow Bekker se jongste digbundel suggereer in die versmelting van die k... more Die buitebladontwerp van Pirow Bekker se jongste digbundel suggereer in die versmelting van die kleurvlakke die opheffing van grense wat die titel, Stillerlewe, wil omvat.
Literator: Journal of literary criticism, comparative linguistics and literary studies, 2005
Die titel van Mari Grobler se bundel Eggo's in bewolkte water roep dadelik iets van die fyn s... more Die titel van Mari Grobler se bundel Eggo's in bewolkte water roep dadelik iets van die fyn segging van die Oosterse poesie op - die wereld van die haikoe en die Zen-Boeddhisme. Die Afrikaanse leser wat egter die laaste paar jaar deur Antjie Krog se vertalings toegang tot die Boesmanvertelling uit die Bleekversameling gekry het, sal weet dat hierdie soort beeld eintlik baie nader aan ons is.
Proefskrif (DLitt)--PU vir CHO, 1985.The concept "mysticism" has been defined in many w... more Proefskrif (DLitt)--PU vir CHO, 1985.The concept "mysticism" has been defined in many ways, and in the present day it seems to be used to refer to any strange experience. In its essence, however, mysticism can be described as an awareness of the godhead which evolves into an experience of the godhead in a direct and intimately personal manner, and ultimately an unification with it. In this study of the revelation of such an experience in Afrikaans poetry, the research was based on the premise that such experiences, when expressed in language, become accessible to others through the fact of their existence in language. The aim of the research was to establish a common set of characteristics prevailing in a group of Afrikaans poems written between 1920 and 1980 by poets who shared little else but the language they wrote in. The selection of the 26 poems by 11 poets was determined by the degree of mystical awareness that became apparent while reading. This was facilitated by an initial study of the history and development of mysticism within the Western tradition, and an effort to identify the main characteristics of the mystical experience. Although some writers maintain that there can be very little probability of a "fixed system" in mystical writing, this research aimed to isolate exactly that. Accepting the contention of A. Nygren in his work Agape and Eros that there is something common in mystical texts, the research inquired into "the fundamental motif ( ... )which makes a work of art into a unified whole, determines its structure, and gives it its specific character." 1953: 42) (Nygren, This fundamental motif should, however, not be seen as merely the idea expressed in the poem, but precisely the way in which it is expressed. This approach utilizes the semiotical theory that in any form of communication it is possible to identify a semantical system (a set of notions that is traditionally associated with mysticism), and a syntactical system, as well as a "rule" "code" that governs the relationship between the two systems. D.W. Fokkema formulated this clearly in his significant essay "Method and Programme of Comparative Literature": "The assimilation and organization of the formal and semantic raw material (including that of preceding literary texts) is guided by a system of selective principles which belongs to the code of the receiving texts." (Fokkema , 1974: 56) This system of selective principles can be called the code, which is a "regulative idea, an ideal type which may not be completely fulfilled by any single work and will certainly in every individual work be combined with different traits, survivals from the past, antic ipations of the future and quite individual peculiarities". (Wellek, 1963: 252-253) The working hypothesis for the research was that there existed a group of poems in Afrikaans which gave expression to the mystical experience, and that these poems were structured in such a manner that it would be possible to reconstruct a code. This code could be called the code for mystical poetry, and would be useful for further comparative studies of poetry within this tradition, also outside Afrikaans. The second chapter of the thesis was devoted to a short survey of the earlier history of mysticism in the Western tradition, before looking at the nature of the phenomenon. As an introduction a cursory glance was given at the mystical tradition as expressed in the Bible, and the new dimension that was added with the figure of Christ, a figure transcending the chasm between man and God. The historical section continued with the Neo-Platonists, of whom Philo, Origines and Plotinus were the most important. The basis for Greek speculative mysticism was that the soul carried something of its Essence of Origin with it, and longed to be re-united. The development in their thought came when the abstract Essence was replaced by the "One'', but knowing the One still remained a negative experience as far as formulating the relationship between man and godhead was concerned. This frustrating aspect of the mystical experience also dominated the contribution of the Syrian monk Dionysius. He nevertheless played an important role in further development by stressing the importance of annihilating the Self. He called for a complete denial of the mystic's human needs and aspirations before there could be any possibility of a mystical experience. Bernard of Clairvaux expressed his mystical convictions in terms of love, and his extensive commentary on the Song of Songs led to the generally accepted interpretation of this song as a work expressing the mystical relationship between God and man. The Dutch mystics of the late Middle Ages was represented by Jan van Ruusbroec, whose beautiful prose works in the vernacular used nature as a simile to try and express the mystical experience. As was the case with earlier writers, he too recognised three phases in the mystic's journey to unification with the godhead.…
Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, versky... more Die jongste digbundel van Wessel Pretorius, en kyk na die omowit engele op die rolbalbaan, verskyn drie-en-dertig jaar na sy debuut met Maat van die onbekende. Tussen die twee le 'n eiesoortige oeuvre versprei - een wat soos so baie ander in Afrikaans nooit werklik onder die loep geneem word nie.
Papers by Fanie Olivier