Papers by Fajar Restuhadi
Advances in animal and veterinary sciences, 2024
Yogurt is a functional food that has recently become popular in Indonesia. Making yogurt requires... more Yogurt is a functional food that has recently become popular in Indonesia. Making yogurt requires a starter culture, which can be found in liquid or powder form in microencapsulated form. This powdered yogurt starter will be applied using back-sloping fermentation for the practicality of the yoghurt-making process. This research aimed to determine how many cycles the back-sloping fermentation using microencapsulated yogurt (MY) starter was applied and evaluate the quality of yogurt in each back-sloping fermentation cycle. The lactic acid bacteria contained in MY starter were Lactobacillus plantarum TMW 1.1623 and Streptococcus thermophilus in a 1:1 ratio. The research results showed that yogurt made from ultra-high temperature milk UHTM had a water content of 84.18-86.12%, protein content of 3.52-3.78%, a fat content of 3.34-3.38%, pH 4.72-5.05, titratable acid (TTA) 0.74-1.24%, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) 7.69-12.07 log CFU/mL, viscosity 285.15-2417.9cP, and Syneresis 0.00-0, 14%. Yoghurt made using fresh cow's milk (FCM) had the following characteristics: water content 84.02-86.18%, protein content 3.43-3.74%, fat content 3.32-3.38%, pH 4.13-4.44, TTA 1.77-2.06%, total LAB 10.32-10.76 log CFU/ml, viscosity 2430.15-4497.55cP, and Syneresis 0.00−0.07%. This research concluded that using MY starter for making yogurt using the back-sloping fermentation method could be used for up to seven and nine cycles for yogurt made from UHTM and FCM. The yogurts produced all meet probiotic drink standards with LAB content exceeding WHO standards, namely LAB content of more than 7 log CFU or 107CFU/ml.
Deleted Journal, Feb 21, 2024
The problem of poverty is a complex problem so that it cannot be measured only through economic d... more The problem of poverty is a complex problem so that it cannot be measured only through economic dimensions. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence poverty on the island of Sumatra. The factors that are thought to influence poverty are the direct influence of the dimensions of education, employment and environmental health and the indirect influence of the educational dimension through the dimensions of employment and environmental health. The sampling method was carried out using a census. In this study, samples were obtained, namely all 154 districts/cities on the island of Sumatra. The data used is secondary data, namely in the form of publication of poverty data and information obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). The analysis technique used is SEM-PLS analysis, which is then used to test the significance of the model using the Resampling Bootstrapping analysis approach of 3000 times. The results showed that the education dimension had a direct negative and insignificant effect on poverty, the employment dimension had a positive and significant direct effect on poverty, the environmental health dimension had a direct negative and insignificant effect on poverty, the education dimension had an indirect negative and significant effect on poverty through the dimensions of employment and education dimensions indirectly have a negative and insignificant effect on poverty through the environmental health dimension.
Industria, Dec 31, 2023
Fresh red chili is a product that spoils easily and has a concise shelf-life. Coating a natural e... more Fresh red chili is a product that spoils easily and has a concise shelf-life. Coating a natural edible coating on fresh red chilies will significantly increase their shelf-life. This research aims to obtain the best concentration of ginger extract in the edible coating of banana hump starch to extend the shelf-life of red chilies. The research was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The treatment in this research was an edible coating of banana hump starch with the addition of various concentrations of ginger extract; J0 (0%), J1 (1%), J2 (3%), J3 (5%), and J4 (7%); which were applied on red chilies for 15 days of storage. The parameters observed were weight loss, vitamin C, total microbes, and sensory assessment. The best treatment in this study was J4 (addition of 7% ginger extract). On the 15th day of storage, red chilies coated with edible coating treated with J4 experienced a reduction in weight loss of 41.20%, with 18.54 mg/100g of vitamin C and 5.89 log CFU/g of total microbes. Descriptive tests showed that on the 15th day of storage, red chilies had a red color, started to smell and taste rotten, and had a slightly hard texture.
Journal of Applied Materials and Technology, Feb 12, 2024
Jurnal ilmiah sosio ekonomika bisnis, Nov 28, 2023
Perkembangan industri ritel di Indonesia semakin pesat, sejalan dengan meningkatnya permintaan ak... more Perkembangan industri ritel di Indonesia semakin pesat, sejalan dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan produk kebutuhan harian. Tingginya permintaan menyebabkan industri ritel semakin bertumbuh, khususnya ritel modern seperti supermarket. Banyaknya supermarket yang berdiri menyebabkan persaingan yang ketat, sehingga perusahaan harus mampu memasang strategi pemasaran yang tepat kedepannya, strategi pemasaran tersebut dapat dikembangkan oleh perusahaan dengan melihat kepuasan konsumen. Kepuasan konsumen dapat diketahui dengan membandingkan harapan konsumen dan penilaian konsumen akan kinerja atribut bauran pemasaran yang terdiri dari produk, harga, promosi dan lokasi. Setelah mengetahui kepuasan konsumen, perusahaan dapat mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dengan melihat atribut bauran pemasaran mana yang perlu mendapatkan tindakan lebih lanjut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik konsumen dan menganalisis kepuasan konsumen di Farmers Market Pekanbaru terhadap atribut bauran pemasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Data diperoleh dari sampel yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu sebanyak 100 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan konsumen mencapai 87.02% dengan atribut paling dominan adalah lokasi. Farmers Market Pekanbaru masih harus melakukan peningkatan di beberapa atribut yaitu pengemasan akhir, harga, pengadaan promo dan akses parkir. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumen merasa sangat puas dengan kinerja dan pelayanan yang diberikan Farmers Market Living World Pekanbaru dengan catatan bahwa supermarket masih harus meningkatkan kinerjanya karena masih ada 12.98% yang dianggap konsumen belum sesuai harapan.
Agrointek: Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Beras rendang is a traditional food from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. Beras rendang is made from whi... more Beras rendang is a traditional food from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. Beras rendang is made from white glutinous rice flour, which is roasted until dried and then mixed with liquid sugar and coconut milk, then cooked in a big pan. Since it is rich in fat from coconut milk, it can easily turn rancid during storage. Beras rendang is usually packed with oil-paper, but the nature of its glutinous rice ingredient makes it sticky enough to the paper and hard to peel off later. Therefore, this study is performed to use tapioca edible film as an alternative packing to the paper. The shelf life of beras rendang, which is packed with the paper compared to tapioca edible film, was estimated in this research. Then, the acceleration method was conducted by storing beras rendang for 30 days at three different temperatures, i.e., 30, 35, and 40°C, to estimate the shelf life of beras rendang. The parameters observed were sensory assessments of rancidity and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of beras rendang during storage. Data were analyzed using linear regression, then the equations obtained were used to calculate the shelf life of beras rendang at normal temperature (27°C). Based on rancidity sensory, the beras rendang shelf life packed with edible tapioca film was 59.26 days on the zero-order reaction with the regression equation of y =-4542.9x + 11.545, activation energy of 9,022.19 cal.mol-1 , and quality degradation rate of 0.027 quality unit per day. Meanwhile, based on the TBA value, the beras rendang shelf life packed with the paper was 45.15 days on the zero-order reaction with the regression equation of y =-1991.7x-2.3267, with an activation energy of 3,955.51 kal.mol-1 , and quality degradation rate of 0.013 quality unit per day. It is found that beras rendang stored using edible tapioca film had a longer shelf life than paper packing. Therefore, the edible tapioca film as a packing alternative shows more advantages than paper packing in terms of its ability to prolong the shelf life, and its convenience to consume the beras rendang without needing to peel it off, because the film is edible.
Penicillium sp. LBKURCC29 dan LBKURCC30 merupakan kultur Penicillium sp. penghasil selulosa isola... more Penicillium sp. LBKURCC29 dan LBKURCC30 merupakan kultur Penicillium sp. penghasil selulosa isolat dari tanah hutan primer gambut kawasan pangkalan bukit cagar biosfir Giam Siak Kecil Kec. Bukit Batu, Riau. Isolat fungi ini diisolasi DNAnya menggunakan kit wizard genomic DNA purification (promega). Hasil ekstraksi DNA kemudian dielektro-foresis menggunakan gel agarosa 0,8% dan diamplifikasi rDNAnya menggunakan Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Optimasi PCR untuk menghasilkan produk sangat berpengaruh pada suhu annealing. LBKURCC29 dan LBKURCC30 memiliki suhu annealing 47
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Yogurt is a functional food that has recently become popular in Indonesia. Making yogurt requires... more Yogurt is a functional food that has recently become popular in Indonesia. Making yogurt requires a starter culture, which can be found in liquid or powder form in microencapsulated form. This powdered yogurt starter will be applied using back-sloping fermentation for the practicality of the yoghurt-making process. This research aimed to determine how many cycles the back-sloping fermentation using microencapsulated yogurt (MY) starter was applied and evaluate the quality of yogurt in each back-sloping fermentation cycle. The lactic acid bacteria contained in MY starter were Lactobacillus plantarum TMW 1.1623 and Streptococcus thermophilus in a 1:1 ratio. The research results showed that yogurt made from ultra-high temperature milk UHTM had a water content of 84.18-86.12%, protein content of 3.52-3.78%, a fat content of 3.34-3.38%, pH 4.72-5.05, titratable acid (TTA) 0.74-1.24%, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) 7.69-12.07 log CFU/mL, viscosity 285.15-2417.9cP, and Syneresis 0.00-0, 14%. Yoghurt made using fresh cow's milk (FCM) had the following characteristics: water content 84.02-86.18%, protein content 3.43-3.74%, fat content 3.32-3.38%, pH 4.13-4.44, TTA 1.77-2.06%, total LAB 10.32-10.76 log CFU/ml, viscosity 2430.15-4497.55cP, and Syneresis 0.00−0.07%. This research concluded that using MY starter for making yogurt using the back-sloping fermentation method could be used for up to seven and nine cycles for yogurt made from UHTM and FCM. The yogurts produced all meet probiotic drink standards with LAB content exceeding WHO standards, namely LAB content of more than 7 log CFU or 107CFU/ml.
BIO Web of Conferences 99, 02023 (2024) ICAFES 2023, 2024
One of the preservatives often used in processed meat, such as sausages, is nitrite; however, bac... more One of the preservatives often used in processed meat, such as sausages, is nitrite; however, bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) offer a natural concentration of bacteriocin from Lactobacillus pentosus st MIL 195 to use as a natural preservative for chicken sausages. A completely randomized design was employed with five bacteriocin concentrations (0.0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5% v/w) and three replications. Parameters analyzed included water content, ash, fat, protein, total LAB count, and sensory characteristics. The results indicated that 0.4% bacteriocin provided the most effective preservation. After nine days, these sausages met SNI-01-3820-2015 quality standards, exhibiting 57.52% water content, 2.54% ash, 15.40% protein, 5.55% fat, and a total microbial count of 5.23 log cfu.g-1. Sensory analysis revealed a grayish-white color, a slightly chicken aroma, a slightly meaty taste, and a chewy texture. Importantly, consumer preference was highest for sausages treated with 0.4% bacteriocin. Bacteriocins can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria; therefore, the effect can extend the shelf life of food goods and improve food security.
Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri, 2023
Fresh red chili is a product that spoils easily and has a concise shelf-life. Coating a natural e... more Fresh red chili is a product that spoils easily and has a concise shelf-life. Coating a natural edible coating on fresh red chilies will significantly increase their shelf-life. This research aims to obtain the best concentration of ginger extract in the edible coating of banana hump starch to extend the shelf-life of red chilies. The research was carried out experimentally using a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications. The treatment in this research was an edible coating of banana hump starch with the addition of various concentrations of ginger extract; J0 (0%), J1 (1%), J2 (3%), J3 (5%), and J4 (7%); which were applied on red chilies for 15 days of storage. The parameters observed were weight loss, vitamin C, total microbes, and sensory assessment. The best treatment in this study was J4 (addition of 7% ginger extract). On the 15th day of storage, red chilies coated with edible coating treated with J4 experienced a reduction in weight loss of 41.20%, with 18.54 mg/100g of vitamin C and 5.89 log CFU/g of total microbes. Descriptive tests showed that on the 15th day of storage, red chilies had a red color, started to smell and taste rotten, and had a slightly hard texture.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Oct 1, 2017
Jurnal Sagu, Apr 17, 2018
This research was carried out for to see the addition of tapioca and sago starch nutrient content... more This research was carried out for to see the addition of tapioca and sago starch nutrient content nugget according to SNI 01-6683-2002 and see the characteristics of sensory attributes preferred by consumers and get the best position for five products nugget from the consumer side. This study was conducted experiments with five treatments and three replications. The combination of these treatments is TSB1 (15% tapioca, sago 0%), TSB2 (10% tapioca, sago 5%), TSB3 (7,5% tapioca, sago 7,5%), TSB4 (5% tapioca, sago 10 %) and TSB5 (0% tapioca, sago 15%). Sensory analysis was performed hedonic test (consumer acceptance) and descriptive test. The addition of tapioca and sago starch in the manufacture nugget eel meet the quality requirements contained in
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Feb 1, 2017
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Feb 1, 2017
Jurnal Sagu, Apr 17, 2018
This research was carried out for to see the addition of tapioca and sago starch nutrient content... more This research was carried out for to see the addition of tapioca and sago starch nutrient content nugget according to SNI 01-6683-2002 and see the characteristics of sensory attributes preferred by consumers and get the best position for five products nugget from the consumer side. This study was conducted experiments with five treatments and three replications. The combination of these treatments is TSB1 (15% tapioca, sago 0%), TSB2 (10% tapioca, sago 5%), TSB3 (7,5% tapioca, sago 7,5%), TSB4 (5% tapioca, sago 10 %) and TSB5 (0% tapioca, sago 15%). Sensory analysis was performed hedonic test (consumer acceptance) and descriptive test. The addition of tapioca and sago starch in the manufacture nugget eel meet the quality requirements contained in
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Sep 29, 2016
This study was conducted to determine the best concentration of Tween 80™ in the manufacture of ... more This study was conducted to determine the best concentration of Tween 80™ in the manufacture of bioethanol from coconut water condensed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae . This study withincreasingthe urea and Tween80 ™ varying concentrations of this study conducted an experiment with four treatments and measurement in duplicate. Concentration of Tween80 ™ were T10 (0%), T2 (0.1%), T3 (0.2%) and T4 (0.3%). Observations were made every 24 hours; including ethanol content, sugar content and the number of cells. Data were analyzed descriptively by using a tabulation and graphs. The best treatment was a combination of T2 (urea 0.4 g / l and 0.1% Tween80™), which produced the largest ethanol 12%. Keywords: Coconut Water, Tween80 ™, Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Bioethanol, Veryhigh gravity
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Mar 13, 2015
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau, Mar 25, 2015
Agricultural development with a focus on the development of processing industries base on agricul... more Agricultural development with a focus on the development of processing industries base on agriculture products to in order accommodate raw materials of agriculture products and could absorb labor .This study aims to determine how internal and external factor agro-industry entrepreneurs, knowing how entrepreneurial behavior and performance of agro-industry enterprises. The location of this research in the city of Pekanbaru.The collection of data in this study using the method of survey.the sample in this research totaled 140 respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive method. Data analysis result obtained from that internal factors of industrial entrepreneurs quite well with a value score of 3,14. External factors the businessman less good agro-indutries with a value score of 2,57. Entrepreneurial behavior of employers of agro-industries with a value of 3,88. The performance of venture entrepreneur agro-industries quite well with a value score of 3,07. Internal and external factors of agro-industries entrepreneurs can be enhanced by providing support to entrepreneurs in agro-industries such as providing counseling and training assistance-help needed by entrepreneurs in agro-industries and so created a better entrepreneurial behavior. And culminate in a good business the performance. Keyword: Entrepreneurial Behavior, the performance of the business, Agro-industries
Papers by Fajar Restuhadi