Papers by Familia Novita Simanjuntak
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
The research was conducted to find out whether there was an increase in student learning interest... more The research was conducted to find out whether there was an increase in student learning interest by using an interactive module and how much the increase was. The research subjects were students of class XI IPA Santo Kristoforus High School Jakarta with two treatments namely class XI IPA 1 as a control class using a student handbook totaling 33 students and class XI IPA 2 as an experimental class using interactive modules totaling 33 students. The total number of 66 students. Students and sampling techniques are done by purposive sampling (directly). Data collection techniques in this study used a Likert scale questionnaire with two group research design: pre nontest and postnontes. Data obtained from the results of the pre-test was processed in excel which then tested for normality and homogeneity using SPSs 22 for Windows. From the test results obtained the results for the normality test sig value = 0.200 sig 0.05, meaning that it can be normally distributed. Whereas for homogeneity test obtained sig 0,420 sig 0,05 which means the data is homogeneous. To find out how to improve student learning outcomes, calculate the score through the gain test. In the control class there was an increase in student learning interest of 6.5%, with the highest indicator of pleasure of 46.51% while in the experimental class there was an increase in student interest in learning by 12.92%, with the highest indicator of interest of 72.41%.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
The ability and motivation of learning are different for each student, making the teacher to keep... more The ability and motivation of learning are different for each student, making the teacher to keep on changing, developing, and seeking the solutions in teaching. The core problem is motivation. Low motivation will impact the learning outcome. In the 21 st century, model and learning methods have changed many times. One of them is the use of e-learning method. Learning Management System (LMS) is a part of e-learning. The example of LMS is Moodle. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is an increase in motivation of learning chemistry after using Moodle. This research is using a quantitative experiment design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population of the research was all the students of BPK PENABUR Pharmacy Vocational School Jakarta academic year 2018/2019. Purposive sampling technique defines students of grade XI. Learning in the classroom had been done by using a direct learning method, in which Moodle was used as a supplement/complement learning at home. The research instrument was a motivation questionnaire with 20 numbers of statements. The sample of the research was fewer than 30 students, hence the test used was a non-parametric test. Based on the data analysis and hypothesis testing, we know that asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.002, where 0.002 < 0.05. In conclusion, the use of Moodle can increase the students' motivation in learning chemistry of grade XI BPK PENABUR Pharmacy Vocational School Jakarta.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, 2020
Jurnal dinamika pendidikan, Apr 1, 2015
Men sana in corpore sano", strong soul stays within a healthy body. This slogan is firmly attache... more Men sana in corpore sano", strong soul stays within a healthy body. This slogan is firmly attached inside the mindset of the parents who constantly strive to run a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods. But now, in the era of modern and fast-paced, food technology developments offer a great selection of processed food products that are attractive and fast to the public without considering the nutrients needed by the human body. In fact, the number of food product advertisement serve the interesting and ambiguous packaging information which impact on consumption patterns that are not based on awareness of eating. Awareness of eating can be formed by the knowledge of the characteristics of all types of daily food. Food chemistry education is one of the right ways to complement public knowledge about the characteristics of all types of daily food, especially about the best nutrients of food needed to maintain his physical and mental health. Finally, when the awareness of healthy foods eating that has been formed and embedded in society as a whole, then it would have a positive impact on the development of a healthy and strong Nation.
Chemistry learning at SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan is still dominated by teacher-centered information de... more Chemistry learning at SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan is still dominated by teacher-centered information delivery, sample modeling and practice questions. As a result, students are less interested and more passive in the process of learning chemistry. Based on the results of the chemistry learning process questionnaire that has been filled out by students of class X and XI of SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan FY 2018/2019 the results obtained in the statement are able to understand the chemistry obtained answer "yes" as much as 42.5%, do not feel difficulties in learning chemistry obtained "yes" answers as much as 6.3%, and able to do chemical tasks without cheating obtained "yes" answers as much as 16.8%. So, it can be said that the chemistry learning outcomes of SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan is very lacking. This study aims to determine the increase in chemistry learning outcomes of students at SMAN 3 Tambun Selatan TA 2018/2019. This study uses a pretest-posttest control group de...
Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan, 2015
Men sana in corpore sano", strong soul stays within a healthy body. This slogan is firmly attache... more Men sana in corpore sano", strong soul stays within a healthy body. This slogan is firmly attached inside the mindset of the parents who constantly strive to run a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods. But now, in the era of modern and fast-paced, food technology developments offer a great selection of processed food products that are attractive and fast to the public without considering the nutrients needed by the human body. In fact, the number of food product advertisement serve the interesting and ambiguous packaging information which impact on consumption patterns that are not based on awareness of eating. Awareness of eating can be formed by the knowledge of the characteristics of all types of daily food. Food chemistry education is one of the right ways to complement public knowledge about the characteristics of all types of daily food, especially about the best nutrients of food needed to maintain his physical and mental health. Finally, when the awareness of healthy foods eating that has been formed and embedded in society as a whole, then it would have a positive impact on the development of a healthy and strong Nation.
Jurnal Ekologi, Masyarakat dan Sains, 2020
Pencapaian kehidupan sehat dan sejahtera membutuhkan pendekatan yang bersifat multi-disiplin dan ... more Pencapaian kehidupan sehat dan sejahtera membutuhkan pendekatan yang bersifat multi-disiplin dan multi-dimensi. Salah satu dimensi tersebut adalah fasilitas lingkungan hidup yang dapat menopang kebutuhan kehidupan dan menampung semua dampak dari aktifitas kehidupan tersebut. Olah tanah berbasis keanekaragaman hayati merupakan sebuah upaya terintegrasi dalam rangka penguatan fasilitas lingkungan hidup untuk melindungi, memulihkan, dan mendukung penggunaan ekosistem daratan secara berkelanjutan. Pertumbuhan populasi manusia yang cenderung meningkat berdampak pada kualitas tanah yang semakin terdegradasi akibat eksploitasi dan alih fungsi untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan kehidupan manusia. Artikel ini membahas melalui kajian literatur terkait praktek pertanian organis sebagai olah tanah berbasis keanekaragaman hayati untuk meningkatkan kualitas keseburan tanah sebagai salah satu indikator fasilitas lingkungan hidup. Artikel menggunakan hasil penelitian tentang pertanian organis BSB Cisaru...
Jurnal Ekologi, Masyarakat Dan Sains, 2020
Pencapaian kehidupan sehat dan sejahtera membutuhkan pendekatan yang bersifat multi-disiplin dan ... more Pencapaian kehidupan sehat dan sejahtera membutuhkan pendekatan yang bersifat multi-disiplin dan multi-dimensi. Salah satu dimensi tersebut adalah fasilitas lingkungan hidup yang dapat menopang kebutuhan kehidupan dan menampung semua dampak dari aktifitas kehidupan tersebut. Olah tanah berbasis keanekaragaman hayati merupakan sebuah upaya terintegrasi dalam rangka penguatan fasilitas lingkungan hidup untuk melindungi, memulihkan, dan mendukung penggunaan ekosistem daratan secara berkelanjutan. Pertumbuhan populasi manusia yang cenderung meningkat berdampak pada kualitas tanah yang semakin terdegradasi akibat eksploitasi dan alih fungsi untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan kehidupan manusia. Artikel ini membahas melalui kajian literatur terkait praktek pertanian organis sebagai olah tanah berbasis keanekaragaman hayati untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesuburan tanah sebagai salah satu indikator fasilitas lingkungan hidup. Artikel menggunakan hasil penelitian tentang pertanian organis BSB Cisarua Bogor (2006) sebagai landasan kajian literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pertanian organis BSB Cisarua meningkatkan kualitas kesuburan tanah sebagai indikator daya dukung dan daya tampung tanah melalui olah tanah berbasis keanekaragaman hayati di atas dan bawah tanah untuk menghasilkan produk pertanian yang bebas dari bahan kimia sintetis.
Penggunaan e-modul dalam pendekatan blended learning mutlak diperlukan agar siswa dapat mengakses... more Penggunaan e-modul dalam pendekatan blended learning mutlak diperlukan agar siswa dapat mengakses sumber belajar sesuai kurikulum. Namun eksistensi emodul masih belum luas dikenal pada kalangan guru. Untuk itu, dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan e-modul menggunakan software SIGIL kepada guru-guru di MTs YAPPI Mulusan, dalam rangka Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UKI. Sebagai evaluasi digunakan angket kepuasan partisipan terhadap pelatihan. Adapun temuan hasil survey diantaranya: 1) Seluruh partisipan sangat setuju bahwa pelatihan pembuatan e-modul bermanfaat dalam pembelajaran; 2) Sebanyak 87,5% partisipan setuju bahwa software SIGIL dapat digunakan secara sederhana dalam membuat e-modul, sementara terdapat 50% partisipan sangat setuju bahwa software SIGIL bersifat kebaruan; 3) Sebanyak 71,9% partisipan puas atas kebermanfaatan e-modul yang dihasilkan dari pelatihan; dan 4) Sebanyak 95,6% partisipan puas terhadap instruktur. Demikian PKM ini telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, diharapkan para guru mampu mengembangkan e-modul dalam mempersiapkan blended learning.
Penyuluhan biasanya dilakukan untuk memberi informasi kepada masyarakat dalam rangka peningkatan ... more Penyuluhan biasanya dilakukan untuk memberi informasi kepada masyarakat dalam rangka peningkatan pengetahuan, keterampilan belajar yang sekaligus pembentukan karakter dan semangat ketika berinteraksi dalam masyarakat yang terlibat penyuluhan (Ibrahim, Thomas and Fine, 2003; van den Ban and Hawkins, 1999).. Mardikanto (1987) menyatakan bahwa penyuluhan dapat menumbuhkembangkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan termasuk pembangunan manusia yang sadar kimia. Kimia adalah salah satu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang susunan, sifat, dan reaksi suatu unsur atau zat. Kimia dikenal sebagai ilmu yang abstrak sehingga sering menimbulkan kebimbangan kimia (chemophobia) dan berdampak pada rendahnya minat belajar kimia pada siswa (Leong Suk Yee and Lay Yoon, 2014). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari manfaat penyuluhan tentang kimia kepada masyarakat dalam pengembangan ranah afektif kimia pada mahasiswa sebagai penyuluh dan pada masyarakat sebagai peserta. Pendekatan...
Daily eating habit of teenagers is usually described by knowledge and perception based on their f... more Daily eating habit of teenagers is usually described by knowledge and perception based on their family culture/heritage or education experience or social life. This research studies about how the knowledge and perception of teenagers describe their daily eating habit. Staple food is a group of food to reach the balance nutrition which is consumed regularly in certain portion to obtain the carbohydrate as the source of energy (Suhardjo and Kusharto, 1992). Indonesia has 77 kinds of staple food as the potential sources of carbohydrate such as cereal plants (paddy, sorghum), roots (garut – Maranta arundinacea, ganyong – Canna discolor, gembili – Dioscorea esculenta), and fruits (sukun/bread fruit, banana) (Gahar and Dadang, 2014). This research uses the quantitative approach to analyze the data. Data is randomly gathered from students of High School YADIKA 11, West Java. The results of this research consist of students’ knowledge and perception of staple food. The students’ knowledge a...
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
Jurnal Dinamika Pendidikan
ABSTRACTSustainable development urges to merge the three complex dimensions: global economy, glob... more ABSTRACTSustainable development urges to merge the three complex dimensions: global economy, global society and physically earth environment. Sachs (2015) states that sustainable development is the expert effort to comprehend the world and the method to solve the crowded earth issues by the global population growth that nine times increase than the first industry era. Education is one of fatal element for sustainable development phase especially for the human (society) development. Human development becomes the main core of invesment for economy development because it is prepared for the youngst as the next generation to develop economic improvement individually for their family and also for their community (include for the State’s development interest). Marshall, Hine and East (2017) studied about the education which develop the autonomous motivation to support individu execute the pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs). This autonomous motivation will establish the environmental att...
Papers by Familia Novita Simanjuntak